Wednesday, October 11 of 2023

Special Apparitions

Hail Mary in French

Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.
(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Grace is not poured out in abundance upon this world because a part of My children does not accept it. This is why I come to implore all for peace, so that the world may not enter a path without return.

This is why, after My Son, I come here, to the Alps, as a Mediator of Peace, as the Advocate between Heaven and Earth, as the Intercessor between Justice and Mercy, so that My children may not miss the opportunity to reach God, to be in His Heart, to receive His abundant and infinite Graces.

But I cannot hide My pain from you, the pain of a Mother for all Her children, the pain of the Mother of the nations that confront one another with weapons, that provoke death and destroy families without mercy or compassion.

This is why religions in these times are used as a weapon of war. And this is a grave fault before God, because He manifested religions so that all His Children might have the path to find and live Him, and this goes beyond dogmas and philosophies.

The religions of the world must be a bridge to reach God and, through religions, all must be good children on the surface of this wounded Earth.

This is why once again I come to open the wellspring of the Grace of God, to bring to the Heavens all those who have died on these days through war, above all the innocent souls who have nothing to do with this entire situation.

How will the Mother of Heaven console the mothers of the Earth who have lost their children?

Do you remember what My Son told them at the Stations of the Cross, during His Sorrowful Passion?

He told them not to weep for Him, because they would weep for their sons and daughters of the Earth. But humanity did not listen, and humanity still does not want to listen, because all they do on this surface is done as if it no longer has any value or dignity. But there are souls in this world that do have value and dignity.

There are souls that work in service for this human dignity, which is nothing religious or spiritual. It is just the world learning to be dignified, and that this humanity may be humanly dignified before God, not to lose their path and the sense of the Purpose of being here.

This is why I take the holy rosary with My Hands, so that in this month of October, the month of the Most Holy Rosary, you may remember that the doors of the Heavens will be open to receive the supplications and prayers of all Children of God. Because I will not tire of telling you this, dear children: pray, pray and pray.

May prayer not be something automatic, monotonous and lifeless.

May the fervor of prayer spring from your hearts and essences, because many are the needs and emergencies. These will only increase, and much prayer is necessary to sustain them, to meet those needs, so that everything may find a quick and immediate solution.

This is why I am here, dear children, as the Mother of Consolation and the Mother of Mercy, as the Mother of Ukraine and the Mother of the Middle-East, as the Mother of the World, so that My children may listen to Me and come out of this hypnotizing sleep of the end of times, so that they may awaken at the dawn of each day, clearly keeping in the consciousness what they have to do and what they have to respond to.

Here, I am not speaking of great things. I am speaking of what is small and perhaps of what many cannot see, of what you can truly be in this world, by being part of the Spiritual Dignity of God, as His beloved Children.

I also come here with a Message of Peace, so that peace may be established in humanity. While this does not happen, as I told you last time, innocent blood will continue to be shed upon the surface of this world.

Who will mend these errors through prayerful surrender of their life?

Who will be a mediator, in this time of tribulation, to grant to the world not only peace, but also the justice and good that many need?

Who will forge within themselves the true warrior who will defend the Divine Purpose, first of all from themselves and also from others? Who will have clarity about what they have come to this world to fulfill and do?

Who will give more than they have already given?

Who will untiringly offer their life?

I am here, dear children, to teach this to you, because I lived it and still live it. Do not forget that I Am part of you, I Am part of this humanity, even though I have soared to the Heavens.

From the Heavens I will always come, to call My children to the perpetual prayer of the heart, to tireless and selfless service, so that the time of peace may be fulfilled, within and outside of beings, in each human heart.

May the light of prayer be abundant in this world, so that more souls may be protected from the great errors of just a few, so that souls may be protected from war and persecution.

There should no longer be slavery on the surface of this world. This continues to happen, dear children, as well as the exploitation of all that exists on this surface.

Who will mend the Law of Creation?

Who will open the door of their heart to receive the great and last call, to make it flesh of their own flesh, to make it spirit of their own spirit, to manifest and concretize it on this surface?

These are the times to know how to fight through the prayer of the heart, because these are not the times to raise weapons, it is time to raise hearts to God, this is the time to receive all My Graces before it is too late.

May this Light, which bathes the mountains today, Light of God, untiringly given by the Sun of this Solar System day by day, moment by moment, bathe you through the Holy Spirit so that it may grant wisdom and peace to the world.

Listen, Lord, to the Voice of Your Servant,
who comes to implore You for Your Children,
for this Sacred Project of humanity.

Listen, Lord, to the Voice of Your Slave,
who comes to offer to You Her Holy and Immaculate Heart
in this month of the Holy Rosary,
so that souls may receive healing and redemption.

Listen, Lord, to the Voice of Your Advocate,
the Queen of the angels and saints,
the Mother of all servers,
the Lady of consecration,
so that the spirit of innocence
may emerge in this world,
so that evil may be dispelled from hearts,
so that nothing may remain unpunished,
but rather all may attain the redemption
so much awaited by My Beloved Son.

May the Light of God bathe the planet,
may the Light of God bathe the nations,
illuminate the darkest corners of the Earth,
so that love, truth and justice may be born again,
for all those who suffer,
for all those who are slaves,
in this time of challenges and tribulation.

May the Light of My Heart,
just as the Light of the mountains,
permeate the innermost depths of human consciousness,
so that deviations may be corrected, so that communion may be established with the Law
that vibrates in the cosmic space,
and emanates as a stream
of Mercy and Peace to the whole universe.

I leave this place, expecting that My children will listen to My call. Do not take it as something normal. Embrace this call as an emergency, as the deepest cry of My Heart so that weapons, evil and wars may be deterred, so that all may live in peace, because all have a place in this world to live in peace. This is possible, but above all it is possible to have a place in the Heart of God.

I bless you and thank you.

Remember My call, My call for peace, within and outside of beings.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.