Weekly Messages

An Account of the Message

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

When Saint Joseph arrived today, He came dressed in white, with a white robe, a white mantle and a golden cord, and He had three Lilies in His hands, three large Lilies.

And when He began to transmit the Message, He spoke about those three Lilies. And as He spoke, lilies came out of each one of them and they entered into us, into our inner world. In a very quick way, everything He spoke about, He demonstrated while it happened.

Saint Joseph spoke about three cycles in humanity, and I asked if we were already living through one of those cycles, and He said no, that everything we have been experiencing up until today as humanity was a prelude to the experience He cited. So I then asked if this has something to do with the three years Christ mentioned in the last Sacred Week, and He said yes, that it has to do with these three cycles He cited in this Message.

Today, in My hands, I bring three white Lilies as an offering to the Father for the planet. Each of these Lilies represents a cycle of humanity, in which souls will be tested and tempted, so that within them may awaken the hidden potential of the Love that transcends all experiences of love already lived in Creation.

In each of those cycles, souls will go through portals of transcendence within themselves, portals that will lead them to the truth held in their own inner self.

In the First Cycle, you will undergo tests within yourselves, silent and hidden, apparently imperceptible to those who see you. And I say apparently because, even though you may feel the loneliness of the inner test, it will be visible, yet incomprehensible to others, and the incomprehension of others, children, will also be one of the ways you will be tested.

For this cycle, I give you the Lily of Inner Fortitude, which will cause you to go beyond the thresholds of imperfection and misery to reveal a still unknown inner level to you, the first degree of transcendence from the human condition.

In the Second Cycle, you will undergo tests among yourselves, tests that will place you before the abysses of others so that they may be transcended by the power of compassion, redemption and mercy.

And for this, I give you the Lily of Humility. With this Lily in your heart, you will be able to look at your neighbor not with the eyes of a judge, but rather with the eyes of pity. It was through this threshold that the Redeemer of the World was able to emit Love to those who humiliated Him on His path with the Cross. The Lily of Humility will bring you the valor necessary to forgive that which may seem unforgivable, and understand that which may seem incomprehensible, and through it, you will enter into a deep level of  human consciousness, in which you will learn to live true unity with another.

The Third Cycle of tests will be planetary and will take place between humankind and nature. There you will be tested in your faith, because your beliefs will be overturned by the apparent chaos of the world. Many hearts will be lost and surrendered to the deepest darkness, but you, children, must persevere.

And for this, I give you the Lily of Faith. This Lily will emerge from within you when all your strongholds may seem to have crumbled, when knowledge seems to make no sense and wisdom becomes silent within the consciousness. Then the Lily of Faith will emerge, as a gift and Grace imprinted in your hearts so that you are able to go beyond.

And through it, you will come to the threshold of the experience of God. This means the perfect union with the Creator, when you will finally be able to find meaning in all the inconsistencies of life and will understand that the Cross, seen from above, signifies Love, and the planetary transition, seen with the Eyes of God, signifies surpassing Love.

This is what you must walk towards.

You have My blessing.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Just as you are, you must come to Me.

Just as you feel, you must come to Me.

Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended. 

But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.

Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit. 

Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself. 

Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory. 

Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.

Remember to become empty of yourself."

Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My sovereign silence rebuilds the innermost levels of consciousness, a place where God must always be, so that He may fulfill His Will through each one of His Children. 

Today I bring the Power of God to Earth, a Power that is not palpable, yet it is an inexhaustible Power. It is the Power of Love manifested by the Source, which then concretized all of Creation. 

This is the Power that will bring Me to Earth again so that My companions may participate in it through all the works and movements that I Myself will carry out in favor of humanity and its spiritual reconstruction. Because the Power of God is a good, a higher and supreme good, it is a Power that does not hurt, it is a Power that manifests itself through unity. 

I need you to know this Power that will transform and bring Life back to you, because this very same Power was the one that resurrected Me on the third day, and allowed Me to ascend to the Heavens and, before this, it allowed Me to announce to all those who were present with Me at that moment that the Son of God would return to the world one day. Because just as the prophecies were fulfilled regarding the Birth of Christ, the Son of God, in Bethlehem, in the same way will the prophecies of the Sacred Book also be fulfilled. You are experiencing many of them in your own flesh. 

However, do not fear nor lose faith, because this Power will come to help you, just as the Holy Spirit came to help the apostles and My Most Holy Mother before beginning the great Work of evangelization and of the Word of Christ, your Master and Lord. 

Because I want to tell you that power does not exist in human beings. The only power that exists in all this universe and beyond it is the Power of God, founded on His immeasurable and inexhaustible Love, founded on His redeeming and saving Unity for each one of His Creatures, and not only of this planet but also of others, for all the universe, for all Creation. 

The Power of God is what will grant to the world the restitution of the Spiritual Government that humanity has completely lost, and from which it distances itself day by day, and event after event. 

However, companions, I ask you not to let doubts drag, disturb or persecute you. Trust in the Power that God has given to Me, as part of Him and as part of His Divine Life. Because My hour is drawing near and you already know it. I repeat it so that you may remember and may not forget it. 

The Lord of Israel will again sanctify and bless the world, after many inner situations are corrected and many events are transformed so that all may return to the principle of the Law, just as God thought of at the beginning and in the origin. 

You must know that your souls and lives are part of My history, which is being written in this world. This is why My Heart feels wounded when you do not understand or accept My Message. Because, do not forget that I see everything, even beyond that which is profound and that which is spiritual. 

I know My petition and even My Will are very big for you, but what should you fear if everything is already foreseen from the Heart of God? 

His Plan of Unity is so wonderful that many still wait on the other side of the doorway to cross it and live this Divine Unity, which will free you from yourselves forever, and allow you to fly as high as birds, to merge with the Immaterial Source one day.

In this time, I need your Christic and redeeming experience. May My Words not only be a Message but also a reality within you, a particular reality in which I ardently long to participate, just as I have participated in this reality with My apostles and followers throughout times. 

I still wait for this great step, which is not impossible for anyone, which does not demand such a thorough or even deep change but which comes from an inner and humble attitude. 

I could not be Who I Am if God had not humiliated Me. I could not be Who I Am if I had not accepted the Cross of the world. Because, remember that I Am human just like you, and that I Am part of this race, of this civilization in redemption. 

And I will return to this race and sacred people to be among you and your brothers and sisters, to dissolve the cry of the innocent, of those who truly suffer and agonize in this time. 

My spiritual Boat is passing for the last time. Will you get on My Boat?

I need a conscious response and a reflection because I assure you that you would believe you cannot do what I would ask of each one of you. But I know that you can do it, because I know your innermost depths.

I do not come to point out what is imperfect but rather what is perfect for God. Because your lives are part of this divine molecule, which vibrates in space-time and allows you to evolve and awaken. 

This should be your ardent aspiration, that this experience on Earth may be an experience of love rather than suffering. 

I know that each one is going through complex and unknown moments, and facing their own reality and the reality of the world, society and the country, such as Argentina. But no longer become anguished, no longer be afraid, no longer precipitate, because this time was already written, companions, and is a part of the Book of the Apocalypse. 

Do not remain in the time of pain, even if it is a reality or an experience for you. Participate in the time of redemption and of the peace so expected in this world in war. 

There is nothing that can prevent God from intervening; neither can anything prevent His Son, Who is here as a good Shepherd and Master to serve you, just as I served in that time, when many participated and lived deeply, a mark and sign that has remained in the spirit, and has brought you here, to the present, to meet Me again in eternal communion, under My emblem of wisdom and compassion. 

I want you to be nourished today by the Supreme and Immaterial Source, which descends as Water of Life through My Presence and My Word. 

I come to raise the hearts that have fallen.

 I come to anoint, through My Spirit, those who are sick in body and soul. 

I come to make shine inside of you and of all your brothers and sisters, the immaterial essence that you hold within yourselves as a Treasure of God, which,  one day, through redemption, will spiritually rebuild the planet and all of humanity. 

Divest yourselves, divest yourselves greatly, let your afflictions go, liberate yourselves from sadness, because here is the Consoler, above His Most Beloved and Venerable Son. This is the Great Spirit of Peace, which infuses Itself through the Most Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the Fire that descends from the universe to reignite souls in the living flame of the Purpose and mission of each being. 

With joy, I Am here, but also with discernment and awareness, because it is time for My apostles and companions to grow, not only in spirit, but also in heart. Because I want to enter and live forever within the heart of each being.  

Many must still give Me their hearts. I wait for this with much longing, and I pray for this so much, because when this happens you will not recognize yourselves. My Love will be in you forever, just as My Love is in the Eucharist and in each Sacrament that you can live time and again. 

These days you have been renewed, blessed and baptized by My Spirit , since you started sharing all this task in Buenos Aires and here, in this Sacred Center of the Holy Spirit of God. 

Entrust your lives to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit so that Divine Science may guide you, so that Divine Intelligence may lead you, so that the gift of the Fear of God may bring you ever closer to Him, not feeling a condemnation but rather the opportunity to unite to His Great Immaterial Spirit, which waits to live in good souls and in those who seek sanctity. 

I come to close all that which Argentina has been living these days with the Spiritual and Cosmic Hierarchy. We pray and will pray so that the fruits of redemption may awaken within souls and be manifested within the hearts of Argentina and of the whole world. 

I want to give thanks for the commitment of the prayerful beings of Argentina, all those who, day after day and week after week, sustain the different Prayers for Peace in the Nations and for the different urgent causes, as well as the very important prayer for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, which risk being cornered to the abyss. 

However, continue to battle through the prayerful word, without challenging or provoking, just seeking peace and the good especially for all those who are blind and deaf in spirit, and who can no longer see Light on their paths. Because redemption is for all, not only for you, it is for all, and My Work is for all those who want to draw near and know the amplitude of My Merciful Heart. 

I also come here, in Grace and Mercy, for those who will be consecrated as new adorers, and also for a consecration that is special for Me, as I had been spiritually waiting for the day and hour for it to take place.

I rejoice that all this is happening, and that souls are consciously consecrating themselves to this spiritual commitment they make to Me, which is irrefutable, which cannot change for any life situation, because it is a spiritual commitment to the Blessed and Eucharistic Body of Christ, present on the altar for all adorers, also those who are already consecrated, who today have the opportunity to renew their vows before Me. They also give the opportunity to many more to become postulants so that one day they may live the same consecration to perpetual adoration, a spiritual and divine impulse that will sustain all those who adore and love the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, just as the angels love and experience it. 

I want your souls to be like the angels by adoring and loving so much, like the saints, like the beings of goodwill who have the Eucharistic Body of Christ, your Master and Lord, as spiritual center. Because in this way you will open the doors to those who have them closed, because in this way you will help lead lost souls toward My Fraternal and Loving Heart.

Be brave, persist. 

The end of time has not come yet, there is still much to happen and you must be ready in heart and spirit, because you must put into practice everything I have taught you throughout the years. Thus, you will be able to be New Christs, the Christs of the New Time and of the last days.

We will call here, before this humble and significant Altar of Christ, those who will be consecrated as new adorers today.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, before this opportunity to love the Plan of God above all things and all life situations, before this celestial door that Our Lord has opened, in this Apparition, to the Source of the Eternal Father, Who observes and contemplates all of us at this moment; before our smallness and even our imperfection, we surrender to the Sacred Heart in this consecration of adorers, those who, from this moment on, will offer themselves to imitate the angels through the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, and who will make the commitment of adoring for the peace and good in the all the world.

We will bless you.


Just as the angels recognize Me in Heaven, may souls recognize Me on Earth, because I Am the Living Love of God, Who once incarnated in this world to teach you about Love and Mercy, Who, with hope, comes to save all without exception, until the One Thousand Years of Peace are fulfilled.

May the Breath of the Spirit descend upon these elements, which you will wear as a symbol of My Christic Love.

Feel My affection in this, feel My embrace in each gesture, for all the souls that seek good and are thirsty, so that the time of the Father may be fulfilled, a time which was written in the Sacred Book of God, so that hearts may be reborn and all voices may be heard, just as God hears them, in supplication and prayer, allowing His Kingdom to descend to Earth so that souls may enter His Heart and live the peace they seek so much, they expect so much.

Thus, His Children are marked by the Eternal and One God, Who is in the Heights and reflects Himself into brave hearts, into those who seek the truth to be able to share it and thus serve for a just cause, for the good of all, for the peace of all, for justice.

O Lord of the Heights,
embrace with Your Light those who seek You and follow You,
relieve their tired steps and feet,
heal their bodies,
dissolve their wounds.

Anoint them with Your Spiritual Light, Lord,
because through My Heart they receive Your gifts today
by means of this symbol,
which represents the Grace Mercy Order.

Just as it was announced in Fatima,
Grace and Mercy would be poured out,
through My Heart, upon thirsty souls,
upon all those who sought peace.

Cleanse hearts and purify them.
You, Lord, have the power to return them to Your Origin,
because they are part of Your Good today.

The past is erased and the spirit arises,
which has walked throughout the times
on this universal trajectory.

And the spirit of each being is magnetized
by Your Love and Your Light,
opening the doors of Your Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

May the advent of the chosen be fulfilled,
all those who have been called to follow Me,
because You, Lord, know it all,
and all will be fulfilled.

So be it.


Now, I will anoint you with the Luminous Sign of the Cross on your foreheads, consummating this consecration when they receive the Eucharist right after the celebration.

Aspire for your guardian angels to write this moment in their Books of Light, because it was already written. Have faith.

Each moment you have lived, each suffering you have carried, each pain you have felt, has been for this moment, because this is the day of your redemption, and the angels write this in Heaven, as they also write it on Earth.


O Luminous Sign of God’s Love,
make Yourself present in those who believe in You,
embrace them with Your Fire and vivify them,
just as You vivified and ignited,
the Heart of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus, with Your Fire.

O Water of Life that flowed out from the Cross,
pour Yourself out upon the world,
so that it may attain peace.


Your hearts now belong to Me, just as My Heart belongs to you. Do not forget it.

The Lord consecrates you as Adorers of His Glorious Eucharistic Body.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 


The new women of Israel gather in this end time to follow the steps of the Master, to make His altars shine in humility, praise and adoration, so that they may help Christ in His Work of Mercy.

Your name will be Jashbalen, Light of the Throne.

Jashbalen, the Lord blesses and consecrates you as His Helper of Divine Mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

I have fulfilled My Purpose. My Purpose is fulfilled within the beings who seek the Truth and Love of My Heart.

Thus, I bless you and give you My absolution, thanking Argentina and its people for their bravery in overcoming themselves every day so that the higher good may be fulfilled and peace may be established.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

At the request of Christ, let us sing “The Voice of the Master,” as one choir, one voice and one heart. 

Through this song, we will express our gratitude and also our confirmation of vows, thus preparing ourselves for the Eucharistic Celebration, which we will offer once again for the consecration of Argentina to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Account of Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We would like to conclude this meeting with Christ with an account about the Apparition, which He asked us to share with all, so that we might bring this impulse to our hearts, especially the brothers and sisters of Argentina, and so that we may understand how many movements the Spiritual Hierarchy carries out at each meeting.

During the Communion, I tried to review all that which the Master showed and revealed to us. I hope I do not forget anything.

At the moment previous to the Apparition of Christ, the Divine Hierarchy began to manifest itself right in front of us, where this tree is, beside the fountain. At this space the Apparition took place. And as the Divine Hierarchy always does, the portals of the Heavens gradually began to open toward the Earth, specifically toward this place, and the energy of the Heavens began to descend, though up to this moment Christ had not appeared.

The first thing manifested through these portals of the Heavens was the Holy Spirit. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit was quite impactful and surprising, and took place through a dove of immaterial Light.

The Dove had its wings open, and from its chest the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit emanated like rays. And on its turn, these seven rays expanded into many more rays toward us.

This Dove of immaterial Light was alive and, at a given moment, this dove ascended a little, and beneath the rays that it emanated, Christ appeared. He was dressed as Jesus, the Nazarene. But the expression of His manifestation was like that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, He had Wounds in His Hands, Feet and Side.

Then He began to observe us, contemplate us in absolute silence, a sovereign silence, as He said to us.

At that moment, we thought that was it, but when He manifested Himself and placed His Feet upon this tree, these portals gradually expanded onto a regional level. These celestial portals encompassed and absorbed many situations of Argentina and the planet.

After this, other manifestations presented themselves in a sequence, which I will describe. Because all this manifestation, all this revelation, which Jesus brought to us, reflected and represented the Power of God’s Love from the origin of the Source. So, we had Christ at that moment, and the Holy Spirit above Him.

In different celestial portals different Angelic Hierarchies gradually presented themselves, from the celestial choirs, which sang and praised the Presence of the Lord. In a circular way, they created several rings, one above the other, while behind these portals other armies began to work and serve humanity.

At the center of all this movement was the Heart of the Master, the Love that the Heart of the Master was radiating to the whole world.

And as if that was not enough, above these manifestations and these angelic choirs, God appeared on top. He manifested Himself in the following way: an Eye within an Golden Triangle; and beyond, on another deep and infinite plane of consciousness, was the Source of Creation.

In His silence, Christ asked the different armies to bring souls from different points of the world. Then, the angelic armies began to assist and help different groups of souls in situations of war and conflict, including souls that had disincarnated in wars. These souls were liberated and elevated to the Heavens, and a great process of suffering was placated.

At that moment, Christ orders all kinds of contrary feelings to be dissolved from the hearts of our brothers and sisters of Argentina. This is why we heard Him speak of dissolving anguish, sadness, indignation, among so many other feelings that the angels were dissolving as they touched, with their hands, the hearts of each brother and sister of Argentina.

And to complete this very potent work that Christ did before He began to transmit His Message today, He ordered the angels to expose the Ark of the Holy Coovenant upon this Marian Center.

At this moment, a specific choir of angels brought here the Ark from the top of Sinai Mount. And all the angels from the different rings began, with their singing, to praise the Relics that were in this Ark. These Celestial Treasures, much of them Relics of the Passion of Christ, which today are universal Teraphim that radiate potent codes of love and redemption to humanity, were exposed.

Why? Because He ordered that the Ark open up so that these Relics would emerge on the spiritual plane and also on this third dimension, where it could be seen that they levitated above this space of the Community. And this spiritually built something quite unknown of Argentina, something He was preparing for the coming time.

To conclude, Christ ordered the angels that all those authentic experiences of love, these Christic experiences that each one of us is living at this present moment, learning to experiment the Christic Love, all these inner experiences were extracted from our souls and placed in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

At this moment, God granted an amnesty to humanity, whose unravelling will continue, according to Christ.

In this account, we can see that the Hierarchy is working very broadly upon the planet and humanity.

We would like to thank the brothers and sisters of Argentina for all this material, inner and spiritual effort you have made so that all this unexpected pilgrimage might be possible.

We would like to thank God for gathering the visionaries again. And thank all those who accompany us at the meetings with the Divine Messengers, support, donate, so that the Hierarchy may fulfill the Plan in this humanity.

Thank you all very much.


My dear children,

In the Love of God, you will find the answer for every stage of life. 

In the Love of God, you will be reborn as in each new dawn and you will find meaning in all of the experience you have lived.

In the Love of God, you will be healed, but you will also be freed from yourselves.

In the Love of God, there will no longer be any reason to act, think or proceed away from this Divine Love. 

As a Mother, as a Mother who was on Earth and knew the human condition up close, I ask you not to let yourselves be embraced by your own imperfection; rather, let Love heal and redeem you, let the door of your heart always remain wide open. Never close the door of your heart.

Hold on to the Love of the Eternal Father and you will be reborn, liberated from the bonds and all the evils of the world will be dissolved.

In truth, I say to you, My children, that without Love you can never know reality in depth. Therefore, do not forget that you were created, at the Source, by a deep feeling of the Love of God.

So divest yourselves of that which you believe, that which you claim to be the only truth. Divest yourselves of that which you hold as your own. 

It is time for My children to practice, in their own flesh, the Words of all the Messengers; for one day the end will come and you must be living in the Love of God, in the Love that is capable of going beyond yourselves for the concretion of a greater and universal good. 

This is the key that I give you once again, the key of empty love, of a love free of convictions and ideas, of a love that is capable of sacrificing itself out of love for My Son.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Greater Love.


Dear children,

My Love is the caress of God to His Creatures.

It is His Love, so abundant and infinite, that many times souls do not know how to distinguish it.

For this reason, He sends Me, on behalf of My Son, as the Mother of the Love of God so that souls and, above all, essences remember that, in themselves, they keep a small particle of the Greater Love within; and that without this Supreme Love it is not possible to learn or evolve in this world.

My Son came into the world to teach you about Love; about a mature Love, donated and unconditional; a Love that was given for those who were rejected, discriminated against and repudiated.

The Love of Christ is the Love for sinners, for the lost and for those who no longer find love within themselves.

As Mother of Divine Love, I come on this day to remind you that, beyond all imperfection or error, within you dwells that Love which makes you part of this school planet and of this great universe that awaits you, again and again, so that you may learn how to evolve.

But, My Children, do not forget that the expression of this Christic Love begins in the smallest, in the day by day, with all those who live and are around you.

All that My Son taught you cannot be in vain and remain without effect.

Give to the Greater Love the place it deserves in your lives and with your brothers and sisters, for in this way barriers will be dissolved, wounds will be healed and souls, in their journey, will be reborn by the authentic power of the Love of the Eternal Father.

Today, as if for the first time, I ask this of you; because the world continues to move toward indifference, toward a way of life empty of God and empty of His Presence, in which tendencies and ideologies take first place in people’s lives to distance them from God and their true essence.

Therefore, meditate on:

Where in my life does the Love of Christ work?

Do I leave space and do I not resist so that this Love can transform me and transform the world?

Do I believe in the power of the Greater Love?

Thus, My children, My Words will not be just words, they will not be just another Message that is only heard and nothing happens in My children.

The world needs authentic pillars of Love so that, in time, the global deviation of humanity from its true and unique Purpose may be corrected.

I thank you for responding to My call with attention.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



To have a pure life, you must have a pure heart; having the heart pure, you will have a pure mind, and having a pure mind, you will attain pure intentions.

In order for this to happen, you must not forget the spiritual essence that you are, and not look so much at appearances.

The pure heart is attained with an absolute determination to live the Love of God and to not lose sight of that.

Beyond imperfections or even traumas, the pure heart does not lose or dissolve that which it has truly learned.

For this reason, only the pure heart is a noble heart, capable of understanding life and its situation, beyond what is concrete or material.

Thus, the pure heart will be the regent of life and not of the mind. The mind must act as a facilitator of the actions that the heart decides; in this way, your life will be in harmony and not in conflict.

A pure heart is a confident heart, selfless and service-oriented, capable of stepping out of itself to make room and space for the fellow being.

The pure heart does not fear detachment, sacrifice, giving of itself a little more, although it may seemingly believe that it will not manage to do so.

The pure heart recognizes its errors, but does not blame itself for them; it works silently until it is able to transform the deepest aspects of its being.

A pure heart is a peacemaker.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Now the time has come for the human hearts to become consecrated hearts, just like Saint Joseph managed to do. 

May the example of the simple carpenter of Nazareth motivate you to be able to find the transcendence of the human condition, accepting imperfection, but transforming it, day by day, just as Saint Joseph lived it.

May the example of His chastity and impersonality invite you to seek the same path, so that you may continue to go through the challenges of consecration and the aspirations of the soul.

Unite to Saint Joseph and be laborers of the Plan of Love. Build the foundations of the new and renewal will come.

Imitate Saint Joseph in His steps of humility. May your hearts be resigned, but empty hearts, full of service and of clarity, just as Saint Joseph has expressed it.

On this day, while the task of Saint Joseph is closing, may all His instructions be alive within you and, being blessed by the Chaste Saint Joseph, may your souls renew their vows with the Plan of Love of the Celestial Father.

But remember, Saint Joseph will continue to bless the world.

Now the time has come for each soul to live the same path that Saint Joseph lived. It is an inner invitation for those who may want to learn from the example of Saint Joseph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Do not measure your possibilities according to your own strength. Do not look to concretize the Plan of God only with your own hands. Do not think that you are not capable of doing and experiencing this or that thing because you cannot find the possibilities within.

Look at the history of those who accomplished the Will of God and expressed it, manifesting the part that was theirs to do of the Divine Work of the Creator. Was it them on their own who were the builders of that Work?

Your human possibilities and what you know of yourself does not matter much at the moment of concretizing Divine Work. What matters is your capacity to go beyond yourself, of focusing your eyes, your thoughts and your heart on God and saying:

do Your Work within me and through me,
fulfill Your promises, manifest Your Spirit
and make of my empty heart Your dwelling.
I am Yours.

This, child, should be your prayer in the times that will come.

Do not look at your imperfections, but rather at the Perfection of God. In order not to limit the Divine Work to your possibilities, do not even look to your skills and virtues, but simply be an empty instrument, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, always willing to follow paths that are not within your mind, that were not laid out by you, but by God.

Trust that within a heart, empty and willing for the Creator, lies His miracles in action, and you will become a living miracle.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Wherever there may be a heart that prays sincerely, there God will be.

Wherever there may be a heart that steps out of itself to serve others, there God will be.

Wherever there may be a heart capable of freeing itself from its own will and aspirations to fulfill the Will and aspirations of the Celestial Father, there God will be.

Wherever there may be a heart capable of obeying higher designs and setting aside its own beliefs and ways of manifesting in life, there God will be.

Wherever there may be a heart that, in spite of its imperfections, loves its neighbor unconditionally and, above all things, the Creator, there, children, the Lord will live and dwell, will express and speak with humankind through His children.

Seek union with God in the small things; a union that must be constant, not only when you pray, but also when you live under His Laws and make of your lives a prayer.

Allow yourselves to be shaped and corrected, and do not fear suffering or loving, but rather, children, fear to be ignorant and blind to your own miseries.

Live in the Presence of the Lord, opening a space for Him in your lives, through the forgetting of self and the love for your neighbor. In this way, it will be Him, your Lord and Creator, Who will transform you and shape you according to His Will, silently, through each situation in your lives.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


XXV - To Live in Balance

A soul that felt disturbed by their uncontrolled inner world, their sick body, their imbalanced mind, felt that their problems could no longer have a solution, and they questioned God, saying: "Lord, I am a well of illnesses and miseries, a well of imperfection and difficulty. I feel there is no solution for me, I feel that I do not have a reason to live. Can You tell me what sense there is in remaining like this?"

And after a long time in silence, the Lord responded: "Beloved soul, the solutions of Heaven are not the same as the ones of the Earth. Everything that you seem to suffer without end is in truth already the response for balancing something within you that needed to be balanced. The illnesses that beings experience in truth, have innumerable reasons and meanings, but all of them seek to awaken the sense of human frailty so that souls do not remain in self-sufficiency but rather perceive that only when there is unity with all life, there will be healing.

A body will only be in balance when all its systems function in unity, and if the smallest of its cells feels self-sufficient and begins to build its own plan within the body, there will be imbalance and illness; however a cell may be, a being can come to death simply through its rebelliousness.

When a soul is ill, they need to understand themselves to be a part of an All. To return to their balance, to be healed, they must be sheltered by the power of unity; they must let love and the help of the neighbor supply that which on its own the soul is no longer managing to achieve; they must allow unity with life, with the universes, with God to again reign within their heart. May this soul must not feel alone, isolated or separate from a greater body.

Each being, little soul, is a cell of the Mystical Body of your Lord and God. For this reason, you must perceive the flow of the laws, the meaning of life, which is not one's own, but rather a universal meaning. Each cell has its function but the purpose of a body is one. For this reason, beloved soul, do not seek a personal purpose; seek the purpose of the Universe, seek your place in My Heart. In consciousness, enter the space where you belong, within this infinite Body of Creation, and this is achieved with humility, allowing oneself to be helped, with peace and with profound rendition, the fruit of a heart that has learned to sincerely pray."

May this dialogue, children, teach you to always be in balance within the Mystical Body of your Creator.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


X - Find Yourself Within the Eyes of God

A soul that aspired to fulfill the Divine Will, but constantly felt itself unworthy and incapable of doing so in the face of all the great things that the Lord called them to live,questioned  His Sacred Heart for feeling too small and poor to fulfill His Work, and said: “Lord, great is Your Plan and it is full of deep Love for humanity and for all Creation. I contemplate Your Will and I am amazed by Your Mercy, but when I try to manifest what You want, I feel incapable before so many imperfections and difficulties. So I look at the world and at so many precious souls that You have created, and those whom You can count on to manifest Your Work, and I ask myself: why did You call on me?”

And contemplating this soul with Love, seeing them transparent and crystalline, just as He created them, the Lord responded: “Little soul, see your reflection in My Eyes. Do not look at yourself in the mirrors of the world, but rather in the mirror of My Eyes. What the mirrors of the world can show you are limitations and defects, imperfections and perhaps skills, but what you truly are, you will only see if you look at your reflection in My Eyes.

I see you just as you are. I know of the potential that lies within you, I know of your trajectory since the beginning, I know what you were created for and for what your essence and consciousness were formed. Therefore, little soul, it is My Voice that you must hear, and not the voices of the world, or the confused voice of your mind, which is so often lost through the stimuli of this Earth. Open your inner hearing and listen to My Will, knowing that it corresponds to you and to no one else.

For each being of this world, I have a perfect Will, a path through which they will reach Me. And this path is not the one known to you; oftentimes it is not the one that you already know how to walk. This path is the one that will forge in you what I need, it is the one that will reveal to you what I see when I contemplate your little soul, for it will allow to emerge within your consciousness what you are, and the truth will take the place of the many layers with which you have covered your consciousness.

Therefore, beloved soul, when I ask something of you, do not look for your reference in the mirrors of the world. Look into My Eyes, see your real face reflected in Me and feel capable of carrying out everything that I ask of you, because My Will for you is perfect.

Open each day to discover within you that which is reflected in My Eyes: you yourself, as I see you. And it will not be vanities, nor pride or false humility that will dwell within your heart, but rather it will be Me and My Truth, the transparency and the perfection of My Thought for you.”

May this story inspire you, children, to look for your references neither in that which you see of yourselves nor in the world but only in the depths of the Eyes of God. It will be there where you will find yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the flame of faith blossom from your heart so that, with joy and trust, you can experience the coming year.

May you recover the strength and inner love to serve me.

That, beyond everything, you may believe in God, that a Purpose exists, a story that your life and experiences are writing day after day, and that, beyond any circumstance, test, desert or suffering, you may know that God loves you and waits for you.

Lift up your head and smile, because the day of the great redemption is near, the awaited day of the meeting with your Master and Lord.

For this reason, I love your fidelity, I accept your imperfection, I only seek you calling Me and receiving Me. And when, in the coming year, this story of love with Me comes to its end, My Words will end, but My fidelity will be eternal within you, for you will perceive how much I have given you throughout the times.

When the time comes for you to be My witnesses, those who persevere and step out of themselves will be like Mary Magdalene, because they will wash My Feet with their tears.

Others will be like John, because they will be by My side, confirming My Presence.

But others will be like My Mother; they will suffer with Me up to the height of the Cross and, in this way, again I will say to them: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

And the spiritual evolution that I have achieved in the Universe will be the justification and the cause for their rescue and salvation. And those who were with Me and turned their backs on Me, I will have them, face to face, and then all will have been said.

Receive from My Mouth the last words, so that your hearts may be prepared to say to Me: "yes, Lord, I will give My life for You."

Let those who have been just, in this year of 2019, be blessed.

Those who have given of themselves, may they receive the impulse to continue giving.

Those who made an effort, may they be anointed by My Spirit, so that the New Christs will be those who dare to experience the planetary calvary.

May everything be renewed, may everything be healed, and let those who are closer to Me never forget the grace they received, because in the same way that I have given My all to you, I will ask for all from you.

Be worthy children of God, be peace-makers and apostles of the end of times.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



God never underrates any effort; on the contrary, God recognizes in the depths of each being that there truly is a sincere intention of being always close to Him.

Thus, the Father welcomes all the aspirations of His children, no matter what they are, and regardless of how imperfect they may be, just as souls upon Earth are, God greatly considers the value of the love that each child places in their aspirations.

In this way, so that the children of God may be assisted in accomplishing their inner aspirations, the Father allows them to know His Will, which is like a bridge that will lead them into fulfilling His most ardent desires of seeing His children on the path of good and of spiritual happiness.

For this reason, companions, you must not become depressed nor discouraged because, in spite of the purification of these times, God never forgets, just like you, that you are souls trying to achieve the path of perfection.

Yet, in order to experience this path of perfection it will be necessary to detach from old and ancient structures and ways of life that will not let you achieve the Christic life.

That is why in some cases it is more wearing; but trust, for I am here to help you. Just trust.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In simple places and with simple hearts, I will always be here, in silence and peace, attracting the Kingdom of God to the world.

With those who effort, in spite of their imperfections, and give the best of themselves in small and large things, I will always be here, because it is their effort that will open the doors to Heaven, and not the perfection of their hearts.

With those who aspire to build a new life and find the new time, I will always be there, for this is My Mission: to lead you by the hand to this encounter with the Truth. And even though My voice goes silent, even though My presence seems to hide, do not be deceived, for I will always be here, whispering the Designs of God into your hearts, inspiring you to continue upon the correct path, alerting you when you deviate, and bringing you peace when it seems that you have lost it.

I will always be here, with My hands in yours, raising the bricks to construct the new dwelling places and rebuilding that which is real and pure, when it breaks through the struggles of these times.

Pray with Me always, even if it be in the silence of your hearts, and you will discover, children, how My silence echoes more than My voice, and what I will allow you to understand within your hearts will be clearer than all the words that I have spoken.

Through this inner, profound and true contact with Me, you will consolidate the union with God and will mature as His children and as His companions.

I have told you: I am merely His Servant, a Servant of the Divine, His Messenger, His Laborer. Through a request of His, I have come to meet with you and now that you are before His Sacred Heart, the time has come for each one of you to live this encounter with Him.

I will accompany you always, with love, with joy. I will adore God for your triumphs and will plead with God in the face of your defeats. Together, children, we will arrive to the New Time, when nothing more will be hidden, when everything will be revealed; when all eyes will see, all ears will hear and all hearts will know the truth about themselves and about life.

For this, I have brought you up to this point. For this, I came to the world for such a long time. And also, for this, I will make My silence known, because everything is part of one Plan; a Will that will be understood as it is experienced.

So that you live this, I bless you, embrace you, and leave My paternal love for you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the most imperfect souls, I renew all things, in all times, because for Me there is no impediment within imperfection.

As the great Potter of your lives, I mold your souls and consciousnesses so that, from such apparent imperfection, a new being may be born, a new design of God.

This is how all is transformed, as well as how your hearts may be transformed.

On this path of taking imperfection along with yourselves, you may realize that, in some moment, you will be liberated from the chains that you might be carrying on your hands and feet. Chains of old ways of conduct which do not create the experience of love.

For this reason, the transformation of your imperfection will be gradual and will keep changing over time, as long as you keep your hearts and minds open to transformation.

Feel truly accompanied and protected in this time, in which you will learn to discover and to know yourselves so that the spiritual beauty each one holds may finally be at the service of love and for others.

Continue allowing Me to be your Potter, and may I make a new pot from the old clay.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


It does not matter how imperfect or flawed you are. This has no value to Me, what does matter is that you better yourself, a little bit every day so that, thus, My Work of Redemption and Mercy may happen in your life and in the world.

What truly matters is that you try, every day, that you make a true effort to please My offended Heart. This will be enough for me to count on you as part of My apostolic flock in the end of times.

Never cease to open your heart for the transformation of life and consciousness because, in this simple openness, you will allow the miracles of conversion and transformation to happen, step by step.

I do not seek you sanctity nor your immediate fulfillment. I seek what is truest in your heart and that which you still have not shown to anyone.

Open yourself to love your imperfections so that they may be transformed. Never enter in conflict nor into battle. Never be defeated by pride nor by arrogance.

Surrender yourself at My Feet all the time and upon you I will build My Spiritual Temple.


I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy reaches the most imperfect and miserable spaces of the consciousness so that everything may be transformed by the Christic Light.

This is how, through My Divine and unfathomable Mercy, Your Master and Lord brings to the world the great opportunity of living forgiveness, healing and redemption; because, through Mercy, the soul finds the necessary justification to be able to receive an undeserved grace.

In this sense, the Source of Mercy is able to place the dying or imperfect soul before the possibility of living the sublime energy of Grace, so that its faults can be amended by the very powerful flow of the Divine Mercy that comes to the planet.

Divine Mercy is the great Mirror of God's Love that is projected to bring peace and liberation to the earthly consciousness.

In Mercy lies the key to inner healing.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who Blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Daily Message received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear child,

Let your heart never cease to trust in the fulfillment of the Plan of God because, above any imperfection or error, it is by the Will of the Eternal Father that His Divine Purpose may be manifested.

As Mother of My children, I know that sometimes it is difficult to believe or accept that something completely nonmaterial and divine will be accomplished in a place full of errors or of failures. But I remind you, My child, that God is merciful and infinitely compassionate with all His creatures.

Therefore, never cease to trust in the fulfillment of the Plan of God, beyond those who may participate, or not, in the concretization of this divine and unfathomable aspiration.

Walk with your gaze fixed on this goal, on this purpose, and do not worry about what others will do with the opportunities they are given.

Fulfill your part the best that you can and offer it for those who no longer do it or for those who are tepid toward the Plan of God. Because, in this way, My child, many more unrepentant hearts will repent and will become aware of the reality in this final time.

Trust. Trust, because everything will be well.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Out of all imperfect souls, I make something new and renewed.

Out of all miseries, I transform the old and, with all this, I build the new times. It is like your Master with the apostles, with whom I transformed and redeemed the world, in spite of their being imperfect.

Nothing is wasted in this Universe, everything is recycled and is transformed to offer what is best to Creation and to the others.

So, if you are transforming, being redeemed and transcending, it is for a greater good, for a goal that will benefit not only your consciousness but also the world.

Everything is transformed, everything is renewed.

Trust that, beyond the defects, something beautiful exists in you to be offered to the Creator, to be gifted to the Greater Universe.

Continue onward, trusting in all that the Universe will send you so that you may learn.

Live each moment as if it were the last and in each stage, you will find the learning that your consciousness needs.

Do not tire of saying "yes" to Me.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


I do not search for transcended nor realized souls. I search for imperfect, true and simple souls, because in them I will be able to realize My Plan, as their lives are transformed into the perfect model of the Creator.

That is why, all the imperfect souls, in redemption, have a place in My Heart, because their effort and dedication to follow My principles allows them to take forward the Will of God.

I come in search of imperfect souls that do not fear to follow and realize My Will within this material plane.

The moment has come to know deeply the spirituality of the Universe in order to be in tune with the cosmic life and thus manifest it on the surface, in the sacred spaces where the Hierarchy will perform the great part of the Plan that corresponds to it, with the immediate collaboration of all.

I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

