Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe: find out what happened on this journey on behalf of the nations

"Who will accompany the Hierarchy in a decided and confirmed way in this risky task for the nations of the world?"
The Virgin Mary, 09.25.23

Between September and October 2023, the Divine Messengers fulfilled an important stage of Their Mission of Peace through another pilgrimage in Europe. This spiritual task included the nations of Finland (on the border with Russia), Estonia, Lithuania and Poland (on the border with Ukraine).

Through this work, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary acted to balance critical situations which, as well as causing suffering for the people of the region, could have repercussions for the rest of the world, especially in Africa.

Thus, while they instructed us with their sublime Messages of Peace and Mercy, transmitted through the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Christ Jesus and the Virgin Mary were promoting great spiritual liberations in the countries of Eastern Europe.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph accompanied this trajectory on the inner planes, while guiding souls through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús, in Brazil.

Below, you can read a summary of the Messages delivered by the Divine Messengers during this Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe.


September 12, 2023 - Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Porvoo, Finland

Our Lady revealed that one of the reasons for being in Finland was to remove the ambition for nuclear weapons from the human minds.

The Virgin Mary affirmed that, on the day of this Apparition, God reflected His Sacred Attributes in Mother Nature so that, through her, the souls that needed them most would receive assistance.

The Divine Mother appealed to us to seek union with nature. She warned that by destroying Creation, humanity destroys their own essence and disconnects their spiritual consciousness from the Supreme Source. She also stated that by simply contemplating Creation, we have the possibility of rediscovering our roots and spiritual values.


September 15, 2023 - Apparition of Christ Jesus in Kotka, Finland

In this Apparition, which took place on the border with Russia, Our Lord carried out a spiritual and occult task for peace among the nations of the world. 

He repeated that we should not raise the sword against the enemy; we must, on the contrary, see him with eyes of compassion, understanding that the love of that heart was stolen by His adversary. Thus, the Master emphasized that it will not be through battle or confrontation that the war will be won; it will be by breaking the hardest aspect of the human heart through the Ray of Consoling Love.

Christ Jesus highlighted that this should be the attitude of the New Christs: not to love with differences, not to love with conditions, not to love with preferences, not to love with denials, not to love with injustices; only to love from the heart, as He loves us.

The Master also reiterated that the time has come for His companions to make the decision to follow Him unconditionally. Our choices, He emphasized, will define the next steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Rescue Plan of humanity.


September 19, 2023 - Apparition of Saint Joseph at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil

In this Apparition, Saint Joseph appeared with the Child Jesus in His arms, as a Divine Aspect of the Consciousness of the Son of God, who radiates innocence and purity to the world. The Chaste Heart has asked for this image, revealed to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús, to be reproduced so that, through it, He may intercede for the children of the world.

Our Instructor said that one of the enemy's greatest plans is to corrupt the purity of children, so that they do not manifest God's Plan on Earth. For this reason, Saint Joseph once again called us to pray with and for families, as a way of protecting the souls of children and young people from the chaos and negative influences of these times.


September 22, 2023 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Tallinn, Estonia, for the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations on September 24, 2023

In this Apparition, the Virgin Mary invoked the intercession of the angels so that the nations would convert to God.

Our Lady also spoke about the greatness of God's Love and about our commitment to living the Divine Will. She said that, in order to mature their union with the Creator Father, it is time for souls to be prepared to live what they have never lived before, to learn what they have never learned before and to grow internally in what they have never grown in before.

The Divine Mother affirmed that the Great God of Love and Infinite Mercy always has His Heart open to receive all His children.

Our Lady also said that there is no being in this Creation that is not capable of imitating the Creator Father-Mother, for He deposited a creative essence within each being. She said that we can see this being fulfilled in the beauty of Creation.


September 23, 2023 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Tallinn, Estonia, for the Meeting with the Virgin Mary on September 25

On This Day, Our Lady blessed Estonia and spoke of the gift of God’s Original Purity. According to Her, this gift can stop all evil by dissolving it from the human consciousness.

The Most Holy Virgin said that, to manifest the gift of God's Original Purity, we must cultivate the purity of the heart. However, She explained that we will not achieve this by developing skills or achieving sublime virtues, even if these help us on the spiritual path. To achieve the purity of the heart, we must learn to be transparent and clear like water, that is, to manifest the truth of who we are, without trying to conceal anything or to pretend.

The Virgin Mary highlighted that if we incessantly seek the purity of the heart, that purity that today is buried by interferences and modernities, our transformation will be different, for the human condition will not enslave us and redemption will not be burdensome. Our Lady also assured us that by doing this, we will be helping the world in these end times.

The Most Holy Mary said that the gift of God's Purity is so simple and true that most souls cannot perceive it, for this Original Purity is in Creation, both in the beauty of nature and within us.


September 25, 2023 - Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the occasion of the Meeting with the Virgin Mary on September 29

In this Apparition, the Virgin Mary took the symbol of an Eastern European nation in Her Arms, to purify and wash it clean of all thoughts and ideas that are not of God.

The Divine Mother also opened a spiritual door to relieve the angels of some Eastern European nations who, in anonymity and silence, bear the burden of these countries' spiritual debt. She referred to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as important centers for this task.

Our Lady insisted once again on the importance of praying for the nations, so that evil does not spread throughout the world and hearts do not continue to suffer with persecution, exile and death in conflicts and wars.

The Queen of Peace warned us to never challenge that which does not come from God. She said that we must be like Her Son, Jesus, who liberated with His silence the lost hearts and saved the condemned souls at that time.

Finally, the Holy Virgin asked us for the Prayer for Peace in Belarus be added to the Prayer for Peace in Eastern Europe and Russia, within the schedule of the Prayer for Peace in the Nations channel.


October 4, 2023 - Message of Christ Jesus transmitted in Przemysl, Poland, on the border with Ukraine

Christ Jesus announced that He was coming to intercede once again for Ukraine and for the other peoples who are experiencing war, but who are not news in the world.

Our Lord stated that He came to Earth to witness that Love exists and that, despite the errors of humanity, this Love can never be defeated. Thus, the Master reminded us that we should not fight the enemy, but rather, defeat it through Love, for Love can convert hearts hardened by suffering.

Christ asked families, in a special way, to care for their children, protecting them from the dissociative influences of these times. However, He indicated that this should not be done through imposition, but through the living word of love, which should be repeated as many times as necessary. He asked us to pay attention to the science of language and the mystery of the Creator Word which, only through a word spoken with true love, is able to transform a lost heart.

May we continue to support the Divine Hierarchy in Their planetary work for peace amongst peoples and nations.

Shortly, we will also publish the summary of the Pilgrimage for Peace in Brazil held in November here.