• Friday, April 26 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    Learn, children, to separate the impulses that come from your own souls from those that come from the Celestial Kingdom and the Higher Universe of consciousness.

    To hear one's own soul is an important step for the human consciousness, without which there could not be any evolution. Evolution is a path of ascension, of communication and of union with the different levels of existence, until the being finally returns to the Heart of the Celestial Father, carrying within themselves the renewing codes of manifested life.

    Over the centuries, beings who have sought to tread the spiritual path learned to listen to their souls, and many times, their spirits, their monads, to thus walk the path of life on Earth with the assurance of higher impulses.

    However, now is the time to go beyond that. Now is the time to indeed listen to one's own soul, but not remain there, believing that the impulses for evolutionary life all come from this single inner contact.

    Now is the time to go beyond, of learning to distinguish the contact with higher levels, so that, in touching the dimensions of your souls, you are able to go beyond and carry the souls with you to a deeper and more silent state, more transparent and full, a contact with Higher Universes, where you should only seek a pure and simple unity.

    When your consciousnesses enter into sincere prayer, and between one word and another, you are able to become silent, then you will be capable of hearing your own souls, feel them and perceive them in just the way they need you to perceive them. However, if you persist in that elevation, in praise and silence, in concentration and emptiness, without wanting anything for the self, only a unity with God, you will be able to go beyond and allow your souls to also be able to look upward and inward, to also be able to enter into the practice of contemplation.

    When souls contemplate, minds become silent and simply observe; the personality does not give an opinion, does not analyze, and does not look for answers, it just observes; the aspects of the human consciousness do not confuse inner contact with what they experience in matter, they simply observe; the soul does not seek to guide and lead anything, it is not treading any path, is only being drawn like a magnet to its source of vibration.

    It is attracted by the Divine Consciousness, and with the yielding of its planetary part, it simply goes into the experience of unity, and in that experience, children, there can be full silence, you do not need words nor intentions, thoughts or actions: just being.

    Here you will receive the knowledge of unity from God, and with it, a wisdom that is not acquired with the mind, but rather with the essence.

    You must walk towards this experience, because in this time of chaos and confusion, of deep purification and challenges, your beings must enter into secure Universes, where not even the mind, nor the personality nor even your souls can interfere, but just live.

    And from the principle of Unity which emanates from the Heart of God, from the deep Love of the Father on being before His Creatures, the essence of wisdom will emerge that will strengthen you and bring you answers to your deepest questions, which you will not know how to explain, but just experience.

    And those who draw close to you will not need to hear or ask, but rather just feel and observe the example and the presence which will transform the human condition.

    You have My blessing for this.

    Your father and friend,

    The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

  • Saturday, April 20 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    My dear and beloved children,

    While violence, abuses and war in the world continue to worsen, on the other hand, My enemy tries to influence or tempt many priests so that the union that the priest establishes between Heaven and Earth may be interrupted.

    This is one of My greatest pains, because it has consequences for hundreds of souls who are waiting for this opportunity through the loving experience of the Sacraments.

    Dear children, I need the souls who have offered to pray for priests and for the priesthood in the world to continue to accompany Me in this spiritual battle.

    May faithful hearts, who trust in the Presence of My Son in the Eucharist, help priests to fulfill their duty and spiritual mission.

    If this does not happen, not only will more souls lose the faith that is already outraged in many hearts, but without the presence of committed and true priests of Christ, peace cannot be established.

    I need My faithful praying armies on earth, united in priestly ministry, to know how to go through this fierce battle of the end times.

    Dear children, My Mother's Heart seeks to protect My beloved children, the priests of the Lord, for without priests there are no Sacraments and without Sacraments there are no Graces to bestow on souls.

    This is the hour for all to remember the sacrifice of My Son for you. Without this in mind, the sorrow of those who have not heard the Voice of the Lord will be great.

    I thank you for responding to My call!

    Who blesses you,

    Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

  • Friday, April 19 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    Wherever there may be a soul that prays from the heart, there will be the Heart of God, responding with Graces to the supplications of His Children.

    Wherever there may be a soul in prayer, there will be the Heart of God, finding consolation in the depths of the hearts of His Children.

    Wherever there may be a soul in prayer, there will be God, gathering up each bead and each song, each prayer and each praise to intercede for lost souls and create a way for them to return to His Heart.

    Wherever there may be a soul in sincere and true prayer, there will be God, opening an intercessory channel in their inner self, through which non-material Rays can descend to Earth to balance the imbalances of the world and grant peace to the conflicted hearts of humankind.

    Wherever there may be a soul in sincere and true prayer, transparent before their Creator, in humility and prayerful confession before God, there, children, will be His Heart, following each word and each intention, each silence and each thought, because the Love of the Creator for His Creatures is so great that He constantly waits, and with Love awaits the supplicant prayers of His Children.

    May your mouths always pronounce prayers.

    May your hearts always turn to God.

    May your intentions be turned toward the Divine Purpose.

    Let your lives be oriented towards the Greater Will, and in this way, your beings will always find answers, the conflicts in life will bring you balance, the tests in life will bring you ascension, your miseries will bring you humility, and everything duality is able to bring as a consequence in your lives will change into a step towards human and spiritual growth, so you may always draw ever closer to Divine Thought.

    In the same way as your Creator, today I hear your prayers and am always attentive to the voice of your pleas, and I sincerely say, children, that I will do everything so the Divine Purpose can be established in you, and through you, in human life.

    Never cease praying, never cease pleading. The dialogue with God will be your safe harbor in the planetary transition, because He Himself will guide you by your hand to the establishment of the new being on the Earth as long as you do not desist, and in prayer, always keep yourselves united with the One Who knows and is Truth Itself.

    You have My blessing for this.

    Your father and friend,

    The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

  • Saturday, April 13 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    My dear and beloved children,

    Today, I return to the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima with joy and sorrow, just as I return spiritually to each of your hearts.

    My joy is for this time of reunion with you, My sorrow is for the wars and especially for the innocent and imprisoned souls who continue to fall into the dark abysses of the planet.

    Here in Fatima, I delivered the Third Secret and since then it has unfortunately been fulfilled, because Russia continues to spread its poison throughout the world, just as other nations of Europe also do without pity or compassion for those who suffer.

    Before this inhospitable scenario in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, I come to ask you, on this 13th day that is special for Me, to postulate repairing hearts that, through your prayers, gestures and merciful acts, relieve the Heart of the Heavenly Father who is wounded and offended by the situations that are happening today on the planet.

    A heart of reparation is capable of keeping in mind every day, that before the Blessed Sacrament there is an open and safe door for the salvation and redemption of souls.

    Thus, on this sacred 13th day, one month from the anniversary of My Apparitions at Fatima, I come to renew My request, once made to the holy shepherds, that they offer sacrifices and prayers so that something worse would not happen and souls would be converted to the Heart of God through repentance.

    But, at this time, souls do not remember to repent and to ask for forgiveness; that is why, as I once said at Garabandal, the cup that was almost full is now overflowing.

    Therefore, My children, the hearts of reparation will be able to bring the world one last chance. I await your honest offers in order to also free My motherly and wounded Heart.

    I thank you for responding to My call!

    Who blesses you,

    Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

  • Friday, April 12 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    Let your life be a cenacle of prayer. Let your heart never think it is too late to begin again and delve into your own inner self, developing a union with God in yourself and thus traveling the path of sanctification.

    Seek, child, the path of sanctification as the primary goal of your life, which is nothing more than fully living the Will of God for your life and having that Will always in first place. Allow that purpose of sanctification to permeate your consciousness, your goals and aspirations, your relationships with others, your thoughts and feelings, your actions and words, your daily tasks, in short, your life.

    From the moment your eyes open each morning, offer your life to God with a simple prayer and renew this commitment during the day, asking yourself, in light of each situation to be experienced or decision to be made:

    Which is the path that brings me closest to Divine Will?

    What word can I speak?

    What thoughts do I have about others?

    What example am I capable of setting?

    What emanation can I emit to collaborate in the evolution of the other?

    You must ask all these questions before acting, so your life may be a repairing instrument in the Hands of God, so your life may be a justifying instrument, through which the Father and His Angels will be able to intercede for the world.

    Reflect within yourself and ask your spirit and your consciousness:

    Am I capable of having a path of sanctification as a life priority?

    Can I offer my being to Christ in expiation of the faults and imbalances of the world?

    This offering, child, is not about suffering like Christ, but rather of being like Christ in all things, and seeking in each action, His Action, in each word, His Word, in each thought, His Thought, in each brother and sister, a child of His, whom He waits to return to His Sacred Heart.

    Care for each soul as being unique and preferred before God. Care for your brothers and sisters as the treasures the Creator placed on your path so that human relations may be elevated and transcended, and the duality may be changed by a greater impulse of Love into unity among consciousnesses.

    You have My blessing for this.

    Your father and friend,

    The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

  • Saturday, April 6 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    Dear Children,

    As Lady and Guardian of the Eucharist, on this day of Pity and Mercy for the whole world, I would like My Son to be recognized once again by all, through the consecrated Bread and Wine; so that, through the adoration of good souls, the errors and outrages, which the Heart of the Creator continues to receive, may be repaired.

    Therefore, My children, through this gesture of merciful love of your hearts and lives, the Tabernacles of the Earth that are destroyed by wars or profaned by ignorant souls, spaces that are blessed by My Son, shall also be repaired and contemplated, just as the angels of the choir of reparation do.

    I would like to tell you, My children, that the holy places, just as the Eucharist sanctifies everything that it touches and radiates, are fundamental spaces for the elevation of souls and especially of the planet, which need much Light and Mercy in these times.

    The first step is that souls adore and value the Sacrament, so that humanity does not continue to lose its authentic spiritual union with the Creator.

    As Lady and Guardian of the Eucharist, I thank all My children who faithfully carry out every day the holy adoration of the Eucharistic and Heavenly Body of the Redeemer.

    United in prayer for all impossible and urgent causes, I thank you for responding to My call.

    Who blesses you,

    Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

  • Friday, April 5 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    Just as Christ, at each step of the Calvary and in His surrender on the Cross, experienced the Grace of being supported by God as well as the challenge of living His surrender as a Divine-human Being, thus also, children, each of you must live your definition and surrender in this time.

    You will live through moments in which Divine Grace will be over your hearts and consciousnesses, and in spite of the difficulties of the path, it will not be tortuous, because spiritual fortitude will support you.

    You also may live through moments in which your human condition will be put to the test, so that the divine condition can emerge from it. And in these moments or tests, your hearts must learn to observe themselves, so that thus you may go beyond that and not stop.

    When emptiness, loneliness, the weight of the world and despair should knock at the door of your consciousnesses, know that it is the time for going beyond and letting God manifest His Power and His Grace, not from the outside in, but rather from the inside out; it is time for your cells, at the apex of their limitation, to see inner fortitude emerge and liberate the mysterious Light that animates and supports them.

    It is thus, children, that you too, as cells of the Divine Body, will see a Love emerge that renews all things, an unknown Love which is born of the transformation of the human condition into its divine potential.

    I know that what I speak to you about seems distant to you in daily living, when your actions, thoughts and feelings sometimes are so different than an expression of Divine Love. But I speak to you so that you may point your lives toward this path and persevere, so you allow yourselves to be broken and rebuilt, so you do not fear the void or temptation, so that you may indeed recognize human frailty, but not remain in it.

    Open yourselves to experience the transcendence of this frailty, defeating it through surrender, yielding, prayer and the elevation of the consciousness. And each time you think about giving up and believe you cannot go any further, give yourselves the opportunity to remember the purpose of your lives and what you are called to in this time.

     You are called to be living miracles, to be Christs of the New Time, to be the last apostles and witnesses to the fulfilling of the Plan of God on Earth. And this is done, children, with your head on the ground and your heart in Heaven, in the surrender of your lives, so that you may understand human life and its facts and events with a mature consciousness and a look of wisdom.

    Persevere and surrender. Do not fear going beyond, for it is only in this way that you will discover the Purpose of God for each stage of your lives.

    You have My blessing for this.

    Your father and friend,

    The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

  • Sunday, March 31 of 2024

    Sacred Week

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The Feet of the Resurrected One touch the surface of the Earth to bless, heal and redeem it.

    Today I also have the special Grace of spiritually contemplating the path of those who have decided to follow the Footprints of the Redeemer anywhere on the planet, carrying My Presence in the human heart that is transfigured by My codes of Light and Love.

    I would like you to contemplate with Me the greatness of the miracle of Love in your lives. Even if you still feel imperfection, contemplate for a moment, beyond all this, what the eyes of your Master and Lord contemplate.

    Behold, behind Me, the Kingdom of the Heavens, with its angels and archangels, especially the celestial choirs that today surround the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, as well as each one of your consciousnesses, so that, through the Book of Life, which is preciously kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the experiences of love may be written, those which you were able to live in this last Sacred Week and, above all, the reconciliation and forgiveness between brothers and sisters.

    Because in truth I tell you that if no one reconciles and forgives themselves or others, what will become of the destiny of this humanity, in the face of so many disasters and wars and so much suffering?

    I come here for the last time, on this last day of the Sacred Week, so that you may be witnesses of My Presence in the world and in hearts.

    Very great and unknown is the debt of this current world, but greater and more powerful can be the work of Mercy in hearts that respond to My Call, such as your hearts.

    Today, the Lord of Israel, the Glorified and Resurrected Lord, cries not only for Jerusalem, as it was in the past, but He also cries for the innocent and those who are tormented in spiritual, moral and human captivity.

    My tears become Light for the innocent and today your prayers, not only of this day, but of this entire Sacred Week, including the Spiritual Trilogy of Devotion, Contemplation and Prayer, have become an important spiritual cause for the marginalized, innocent and poorest among the poor, so that they may be helped in this next cycle. Thus, your prayers become roses at the Feet of the Creator.

    Your souls prostrate themselves before the Kingdom of the Heavens, just as the holy angels do at this moment, so that the Son of God may be glorified in Heaven and on Earth, and especially in the hearts that seek relief from suffering and peace, just as it was at the doors of Jerusalem.

    Today, in the face of the painful scenario of the world and humanity, I come to remind you again of the importance of love, and I come to pray for those who need it the most, so that My healing and redeeming Hand may touch the head of all those in need of love and redemption.

    Carry My Graces of this Sacred Week in your hearts and lives. You can now be witnesses of My redeeming Love.

    The Lord listens to the prayers of those who cry out. The Lord contemplates the pain of those who suffer, and His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy placates the human miseries so that everything may become redemption and forgiveness.

    Today, I come to leave to you the spiritual seal of your union with Me and the union of My Heart with your hearts, so that you may hold on to the Presence of the Lord, who wants to lead you along the path of peace and goodness.

    My spiritual task does not end here, in this Sacred Week. The coming times will bring challenges to all, but also promising opportunities for growth, surrender and self-giving, so that the grave errors committed in this time by humanity may be justified by the self-giving and surrender of the consistent ones, and Mercy, instead of Justice, may be poured out.

    As an example of all of humanity, there are souls present here today who fulfill an important parable, the parable of the prodigal son. Because the Eternal Father is not severe to the one who makes a mistake out of ignorance or unconsciousness; His Mercy and Love transform the mistaken heart.

    Just like the father of the prodigal son, the Father, with His Arms open, places His miserable and mistaken Son on the path of return toward His Heart, where all offenses and errors are diluted, the soul attains forgiveness and Mercy and once again starts from scratch, as each one of you does.

    On all the days that will come, you must have the courage, the bravery and the strength to begin anew every day, just as your Master and Lord did at each step of the Calvary. At each moment, although I could not, I started anew, because the power of the spirit united to God is very great, there is no evil in this world that can overthrow the ardent aspiration of hearts.

    However, everything has its moment and its time. The triumph of the Love of God in souls has its time and moment. Therefore, you must no longer become bitter or sad. You must cross the door of this place renewed by the full conviction that you have glorified the Lord of the Universe and of Peace, and entrust your lives again in the Hands of God, just as I Am Life in the hearts that surrender to the Lord.

    I want you to carry with you what is most precious that I have, the most precious among all treasures, gifts and Graces. I want you to carry with you, in Spiritual Communion, the Love of the Redeemer, which will help you to continue on in these unknown times. It will bring you the hope of renewal. It will help you even in your self-esteem, because your souls and those of your brothers and sisters of the world must no longer be depressed.

    Although this difficult time does not help humanity, because humanity becomes compromised outside of the Law of God, you must feel the renewal that I bring, and the absolute certainty that you have found Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life.

    I want to thank all those who made the effort to prepare these meetings. Everything, on all planes of consciousness, even on the material plane, must be aligned with the Purpose of the Redeemer.

    The prize that awaits those who have truly surrendered to collaborate with this Sacred Week, is very great. But what is greatest, companions, is that My Love may transform you into what I so much expect and aspire to.

    Therefore, before I close this Sacred Week, through the Holy and Divine Communion, I come to give you once more, the Anointing through My Spirit, so that you may carry within yourselves the visible sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, which will accompany you until the end of your days, until it is the moment to conclude this experience on Earth.

    Remember that what I give you is inalterable and unchangeable, because it is an eternal and incalculable Grace.

    May My Peace encourage you to live in My Peace, so that My Peace may be in you, and My Grace may be in you, so as to be in your brothers and sisters of the world.

    Feel yourselves anointed by My Light.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    At the request of Christ, at this moment we will conclude with that with which we began this Sacred Week: confident and renewed by His Presence, transformed by His consoling and redeeming Love, purified in soul, spirit and consciousness, anointed by His Grace and His Light, and by each one of the merits of our Redeemer.

    Thus, we will unite through the song of María de los Inocentes (Mary of the Innocents), asking, from what is most intimate in each one of us, that the Grace of the Anointing of Jesus may reach those who most need it and those who suffer the most.

    At this moment Our Lord says that each one will know, in the silence of their heart, what soul known by you needs the Grace of His spiritual Anointing.

    For this, we will sing as one voice and one heart, giving thanks for the Presence of the Lord in these eight days.

    The Lord will draw near His friends and companions.

    Let us sing.

    Song: “Healer of my soul.”

    May Light, Grace and Mercy accompany all hearts as a special Anointing of Light.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Saturday, March 30 of 2024

    Weekly Messages

    Dear Children:

    On this Saturday, accompany the recollection of the Lord, so that His Sacred Heart may be repaired from all the evils caused to the human race and especially to life.

    Let us pray so that nations, peoples and society may rediscover the significance and reason for belonging to God, so that the ideologies that incite to the rejection and denial of all spirituality and even of all religion may not undermine the path of souls, of the return to the House of the Heavenly Father.

    Therefore, My children, this is an atypical time, it is a time in which one's own ideas prevail, capable of changing the destiny of one or several entire nations.

    This is the reason and the time to turn to the Spiritual Temple of God, to pray and to ask for sanity to fill all possible hearts, especially all hearts that no longer believe in the existence of the Living God. This also wounds My Mother's Heart, just as the lance wounded My Son on the Cross.

    Therefore, dear children, you must have a life united with God, for He is the Source and He is the spiritual nourishment in these times.

    I thank you for responding to My call!

    Who blesses you,

    Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

  • Saturday, March 30 of 2024

    Sacred Week

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    In the Kingdom of Heavens the supreme reality of God lives, something that God Himself has tried to have humanity understand, knowing that after this material life and this experience on Earth souls must return to Him.

    Therefore, everything you do here, in the experience of the Earth, will represent the evolutionary or non-evolutionary result of what you will later on live on the higher planes of consciousness.

    Through the revelations made to the holy visionaries, you have come to know a part of the mystery of My Resurrection, which is the same Law that rules this material universe.

    I would like humanity not to forget that it has a soul, and that this soul exists on the inner planes, to finish living an unconcluded experience.

    Nothing of what you live here on Earth could be transitory. God always indicates the path to the one who seeks it. With His Hand, God guides the path of hearts, and We, through Our Divine Presences, have offered to the world time and again, for it to be guided, believe and have faith.

    For this reason, I granted you the Sacraments, so that you may remember that they are there as inexhaustible and inextinguishable sources of Grace, for the soul that truly seeks the conversion of the heart.

    This is why it is so important that you may live forgiveness in this experience on Earth. Remember that you cannot leave this world without having forgiven and without asking for forgiveness.

    The soul exists to conclude an experience, and I want you to know that for the majority this is the last experience. Therefore, you must think of the existence of the higher planes of consciousness, the Kingdom of the Heavens or whatever you want to call it, where your experiences after this life will undergo a synthesis.

    I do not come to speak to you of the bodily death. I come to speak to you of the opportunity that you must not miss in this life, because the step is unique, just as is unique each moment of surrender and offering of your hearts.

    I come to tell you this, companions, because I know that many who are here today and others who are not here, have submerged on the path of suffering and guilt. But God demonstrates to you, through the Presence of His Son in this time, that the door of His Divine Mercy is still open for the world, especially for those who have little time left to repent.

    I want you to always keep in mind that God loves you, under any situation or condition. God does not have anger, God has Pity, Grace and Mercy; and this, in many cases, is completely forgotten, because the souls that are incarnated in this time easily become involved with indifference and that which is superficial.

    But I also come, in this time and through each meeting, at the request of My Eternal Father, to place the redeeming Christic code in the innermost depth of the government of your souls and essences, the code of love and redemption that must be cared for and protected by yourselves. Because just as God gives all, He can also take all from you.

    Not even the minutest particle of His Divine Grace is wasted in this universe; if that happened, it would be an offense to His Heart. For this reason, I call you to value this moment and to learn to read what I Myself Am writing through your lives. On this will depend what will happen to each one later on.

    Imitate the example of the angels and saints who adore, love and revere God, Our Creator. Thus, your lives will deepen their spiritual and human dignity, and those virtues that God holds in His Heart, and are preciously chosen for each one, will be delivered in due time, when your hearts are ready, and that moment is drawing near.

    The time of preparation is ending, the time of action is beginning, because the emergency in the world is very great. Misery, suffering and illness must be placated and many, really many hearts are waiting for the great day of their liberation.

    You, by being here and by responding to My Call without My directly asking you, are participating in the preparation of this great moment, when I will return in Glory and with all the Power of God, to establish in this world again the universal order and the true Spiritual Government.

    Do you understand that the Law must be re-established? And this will take place through the attitude of your hearts, through merciful actions, because Mercy will help you to perceive the necessity in any place, even in that apparently silent and anonymous heart.

    I come so that your souls may open their eyes and perceive, for themselves, what they are participating in. It is not just a moment of Grace, Pity and Mercy; it is a moment to make the new apostles emerge, those who, in the end times, will re-write the history of humanity and the planet, just as the Hierarchy itself has re-written the history of all its inner and sacred centers, such as this place, throughout the times and above all through souls.

    Not all will be able to live the same model of evolutionary life, you must be very clear about this. If this is forced, it might have irreversible consequences.

    You must learn every day to perceive the need of your fellow being. In this way, you will truly help the growth of each brother and sister, by sustaining and supporting their being without condemning them, because I Am here so that hearts may find Me again.

    But so that hearts may find Me again, may feel and live Me internally, the consciousness and, above all the heart must be open here, because I will send souls and though these souls I will go and test you, to know if My degrees of Love have been correctly sown in you.

    Therefore, take advantage of this Sacred Week and release all that which binds you to the past and, above all, become liberated from yourselves, because you can now do it, it is just a matter of trusting Me more. Thus, the future plans and those not so distant will be visible to all, and God will place His Hand upon you so that, through your souls, He may write His Will.

    If that happens just as God expects, I assure you that the errors of the world will be justified, including the errors that are committed with the blood of the innocent, which is still shed in these times. Thus, you can understand that this is nothing personal, it is a way similar to that lived by My Apostles.

    But now we are in a definitive time. All decisions must be premeditated, discernment might not be enough, it is necessary to ask for Light for each matter, so that the path of the Law that I Am drawing, which is the Law of My Love, may be trodden.

    Thus, I make you participants in all My designs, projects and operations, because in this way I will be able to find available and authentic hearts, capable of giving everything. Likewise, many more will be called to give everything, so that God’s Aspirations may be concretized.

    Under this reflection, companions, which you must not forget and that you must know by heart, I prepare you for the next three years of your time, when very decisive events will present themselves, and all, in some way, will participate in these events, because humanity is one and one is the Project of God for humanity.

    These next three years will define the reappearance of Christ, your Master and Lord, who will make His incursions in some places of the planet. And this will not be just spiritual, but also physical. As you know, I will not warn you in advance, because the Plan that I have foreseen must be fulfilled just as it was proposed and thought of by the Great Creator Fathers.

    Whether you want it or not, whether you accept it or not, and take the step you must take or not, all will participate and be witnesses of this. Therefore, it will be important that, before My hour is fulfilled, your intentions, attitudes and forms be already purified.

    In truth, I tell you that not even the holy women, who ardently waited for My Resurrection, were able to withstand the vibratory Presence of the Lord. I ask you: what will you do when that happens?

    The Lord will come as a stranger, but through His garments will be the Presence of the Lord. You have to be attentive to recognize Me and also when I call you by your names, because the history that began in Israel must be completed, and this is the time for this to happen.

    Therefore, My Spirit, Soul and Divinity gather you in these end times and through the Sacred Week, with the higher intention to prepare you. But remember that there is a part in all this that corresponds to each one.

    Do not wait for a response. Position yourselves in the way that a server and an apostle must position themselves. Offer to come out of yourselves and thus the clarity and guidance of the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus will come to you.

    I want to celebrate this Holy Communion today for this cause, especially for those who are awakening and for those who will awaken, so that your brothers and sisters of the world may receive the same Grace that you have received more than once. And through an act of true redemption and repentance, may all receive the Grace of Mercy.

    I have destined, at this moment, seven guardian angels for this Eucharistic Celebration, so that, during the moment of transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, your most honest and true intentions may be elevated to each one of the guardian angels, so that the Holy Spirit of God, by means of His gifts, may guide the steps of the souls that will walk toward the Purpose.

    So that your souls may receive these impulses and may hold it in the innermost depths of the spirit and the consciousness, I come to raise, elevate and offer, to all those present and those not present, the principles that founded this Light-Community and made possible for the  humble and tender Gaze of God to contemplate this simple and humble space, so that His Word might descend to Earth and from here to the whole world.

    Feel as part of this greatness of God and, above all, of His infinite and invincible Love.

    So that these principles may flourish in all souls and hearts, as a preparation for this moment of Spiritual Communion, we will honor and glorify the instrument that inspired this expression of God’s Plan on the surface, your brother and instructor José Trigueirinho, who was the secure door who offered himself for the awakening of souls, and who opened the door of his heart so that the Sacred Hierarchies might be here today, speaking to all.

    Let us revere this moment.

    Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

    We will sing “Breath of the spirit.”

    I bless you so that you may reflect and grow internally, knowing that My gifts, in this time, are unique and unrepeatable.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

