Marathon of Divine Mercy

A day will come when the world will no longer know what pain, anguish or depression is. That day is near, it is within the Heart of the King, and this  I share with you today because it is a promise by which souls can rediscover the Kingdom of God and thus, once and for all, be part of the Primordial Source.

Today, I am here, listening to the supplications of those who are Mine, feeling the love of My companions, receiving the reparation of My Heart for all that humanity does still today, moving away from love and truth.

Therefore, I come with that promise that the day will finally come and hearts will rejoice when they are seated by My side, before the nature of this world, before the beauty of Creation, the sound of the oceans, the sunrise and sunset.

Those I have called to serve Me will be with Me again; they will be as the apostles were, face to face, heart to heart, listening to the Word of their Lord.

And, at that hour, I will tell you about the New Earth, and that promise will no longer be distant, but you will see The New Earth blossom through the souls that will have fulfilled My Will.

And the Great Book of the Lords of the Law will be open and that which was written will no longer be. Everything will begin anew, bearing in mind the lessons learned, having enriched their hearts after having received so many Sacraments and Graces, after having witnessed this moment, as well as so many others which you have lived with Me throughout time.

At that hour, no child will be heard crying upon Earth. The cries of the men and women of this world will be of joy, for the great promise of My Return will be fulfilled through the faith of those who have walked by My side without anything in return.

At that hour, God will be present, contemplating this universal event, and the signs of Heaven, which were previously hidden, will be unveiled. 

At that hour, the mystery will no longer be necessary for the peacemakers, for the mystery will reveal itself. 

And many, at that hour, will know the Son of God not only as the Humble Man of Nazareth, but also as the Redeemer of the World. And through My Hands, My Feet and My Side, I will show you the luminous signs of My Resurrection, those Signs that are still kept deep within My Being and My Consciousness.

And from that moment on, between the past and the future, between the real and the unreal, the history of this humanity will be rewritten, now purified of its errors and faults, because all who have recognized the Name of the Lord will be blessed. Just like at this moment, My companions, through this moment, you have the opportunity and the Grace to be the blessed of the Father, those who are not afraid to say yes.

Therefore, I ask that before this great promise arrives, you continue to be patiently transformed, continue to purify yourselves evolutionarily, continue to transcend positively, without giving place to bitterness and sadness.

I know that many of My children in the world do not understand why there is so much suffering, but God did not create you to suffer, God created you to love and recognize Him, to be in His first Project, His Blessed Sons and Daughters of the Earth, those consciousnesses worthy of Eden.

But that moment, which has remained inconclusive and uncertain, must be taken up again. After the error and failure of Adam and Eve, from that moment up to the present, everything must be repaired.

Therefore, the great promise is important for the end of times, the great promise of the reunion with your King and Lord. 

I hope for this every day.  Will you be able to wait for that moment too ?

 I do not need your answer now. May your response be your example of Christification, perseverance, faith, love and reverence for the sacred.

Today, I have heard this song that I was offered, as if it were the first time. And this is very significant for Me, because your Master’s Heart can collect the experiences of love and forgiveness of His companions, true experiences of redemption and light through those who, with effort, are encouraged to love a little more every day.

The Name of God has been praised today. Blessed be this in Heaven and on Earth, in the mountains, in the seas and in all nature. Blessed be He, within and outside of beings. Blessed be those who trust in the Lord and do not let themselves be intimidated, but with courage and bravery hold My Torch of Light in this world so that, day by day, the darkness will be dispelled from humanity and from the hearts that have condemned themselves.

For this reason, this is very important to Me, and I share with you this great promise, which you must believe in, before you see it,  which you must feel, before it may be concretized, practicing the sacred exercise of love for the unknown, for all that is beyond yourselves.

Thus, companions, these are My Words today, the deepest Words of My Heart to those who are Mine, Words that reveal and concretize the Will of God in the consciousnesses who accept to live My Call and through the sublime Grace of the Sacraments, those whom I will accompany with care today, so that not only may this country be more helped, but, through those who will be sacramentalized, may more souls be helped in this world, souls who desperately need light and redemption.

This must be the aim of your lives: to work with Me for the redemption of the world. This should be your promise before God, whatever it takes, for thus I will be within My new apostles, in those who give themselves to serve Me unconditionally.

May My Words, on this day, not dissolve into the ethers of the Earth.

May My Words, like a sacred melody, continue vibrating in sidereal space, so that souls realize and perceive that, through the Divine Word, God pours out His Graces and Affirmations in the hearts that are open to receive Him.

I want your lives to be the true sign of conversion, of the walkers and the tireless apostles, of those who faithfully follow the Divine Purpose, learning how to overcome, each day, a little more.

This whole path of sacred transformation, though it may not seem so, will help this nation to be the cradle of the New Humanity.

You are in time to fulfill this promise, just as I will fulfill the promise I bring you today.

May the Light of the Sacraments be kindled.

May the souls enter into My Heavenly Church and may the name of Jesus be praised again, together with the angels of Christ, so that the evil in this world may be placated and the hearts, in captivity and slavery, may reach the same liberation that you have reached. For if you are here today, before Me, have you realized that you have already been set free?

Now is the time to walk and to build the Sacred Work of My Mercy in all places throughout the world where it may be possible.

I want to ask you for something else: that you accompany Me wholeheartedly in the sacred task that your Master and Lord will carry out in the Middle East.

I ask you, from now on, to pray for this, so that the merits of My Sorrowful Passion may be rekindled in the Holy Land and, beyond it, during the Sacred Week, may they reach the whole world in order to avoid a greater gravity in the war between Ukraine and Russia. I hope you have understood Me.

And now, before entering the Holy Eucharist, in the infinite Graces of the Sacraments, you will sing to your Master and Lord another song: "You are the King".

Let us celebrate, thank and revere this moment, under the Power and Grace of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:                             

The Lord says he will listen to each heart sing to him.


And you will see arriving, companions, the Son of God, transfigured in the most culminating moment of humanity, in the same way that He comes today to meet you in Divinity and in Spirit. I will return in the most culminating moment of the Earth, when I will come to seek you and gather you together in My Name, in the same way that I gathered together the twelve apostles in the past, but this time it will be different because, in spite of the world being in upheaval, you will be able to recognize Me and will receive Me in the same way that you do, in this time.

I will gather together all the tribes of My Father, not only here in Argentina, in the heights of the mountain, but I will also appear, like I did in Bethany, in other places of South America so that in such acute and difficult hours, My friends, you will not feel any fear, but rather a deep and joyful bliss for having again found Me.

I will call each by your original name and, in this way, will awaken within you the sweet memory of having once been with Me, sharing the same bread and the same wine that today I give you all again.

My arrival in Argentina this time is different, I now find you more mature and aware of the importance of following your Redeemer, without any doubts.

This is the time in which your inner preparation will be finalized and your true service will begin for the redemption and the forgiveness of the whole human race.

The time for My Return has come.

I thank you for having received Me!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Words of Christ Jesus transmitted during the consecration of the elements, in the presence of many pilgrims:

May My Words be the breath of the Spirit in you so that in this time the true being may manifest, that which will represent Me on Earth and will testify to My Presence throughout the entire world.

I come to assemble you in Truth, in the one Truth of God, which has you participate in His spiritual freedom and which promises you complete redemption of your beings and your consciousnesses so that My Christic Purpose may be fulfilled. I open the doors of My Heart and My Consciousness so that you may receive the presence of My Celestial Church which assembles you in equality and in love, which allows you to eternally celebrate the Love of the Father with Me.

Now that I find you with this joy, with this welcome that I feel in My heart, the Holy Spirit will act through your Gifts and with the Sacraments so that, renewed in your faith and trust in God, you will know that you will keep walking forward with Me, seeking within yourselves the realization of the Plan of God and the concretization of His Project in this human race, through the action of My Mercy, My Grace and My Pity.

I open the doors of My Heart and My Consciousness so that you may receive the presence of My Celestial Church which assembles you in equality and in love, which allows you to eternally celebrate the Love of the Father with Me.

We stand up.

At this moment, each one of My representatives and servers on the surface of the Earth will make their offering before the Celestial Father through My Sacred Heart so that He may receive your pleas, your intentions and your true offering so that His Grace may continue descending to Earth and touch all hearts.

In the silence of your heart you will make this offering with Me; meanwhile, in the presence of the living God, your Master and Redeemer will transubstantiate the elements together with the angelic hosts so that the Mercy of the Father may descend upon the beings and the planet, and the flame of light of your hearts may be strengthened and again lit so that love and grace may be in abundance within the world and the love of life may be respected.

In the Presence of Christ, Our Lord, by His invitation and call, we will enter the consciousness of His Celestial Church intoning the "melodic Kodoish" together.

Let us return to the instrumental "And so spoke the Master."

And in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior, at His request and call, in this moment we will participate in the consecration and the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will change into the Body and the Blood of Our Lord.

We invite those who can, to kneel, or to remain standing.

We thank God for the renewal of this sacrifice and for the inspiration, in this moment, that our Lord Jesus Christ gives us through the Sacraments, and especially through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

In that time, Jesus was together with His apostles, and many more consciousnesses in the inner planes, which are present here today.

He took the bread, elevated it, recognized the sacrifice that the Father was asking Him to endure and with the immensity of His Love, gave thanks, gave it to His apostles and said to them: "Take and eat all of It, for this is My Body that will be given to you for the forgiveness of sins," and at the sound of three bells, the transubstantiation of the bread into the Divine Body of Christ was established.

We praise You, Lord and we Bless You (repeated three times).

And before the Lord ended His Supper and gave the greatest gift of love to humanity, He took the Chalice, elevated it to God, the Father blessed it and He deeply thanked Him for the sacrifice He would go through, for each one of us, until the end of times. He gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be poured out by Your Redeemer and by many martyrs, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me." And at the sound of the three bells, the transubstantiation of the wine into the precious Blood of Christ was established.

We praise You, Lord and we bless You (repeated three times).

The Divine Body and Blood of our Lord. Amen.

In unity with His Sacred Heart, and for the triumph and the victory of His Kingdom in humanity, united with Him, in absolute awareness and attunement, we repeat the prayer that He taught us:

Our Father.

We may stand.

Companions, never lose hope and faith, because these are virtues that will renew you and will always urge you to continue onward, knowing how to transcend barriers, knowing how to experience challenges and, this way, you will gain peace, and you will how never lose it, because you will be in Me and I in you.

May peace on this day be in you and in Argentina. Amen.

In the presence of the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in fraternity, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

Special Apparitions

And finally, I bring the spiritual rebuilding and the symbol of peace to Croatia and its sister nations. 

Our Celestial Father has blessed us with the presence of the Heavenly Mother in Medjugorje, as well as in this place, through this pilgrimage, to bring to the world the awakening of consciousness and the Love that comes from the Heart of God.

I bring the time of its renewal to Croatia so that souls can find the path of the light that they so much seek.

This is why I offer you the symbol of My Peace, so that peace may be in you and in your brothers and sisters; so that you may not be afraid of the end of times; so that with courage and love, with hope and inner strength, your hearts move toward the New Time, the time of the Return of My Son in which many of you, children of Croatia, will be participants in this event, as many nations will also be.

Therefore, rejoice in your hearts, My children, the time of spiritual captivity has ended. The doors of Mercy were opened here so that your hearts and your lives may be rekindled in the love and faith of God; so that you may be testimonies in this new time, of the Attributes of the Celestial Father, which must be present in you and on the whole planet so that the rest of humanity may be healed, so that the rest of the nations may also receive Mercy.

Today I summon you here, My children, in the name of the Love of God, so that your lives may feel the relief they need and so that you may believe that in this new time that will come, everything will finally change.

The past will now cease to be a story, the present will be your new future so that you may be closer to God.

Therefore, My children, I need you to continue as you have up until now, offering your devotion to the Mother of God, not only as the Patroness of the Stone Gate, but as the Queen of Peace who, month after month, visits you in Medjugorje to bring you the Light of God and the hope you need to face the end of times.

Today your past is erased, today your present is blessed and your future will receive the Glory of God so that you may share it with your brothers and sisters and families so that more deep wounds may be closed.

The time of the arrival of My Son will bring you new opportunities and graces. You will be strengthened in Christ to personally celebrate with Him His new supper of redemption and of love that will gather together all the apostles of all times and of all eras, together with the angels of Heaven and the Heavenly Mother, to celebrate and to renew this current humanity that suffers and endures its own outcomes.

Therefore, My children, not only love God, but also love your brothers and sisters of Croatia, of Bosnia & Herzegovina, of Montenegro, of the whole world so that Peace may emerge in your hearts and there is no longer any more intentions of conflicts and wars.

But if I am here, as the Queen of Peace, nothing will happen; you will only know spiritual miracles so that your lives may testify to the conversion experienced in Christ and for Christ.

Today, My Heart of Mother, the Lady of the Sacred Stone Gate, feels joy in Her Heart, not only because of the reception of the message of Medjugorje in your hearts, but also, My children, for your reception here tonight, in which the doors of Heaven are open to bring peace and healing to you and your families.

Today Croatia ends a cycle, to start a new one under the reign of the Mother of God, of Her Beloved Son, and of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

Today Eastern Europe is much worked upon by the hand of God itself, by the impulses of His Divine Source, by the work of His Grace and Mercy.

My wish, My children, is that you and your brothers and sisters of Croatia and of your sister nations, through Love and Peace, finally seek an inner reconciliation so that your Heavenly Mother can continue to come to Medjugorje, as She has continued to do so for so many years to accompany your steps, to accompany your conversion and redemption.

Because of all of this, My children, your deep and true change is reflected in the whole world and also in the nations that are in conflict and in war, as they are in the Middle East.

Open your hearts to the possibility of loving as a service of charity and good so that, in Eastern Europe, the Eyes of God may always be contemplating this region of the planet and so that, through the Queen of Peace and the message of Medjugorje, it may also help Russia to someday experience its process of redemption and conversion, and its consecration to My Immaculate Heart; because, My children, the message of Fatima is still in force, as well as the request of your Heavenly Mother.

On this day, I want to establish a fraternal, ecumenical, and loving prayer for Peace, just like the prayers that you have been carrying out for the nations so that the Peace of God may be present in the world.

It is for that reason, My children, that I come to ask you for the Prayer for Peace for Eastern Europe and Russia, so that both nations, peoples and cultures, may attain the consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

This prayer will be offered in Croatian and in Russian so that you too, My children, may recover the roots of your peoples, the kindness and the love that is present in your hearts, as it has been in your previous generations, so that divine reconciliation is in both places in the world and souls may love one another more every day without the need of causing any harm to one another.

Thus, My children, the Aspect of the Queen of Peace, the Mother of Medjugorje, will be the Patroness of this prayer for Peace that, through the time and commitment of praying hearts, will create the necessary conditions for your Mother to be able to continue to come to Medjugorje as well as to Russia, through this pilgrimage.

What I ask of you in this moment, My children, is something grand and unknown to you, but obey My petitions, for in this way, you will understand them.

My children, I pray for you before God and before My Son, bringing you hope and faith as gifts of Love that will fill your hearts and lives so that you may always be renewed in Christ.

At this moment, My children, I bless these roses that you lovingly placed at the feet of the Queen of Peace so that, in you and within you, the Love of God and the eternal joy of always finding Him may be born again.

I bless you, I love you, and thank you for having responded to My call.

I bless you under the authority of Christ and I bless Croatia under the authority of God: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And now, to give God your gratitude and love, raising your candles to radiate the Light of Christ to the world, you will sing Majko Bozja, as you did in the beginning, gladdening the Heart of the Mother of God.

Until later, My children.

My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

