Wednesday, August 2 of 2017

Monthly Messages

Companions of yore,

I come on this day of Mercy to announce My arrival in this House and at this Marian Center of Figueira.

I ask thee, as of now, to open the doors and the windows of thy dwelling places, to set the table and to serve the bread and the wine, to be in vigil, adoration, and jubilation, because in the end, thy deepest and most incurable wounds of consciousness will be closed and healed by the touch of light of My simple Hands.

My wish is that the blessed women who have committed to Me in mercy help the souls, be they waiting for their Shepherd, and in this way thou preparest His great Altar, which will crown the four consecutive years in which thy King walks by thy side.

My wish is that My gentle consecrated spouses await Me on the eve of the Marathon, on the 4th of August, with a lighted candle in their hands; this will be the sign of the lamp which will be lighted, awaiting in adoration for thy Lord.

I aspire that My priestly companions prepare their vestments and voices, and that in each ceremony that will be lovingly offered, souls may feel Me present in their liturgical deeds and services.

My wish is that each pilgrim, prayerful one, devotee, and believer in My Sacred Heart should know that they too are receiving the call to be unconditionally present in this Sacred Sanctuary of Peace, to receive what they spiritually need and to fully give of themselves as people and as spirit.

For the fourth anniversary of My meetings of Mercy, My wish is that, in truth, thou not only adorn the altar of thy Lord with flowers, but that thy presences glorify this altar during all the days of the next Marathon, because thus thou will makest more alive and resplendent the coming of thy Humble Shepherd.

Today I deign to arrive unexpectedly and to visit thy consciousnesses, because I need thou to at last trust Me during this acute phase of the planet, when thy humanity gradually purifies itself.

I need, My companions, that in truth all these events of August, which will be unrepeatable, be lived by each being as something unique and indelible.

Thy Master of Love calls thee to be grateful, not only for all the divine Instruction received, but also for the incessant action of My Divine Mercy in the most wretched beings of this planet and in the most lost souls of this humanity.

Lastly, I ardently wish that, during the month of August, thy souls be lamps of Light and of Mercy; My wish is that during each meeting, thy essences should ignite and thy faces reflect a beautiful smile for thy Lord and for thy siblings.

My wish is that thou have left any bitterness or suffering behind, because My Eternal Glory, which is the Glory of the Father, will be descending during this whole month.

Do not forget that thou wilt have the Grace of being able to grow in love.

My wish is that My Figueira be dressed as of a feast, just as the young bride who is ready to enter the Church and unite with her Beloved Celestial Spouse.

With fervor embrace My words, and thy hearts shall be able to be free of this long, pale, and cold winter. My Divine Fire comes to ignite souls in ardor.

Happy will be those who come here and enter into the temple of prayer, for they will be burned by the fire of My Eternal Love.

Go and hasten; wash thy faces in the Fount so that thou mayest be clean, for the time has come to unite the disciples, all the sheep, in the Great Cenacle of Redemption.

Remember thou that I will be walking on the paths of Figueira, wishing to find souls in prayer, preparing for My amiable arrival.

This next Marathon will be climatic.

Forward My companions! It is time to travel to the Marian Center of Figueira; thy Lord is calling thee to celebrate this moment for all of humanity.

I thank thee for accompanying Me; God thanks thee always.

The Glorified Christ Jesus