Learn, children, to separate the impulses that come from your own souls from those that come from the Celestial Kingdom and the Higher Universe of consciousness.

To hear one's own soul is an important step for the human consciousness, without which there could not be any evolution. Evolution is a path of ascension, of communication and of union with the different levels of existence, until the being finally returns to the Heart of the Celestial Father, carrying within themselves the renewing codes of manifested life.

Over the centuries, beings who have sought to tread the spiritual path learned to listen to their souls, and many times, their spirits, their monads, to thus walk the path of life on Earth with the assurance of higher impulses.

However, now is the time to go beyond that. Now is the time to indeed listen to one's own soul, but not remain there, believing that the impulses for evolutionary life all come from this single inner contact.

Now is the time to go beyond, of learning to distinguish the contact with higher levels, so that, in touching the dimensions of your souls, you are able to go beyond and carry the souls with you to a deeper and more silent state, more transparent and full, a contact with Higher Universes, where you should only seek a pure and simple unity.

When your consciousnesses enter into sincere prayer, and between one word and another, you are able to become silent, then you will be capable of hearing your own souls, feel them and perceive them in just the way they need you to perceive them. However, if you persist in that elevation, in praise and silence, in concentration and emptiness, without wanting anything for the self, only a unity with God, you will be able to go beyond and allow your souls to also be able to look upward and inward, to also be able to enter into the practice of contemplation.

When souls contemplate, minds become silent and simply observe; the personality does not give an opinion, does not analyze, and does not look for answers, it just observes; the aspects of the human consciousness do not confuse inner contact with what they experience in matter, they simply observe; the soul does not seek to guide and lead anything, it is not treading any path, is only being drawn like a magnet to its source of vibration.

It is attracted by the Divine Consciousness, and with the yielding of its planetary part, it simply goes into the experience of unity, and in that experience, children, there can be full silence, you do not need words nor intentions, thoughts or actions: just being.

Here you will receive the knowledge of unity from God, and with it, a wisdom that is not acquired with the mind, but rather with the essence.

You must walk towards this experience, because in this time of chaos and confusion, of deep purification and challenges, your beings must enter into secure Universes, where not even the mind, nor the personality nor even your souls can interfere, but just live.

And from the principle of Unity which emanates from the Heart of God, from the deep Love of the Father on being before His Creatures, the essence of wisdom will emerge that will strengthen you and bring you answers to your deepest questions, which you will not know how to explain, but just experience.

And those who draw close to you will not need to hear or ask, but rather just feel and observe the example and the presence which will transform the human condition.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Wherever there may be a soul that prays from the heart, there will be the Heart of God, responding with Graces to the supplications of His Children.

Wherever there may be a soul in prayer, there will be the Heart of God, finding consolation in the depths of the hearts of His Children.

Wherever there may be a soul in prayer, there will be God, gathering up each bead and each song, each prayer and each praise to intercede for lost souls and create a way for them to return to His Heart.

Wherever there may be a soul in sincere and true prayer, there will be God, opening an intercessory channel in their inner self, through which non-material Rays can descend to Earth to balance the imbalances of the world and grant peace to the conflicted hearts of humankind.

Wherever there may be a soul in sincere and true prayer, transparent before their Creator, in humility and prayerful confession before God, there, children, will be His Heart, following each word and each intention, each silence and each thought, because the Love of the Creator for His Creatures is so great that He constantly waits, and with Love awaits the supplicant prayers of His Children.

May your mouths always pronounce prayers.

May your hearts always turn to God.

May your intentions be turned toward the Divine Purpose.

Let your lives be oriented towards the Greater Will, and in this way, your beings will always find answers, the conflicts in life will bring you balance, the tests in life will bring you ascension, your miseries will bring you humility, and everything duality is able to bring as a consequence in your lives will change into a step towards human and spiritual growth, so you may always draw ever closer to Divine Thought.

In the same way as your Creator, today I hear your prayers and am always attentive to the voice of your pleas, and I sincerely say, children, that I will do everything so the Divine Purpose can be established in you, and through you, in human life.

Never cease praying, never cease pleading. The dialogue with God will be your safe harbor in the planetary transition, because He Himself will guide you by your hand to the establishment of the new being on the Earth as long as you do not desist, and in prayer, always keep yourselves united with the One Who knows and is Truth Itself.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let your life be a cenacle of prayer. Let your heart never think it is too late to begin again and delve into your own inner self, developing a union with God in yourself and thus traveling the path of sanctification.

Seek, child, the path of sanctification as the primary goal of your life, which is nothing more than fully living the Will of God for your life and having that Will always in first place. Allow that purpose of sanctification to permeate your consciousness, your goals and aspirations, your relationships with others, your thoughts and feelings, your actions and words, your daily tasks, in short, your life.

From the moment your eyes open each morning, offer your life to God with a simple prayer and renew this commitment during the day, asking yourself, in light of each situation to be experienced or decision to be made:

Which is the path that brings me closest to Divine Will?

What word can I speak?

What thoughts do I have about others?

What example am I capable of setting?

What emanation can I emit to collaborate in the evolution of the other?

You must ask all these questions before acting, so your life may be a repairing instrument in the Hands of God, so your life may be a justifying instrument, through which the Father and His Angels will be able to intercede for the world.

Reflect within yourself and ask your spirit and your consciousness:

Am I capable of having a path of sanctification as a life priority?

Can I offer my being to Christ in expiation of the faults and imbalances of the world?

This offering, child, is not about suffering like Christ, but rather of being like Christ in all things, and seeking in each action, His Action, in each word, His Word, in each thought, His Thought, in each brother and sister, a child of His, whom He waits to return to His Sacred Heart.

Care for each soul as being unique and preferred before God. Care for your brothers and sisters as the treasures the Creator placed on your path so that human relations may be elevated and transcended, and the duality may be changed by a greater impulse of Love into unity among consciousnesses.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as Christ, at each step of the Calvary and in His surrender on the Cross, experienced the Grace of being supported by God as well as the challenge of living His surrender as a Divine-human Being, thus also, children, each of you must live your definition and surrender in this time.

You will live through moments in which Divine Grace will be over your hearts and consciousnesses, and in spite of the difficulties of the path, it will not be tortuous, because spiritual fortitude will support you.

You also may live through moments in which your human condition will be put to the test, so that the divine condition can emerge from it. And in these moments or tests, your hearts must learn to observe themselves, so that thus you may go beyond that and not stop.

When emptiness, loneliness, the weight of the world and despair should knock at the door of your consciousnesses, know that it is the time for going beyond and letting God manifest His Power and His Grace, not from the outside in, but rather from the inside out; it is time for your cells, at the apex of their limitation, to see inner fortitude emerge and liberate the mysterious Light that animates and supports them.

It is thus, children, that you too, as cells of the Divine Body, will see a Love emerge that renews all things, an unknown Love which is born of the transformation of the human condition into its divine potential.

I know that what I speak to you about seems distant to you in daily living, when your actions, thoughts and feelings sometimes are so different than an expression of Divine Love. But I speak to you so that you may point your lives toward this path and persevere, so you allow yourselves to be broken and rebuilt, so you do not fear the void or temptation, so that you may indeed recognize human frailty, but not remain in it.

Open yourselves to experience the transcendence of this frailty, defeating it through surrender, yielding, prayer and the elevation of the consciousness. And each time you think about giving up and believe you cannot go any further, give yourselves the opportunity to remember the purpose of your lives and what you are called to in this time.

 You are called to be living miracles, to be Christs of the New Time, to be the last apostles and witnesses to the fulfilling of the Plan of God on Earth. And this is done, children, with your head on the ground and your heart in Heaven, in the surrender of your lives, so that you may understand human life and its facts and events with a mature consciousness and a look of wisdom.

Persevere and surrender. Do not fear going beyond, for it is only in this way that you will discover the Purpose of God for each stage of your lives.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Allow yourself, child, to enter into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, and there, understand not only the mysteries of His deepest suffering, but also and above all, the expansion of His extreme and unknown Love for all of life and the whole human race.

In prayer, enter into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus so you may perceive what a union between God and His Creatures means, so you may experience being supported by a divine-human bond, which reveals the true significance of the likeness with God to your being.

In contemplation, enter into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, and with every beat of that Heart, feel the power of Divine Love and the capacity for renewal which the Creator grants His Creatures.

Within the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, also allow your small heart to experience the expansion and the meaning of Love, so that in this way, you may know that the tests of life are not limitations of the human potential, but rather, in truth, are engines that lead creatures to evolution.

Learn to be in God under any circumstances, and in Him, you will understand the purpose of life and of each experience you have on Earth; you will learn to love life in essence and will live to open the path so that all creatures may experience and be a conscious part of the Love of God.

All that begins with prayer, with contemplation, with surrender, when you allow yourself to enter without fear into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus and there discover the profound mysteries of His Passion and His Love for life.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


With your feet still in the desert, taking the last steps of this Lenten path, concentrate, child, on the Heart of your Father and Creator, the Lord of Life and of Divine Purpose.

The last steps of the Lenten path do not announce a time of inner peace, but rather of ever deeper and more intense tests, human and spiritual, which on the altar of faith will place the surrender of your human condition, your deepest fears, your most ingrained miseries, your beliefs most grounded in the consciousness of what you believe about yourself and which brought you here, supporting your human pride and your spiritual ego.

It is time to surrender it all.

In the agony that comes before the Calvary, your heart will be tested in the surrender and the void, and everything you experienced in the desert will surface with intensity, because the desert is a school, and the agony is a moment of definition.

Thus, place your being as an offering on the Celestial Altar and allow the Creator to grant you the Grace of going beyond human limitations and beliefs, beyond the strength that sustains humankind, so that He may have you know the Power that guides life.

Strengthen your faith in Divine Will, no matter what it may be. Strengthen your heart in the void so that it may be filled by the Power of God.

Walk with the purpose that your actions and your life may be an instrument of transformation for the human consciousness. That each one of your steps be given for the all; no longer see your path as something individual.

Do not seek to control your destiny and make plans according to your possibilities of bearing the tests of life or according to the security which the path can offer you. Live your spirituality as a human being, as part of humanity and for human transformation.

Let the desert expand your horizons, let the agonies define your heart, let the cross transform your consciousness, and through you, all of humanity.

Offer yourself to be an instrument.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

WEEKLY MESSAGE OF SAINT JOSEPH TRANSMITTED during the trip from the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, TO THE VISIONARY SISTER LUCÍA DE JESÚS

A few days away from finishing your Lenten path, child, strengthen your heart even further, redo your offerings, renew your commitment; in light of God, review that which you still have not surrendered, let go of the reins still in your hands, leave the treasures you still embrace as precious to you and plunge even deeper into the void.

With bare feet and empty hands, walk divesting yourself of the past and the future, forgiving what has passed and offering what will come. At each step, embrace the present moment and allow Divine Graces to descend over your consciousness to fill the empty spaces.

Yield space to the Spirit of God, so that it may be Him Who leads you during your last days in the desert, and that it is Him Who guides you after crossing the arid lands of inner solitude.

Each day, let the Creator find in you a heart ready to be in Him and to live for Him each moment of life in this world.

Do not tire of walking and do not fear what will come on leaving the desert, because for this you are preparing your heart. And if you transform into an ever more empty and transparent instrument, you will always yield space so that the Father may be in you; and it is He, child, Who will live each stage of human transformation within your heart.

Thus, concentrate your energy, your consciousness and your will on being an empty instrument in the Hands of God. He will do everything else in you and through you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Souls come to the world to serve, to grow in spirit, to experience transformation, to multiply the Love of God and learn about this Love.

Souls come to the world to experience the gift of life, to understand the reason for the manifestation of divine life among the dimensions.

Consciousnesses go through life on Earth experiencing lessons, falling and getting up, living Graces and conflicts, miseries and mercies.

Souls pass through the world many times confused, without knowing the purpose of their existence, but at the end of the life, that purpose is revealed to them.

Souls can live in ignorance, but do not leave life in ignorance.

The Creator does not allow the eyes of His children to remain closed. When their life reaches its end, everything is revealed to them. It is at this time that the heart receives the opportunity to repent of its sins, to experience a true repentance, one which they did not understand during the whole of their life. It is at this moment that souls understand what gratitude is, because they understand why they were in the world, why they were sent to the Earth.

However, children, many think that it is much too late, much too late to repent and be different, much too late to confess their sins and receive Mercy, much too late to surrender, because they have only one last breath to offer God.

But I tell you that it will never be too late for true repentance, never too late for sincere gratitude, never too late for a request for Mercy which comes from the very core, from the deepest part of the consciousness, from what is called your essence.

Souls referred to as dying, who are in the last cycles of their existence, who depend on others, who have lost their autonomy and everything that humanity believes is most precious in this life, independence, false freedom, false power, self-love, pride, all this fades away when the body has become frail and the conscience awakens.

Yet, children, it is then that souls learn the meaning of surrender and grant others the opportunity to learn to serve, to reflect on the fragility of life, to reflect on the suffering, the loneliness, the emptiness and true faith.

At the end of their life, souls provide a great service, and also experience a great lesson. For this reason, revere this moment and do not seek to end it in human time; let it take place in God's Time. Everything has its reason and a motive; everything has a purpose, a lesson and an experience that makes you grow.

Revere life up to its last instant. Revere the Grace of living, because the time will come, the last breath, the last second, in which you will be able to understand all things. Until then, just trust, love one another, mutually serve each other, learn patience, persistence, surrender, humility.

Divine gifts do not have a time span for growing in the heart. There is no limit to the expansion of consciousness; it can occur in all situations in life. For this reason, do not yourselves limit this experience on Earth.

Let your path always be permeated by prayer, by patience and by love.

Let your souls not tire of serving or of living; it does not matter if you do or do not understand this life.

The time will come, the last breath and the last second in which you will be able to understand it.

Until then, walk untiringly to multiply the Love of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Lenten journey, children, is a path of transformation, where the consciousness is invited to travel through the desert of its inner self, in which it will only find solitude from itself.

On the inner desert, you will be tested by your own aspects and by the aspects of the enemy, which with its cunning, will seek to confuse you so you lose your faith and the firm decision to surrender your lives.

The great keys to cross this inner desert are silence, humility, patience, and above all, children, the capacity to be transparent with yourselves, the capacity to look straight at your own inner abysses and still trust in the Hand that guides you and calls on you to go beyond the human condition.

The Lenten path is a challenging path, upon which souls are purified and faith is sometimes shaken, so that it can then be strengthened by a direct contact with the Creator. On the Lenten path, the adversary shows and presents the temptations of the world to you and its apparent conquests to cause you to feel that triumphs in the material world and being a "good" person are worth more than walking full of misery on a path of eternal battle and suffering.

Your human aspects and your miseries in purification will cause you to feel that you are not worthy of living the Divine Promise and that the Grace of God is not enough in your life so you can continue to walk. But today I tell you: go further! Continue to walk through this arid desert, letting each footstep along the way strip you of the world and fill you with God.

Continue to walk without wanting to see the results, rather just trusting that the Work of the Most High will be carried out in your lives beyond that which you can see, perceive or feel. Get to know the potential of faith that grows even in the darkness, because the Lenten path, children, is a path of transformation.

The Lenten path is a path of strength, but not seeing a consolidated strength, because it will only be revealed on the Cross. Lent is the time for building that fortitude within you, which paradoxically is built when you allow yourselves to be broken up into a thousand pieces and be rebuilt by God.

The Lenten fortitude is not a human fortitude, but rather a Divine Fortitude which is revealed through human fragility, because it is only when the human aspects give way to the Higher Aspects of God that you will be capable of perceiving the purpose of each trial and suffering.

The fortitude of the Lenten faith was revealed in the extreme and transcendent Love of the Cross, as well as in the power of the Resurrection of Christ, after He allowed Himself to die, with a death that caused Him to break into a thousand pieces, expressed in His scourged Flesh, in His spilled Blood and His shattered Soul; it was then, when the resurfacing of what seemed impossible to regain life, that the human fragility revealed Divine Fortitude. That is what is generated on the Lenten path.

Thus, walk and take each step with a humble and ready heart.

Allow the transformation to take place, that the vessel break and that the Divine Potter rebuild it so as to reveal His creative potential through His new vessel.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Welcome the peace of the Kingdom of Aurora into your heart, so that you may be a receptacle of its love and its liberation for the world.

Live within you the redemption which emanates from the Kingdom of Aurora, letting your most concrete structures be broken by the power of its light, allowing your thickest veils to be torn so your eyes may see that which must be transformed, healed and finally redeemed.

Be a witness, child, of the Grace of Aurora, which in the same way it mobilizes hearts and their most archaic structures, also shows you the love necessary to build something new.

For souls, Aurora represents the possibility of transforming the old into the new human, the one who will be the precursor of a new life and a new humanity. Aurora shows you the process, sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes painful, sometimes peaceful, which must be experienced without hurrying and with patience.

Patience is a great key for this time, even though it is endangered in hearts. Patience is the science of peace, through understanding that everything in life on Earth has a process, and that process must be lived through, no matter how challenging it may be.

Aurora works on the temperance of souls so that, as they pass through the fire and the cold, just as a blacksmith does with their sword, souls come to understand that processes of pain and of peace are part of the path, and they do not get stuck either in the pain or the peace, but rather on the eternal walking of the ascension of the consciousness.

This walking will carry you to ever more inner and hidden spaces of your own consciousness, where you will finally be able to get off the eternal round of human conflicts in order to discover potentials which are hidden within you. When those potentials awaken, they move beings beyond the human condition, so they may see feelings and states of pain or peace with the same eyes, the eyes of truth, the eyes of those who know what is hidden behind the process of living.

Walk towards this goal, the goal of going beyond what you are, the goal of crossing over the obstacles and going beyond the desert, of going beyond pain or peace, comfort or suffering, just simply continue forward and persist, walking towards God and your own inner self.

With your gaze fixed on the stars, you will find that which I am telling you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


During this Lent, child, learn to go deeper into the desert of your heart so your offering may be more sincere and real, so your experience of Christic Love may be broader.

In the same way Christ contemplated His Cross and each of the martyrdoms He would experience throughout the Calvary, you too should contemplate the trials of these times with bravery.

In the same way Christ contemplated and understood the definition and the fragility of His companions, you too contemplate not only your own human and inner fragility, but also that of your brothers and sisters, and with eyes of compassion, follow the definition of all those who walk with you.

Not all will find the fortitude within themselves to continue onward regardless of the circumstances. Not all will know that the Creator does not count on human strength, but rather on the surrender of hearts, so that He may be the strength in souls. Not all will understand that they do not need to conquer or triumph on their own, but rather just allow God to triumph through their lives in the most unthinkable situations, in the most unfamiliar conditions.

Observe the events of this time with the Eyes of the Lenten Christ, He Who faced each temptation through silence. And when facing the cunning visions of the adversary, His Eyes were fixed on God; when facing the confusing and conflicting words of the adversary, His Mouth only spoke prayers and decrees; when facing the miseries of His friends, which the adversary made Him observe, His Heart emanated understanding and certainty that salvation would come from His own yes, and that His brothers and sisters, even though they did not persevere on the path, would have a new opportunity because of the perseverance of His Heart in the Divine Purpose.

For this reason, Christ fixed His Eyes on the Purpose, and when facing all denials and miseries, He only affirmed the Light of the triumph of the Most High within Himself, and through Him, in all souls.

Child, place your heart in the Heart of the Lenten Christ to cross the desert in ascension, developing within yourself the fortitude capable of moving past the obstacles of the end of times.

Place your spirit in the Spirit of the Lenten Christ so that your being may be strengthened and grow in the virtue of faithfulness in the face of all trails, and that the confusions of the enemy not be more than your school of inner maturing.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The last year of impulses of My Chaste Heart


You are going through the last year of the great impulses of the Divine Hierarchy, a time when your hearts must incessantly drink from the Source of the wonders and gifts that we give you at each Apparition.

The last year of the impulses of the Hierarchy speaks about undeserved Graces which souls are receiving so that they may live their definition and strengthen their consciousnesses in order that, in the next cycle that will come, they may be responsible not only for their own inner sustenance, but also for the support of all those who did not drink of this Source and will have need of help, healing and mercy to be able to walk through the narrow doorway of the last opportunity.

The last great impulses of the Hierarchy speak to you about a great test of love, surrender and yielding which we will lead you to experience so you may learn what Christic Love truly is and transcend human love and the common good in the Grace that  we will grant you to understand that, beyond the chaos, the evil and your own and others' miseries, there is an unfathomable Fount of Christic Love from which you must learn to drink, and this will be the same for everybody.

In this cycle there will be no preferences, no titles, no human merits capable of excluding somebody from the greater test of surrender, definition and the unveiling of a Higher Love.

All will be before two doors: the large and ample door of worldly comfort, a false and poor comfort which will confuse souls, offering its consolation and an illusory peace; and the narrow door of surrender and Higher Christic Love, which will forge in you the possibility of seeing each other as you truly are, transcending the human condition, judgments and opinions, in order to unite under the single purpose of supporting the planet until the old human gives way to the one who is capable of living the Divine Purpose in fullness.

For this reason, know that each time you are faced with a situation which seems greater than what you can bear, in reality you will be facing an opportunity of transcendence and surrender which God calls you to live so that you awaken the love latent in your hearts.

If you are in this world, at this time, it is because you are called to experience the great human definition, and this will not make you greater or lesser than the others; it will only make each of you an instrument in the Hands of God for the transformation of life, life beyond life, which must be renewed.

Thus, do not waste the impulses, but rather, drink from each of them, meditate and do not allow them to go by without first permeating all of your consciousness.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the Peace of the Heart of Christ permeate the hearts of all those who cry out for relief and hope.

Children, fix your eyes on the horizon, and in prayer, wait for the dark night of the world to give way to the dawn of a new life.

Fix your eyes on the horizon and concentrate your beings on serving and bringing peace to your own heart, as well as the hearts of your brothers and sisters, through understanding, silence, listening, wisdom, and above all, intercessory prayer for souls.

Fix your eyes on the horizon, where the Divine Purpose rises, and walk, building that goal of reaching the Light of Christ. The Divine Purpose is built from the inside out and only manifests in your lives when it has already been consolidated in your inner world.

Thus, fix your eyes on the horizon, and the murky waters of the world today will give way to a crystalline sea, which will reveal to all beings the purity hidden in their hearts. Until that happens, simply pray, be supported in God and do not lose your union with the Creator through your bond with Him, which you must nurture in prayer and a daily conversation with God.

If you do not nurture the bond with God through contact with Him, this bond becomes ever more hidden and unknown for your souls. Thus, for you, let God be like that Friend and Companion who knows everything about your lives, who knows the deepest core of your hearts, who is the Receptacle of your sincerest and most transparent confessions, who is the Arm where you seek an embrace and consolation, rest and hope.

Let God be the Heart upon which you rest and in which you find wisdom and response, fortitude and joy to continue forward in spite of what is happening around you.

Remember always, children, to keep the bond with God, with your guardian angels, with your spirits, and with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, alive, accessible and constant. In this way, you will never lack the strength to continue forward and the determination to begin again each day; you will never lack hope to look to the horizon and know that, far beyond the darkness being experienced today in the world, the sun will rise.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When you commit a sin, child, do not hide your face from God, avoiding His Presence and His Face because of the shame it causes you.

When you sin, know that greater than the sin should be the repentance of the soul. And on the scales of Divine Justice, shame weighs less than repentance, and this opens the door to Divine Mercy, which balances all the sins of the world.

When you commit a sin, let your soul be like a child who surrenders at the feet of their parents to confess their mistakes and, in a dialogue with God, confess your deepest miseries to Him.

God is a God of Justice, but in light of a repenting soul, He reveals His Merciful and Compassionate Heart, capable of once again bringing to Himself the most sinful of His Children, if they should knock on His door.

For this reason, maintain a constant confession, a sincere dialogue with God, and a heart ready to receive Divine Mercy. In this way, you will be on the correct path, and, way beyond human duality or the inner battle that beings experience in their definitions every day, you will always find peace, because your soul will again find the connection and alliance with its Creator, will remember His Divine Promise and renew its hope of following His Footsteps.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When times become confusing and your heart is disturbed, become silent, child, contemplate nature in the solitude of the heart, and allow the silence to lead you to the Heart of God.

When chaos spreads throughout the Earth and the hearts of humankind, and sometimes within you no harmony can be found, then go, child, and become silent, contemplate the sky and its stars, breathe in the Divine Breath with awareness and seek the Heart of God.

When you cannot find examples, neither around you nor even within yourself, when the most deep-rooted energies of the human condition are exposed, being expunged from the depths of beings, go and become silent, focus your gaze on the horizon and let the silence lead you to the Heart of God.

The key to enter the Heart of the Celestial Father will always be within you. The link of creatures with the Creator is immutable, and it will always be latent within His Children.

The Father will never withdraw from you, but the confusion of the world and the transformation of human beings can cause you to feel distant from God. For this reason, I leave you this key: silence and contemplation, breath and the constant search for the Heart of the Creator within you.

In silence, enter into a dialogue with God, a dialogue in which you listen and He makes Himself heard, a dialogue in which you only say: "Lord, here I am. Guide me!", and He leads your spirit to His Dwelling Place, where wisdom and inner fortitude will be given to you through the Grace that has been upon you since the beginning of life, since the first moment when the Father sent His Children to the material dimensions with the promise that one day they would return to His Heart.

God's promise is alive and immutable. There should your hope be.

The silence will lead you to an encounter with this mystery, and the peace revealed in it will allow you to love and renew the love in all the circumstances of the end of times.

Thus, hold My Words in your heart and experience what I tell you; in this way, you will never be lost, but will always find God, and He will find you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Go, child, to the aid of souls who suffer, souls who, in the loneliness of their heart, carry the weight of hopelessness, despair, discouragement, souls who are searching for a meaning to their own life and have need of help to find the Light of Divine Purpose again.

Go to the aid of souls and give meaning to your existence through service, prayer and the Sacraments, which lead essences to a return to their divine origin.

Go to the aid of souls, listen to the hearts that suffer, remain by those in need of support in order not to fall into the abysses that are so close to their feet.

Through true prayer, hold the hand of the Children of God who need to return home. Be a bridge so those souls can find the path to the Celestial Dwelling Place again.

Go child, go to the aid of lonely and forsaken souls, those who committed to Christ, but have become lost in the murky and rough waters of the end of times.

Let your heart be an island of salvation, let your spirit itself be the bridge and doorway so those in need of rescue are able to be helped. This is what you are called to live today.

Through the emptiness of yourself, allow Christ to use you as His instrument, because the only things that will rescue souls in this time are Unity and Love. These are the two keys that turn on the Light of an inner world that is in darkness; this is the hand that  reaches out to a soul imprisoned in deep abysses.

Thus, through the virtue of service, practice the gifts of Love and of Unity, because souls have need of rescue and of Light in this world that is being extinguished from the inside out.

In times of an ever greater chaos, be a bridge of Love and Unity for souls.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In prayer, contemplate the world and its most profound needs; contemplate souls and their deepest abysses; contemplate your own consciousness and observe yourself, being aware of what is in you that is to be transformed and all that you have already been able to offer God.

And after all this, child, go further. Let your heart transcend the limits of form, and through the Universal Laws, cross the portals toward the Heart of God.

There is a Primary Law which manifested life in matter and which governs existence, being above all the rest, when consciousnesses are protected from their actions, and this, child, is the Law of Love.

The Law of Love is a Law that you must begin to know, not just in theory, but deeply, because it is this Law that allows you to be alive. It is the Law that grants the planet the gift of life, in spite of life itself having been transgressed so many times.

When not even Mercy is capable of transforming situations, there is only one energy that can go beyond, one single principle, one single Law, which is Love. Love is still a vibration unknown to beings from the Earth, even though it is the foundation of their existence, even though it is the latent pulsation in its essence like a potential to be renewed and multiplied by human experiences.

 Love is still unknown to humanity, but the time has come to love, the time has come when only this Law will be able to safeguard creatures.

Only this Law will bring solutions to the impossible challenges, for the unthinkable tests. Only this Law will intercede for the most sinful souls.

Only this Divine Principle, alive in beings, will allow them to see with the Eyes of God and find the essence of the being behind a consciousness that seems to be immersed in evil and aloneness.

Mercy is an expression of Love. A being will not know how to be purely merciful if they have not allowed an expansion of love within themselves. They will be able to be just, compassionate and real, but to go further in this time of chaos, child, only one Law in all of Creation will allow you to do that, and it is the Law of Love.

The Law of Love will bring you closer to God, will merge you with His Divine Purpose, will grant you spiritual wisdom.

The Law of Love will open your consciousness for the expression of the Holy Spirit and will allow your human feelings to be sublimated into Divine Feelings of a higher emotional body, which is united with Cosmic Rays rather than only with Planetary Rays.

This body will be capable of expressing mercy, as a pure emanation of your sincere emotions, because your consciousness will not be governed by terrestrial principles, but rather by Divine Laws.

When the Law of Love governs a consciousness, all the other Higher Laws that came after it will also gain space to express themselves. And in this way, what are called miracles occur, because the Laws flow through the consciousness that is capable of loving. Your spirit unites with the Spirit of the Creator and becomes co-creator with the Father to manifest His Principles and His Will in material life.

How is one, then, to live under this Law, child?

On entering into prayer, contemplate the world and its most profound needs, contemplate souls and their deepest abysses. But do not remain there; go further. Do not remain in what is chaos and pain, misery and abysses; go further, searching within yourself for what motivates the Creator to support life, and one day, through your sincere search, you will find that Gift, the expression of that Law, because it silently dwells within you. You will then learn to love and to renew Love.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Calm your heart, child, and find consolation in the Source of Peace to which sincere prayer can lead your spirit.

Renew your vows to God, in a sincere commitment to persevere, carrying out His Plan beyond the difficulties in life and the challenges which these cycles of the planet will bring to humanity.

Find strength in truth, in transparency and in humility, so that you not suffer because of the resistances to which your heart, your mind and your emotions cling.

Let this cycle of the planet generate the necessary transformation within you, for it does not come to punish humanity, but rather to define it. For this reason, at each new challenge, confirm within yourself your commitment to God, remember from where you came and where you are being called to return.

And even though sometimes you lack the strength to continue forward, allow a Higher Power to lift you up and strengthen you, to guide you and take you by the hand to accomplish the Divine Purpose: this is the Holy Spirit of God, the Consoler of souls, Who will show His Countenance to those who allow themselves to go beyond themselves, and who will not only count on their own strength and effort, but also, and above all, will be able to rely on Divine Grace and on experiencing the promises of Christ.

These will be the ones who will experience the action of Higher Laws in their own lives, and will bear witness to the presence of the Holy Spirit, for they will no longer live for themselves, but rather only for Christ.

Turn your heart and direct your steps to this destiny. 

Do not think about the tests that will come and do not be afraid of human definitions. Always be a heart that is empty and ready to go beyond, that allows itself to be shaped, corrected and transformed by Divine Laws, and which goes beyond itself when it lacks human strength, experiencing in itself the Divine Presence.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the most arid deserts or in the deepest abysses, the Love of God will always find you, child. When you are able to go beyond an inner aridity, sufferings and anguish, doubts and afflictions, and are able to pray to your Father Who is in Heaven, He will always hear you.

And like a starry sky in the desert or like a powerful light in the abyss, His Love will be revealed to your heart and will make you feel that not even deserts or abysses will limit the Presence of God in the life of His Creatures, because union with the Creator happens from the inside out, it is something that is experienced within you.

And the circumstances in life do not matter, where and how you are. If your heart is willing to go beyond that, the Creator will be guiding your steps and sustaining your spirit.

For this reason, do not be afraid and do not suffer because of the times of chaos and  conflict on the planet and in creatures. Concentrate your consciousness on the power of the Light and, in the face of the shouts of the deceiver, let your silence open the doors to a higher reality.

The enemy will shout and seek to confuse consciousnesses in many ways; its expression is an appearance, and its deception lies in superficiality.

Thus, the battle you must fight is in silence, constantly placing your heart in God and not allowing your eyes to focus on appearances, but rather that the focus of you heart be on the Truth, and that the shouts of the enemy echo without any strength in your ears, for they will not find any room in your heart.

Let your goal be Love, despite seeing resentment, wars and chaos in the world.

Let your goal be the Light, despite seeing confusion and darkness in the world.

Let your heart remain in the certainty that strengthens it, which is the Divine Purpose, that is beyond everything that is confusing and apparent. It is in this way, child, that in spite of everything that happens on the planet, you will find peace and will transmit peace to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let peace be established in the hearts that cry out to God to know His Purpose and His Will.

Let peace be established in the hearts of those who suffer the consequences of a time of chaos, wars and conflicts.

Let peace be established in the hearts of those who fear the end of times, a higher definition which must be established on the planet.

Let peace be a reality, children, in the hearts of all the servers of Christ, in spite of what happens around them, for they must always stay in the Heart of the Redeemer, and through this, be His instruments and bring peace to the world and to life.

Dispel anguish through contact with the Creator.

Dispel doubts in a sincere dialogue with God.

Dispel fears by looking at yourselves with clarity, because the truth, children, only shows itself to those who allow themselves to clearly see themselves.

Do not be afraid of losing yourselves, do not be afraid of losing control over life, because blessed will be the humble and those who humble themselves, first in light of their own consciousness, finding the freedom that comes from seeing oneself clearly and being capable of consciously working on one's own transformation.

Do not close your eyes to what is inside you, seeking the light of transformation, because when you open your eyes to what must be transformed within yourselves, it is then, children, when the world will also open its eyes to transform the core of the human condition.

Those who listen to the Words which come from Heaven, from the center of the Heart of God through His Messengers must be the first to turn their eyes to their own heart and say:


“Show me, Lord, what I need to see.
Allow me to find what distances me from You,
so my consciousness may dispel the interferences
and embrace with simplicity the Grace
and the freedom of the transformation.”


If the servers of Christ deepen their transformation, they will open the doors so that humanity is able to receive within itself the impulses that lead to a new cycle, in which it will be capable of going beyond the chaos, the terror and the conflicts, to find the freedom that exists within itself.

Children, do you perceive that the time to submerge yourselves in that which is real has come?

Do you perceive that without submerging yourselves in the deep waters of the ocean of consciousness, you will be carried away by the waves that stir up the surface of human life?

Do you perceive that, without plunging in and losing your fear of what you will find in the unknown ocean of yourselves, you will never discover the real life that dwells within you?

Imagine a sea agitated and full of great waves, affected by strong winds that stir up its waters in all directions; this is how the human consciousness is today, confused among all the winds that blow and stimulate it in all directions, without knowing where to go, without managing to give a direction to its own energy and the movement of its life.

However, in the depths of the ocean there is peace. In the depths of the consciousness there is an unknown life, and yet, children, the deeper, the darker it is, the greater the Graces that will be revealed to you.

The winds of superficial life distract and confuse you, and the apparent darkness of your own inner self causes you to be afraid of submerging into yourselves; but all this is part of the illusion of these times.

For this reason, I will never stop telling you that the key for sustaining yourselves in this time is to look sincerely at yourselves, plunge into your own inner self and find the freedom to be imperfect, sincere and willing to be transformed, and allow yourselves to be corrected, allow yourselves to fall and get up and always go deeper, where peace and unity with God dwell.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

