Friday, January 25 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear son, dear daughter.

With the power of My love I will erase from your hearts all of the sadness and I will open a new door to Heaven where souls live in the happiness of serving God.

Today, again, I am together with you so that you may know the marvelous power of My Love and of My Protection.  It is not necessary to have anguish in your hearts, you must only have peace, this peace that I bring today.

You already knew that purification will bring everyone imbalances in the consciousnesses for those that cannot easily release the material codes that they have learned on this Earth.  Be patient, be careful for your brothers and sisters for the tricks of the enemy that intend to put you one against the other.

Give Me all situations that you cannot transcend, place it with faith inside of My Heart so that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the inner planes will intercede to harmonize any situation that you cannot resolve.

But be attentive My children, do not be involved in conflicts and disputes between brothers and sisters because this is the way that the enemy wants you to be distant from each other so that he can reign among you.

Remember and have so present that under the Law of Unity the Kingdom of the Heavens will descend to the Earth and it is for you to have the responsibility to maintain this unity, first with Me and with My Son and through us among you.

Today through your prayer I will intercede before God our Lord and before My Beloved Son so that all the causes that your hearts still guard, those that do not permit the harmony, the peace and the unity that flows from the love of My Son, be grounded in your hearts for always.

Come to Me dear children so that I may rescue you under My mantle of light and protection, come to Me and I will make a miracle of love in you.

Who loves you and guards you, who protects and sustains in your mission of love on this Earth, your Queen Mother.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Thank you for continuing to answer to My call.