Tuesday, October 1 of 2013

Daily Messages

My pitiful Heart is expanded to the boundaries of the universe to rescue the essences that are lost and especially the souls that are forgotten and have forgotten about Me since the beginning.

My Unfathomable Mercy has pity on the enemies, on those who oppose the accomplishment of My Works in the souls that I have come to awaken at the end of this time.

As I have told you, pray for your enemies and opponents so that the light of the sublime redemption may open a space of love in these consciousnesses, those that have lost the sense of the spiritual life.

In this hour My Shepherd Consciousness gathers all of the flocks that will need to answer to My universal Commands of redemption. Do not fear finding obstacles because they are part of the maturity of the love in your beings. Continue firm without looking behind, with the merciful prayer as a shield and no longer unquiet your hearts.

It is time to transfigure the past for a good future of graces and blessings. My Heart will rehabilitate some of the consciousness that have forgotten about My Confident Heart. Open your arms and say yes to the Supreme Will that the Father is giving to you. In confidence and love continue walking because humanity must redeem itself.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living always in the protection of My Merciful Heart!

Christ Jesus