Feel My Words of comfort and mercy in your heart.

Those who will be persecuted for My Cause will receive the strength of My Spirit of Love so that with courage they may follow without fear My Steps directly to Paradise.

Just forgive and in My Mercy pray for those that for human reasons will not understand the night before the coming of the Redeemer. Open the path for the confused sheep that must again rest by My Feet to receive My Absolution and My Forgiveness.

Be transparent in words, truthful with feeling and clear with thoughts. May your intentions be My Aspirations, may your wishes be My Will in your hearts, may My Path towards the Kingdom be your only and perpetual path.

Nothing will be lost for those who will be judged for My Cause because the strength of their spirits will ennoble the word that will give testimony that it is Me who returns in honor of the fallen hearts.

During the hour of Mercy I ask you to divest your hearts from all judgment that is condemning you, like the stonemason who discharges the weight from his back. Because close is the Justice of the One who is above My Consciousness in the Heavens. This is God that in love will send His Firstborn Son to separate the old and bitter straw from the good and mature wheat.

For this may only the pure life of humility and compassion spring from your essences because if you learn to imitate My Compassion nothing will disturb you.  Let yourselves be guided only by the Light that indicates My Path to redemption. With pure hearts we construct the new dwelling, the dwelling of rest for the Lord Redeemer King.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed and peacemakers.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Special Message for the Apparition of the Most Pure Mother of God, transmitted in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

I am the Lady of Heaven, I am the one Who comes in glory and peace to radiate the Love of God to you.

I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the one Who will take you in My Arms from the abysses and carry you in honor of the Kingdom of God.

I am the Mystical Rose, I am the one Who emanates subtle aromas to silently protect your path of consecration to God. In this way, day after day, I try to lead you to prayer, because in prayer My Heart closes your wounds and protects your little hearts in the Light.

I am the Mother of Graces, I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun Who pours out the goodness and compassion of God onto the world and creatures.

I am the Guardian of the Faith of those who have lost it.

I am the Mother of the Divine Conception Who draws each child closer to the universe of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Warrior of Love, I Am the Patroness Who raises the banner of Peace.

I am the Lady Who in Love and Pity, unties the knots of those who constantly suffer.

For this reason, I cry out to all for prayer, because as humanity, you must repair the Heart of God for the grave offenses He receives.

I am the Lady of Peace, I am the Queen of Peace, Who announces the coming of the new Kingdom of Christ on the face of the Earth. In this way, I gather My soldiers, calling on them to be consecrated to a life of prayer, to the experiencing of fasting to purify the heart, to forgiveness and to reconciliation.

I am the Celestial Mother, I am the Solar Star that eternally shines in the firmament and announces the time of Mercy.

For My Son, I gave of Myself to all, and with the awaited coming of Christ, I will reveal the Aspect of the Lady of the Sun.

May My stars transfigure your lives into light, may My steps towards God be your steps, may My maternal Heart reverberate in love within you, may My merciful rays illuminate the dark pathway of those who have not yet reached the Kingdom of God.

With My Son, I return to the world to awaken it and call it to conversion.

Prayer will be your future nourishment that will nurture the spirit and all manifested life because through prayer, you will walk without delay to the Arms of God, and when all My children reach Heaven, I will cleanse the past from your faces in the Fountain of Life of My Son, and renewed in spirit, you will glorify God and eternally serve Him out of love and honor of the Creator.

For this reason, seek a life of sanctity while you are in this world. Be charitable one with another. In prayer, build the new principle of brotherhood. Be apostles of Peace and live the redeeming Message of Christ every day.

I come to you to lead you to Jesus because as a Mother, I wait and beg God for the salvation of humanity from the constant sin it lives in.

My dear children of Belo Horizonte, I thank you for the response of your essences to My Immaculate Heart. I especially thank the children that, out of love for the Greater Good, worked so that I, the Queen of Peace, could bring you all the Message and the Call. I thank you for your loving example of charity.

My children, on this Saturday of Glory, may your deep essences prepare for receiving the spiritual visit of the Lady Who is brighter than the Light, the visit of Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.

Dear children of Belo Horizonte, today may you be participants in the complete absolution that My pious Heart will radiate to all under the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for opening the door of your hearts!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



My dear brothers and sisters:

May I in this time be able to awake in you the sublime humility of the heart so that your lives may liberate themselves from the identification with the things of the world and, in this way, you may walk in consecration to My Eternal and Sacred Heart.

Dears, may the path of competition and of the recognitions amongst men and women of this world be distant from My servers. May prayer be the only path that takes them towards the encounter with Me, with My Kingdom of Love. Because the love of My Heart and the love amongst My companions will allow them to defeat the great atavisms of consciousness, as are pride and vanity. May your hearts, before these attitudes of the world, strengthen themselves by the living the spirit of fraternity and redemption.

My Blessed Heart is open so that you may adore it as a temple of prayer and devotion, a temple of the Beloved God that will protect you from the attitudes of your own selves. For this go through the path of peace and may peace be the reason to gather in the Light all of My sheep.

I wait for the awakening of new flocks. So that it may happen and all may be partakers of My Mercy My servers will be as the living bridge of love and charity. In this way the greater number of souls will cross the threshold towards My Heart.

I wait for you always in patience and in love. Love each other compassionately, in this way the world will be a little more relieved.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you, children, for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


My dear companions:

Today I take you all towards the depths of My Heart and through this emblem of union with Me I gather you around My Presence so that you may be able to comply with the commandments of My Father.

Dear friends: I know that many of you are about to cross the great threshold of the inner desert in order to thus live the transformation that the Father needs of your lives. He sends Me today for love to you, for love to the whole humanity. My Mercy is today the balsam awaited by your hearts, the one which by means of the Grace poured by Me, will give you strength to walk, love to be able to live and faith to believe in My Powerful Redeemer Word.

Today I am not only with you but also with your brothers and sisters who in this time of infinite mercy are united to My Sacerdotal Spirit.

My dears, I also see in you an intense inner depletion. I ask you to concentrate your faith in My Eternal Faith, your despair in My Comfort, your pain in My Compassion. I love you, I love you so much that I gave the life for you so that your generations would be able to be present in life in this time. Just abandon yourselves in My Arms because My Heart has already received the precious consecration of your souls.

Know, My companions, that the true soldier of Light is formed through the effort in serving and loving God above all things. I adore those who give all for their friends because they will convert themselves into eternal servers of My Kingdom.

While My Spirit circulates throughout the world, pouring Graces and Forgiveness, I ask you that you be brave every day and that you do not lower the banner of peace and redemption.

Dears, I am returning in Omnipresent Spirit in order to let you know the eternal life for your consciousnesses. I encounter in you a luminous path full of blessings.

What else do you want for your lives if from the Cross I completely gave you My Holy Mother?

My friends: entrench your faith in My Immaculate Heart because for you It will be the path of return to My Dwellings.

I thank you for lovingly receiving Me.

Under the Eternal Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My instructions in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. 


While humanity is still looking for satisfaction in life, My Maternal Heart calls all souls to the new and last flock of Christ.

As mediator before the souls that have found the spiritual path towards God, I want them to be able to help other souls that quickly deviate from the path of faith and from the Love of God.

Therefore, My children, I ask all praying beings today not to waste time and to pray with much aspiration towards the Heights, waiting for the Infinite Mercy of My Son.

I expect from My soldiers the awakening of their consciousnesses and that they offer themselves to collaborate so that the greater part of humanity be able to live some more time of peace. And as time goes by fast, I ask that you pray with the heart, attentively, so that something may be able to change in humanity.

Dear children, pray, pray, pray and pray! Pray with the voice of your hearts so that the Pity and Compassion of God may touch the hearts that have separated themselves from the Law of the Lord.

Remembering the teachings of the Commandments of Moses, today I ask you that you have them present in your lives as the first basic rules for a good child of God.

Dear children, throughout time humanity has been called to change from the heart; therefore may you open your eyes and see the Merciful Light that My Immaculate Heart is radiating to all.

I remind you of the importance of living in fidelity to My Son so that your hearts may be guided and may be protected in these final times.

I thank you for responding to the voice of My call in these times!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I am the Lady clothed and surrounded with the Light of the Great Sun.

I am the Immaculate Spirit guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the Queen of Peace.

I am the emanation of Love, of Unity and of Faith for all My children.

I am the refuge for those who are alone, I am the morning that awakens in each one of the lives.

I am the Morning Star, I am the Aurora that gathers the flocks of Christ.

I am the Immaculate Conception that brings comfort for the desperate, Love for the dispossessed, Faith for the lonely and Redemption for those who have denied God.

I am the bridge to the Heights, I am the Mother of the Perpetual Prayer of God.

I am part of the Divine Word, I am the testimony of the Creator.

I am His Servant, I am His Server. I am part of His Light for the world.

Dear children, I am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, I am for you the New Flower, I am the subtle Scent from the Fount of God.

I am the Mother of the Redeemer, I am the Servant of Christ. I am, for My children, the fountain that heals the wounds, I am the Blessed and Immaculate Heart.

I am the Mystic Rose, I am the Spirit of Peace.

But I will be even more, upon this world and in the universe, through your love, your compassion and your humility.

My children, today I invite you to be part of the Great Spirit of God. I invite you to live in the Heart of the Most High so that humility, sacred devotion and reverence may be able to be born from your tiny souls.

In you I will be the Mother of Graces. United to My Motherhood you will be united to the Eternal Father who conducts each soul, each one of My little children.

Dear children, may from your essences spring the wisdom to understand with the heart who, for Love and Grace, visits you month by month.

Just as I want to be with you, My Son wants to be part of your beings.

What greater Love is there if not the one that is born perpetually from God?

Dear children, today I am calling you to contemplate the immensity and the magnitude, the greatness and the universal expansion of the Love of God over all the universes.

Dear children, today I tell you and I remind you that each one of you is part of the divine expression of the Love of God, because through prayer you will allow the Love of the Creator to be born and to awaken in you in this defining time.

Today, only be Love, Divine Love and Immaculate Love. Today, only be peace, souls in the Peace of God and serve God with joy.

Blessed are the humble and those who persevere in My Son, because they will find the Kingdom of God in the heart.

I am the Mother of the Most Holy Heart of the Creator; as a part of Love, I love you and I bless you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


When you open your hearts to God, you will open them in love to your brothers and sisters. There you will begin to understand the science of compassion and your hearts will be touched by the supreme radiance of the Humility of God.

When you open your hearts by means of the exercise of prayer, the darkness of confusion will fade, and on the path you will manage to see the Merciful Horizon of God.

When you open your hearts, it will be humanity that will open itself to the Will of God. Souls will find themselves sincere and pure before the Creator, and with an Immense Love, His Grace will be poured over all.

When you live in My Immaculate Heart, I promise you that peace will surround the beauty of your souls as an extensive garden of roses because there will shine the One and Only God.

When you are in the Heart of My Son, your souls will be pacified and will live in the Law of the Holy Spirit; the essence of love and truth will be revealed to you in life.

If humanity opened the heart to My call, much pain would already have ended, peace would reign in the homes and no child of God would have their life in danger. But still very few are those who, spontaneously, open the heart to the call of My voice.

Many are the soldiers who must be in vigil. The Shepherd must look after His flock. Remember that everyone is called to constant prayer.

Today I invite you to open your hearts and let yourselves be conducted by the new maternal guidance. Whoever accepts to be My child will be well received in the Kingdom of Peace and, in a true act, the hearts of those who still have it closed to God will be opened.

This is what is essential for today: to open the heart so that the Love of My Son may reign among you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Maternal Heart comes to your lives to alleviate you from all pain, suffering and incomprehension. The Sacred Heart of My Son comes to your lives to redeem you and to lead you towards the path of salvation.

Dear children, calling again each one of your lives, today the Lord asks you to purify your hearts from any feeling that does not belong to the Light, because if you do this through the exercise of prayer, your souls will be helping to alleviate the great rage that a part of humanity lives. This is a feeling that distances the hearts from the One and Only loving Heart of God.

Therefore, My little ones, may your hearts be hearts of children: pure, crystalline and truthful hearts that, renewed in Jesus, may love again, creating in this way a bridge of peace between Heaven and Earth, uniting the Divine Spirit of God with the little spirit of each one of My children.

Dear children, a path for your hearts to be healed is to imitate the little and Divine Child Jesus who, with His purity and innocence, transmitted the essence of True Love to humanity. The little Child Jesus left upon this world the Spirit of the Love of God through His surrender for each one of you.

This is the love that I want My children to cultivate in their hearts; this is the love that emanates from the Sacred Heart constantly. It is the love that Jesus gives without tiring, such a compassionate love. He Himself consecrated each one of you to the essence of the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

I reiterate, My children, that when I talk to you about being little children, it is so that with this attitude you may purify the rage that is lived in the world. If you renewed yourselves in the spirit of love, humanity would be able to receive the Grace of Compassion.

Dear children, as a Mediator I call you to pray, to pray for peace in the mind and in the heart of each one of My children. I will, once again, be grateful for your responsiveness to the Plans of the Creator.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As the Mother of the Nations, dear children, today I invite you, as I have been doing for a long time, to pray for peace, to work for peace. Invoke the Divine Mercy by means of each prayer of the heart so that it may descend over all My children.

My little ones, on this day of special importance to the Lord, the Heart of My Son is present among you to remind you that now is the time for each one to observe with compassion the need of your neighbor and to see the urgency of your fellow human.

Therefore, My children, it will be important that your hearts concentrate in the essence of charity and of giving so that the Light of Christ may be able to spring from the depths of your hearts.

Humanity still must learn to live the essence of humility. All of you, My dear children, can convert your hearts into precious instruments for the Creator.

Today My Immaculate Heart is also on all My beloved children of Central America, children that I contemplate with much compassion so that the Redeeming Ray of My Son may emanate from their hearts.

Open your arms to receive the Love of the Universal Mother of Graces, so that in this way each one of your little hearts may consecrate themselves to the designs of God. This is the reason of My Immaculate coming towards you.

With My Immense Maternal Heart I ask you: pray! Pray and pray so that all may be able to be each day closer to the Will of God.

My voice comes towards you to announce the moment of Mercy, as if the Bird of the Holy Spirit were impregnating you with Its Gifts and Its Graces.

You can help with prayer so that this Magnificent and Omnipotent Spirit of God may be more present.

I want to teach you to open the treasury of the Heart of God so that you may discover the immense and powerful Love that He has for the existence of each creature on Earth.

In the same way that My Heart of Mother once pilgrimaged with Joseph to Egypt, today I invite you to walk towards the consecration of your hearts.

Remember that I wait for you to pray the Rosary every day, this will bring you closer and closer to God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In truth I tell you, dearest children, that whoever remains under the Light of My Immaculate Heart will always be able

to be guided, as long as you remember that you must be loving, helpful and compassionate with your fellow humans so that My Plans of Peace may be fulfilled in all nations of the Earth.

This is why, My children, today I invite you to be an active part of the power of prayer so that your lives may be a principle of Creation in the Hands of God and the sound of love that is born from His Voice.

It is important, dear children, to be what God wants you to be in this time. As instruments of the Father, carry My Peace today because there are many who still do not have it and need it. You will be potential roses in My garden only when you unite to Me in the prayer of the heart. Thus you will radiate to the world the Light that it needs in these times of changes.

Dear children, correspond to what God asks of you today: to be true children of God in the prayer of the heart and in peace because in this way you will be helping the inner harmony that many of My children need.

The Kingdom of My Peace wants to dwell in the lives of all, but I still find places that are not filled with My Maternal Love. Therefore today I invite you to be empty, empty as was My Son Jesus at the moment of carrying the cross and reaching the Calvary.

Imitate Jesus in the simple examples so that your lives may find the path of humility that all humanity should travel before the throne of God.

The Source of Love is springing up in the name of the Father through My Maternal Immaculate Heart so that you may rec- ognize that I love you and that I accompany you as the Lady of Eternal Graces.

I thank you for corresponding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I call you to prepare again and with joy My merciful arrival in the city of São Paulo. You, My children, can help Me in this mission of peace through the sincere act of prayer.

I want you to be more open so that, as instruments of My Maternal Light, My Immaculate Heart may reach spaces of this city that need much compassion and love. Still, dear children, few are the servers of Christ that, looking around themselves, can clearly see how much prayer is necessary for their poor and sick fellow humans.

Therefore, dear children, as praying souls that will receive once again the Grace of My visit, I ask you to prepare your hearts in prayer and, in this exercise, raise your hands to plead to God for the Grace of Conversion of many of My children in Brazil.

I love with fondness this nation that welcomed Me as the Only Mother for all. But still, a little bit more effort, love and dedication are necessary for the ones who are in most need and for those who are most distant from God.

You know that there are infinite ways of being a server of Christ. Today I invite you to be constant guardians of prayer so that it may never lack in your homes. The times that will come and that were described to My daughter Lúcia of Fatima are close. But all will depend on the attitude of souls before the simple life of prayer that I ask you to live as something primordial.

Your hearts are already enveloped by My Maternal Joy for visiting you once more in this needy city of São Paulo. May this visit be a new reason for you to meet the One and Only King of Life, of Truth and of the New Paths: My Son Jesus, the High Priest.

I thank you for the response from all!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My soldiers of prayer and My soldiers of peace,

Today I invite you to enter into My Mantle of Love and Protection so that your souls in prayer may prepare the heart for the good and the new.

Dear children, today I call you to be under the Mercy of My Son so that your hearts may completely recognize the Love that He has for you. Also, today, meditate on the compassion that each of you must radiate to others. This compassion will be a source of love from the heart, and it must pass through you until it enraptures you like the Love of My Son.

In this way you will be like little hearts that will walk in faith and in the hope for a new world full of peace. In order for souls to change and consecrate themselves to Christ, they must convert their feelings into something pure and crystalline. If each heart emanated in truth a feeling of Pure Love, this alone would help in the liberation and in the rescue of many souls that need God.

My Immaculate Heart is polishing you so that each new day your hearts may illuminate the world a little more, because the majority of hearts live without the Love of God. As I want to reach all My children in the world, you must be living instruments in prayer so that the Promised Graces may give life again to many souls that are lost.

For this reason, dear children, the transformation of each one of your lives and hearts is very valuable. In this way, you will be offering yourselves as flowers to God, and the Lord, in His immense Love, will be able to intervene with His Peace in the whole world. Each change in life must happen by means of the Love of My Divine Father and under the protection of His Holy Hands. In this way, you will be traveling a path full of peace so that the simple changes may happen.

The true need for each heart is to redeem itself and to begin to love in a pure and more ample way so that all the consciousnesses will be able to be permeated by the Divine and Greater Love. So that the world may be born again, as humanity, all hearts must have the exercise of prayer as an act of reparation and Mercy for the life of each soul.

Live in the hope of Divine Mercy. If you live this in the heart, you will be transformed and once more the world will be free and it will be alleviated from the burdens that it bears. The Light generated by each prayer constructs the bridge between humankind and fraternity.

I am among you so that you may learn to live from the Love of God. In this way, lives will be renewed because they will be within the Universal Love of God the Father.

Courage and Hope until Eternity!

Who guides you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Peace comes when it is requested through daily prayer. Peace is constructed as an Inner Temple and it has its foundations in love and in harmony. Divine Love and harmony is what is lacking in the world; therefore in prayer are to be found the keys that will allow all to live in true peace.

Dear children, Peace is like the great guiding star that the world needs today so that the events in humanity can change. Peace radiates hope to you and hope will bring you forgiveness together with Mercy. For this reason you must build the path of prayer like a beautiful garden of roses so that together, in fraternity, you may all feel and see in your hearts the different talents that the soul in prayer awakens.

Today, dear children, I give you the seven talents of prayer:

The talent of Love, through the absolute giving of the heart;

The talent of Peace, through the hope that can be emanated from life;

The talent of Joy, through harmony;

The talent of Compassion, through humility in the heart;

The talent of Faith, through perseverance in prayer;

The talent of Light, through the communion with Christ;

The talent of Mercy, through daily forgiveness that is emanated from the life of the soul.

Prayer awakens talents in the hearts that follow the path of inner communion with My Glorified Son.

Dear children, the path of prayer is deep and beautiful for your hearts. This is why I invite you to walk in confidence within the ocean of prayer so that your souls may find, in each moment, the Love and the Face of My Son.

Little children, in prayer the paths open so that the devotion to My Immaculate Heart may arrive as an inflowing of Grace for all of My children. Wait, each new day, for the Peace of God in your hearts.

Thank you for responding to My call.

May the Divine Hope spring in each soul.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

The relief of all suffering is achieved with prayer, when each one of you trusts in the light that will arrive to you through it. In this way, little children, you will be able to recognize the Will of God, a Will that radiates truth and compassion to each one of your hearts.

Dear children, in this time embrace the power of love that prayer has when it is done with the heart. In this way you will be collaborating in simplicity, for the relief of the pain of many souls that the Lord has asked Me to help. All of them are sister souls that you will be able to love and feel in prayer. In this way we will be loving those we do not know and those that are far away; in all these souls, true fraternity will begin to be gestated.

Dear children, let us proceed affirming the importance of the prayer that elevates hearts in condition and in feeling. We are now in the time to manifest the spirit of fraternity. The Merciful Lord has asked that many hearts, as many as possi- ble, begin to live with humility in this spirit of fraternity. If in the world people were more loving and fraternal with one another, the Plans of God could already be different.

For this reason, My dear ones, I come to your hearts to give you My Peace so that all may be able to walk towards the spirit of fraternity. The world is sick but we will be able to heal it when each one of you, praying, give everything of yourselves. The Lord contemplates the honesty of your souls and the love that you radiate when you pray.

Live in peace to be able to live in the Love of My Blessed Son Jesus.

In the Love of God,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity May Peace be in the hearts!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

