In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Child, enter My Chaste Heart, where there is hope, where peace reigns.

Child, enter My Chaste Heart, which is open today for you.

Allow your soul to remain in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus allowed Himself to be in My arms, just as God experienced human frailty and surrendered into the arms of a simple Heart.

Come too, child, allow Me to have you in My arms, to hold you tightly, to place you against My chest, so that you may feel My Love, the Love that I have for you and each human heart, the same Love that emanated from My Heart when the little Jesus was in My arms.

Come, child, enter into My Chaste Heart so that I may calm you, so that I may show you the next step to take.

Enter into My Heart, because there is Light here, even when the world is dark. Here there is fresh water in the deep deserts of consciousness.

Come and enter My Heart and, although your tears may roll down My chest, I will embrace you, I will console you and allow you to cry, so that you may allow all anguish, pain, despair and lack of hope to leave your inner world.

In My Heart you will find an answer, because just as you, child, I also experienced the bitterness of the world and, although this time is different from all others, I still know the anguish of the human condition. Therefore, enter My Heart and find strength in it.

Who knows human imperfection better than I do, a simple Heart, full of so many miseries, to which divine paternity was entrusted?

I know, children, the anguish of carrying forward great missions in a world that is in agony, in a humanity that swims in a see of misery and seems never to find the light; in a humanity that many times walks in darkness, just seeking to find the Light of Divine Promises, which, century after century, since Adam and Eve, still seek to be fulfilled. Therefore, enter My Heart and allow Me to be a door for you, a door to a new cycle, a door for greater understanding.

Enter into My Heart, so that I may lead you to the depths of the ocean of consciousness, so that I may remove you from the turbulent sea and may lead you to where there is peace. There is a sublime life that you must still discover, but while the waves strike you, while the winds shake you, it is difficult to find this life.

Therefore, come and enter into My Heart, I will take you where you cannot go, I will take you to Bethlehem, just as you asked Me in prayer. Allow Me, child, to show you this sacred space within yourself, because God still dwells in you and still waits to express Himself.

Enter into My Chaste Heart. Can you hear the heartbeats? Can you feel the pulse within Me?

This is the sound of My Love for you, which is the Love that God taught Me to have, express and live for all of humanity and for all of life. This Love, which comes from God, mirrors itself in My Chaste Heart and, like a mantle, embraces you today so that you may feel peace again.

I know you seek the meaning of life, I know that you seek the meaning of so many battles. There is an answer that dwells in the Heart of God and that only the Creator Knows, but which humanity can also know when it enters the Heart of the Celestial Father and discovers His Mysteries there.

This is why I always speak to you about the importance of dialog with God, the importance of your having the time and the hour to withdraw from the human condition, delve into the Heart of the Creator and in it speak to your Father, listen to His Words and understand His Mysteries.

Even if you do not understand concepts, even if He does not speak to you with ideas, the Creator speaks to you, child, with strength, with hope, with peace. And these states of consciousness that you can feel when talking with God are the responses of His Heart. Do not expect God to speak to you with words, do not think that He has abandoned you when He does not give you human answers, because the profound language of the Creator is divine principles, which emerge from His Sacred Heart and manifest the primordial energies through which life can exist.

For this reason, the correct way to enter into dialog with God is oftentimes through silence. After talking with your Creator, take time to listen to Him and allow Him to express to your heart the divine principles that will strengthen life within you and will make you feel the Grace of living as an expression and manifestation of the Divine Consciousness.

In it, you will be able to discover love for life, in it you will be able to find the meaning of existence, in it you will be able to know why and for what God created you, why and for what you go through so many battles, why there is not just a peaceful ocean, why there are waves and winds, storms and thunder that agitate existence.

You must find these answers within yourself, child.

Therefore, come, My Arms are open for you, you do not need to do anything, other than  to be in Me, so that My Heart may mirror itself in yours, so that My Love may live in you, so that there are no distances or differences between My Heart and yours.

That which I make you experience today is a great divine mystery that I once experienced on Earth when I was walking in My greatest misery in the desert of the world.

When the Most Holy Mary told Me she would become the Mother of the Messiah, so much awaited by all nations, My Heart could not believe it, not because it did not believe in our Divine Mother. It could not believe that God would truly dwell among imperfect human beings, it could not understand how God would live amidst so much human misery.

How would He come as a baby?

How would He save humanity, being a fragile child, susceptible to the care of human beings?

How would He be born in My family?

All of this, child, awakened great affliction in Me, caused My miseries and the darkness around Me to grow. I saw Myself before a desert without one drop of water, there was no hope in My Heart. Faith had faded away, I could not find answers, I could not find relief, until God did to Me what I do to you today. He opened the Heavens and presented Himself before My Heart, He opened His Arms and called Me so that I might be in Him and, through Him, I could understand His Mysteries. And so it came to pass that, like a child, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of the Creator, I allowed Myself to be in the Arms of My Celestial Father and, within Him, find peace.

This is why God sends Me today, in a time of so much confusion, in a time of so much incomprehension, so that I may open the Heavens, open My arms, show you My Chaste Heart and invite you to enter Me. Here I am, child.

Allow the impossible to become possible. Allow a higher truth to flood your consciousness. Allow a higher Love to permeate your being, strengthen you and give peace back to you.

This is a time of great miseries, but also of great Mercies. You will not find anything or anyone that is perfect, but in My Heart, and in the Heart of God, to which I want to lead you, you will find peace, you will find compassion, you will find hope, and you will be able to love when it seems impossible.

Today you are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God pulsates and expresses healing. You are on sacred ground, where the Heart of God liberates and transmutes humanity, and that begins with each one of you.

Therefore, allow Aurora to do its work. Allow Aurora to transform you, to show you your miseries, but do not remain there, because the Mercy of God is the size of your misery. The size of your wounds is the healing that you can receive. The size of your inner abyss is the power of liberation of Aurora.

The human condition does not exist to remain as it is. It exists to be transformed. The turbulent ocean exists to wash the consciousness and make it plunge into its depths.

To experience what I am saying to you, you just need to allow it, because I do not come to meet you just with words, I also come with the Grace that God asks Me to deliver to humanity, to all and every being that can listen to Me and open their heart to receive what I bring to you.

At the request of the Creator, I will be one more year with you, because humanity still needs to be sustained by the Three Sacred Hearts, humanity still needs to be guided so that it does not become lost in the confusion of these times.

This is why God has asked Me to stay with you, bringing weekly impulses to sustain your consciousnesses and to not allow humanity to become lost. This represents a Grace, but it also speaks to you about the urgency of these times, something that was not foreseen, but which is deeply necessary, something for which you must pray so that the merits continue to be generated, so that humanity may be worthy of receiving Mercy.

For these merits to become a reality, We call you to the consecration of your lives, because consecration, children, generates unknown merits in Heaven, and balances human imbalances. And despite all miseries, all darkness in the world, despite all those who give up on their commitment to Christ, consecration allows souls to continue balancing each backward step that humanity takes, each step that distances you from God.

Consecration allows souls to approach the Creator, this is why you must live it with consciousness, doing this for all beings, for all humanity and, more than living this moment, you must renew your consecration every day. In this way, you will continue to generate merits so that We may be here and so that humanity may live its Divine Purpose.

Therefore, let those who aspire to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph come here.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Bring incense and blessed water.


May these elements be blessed by the Grace of My Presence.

May the purity of My Heart express itself in this water.

May the liberation of My Spirit express itself in this incense.

May God touch your souls through these elements, liberate you, forgive you so that you may begin a new cycle, in which Divine Mercy may speak louder than your miseries, in which strength may be a reality, so that you may overcome every obstacle that life may bring you, and that your hearts may always remember that in God you will find peace, in spite of anything that may happen in this world.

Receive My blessing, My Grace, My Paternal Spirit and the Spirit of Consecration in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed are those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. Through them, the Kingdoms of Nature will find peace, will find relief and hope.

Blessed be those who consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for the Sacred Family will reign in their hearts, as well as in their homes, bringing them the Grace of finding God in the heart of their neighbor.

Blessed be the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph, for they will be intercessors before the souls that most need it. The Creator will listen to your prayers and will pour out Mercy upon the forgotten.

May the Grace of God be upon your lives, and may you express that Grace in each one of your actions and, through  your actions, you will be known as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph.

I thank you for being here, for consecrating your lives and for living in the Sacred Hearts, because when I call you to be in Me, I call you to be in God and find in it the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

In Us, nothing is separated. We walk in unity, so that you may learn to walk in unity through Us. This is why We are here and We lead your steps.

I thank you, and once again I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We will sing “Father of souls,” this Hymn of the Children and Friends of Saint Joseph. 


In the face of celestial mysteries, My child, you must be like the holy women of Jerusalem, who did not need to be recognized to deeply live Christ.

It was their own silence and humility that allowed them to cross the thresholds within so that they could experience the mysteries of God, even without it being necessary for Christ to speak any word to them.

The inner depths that the holy women learned from Mary allowed them to read the Wisdom in the Eyes of Christ and to understand all mysteries with His Love.

The humility and the fidelity of the holy women were kept as a treasure in the Heart of the Lord.

In silence, they found Christ Himself in their own heart and, at the same time that they were unveiling His mysteries and experiencing a profound transformation, their inner steps and the faith with which they walked repaired and supported the Divine and human Heart of the Son of God.

The holy women of Jerusalem did not need to do great things to experience what was truly great for God. It was their exact simplicity that allowed them to learn about the Purity of Mary and to awaken this purity in their own hearts. In this way, pure, in spite of being imperfect, little by little they became one with Christ and, through Him, one with God.

Learn today, My child, about the simple but true things, of the great treasure that is cultivated in the secret of your surrender and in the depths of your heart.

And in the times of the Passion and the definition in Christ, may your spirit live the example of the holy women and,  in this time, take another step, not only in supporting the Cross of God in silence, but also of knowing how to carry your own hidden cross.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


A second stage in the desert that beings experience, during another moment in their evolution, children,  is to be in the desert in the arms of the Most Holy Mary.

After having lived the inner desert, after experiencing the void and the Coming Together, after experiencing the calvary of these times, a desert will come that has still not been experienced by any soul, because it is the spiritual desert that you will cross in this moment of the planet, the desert prophesied in the Apocalypse.

Your Most Holy Mother crossed and continues to cross many spiritual deserts. She is knowledgeable about the souls and their paths. She was Who took the Words and the Gifts of Christ throughout the four corners of the world, and for this reason, She deeply came to know the human condition and all the paths that lead you to God.

Thus, children, the Most Holy Mary is She Who knows each grain of sand of the spiritual desert that leads you to God.

There, where beings become confused, get lost, desperate, your Most Holy Mother takes you into Her arms and, sure of Her path, crosses the voids and the solitude and arrives to God.

In the desert, even Her adversary is confused. It pursues souls that are lost, but does not know how to find them when they are in God. For this reason, your Divine Mother travels through the desert and takes lost souls into Her arms, one by one, to lead them to their destiny.

That is why I tell you, in these times of confusion and darkness, in the Apocalypse and in the Armageddon of the planet, seek your Celestial Mother. Allow yourselves to be found by Her and yield into Her arms, because when everything may seem lost, She will know the way; when you are no longer able to walk, She will take you into Her arms, and it is under Her protection and wisdom that you will come to God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I come from Heaven, bringing a profound interior jubilee within My Heart; a joy that comes not only from that which My Chaste Heart feels, but that comes from the Heart of God, the result of His Mercy, His Pity and, above all, children, the result of His great Love for Humanity.

I come to offer My Chaste Heart to the world, just as I offered it to God so that, in this way, the hearts of humankind may renew, awaken and have the strength and faith to continue onward in the calvary of these times.

Just as the Creator had once sent the Most Holy Mary to help His Son stand up at Calvary, and by means of the deep Love of the Immaculate Heart, your Lord renewed His strength. So, children, the Creator sends Us into the calvary of these times to look into the eyes of those who are tired, humiliated, those who are without hope, who have lost their faith; so that they may understand the essence of the Cross of these times; so that they may overcome the weight of their faults, weaknesses, miseries, and may overcome the weight of the human condition, which is transmuted in their consciousnesses as well as in their cells. In this way, know that, from all this, a greater love is born, greater mercy is born, the true human being is born.

I come to touch your faces, dry your tears and help you to discover the power of sacrifice.

It is not that My words over the last few years were insufficient; rather, I come in this way, children, to reveal to you the Love of God.

And so that you may know and experience that renewing the Love of God is not just carrying the cross and walking towards calvary, it is also to feel His Love and be loved by Those He sends to assist you, and thus, to see this new love become born within you.

Let us then walk for a renewal, for the Love of God and, above all, let us thank the Father for the revelation of His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.

I bless you today and always.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God, the Almighty and Powerful, made Himself small and fragile within the Womb of the Most Holy Mary, He was not only paving the way to seal a new and eternal covenant with humanity, the Creator was revealing a mystery and making Truth alive, which had always been spiritual and that, at that moment, manifested as something physical and palpable for humanity.

God was revealing His presence within humanity. He was revealing that, through His Spirit, He could awaken within beings a new human being, which renews and revives humanity, which had died, even though it was alive. God was revealing the possibility of a second birth, a spiritual birth, in which those who are aware of the presence of His Spirit allow Him to manifest Himself.

Through the Birth of Jesus, the Creator awakened, revealed and gave humanity the possibility of experiencing Truth. Those who are pure of heart, humble and willing to be instruments of God, willing to fulfill His Will, above all things, are worthy of expressing within themselves the presence of the Holy Spirit and, this way, they may little by little reach the true potential of humankind.

The Creator did not create you to express what you live on Earth today. This life is the faithful mirror of the ignorance of human beings, but those who open themselves to Truth and are willing to be reborn in spirit, expressing in life the perfection of the Spirit of God, will be able to receive and live the revelation of the Truth about themselves, even if they never know for sure what it is that lives within them. 

Children, open to rebirth in the Spirit of God, that you may be reborn in Him, and He, as a divine response, may awaken within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

