The world does not comprehend yet what is to live without the Love of God, the Love that heals, liberates and renews all things.

This full Love is rejected by some souls of the world that have only placed their eyes on their own fulfillment, on the conquest of peoples and entire regions on the Earth.

This has brought the separation of the spirit from the earthly being as consequence, breaking the true fusion that the Love of God promotes.

For this reason, My eyes do not stop crying and begging to the Celestial Father for His Divine Mercy because it will be through those who answer to My call that the Work of Peace will be concretized at least in one part of the world.

My spiritual wish is that everyday there may be souls in prayer that are capable of helping to change the events that humanity itself generates through the ambition of having more and more each day.  In this way, My dear children, My sorrow is not for the tests that are difficult to overcome, My maternal anguish is for the serious destiny that the humans are suddenly creating in many nations.

The Grace of God will purify their debts and soon they will be liberated from all.   But now, those called by Christ for the end of times must be willing and determined to carry out unexpected missions and rhythms of prayer increasingly wider; in this way the beast will not place its claws on some nations, those which must be guarded by the Light of My Maternal Heart.

Thus, My beloved children, aspire to be nothing, aspire to be in God and to follow His designs.  Many religious and lay people are surrounded by the influences of this current world, which diverts their attention from God.

One of the reasons why I have asked for the mysteries of the Holy Rosary is to take away from illusion and hypnotism whoever engages in all those things.  I hope that in face of the seriousness of the times of Armageddon My praying children, after the thirty-three days of prayer, do not lose the inner impulse of pleasing and relieving My injured Heart.

For your sincere help, even though it is a very small answer, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the sinful souls.  The cup has not been broken yet by the ray of the Angel of God´s Justice; you and I are preventing it.

I thank you for answering to My urgent requests!

Who encourages you to walk in faith,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I have come to ask you to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day, because just as I said it in Fatima, the wrath of God may be appeased through the loving prayer of all.

In this time, My children, this will not prevent all of humanity from being purified, because many of My children in the world still associate with the paths of evil.  It is due to this extraordinary cause of salvation that Your Heavenly Mother suffers the pain and the ingratitude of the world, and at the same time, these feelings of perdition are transmuted by the instruments that the Mother of God chose, just as it was in all the Apparitions from the past. 

Once again I come to Brazil, to collect from meek hearts all of the prayers and novenas that they are able to humbly offer Me.  It will be through this sincere offering from all of My dear children that I will be able to intercede or at least alleviate the fear of death that many consciousnesses are suffering in these times of no peace. 

For this reason, My children of Brazil, Your Heavenly Mother descends from Heaven, like in Fatima, to awaken the rays of devotion and of peace through the prayer of the Holy Rosary.  

Children, in this cycle, may your lives be prayer, because if they are pure prayer, you will be devotion, and through holy devotion, the world will achieve the essence of peace.

With My right hand over My Immaculate Heart and My left hand reaching out to the world, I come to simply offer the path of the ray of devotion to all of My praying children. Your hearts can express that devotion, just like a flower that opens to receive the rays of the sun. 

Dear children, My wish is that through the Rosary, your lives may already be different, filled by the streams of this ray of devotion; streams that spring from the Heart of Your Heavenly Mother, just as compassion, peace, elevation, hope and healing do.

My Children, do not fear the things of the world; the time has come for you to be My true servants of prayer; in this way, at least a part of humanity will not perish.  

Let us continue to pray, always praying; Grace and Mercy are urgent for the world. 

I love you.  I contemplate you.  I thank you for praying to My wounded Heart.

May Peace be in your beings,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


With My blue eyes of Light, placed upon the world, I deeply pray for all of humanity, for those who are consequent and also for the unaware, so that soon, through Supreme Grace, all My children may be able to go through the definitive time of acute purification.

The Grace of God will be the fortitude for those hearts that humbly pray from the heart and unite, above all, with all My plans of Peace.

Dear children, from Heaven, your Heavenly Mother still sees error spread like a poison throughout the hearts of ungrateful hearts, which seek to satiate their wills and satisfy their desires. But this will soon end.

The prayer of the Holy Rosary proclaimed by My children of the world is stopping the anger of God from being provoked, and in spite of everything continuing the same, a sort of universal conciliation is taking place among good souls and subjected souls.

It is through the Spirit of My maternal Love that the doors of the Celestial Universe are opening to help the sick world.

My children, continue to pray, with greater effort now, because in the repetition of the Hail Mary lies the celestial formula of Light that allows to placate the power of the Laws and to open the source of Mercy of your Most Holy Mother.

It is through the powerful decree of the Hail Mary that the words of the Archangel Gabriel become subtle vibrations, capable of relating the material universe with the spiritual universe.

It is through this ancient formula that the Purity and the Grace of the Mother of God descend over the world, over a region, or even over a sinning consciousness, to awaken the compassion of God and open a sincere path towards repentance and contrition as an act of redemption.

Dear children, today I leave you these keys because I know that many of you need more understanding.

If through the Hail Mary you recognize yourselves as sinners, this does not mean that you will sin again, but rather it reminds you of the importance of living Universal Laws and of never transgressing them.

Beloved children, when you recognize your sins or debts, you are affirming the need for reversing your fear of failure, damnation or abandonment of the spiritual path.

It is through My divine intervention that your eyes will open to clearly see the path of transformation and of fusion with peace.

If humanity should see prayers with a universal spirit, in truth, the effects of the words would substitute errors and would transform tests into great lessons.

For this reason, I ask that you truly pray and do so without haste; in this way, your sacred invocations of My Immaculate Heart will cause My plans of Peace and of Mercy to triumph.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart!

Who elevates you to the consciousness of prayer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Prayer


Dear children,

My Maternal Heart still grieves for the lack of consciousness and love of the sinners of the world.

I ask you that you do not be confused with the false messages that only attempt to deviate the souls from My purpose of Peace.

Listen with attention to My words, and only believe in that which your Heavenly Mother daily dictates to you.  My adversary will use the half-truths in order to confuse the praying ones; to bring anguish and inner unrest.

I wish you to solely share with Me the sorrow of My Immaculate Heart, a Heart that continues to be offended by all humans when they outrage the feminine consciousness of humanity.

I ask to all of the mothers of the world, to the praying beings, to the believers and the devotees of the Most Sacred Hearts, to offer Me for nine days a novena to the Powerful Mother of the Perpetual Help, so that your Mother of Heaven may have the Grace of protecting the spirit of maternity in the world, that which is disappearing from the maternal womb of the mothers from the East. 

Mothers, if you also unite with Me by means of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Angel of Peace promises to protect the guardian angels of all of the good souls.  In order to prevent the guardian angels of the Middle East from disappearing from the nations, I lovingly come to ask the novena to all of the mothers of the world.  If all of the mothers unite with Me, I will be able to establish a longer time of peace in the Americas, that are the next focus of My adversary.

In order to establish the Mercy of God each soul of the Earth must do their part until the end of days.  If the prayer requests fall from their hands, such as fall the fruits from a tree, humanity will face a great spiritual trial. 

is for this that Heaven is descending to the chaos of the planet, as to avoid more innocent to be condemned and Christianity to disappear from the heart of the beings due to fear, terror or disturbance.

I would like all of My praying children to become conscious of the planetary reality, and each soul to commit to the mission that they have come to realize.

Now, not only My Heart is hurt, but also My pure tunics have been torn by the people who outrage the mothers of the East.

Come to Jesus and implore, do not stop imploring; we already are in the ultimate and definite worldly time.

I thank you for praying to My Maternal Heart.

May peace not disapeare from the womb of humanity.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Immaculate House of the Relief of Suffering, in the city of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Pity to the whole world.

Mercy fills the hearts in despair.

Peace unifies beings with God and with His sacred purpose.

My crying has not yet ceased, but your appeals relieve My Heart. If the answer came from a large majority, you as humanity would be opening the doors to the intercession.

I wish that, during these thirty-three days of prayer, the praying souls venerate the Immaculate Heart of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, because it will be through the purity that God granted to My Spirit that the ungrateful human beings would have the chance to free themselves from captivity.

Dear children, today I also pray with you, asking for the Divine Mercy of My beloved Son. Thus, I establish in the simple hearts the Kingdom of God and lead the brave prayer beings so that, day by day, they can discover the universe of prayer.

Let us pray for the innocent children who are the main result of the lack of love and compassion for the young.

Take all children from Syria towards My maternal Heart. Plead to the Heavenly Father so that your Heavenly Mother can save you spiritually from the time of persecution.

I am in all homes that open the doors to Me through the Holy Rosary. I am in the simple hearts of My beloved children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you in the Sacred Prayer Room of the Mother of the World

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Before Mary appeared, Father Pio manifested himself before us.  He brought in his hands a crown of flowers and some other loose flowers.  He was praying the Rosary as he waited for Our Lady and when the portals started to open, he placed the flowers that he had in his hands on the path of Mary, and the crown of flowers, on the place where She would put Her Feet.  When Mary appeared, Father Pio stood on his knees and touched with his head the feet of the Mother, remaining like that during all the time She was present.  In the end of the Apparition, he took leave and left with Mary.

       I Am the Mother of the lost and of the unsheltered.

I Am the Mother of the repentant, of the redeemed, of the rescued.

Come to Me the sinners, and I will sanctify you.

Come to the Me the incredulous, and I will give you absolute faith.

Come to Me the fearless, because I will build over them a fortress, and I will congregate them in My army of peace, which will overcome evil through prayer and through the love of the Creator of all things.

Come to Me the imperfect though brave ones, for you will let yourselves be molded in My Holy Hands, and you will permit that I may conduct you in My arms to the Heart of the universe, to the King of kings, to Christ the Redeemer.

Dear children, I do not call to My presence the perfect ones, because This One is already found in the Kingdom of the Heavens, at the right hand of God.  I call to My side those that will allow themselves to be transformed and purified by the fire of prayer and by My most sacred presence in this world.

Today I bring before you Saint Father Pio of Pietrelcina, so that your hearts may find in him an example to be followed.  This beloved saint of Mine, My children, was capable of trusting Christ, Saint Joseph, and My Immaculate Heart, above all things.  He was willing to understand the mysteries of Heaven and to live in himself the sorrows of the Passion of My Son, notwithstanding all the evil that there was in the world was against the mission that he was receiving.

As I did to Father Pio, I invite each one of you to surrender to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to not remain in the illusion of the days of this world, solely enclosed in the common living.

I invite you to transcend the human understanding and to comprehend the celestial miracles because you will experience them in yourselves.

But know, My dears, that those who are willing to follow Me must be also willing to face the world and themselves.  They will have to overcome the fear that dwells in their cells: the fear of not being accepted by others; the fear of not being loved by the beings of this world; the fear of not being understood; the fear of being persecuted.

Today I tell you that the Grace that I offer you is purely interior.  However, the one who may live it fully will not hesitate in denying the glory of the world and embracing sacrifice and renounce for all of the Glory that they will live in the Heavens.

My beloveds, Christ is the Path, the Truth and the Life, and He has set an example to all of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens: by loving without being loved; by giving without receiving anything in return; by suffering for those who persecute them; by pouring over the unjust and sinners the Mercy that was imprinted in His own blood.

And those who followed His example demonstrated again to the world that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ and to merge with Him, and even to live within themselves the mysteries of His Passion.

Come to Me the sinners and I will sanctify you.

Come to Me those who with courage will abandon the world and above all, themselves, because I will show you the Kingdom of God.

Come to Me those who do not fear renouncing and that will learn to love sacrifice, because I will show you the face of God.

This, My beloveds, is My only promise: sacrifice, surrender and prayer in order to learn to love and to forgive, in order to live redemption.

Who will extend the hands to accept what I am giving to you?  Who will come to Me everyday?

Who will let themselves be guided to the Heart of Christ, beyond the purification of this world?

I wait for you, love you and guide you always

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

With Africa in My Heart, I prepare all of you so that in the spirit of prayer, you may peregrinate with Me to this beloved place so that the souls that suffer the most, may receive the moral and spiritual help that they need so much.

You, My children, strengthened by the codes of light of My Immaculate Heart, are already prepared to continue to find Africa in each brother and sister, in each soul and in each place of this world.  The need of collaboration and charity is immense on all the levels of the life of the souls that suffer.

As your Mother of Consolation, today I come closer to your humanity in order to reveal to you and remind all of you about the places that need humanitarian and spiritual help.  The society of this world prefers to turn its face around in order to not find the true misery that is not just physical, but spiritual, what generates the loss of the dignity and of the love that the souls deserve.

But our Celestial Father that is in the Heavens sends His Divine Messengers so that through Them you may recognize the immediate will to respond to a need that embraces other levels of consciousness.

My Children, on this day I already show you in My Heart, the Africa in need, the one that throughout the ages was degenerated and lost the possibility of receiving the charity that the souls expected so much.

In My Immaculate Heart lives the Africa of the poor and of the indigent.  From the internal heart of My being, your Celeste Mother expects that all of Her soldiers may feed the hungry belly, heal the depleted body, wash and purified the wounds of the dying and mainly, reflect the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is within you, on all those that live eternal darkness.

For this, dears, may this sacred encounter motivate you to renew your vows with selfless loving service for the humanity that is buried on its own desert of aridity and despair.

I ask you, dear children, that you may be able to see in My arms, this great Africa, the one that, because of humanity, has not been able to fulfill the designs of the Creator.

As the Mother of Peace and of Mercy, I come on this day to pour Graces on everything that seems impossible to be solved.  But know, children, that you, awakening to the selfless love for the interior Africa, will help Me so that the most basics needs may be able to be supplied by means of the servers of peace.

On this day I prepare you to embark on a new mission that all will be able to accompany closely.  With this purpose I tell you that from the first day of the mission until the return of the missionaries who will take Me as light in their hearts, you must pray the Holy Rosary, that is, the fifty beads of a mystery in an African language, offering to the Creator a supplication and an internal wish so that His Infinite Mercy may be poured over the places that were hurt by My adversary the most.

May this day of celebration and renovation have as a consequence for all, the immediate response to a planetary emergency of help for the recovery and for the spiritual resurrection of the human dignity.

Remember, children, that love is capable to transform everything, as in the Love of My Son it is found the key to revert everything.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who congregates you on the favorite Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the New Humanity



Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, because it will be through the mysteries that were lived by the Sacred Family that, in prayer will be revealed the path of redemption and peace.

Today, My little and beloved children, I present Myself to you again as the Lady and Mother who bears the outrages and the sorrows of the world.  I present Myself as the Mother who together with you carries the cross of annihilation and martyrdom.  Help your Celestial Mother so that at least by your sacrifices, requests and supplications, My Infinite Grace may intercede for all.

When humanity faces, from cycle to cycle, hard and difficult tests, My Immaculate Heart prepares itself in the name of Christ to pray for you and to help you lovingly to correct your deviant paths.

In this time, My children, the world is heading towards a spiritual and planetary disaster.  For this My Heart assumed the seven principal sorrows of the world with the aim of relieving the innocents and of reverting, by means of your prayer, the sufferings that never end.

I need at this moment that your missionary consciousness be available, that which may be able to renounce and donate itself completely, in the hope of collaborating and of reverting in time, the consequences of a humanity in the path of total decadence.

Many of the events that are happening today are part of Armageddon, of an Apocalypse that awakens and develops rapidly because of the unjust actions of humanity.  If at least the law were respected and the Divine Life of each soul were loved, many sorrowful experiences that your world now faces would be able to be removed from the reality of humanity and to be converted in peace through the immediate prayer of all.

But what is to come has not yet arrived; repentance and penance is something that humanity has never practiced with the heart.  But it will not be necessary to live your own flagellation; it is enough with all the injustice that My children face today.  True repentance will spring from your hearts as an act of restorative love and inner balance in the face of the human atrocities that are happening today.

If humanity does not urgently change its attitude, I tell you that the Angels of Divine Justice of God will approach the world in order to put in order all that is apocalyptic and unjust.

I pray for you from My Maternal Kingdom and I hope, beloved children, that you rest upon My arms in order that I may relieve you from this fatigue and tiredness that never ends.

Remember that love conquers all evil.  I have taught you to love life, to love others and to love your work.  Now it is time to reflect the love in this world, like a flower that opens up to the rays of the sun.

Generate the Source of Love, live in the Heart of My Son and help in order that My seven sorrows may be converted into redemption and love for all.  Follow in My footsteps!  Because I only wish to take you to Jesus, to the arms of the Great Redeeming Love.

May the souls hear My Call!

May the hearts be bearers of the Mercy of God!  I will always wait for you in prayer.

I thank you for relieving My seven sorrows.

Thank you, My children, for answering to My call today!

Who helps you, Who redeems you and Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady and Mother of the Sorrows

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace and of humanity, transmitted in the city of Santo Tomé, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on the occasion of the anniversary of the monthly Messages

My dear children,

With Grace and Mercy, I raise your hearts to Heaven, to offer the Celestial Father the loveliness and the beauty of your lives.

Today, for the last time, I send My Messages of Peace to the world. Today a cycle closes in which humanity should have heeded My call and listened to My warning Message.

On this evening of Graces and redemptions, I have prayed for all of you and have received your essences upon My lap, which are truly important from an evolutionary point of view to your Celestial Father.

While the world places its attention on the things of material life, I come here with the objective and with the divine mission that you take Me into your homes as co-redeemer and Mother of all hearts. In this way, you, My dear children, will allow Me to intercede for your peers so that they too may achieve the redemption of the heart.

In the name of the blessed Love of God, I ask you to carry My sacred Word to all the places you go; in this way, I too will be able to carry out My plans in the souls that day and night become lost in this world of illusion.

As Mother of the Divine Word, I announce Myself to all of you as I once announced Myself in Fatima, in Lourdes, and recently, in Medjugorje, because God has allowed Me to appear in all the places where is a real spiritual risk.  

With this aim, on this evening I open My arms, I lift them up to Heaven, and I plead for all of humanity and for all Kingdoms of Nature, which are ravaged by this race. I come to remove the blindness from your eyes so that through My universal healing and My Motherhood, you can awaken to the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

My eyes will illumine your paths when you simply pray with Me for the priests and the consecrated, so that they are able to be the luminous mirror of the Face of My Son Jesus; because, beloved children, this humanity is closed to hearing what comes from Heaven to correct you and place you on the path of peace.

As Queen of the Holy Rosary, I ask you to pray with Me for My plans, before the enemy manages to convince you to live a life of material illusion.

My children, My desire is that here, as in the whole world, the apostles of love and redemption be born who will be able to bear faithful witness to the return of Christ.

Thus, I ask that you be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so you may be protected and safeguarded from all evil, because when all of you manage to open the doors of your hearts, God will be able to give you His restorative and merciful Love.

You are in a time to take up the rosary and begin to pray for peace, a peace that does not exist in humankind nor in any soul. You hold the truth in your hands. Pray with devotion, ask for forgiveness, reconcile in time and you will be worthy of experiencing the redeeming supper with My Son, the Higher Priest.

Through My Immaculate Heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God to you so you may quickly be elevated in spirit and dispel the codes of evil from your lives.

Through your 'yes,' My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I am grateful for the great companionship of all My children during these last three years of Graces and of conversions.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all humanity


Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, during the Vigil of Prayer

For this very humble meeting, I thank you.

You, My dear children, remind Me of past times, when My Heart lived here on Earth among you, so that through simplicity and humility, I could proclaim the Kingdom of God and rescue all the children of God through the sacred Word of the Gospel.

On this evening, I gather you all together in My Heart and as Lady of the Holy Rosary of San Nicolás, I again invite you to be renewed in prayer with Me.

This city is waiting for the Law of God. I ask you, dear children, that through Holy Justice, you proclaim the Divine Verb of prayer, so that My Heart is able to gather up your pleas.

On this evening, I come to ask you for simple things, but so important for these end times. I need you to build a strong temple of prayer and of peace in your dwelling places; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to accomplish the Plans of God in these cycles.

Souls will be detached from evil and the enemy will no longer be able to work when you open the door to Me of sincere prayer; and in this way, your faith will be strengthened and your trust will be fully in God. Fears in your lives will no longer exist and hope in your hearts will be born when in your homes, through your families and friends, you build groups of prayer that can be lights in dark cities.

In this way, My dear children, you will allow Me to be able to come here and all parts of the world, so that from the Greater Source of God, I am able to pour out Graces over the most needy hearts.

On this evening, I thank you, dear children, for having prepared this place for Me with such humility, but with such rejoicing and gladness, so that through sacrifice, you are able to fulfill the Will of God. All your efforts, dear children, all your inner efforts generate merits in Heaven.

Thus, I invite you to continue onward, let nothing else bother or disturb you. Place yourself in My Immaculate Heart and you will find the Kingdom of Peace you so seek.

I need to work through your lives. My Son sends Me to the world to warn you, for the last time, that a great change is coming to humanity, and souls, in their totality, must be prepared.

I bring you, into your lives, a healing of the heart, which in truth you need in these times. Unite with My Mantle of Light. Place yourselves under My Mantle of Light and you will be irradiated with My celestial Graces. Create the bridge with My Heart through the Rosary. Thus, dear children, everything will be accomplished in this time and your hearts will be prepared to receive My Son.

I invite you to be laborers of the Plan, to dare to live the Plan of God in these times, mainly united in heart and soul so that God is able to manifest His Gifts and His Will.

Your essences, so sacred, hold important lights for this time, gifts that God needs to use to fulfill His Will in this time.

Today, I repeat all these things, My little ones, because I need you to be forerunners of My Marian Word. That you carry the Word of My Life like heralds of Light, which is My Message for the world, My maternal Love for all of humanity, the hope of healing all before the great time in this world.

United with My Heart, hold tight to My blessed hands. I will take you on clean and pure paths, clear and true, on which you will be able to build your lives, get out of pain and despair, and find a path of Mercy and of peace.

Dear children, I need you to be brave, hard workers and full of the Grace of God. With this, which is so simple but so true, you will help to change humanity. Dare to take the steps toward My Heart, to deeply know My Consciousness. I always pray for you and for your siblings.

Remember, dear children, that I am the great sacred Tree for this world, which gives of its fruits for humanity, for all the souls that need to learn and grow through the path of unity and fellowship.

Throughout these years, I have already taught you how you must do it. You need to practice My Message, embody My Message so it may reflect the sacred Rays of God in your lives that will be so necessary for many souls, souls that must wake up in Christ for this path of evangelization We Divine Messengers are carrying out in all the world.

Dear children, tomorrow, an important meeting of planetary radiation awaits you for the whole world, through the Grace of God, Supreme Essence of Peace, Immaculate Spirit of Truth, which will attempt to be disseminated throughout the world by means of My Presence in this city.

It is not by chance, dear children, that I am here, in Rosario, to remind you of the importance of prayer. In this way, so sincere and simple, I invite the Marian Centers to be in vigil tonight, in prayer, for this mission that I will carry out tomorrow.

With much love and gratitude, I thank you for the service given, the selfless gifting of the Daughters of Christic Charity and the Mission of the Humanitarian Fraternity for having served the peoples of Brazil. Because most importantly, dear children, beyond the service and the charity, you carried My hands of peace, My hands of healing and of consolation to souls.

For this mission, and for those that will come, in the name of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, I give you thanks, dear children, for having responded to My call.

May your lives be rosaries of Light.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, we want to thank you for this opportunity we had today with Our Lady.

We want to speak to you about some things She has allowed us to tell you.

First, She came as the Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolás, an Aspect very well known here in Argentina.

And the second thing that happened is that She remembered this place, so simple, as Her old home of Nazareth, which was even more simple than this place.

In reality, what is it Our Lady wanted to tell us, as a Message, through this symbol of the house of Nazareth?

Today She was able to reach each of your souls, was able to touch your hearts and bring about a task She wanted to do with each of you.

So we leave this Presence of Mary in the hearts of everyone. That unbreakable faith that She transmits to us; that love that envelops us and protects us can carry us into meeting with Her, tomorrow, in the monthly Apparition of Mary.

We thank you all, those who accompanied us through Mercy Mary TV, and on this evening, we are going to keep the following image Mary showed us in our memory: She was offering us Her rosary of Light so that we would pray with Her and hold tight to Her rosary to be always sustained and supported by Heaven, and for bringing that Light of Heaven to this place and into our lives.

Today, during the prayer, during the whole practice of prayer, we were enveloped by the Heart of Mary. We cannot explain how this happened, but so it did.

The magnetism of the Love of Mary was present during the whole Vigil.

For all this meeting, we thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Mother María Shimani:

Good afternoon to all of you; we are now in the last 150 beads of the Marathon of Divine Mercy. And we here, at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, have experienced a very special day. The only thing lacking was the descent of the Dove of the Holy Spirit, carrying us all into Heaven. The fervor, the intensity, the devotion, and the love were the essence of today's prayers, and the scenery was there to welcome us, so that the descent of the Holy Spirit could manifest.

Today we have learned that we can converse with God, face to face, when we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and that, word by word, we place our supplication for this world and for this humanity in the Heart of God. And when His children cry out in this way for Mercy, Our Father, Who has a great and kind Heart, does not wait for even a second to pour out His Mercy upon this world.

So today we have learned to speak, face to face, with God and our prayer has changed completely. So as from today, we now know how to speak with God every day at three in the afternoon.

Receive an eternal blessing so that this blessing, in the coming days, may sanctify you.

Pray with Me for My petitions, for My precepts, for My designs, for My great Will, which is the Will of the Most High God that comes on this day to aid you.

To pray with Me, concentrate your heart on the flowing source, on the water of Life, the water of redemption and of peace that, from Heaven and Infinity, comes to wash and purify you.

Pray from your heart with Me as you have done today, in offering and in the giving of self to God.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

To honor My Heart and so that your sins and faults be forgiven, in the name of all this humanity and of those who become lost and do not listen to God, of those who do not drink of the fount of My Heart, for this purpose, for this divine objective, let us pray together, three times, each sign of My Passion and of My Transfiguration. I am listening to you. Elevate your offerings to My Most Sacred Heart.

Following this, the decades of the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus are prayed, repeating each prayer only three times.

Glory to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now and will be,

When I pray with you, I pray for the world, and My codes of light and of Christification enter into your cells and atoms to modify your faults and debts and convert all your beings into the Light and  Spirit of God, so that someday, My dear ones, you sanctify the great Name of God, Iod-He-Vau-He.

Today I carry the Rosary of Peace in My Hands. Blessed are they who imitate My example and in the evenings pray with Me in the whispering of their heart, in the silence of their Spirit, the soul that prays and speaks to God.

Blessed are they that sleep with the Holy Rosary in their beds. They will be united, fused and broadened by the great Spirit of God. Their bodies will rise to the Kingdom of God at each new supplication, because My Heart hears the souls that patiently pray and ignite fervor in their hearts.

Today I will reveal to you, My companions, My disciples of yesterday and of the future, today I will tell you, My companions, what I have done with your prayers and with all those who were united with My Heart in the depths of Love, of Truth, and of Justice. Many souls were relieved. Irreparable situations were transformed. Many souls were rescued. Spirits that had gone out re-kindled. Many nations received more time of peace. Because My Rays of Divine Mercy descended through your word, through each new word you pronounced with your heart. And even though you are tired of struggling for so long in this life, My Heart contemplates your efforts and sacrifices.

Just as the Holy Virgin Mary has said to you, I come to ask you for simple and true things. I need you to remain in this world without belonging to it. That every day of your lives, at each new awakening as well as each new sunrise, your eyes may wake up remembering Me, feeling Me in your heart, so that your day may be blessed and praised by God, the Almighty. In this way, you will allow Me to descend into your lives.

Through this Holy Marathon, many seeds were placed in your essences, which must sprout in the coming time. Now, My companions, it will depend on your conviction and prayer that these seeds may yield their fruit and that in the times of greater chaos, of greater tribulation and darkness, I may be able to avail Myself of your seeds as new gifts in My Hands, which will be radiated to the whole world through the fruit of your efforts, of your dedication and surrender to My Heart.

In the same way that I speak to you today, My voice echoes in the souls of the whole world, for I will not be able to leave here until a soul achieves Christification. That will be a great event for the Universe and it will also be the most profound and truest when all, as a group of souls, achieve the great step to Christification.

In this cycle, My Heart comes to purify you, to pour out Its Graces and blessings, to separate the wheat from the chaff, the old and hard from the healthy and good that your hearts hold. Thus, sacrifice yourselves every day.

I am also in the very simple things, in each daily routine of life, in all the daily tasks. You will find Me in each place and will be able to hear Me when you simply pay attention to the simple things. Because when I can no longer be here, among you, announcing My Word of Life and of Resurrection, you will find Me through the signs, signs that will be pure and true, which will be a light on your paths, a blessing for your souls, a deep love for your families.

The great moment for humanity is approaching. Many are drawing closer to the definitive threshold of time. The fusion of the universe is nearing. All of the solar system is congregating and preparing, through the Laws and the Rays, to give the last impulse to the race of this humanity. That will be the great moment for all, before the sighting of the red moon, when you will be able to take that step, withdraw into My Sacred Heart, deeply pray in your homes without looking outside, without paying attention to what is happening, only in the inner temple, which will be your true protection.

I do not come to announce fears to you, but rather a time of awareness, of awakening, of evolution, of a great step toward the Kingdom of God.

Humanity has been greatly assisted by Us. We are part of you. Our Hearts were human and now are glorified Hearts. Your hearts can be glorified only when you follow the path and the guidance that I give you. Thus you will be united with Me.

And in spite of the challenges and the tests and of all that may fall on you, no matter how heavy it may seem or the great debt it represents, I will not leave you alone not even for a moment. I need that you fuse with My Spirit, that you lift up your consciousnesses to My Greater Kingdom, because only the prayer and the unity of all the groups, of those who pray, of the devotees and faithful, will be the possibility for all to cross the threshold to the ocean of My Mercy that awaits you all the time, when you simply seek it through the humility of the heart.

When the time for the great step of humanity comes, you will see the advent of new signs emerge in the Heavens, which will indicate My coming to humanity.

Thus, I offer you My Heart as the only path for your conversion and redemption. I give you the Gifts and the Sacraments, because all souls that have separated from the Purpose of God must experience the Sacraments in a simple way, commune with Me, be baptized by My Spirit, by the Spirit of My Father, by the Holy Spirit of God, confess to My Heart, work and provide charity to all and offer yourselves in selfless service. This will allow you to take the great step in the name of all those who will not take it.

The 144,000 beings who will be the suns of the New Time, must help humanity to rise again, to look toward God and ask for forgiveness for you faults.

Today I give you the keys of the great change.

Come to Me. Draw closer for a blessing. Continue to pray from the heart, connected with My Spirit, with My Source of Life.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

Just as on the Cross, I spilled the Water and the Blood of Life that allowed the redemption of humanity, I would like that in this spiritual moment your beings and your souls receive the Water and the Blood of Life, glorified and sanctified at the moment of My Resurrection.

Sing "Water and Blood of Christ," thus I will unite My Heart with you and with your families.

I ask all the Marian Centers to offer their surrender for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature, which are heavily outraged by humankind, and this has caused you to lose your innocence. Thus, the Water and the Blood of Life allows you to find the innocence again to live in purity and holy humility.

Song: Water and Blood of Christ.

Thank you for having responded to the Call of My Voice.

Thank you to all those who work for the Plan of God, irrespective of their ideas and feelings.

Thank you to all those who achieved a preferred unity with God, fusion with His Holy Spirit through the word of prayer and song.

Today I leave you the Holy Spirit of God, the Gift of Wisdom, so that it may guide your paths when you simply invoke it in heart and soul. Wisdom will give you the answer in the end of times.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of Our Lord, in the presence of the Spirit of Wisdom, we will sing "Holy Spirit, come" in gratitude to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Song: Holy Spirit, come.

We now need to give thanks to everybody for this opportunity received, and we truly believe that we were all cleansed, baptized, anointed in some way.

What is so strong behind these Sacraments that Christ offers us in this time?

We are imitating His example and everything He requested that we carry out at this time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, in times of no peace, may peace exist; thus, open your hearts to My call so My Voice may reverberate deep within you.

I open the Book of Heaven to you so you may know the Mysteries of God, which are the essence of Love and of Truth.

My dear children, I have come here, to Ciudad del Este, to ask for the consecration of all souls to My Immaculate Heart, because this city, Foz do Iguaçu and Asunción must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

There must be strong prayer groups who dedicate their prayers and pleas to all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also My children and have need of your prayers, so God may pour out His Mercy on them.

I come to ask you for simple things, because your hearts can understand Me. My hands open to caress you, bless you and consecrate you in these end times to the Will of God, which is unknown to many as they forget the Commandments, the basic laws of life which allow you, in your lives, to follow a correct path toward the Light.

For this reason, dear children, base your lives on the Holy Rosary. Seek the essence of the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in this way, you will participate in My Plans of Peace, even though you do not believe it.

Just like in Medjugorje, I come to announce a last time of peace for humanity.

You, My little beloved ones, have in your hands the key to salvation. Carry the holy rosary with you as an emblem of peace and of love, of unity and of compassion among creatures. In this way, My beloveds, you will allow Me to accompany you in each new prayer exercise.

When the sun rises every day, it is My Immaculate Heart that rises to illuminate your abysses, dispel the shadows and bring the Light of God to this suffering world. Thus, unite with Me every day in prayer; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have many hearts that live here today also be consistent with the Call of God.

Do not tire, dear children, of looking for the path of peace and of surrender. God promises you precious things for your lives, when your souls simply unite with Me in prayer.

Since the beginning of this world, God has given you the sacred attribute of the prayer of the heart, which not only brings peace to your hearts and lives, but also an inner and outer silence which is so lacking here. Your hearts must learn to listen to God.

I Am your Mediator, your Universal Mother. I need you to hold tight to My Mantle in these times. Many souls are lost in this current world and the majority do not perceive that this is damnation.

Day and night, My tears are spilled over this world because My children do not change, do not seek the truth, do not want to live redemption so as to be able to experience a glorifying of their lives. I need you to be firm and ready, open to listening to My Words, which are the last in this time, and which reverberate in this space and in the depths of your essences, where God and My Son Jesus Christ wish to reside.

Thus, open your eyes to My call; be builders of the New Humanity, allow your cells to awaken through My Voice and be able to change into sources of Mercy.

I will not tire of reminding you that the door for the return to God is open.

This is My last request of humanity.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, in My Purity, I open the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, My children, you are able to reacquire the original purity that lives in your hearts, and which was lost over the centuries through the illusion and the modernity of the world.

Today, I want you to recall that holy Indian who one day trusted in My Presence, giving this nation and all of humanity the possibility of being consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

My dears, each of you brings in your blood and in your essence the purity of that holy Indian. Today, before the Doors of Heaven, open the eyes of your hearts so that, as in that time, you are able to feel My Presence, can see My Heart, My Immaculate Spirit which comes into your lives never to be forgotten again.

Today, My Love is held in your cells, in your souls, as long as you say 'yes' to Me. If you come to meet with Me, even if out of curiosity, do not be afraid to be before My Heart, because I called your souls one at a time so that you could find Me again; so that through you, My children, many others who are lost in the world may be able to return to the Heart of God. This is a unique opportunity for your souls as well as for humanity.

My children, the Divine Verb comes to the world to make souls in likeness to their Creator, to teach you to love, to forgive, to be merciful in this world, which so lacks Mercy.

My beloveds, on this night I invite you to truly open your heart, so that it is not only a moment with Me, but that this hour be perpetuated every day of your lives and that, through daily prayer, you are able to unite again with Me, because I am with all those who pray, I am with all those who cry out from the heart.

I hear your pleas even when you do not feel Me. I perpetually observe the world, I observe the children God entrusted to Me, so that the smallest opening of the heart could make the conversion of your beings possible, so that you could return to the Heart of the Father as to the Heart of the Universe and to that Origin from which your essences come.

My children, today I invite you to return to My Heart, which shows itself to your eyes, and those who accept My call can see and feel My Presence. Come into these arms that open to the world today and call humanity to an awakening.

I wait for you from the beginning and will eternally wait for you until one day, you are able to decide on a definite 'yes' to the Heart of the Celestial Father.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Queen of Peace, I leave the sacred symbol of the Cross of My Son over your beings, as a sign of conversion and of rehabilitation for all.

I need you, dear children, to open the door of your hearts to God.

I am very grateful for your presence, and I call all those children who need a celestial blessing, a sublime Grace, to meet with Me here tomorrow, in this same place and time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

As Mary said to us, She came today as the Queen of Peace. When She arrived here, behind Her we could see many beings that were singing, and I asked: "Mother, is that song of the Celestial Kingdom?", and She responded: "No, this is the song of this world, of all the pilgrims I accompany on this day," and She was showing us that, at the same time She was here, She was accompanying the devotees in Fatima, in Belén de Pará and Our Lady Aparecida.

Afterwards, She said the words we could all hear and said goodbye, leaving an invitation for each of us of offering this Grace we received today so that others of our brothers and sisters could also receive it.

So, we are going to call those who we know have need of the Presence of Our Lady and we are going to bring those brothers and sisters here, so She can also listen to their pleas and pour Her blessings over them.

We thank you all for having come, and tomorrow we will meet again in the Heart of Mary.

And to all the brothers and sisters who followed us through Misericordia María TV, we also deeply thank you.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank you all.


Dear children,

I come from Heaven as a Star of Confraternity, of Light and of Prayer.  Today I come to the world in order that through an act of repentance and of forgiveness it may be a repository of the Kingdom of My Peace.

I have come holding between My sacred hands the knots that are tying your lives.   Only through your faith and determination to achieve sanctity in this planetary life will I be able to help you to untie the knots that drown you and that do not allow you to breathe My celestial air. 

By means of My Maternal Grace and by the divine authority that My Son has given Me, I come to untie the knot in order thus to liberate humanity.  For it to be possible, your prayers and sincere offers to My Immaculate Heart will allow the doors to the redemption of the hearts to be open.

Again and again I have descended in Glory upon this blessed hill, that which has been converted into the point of light for this region.

But I need you, I need your hearts to be bright stars of love and of peace for the world.  In this way you will be able to dissolve the knots that are held in your little and simple consciousnesses.

Only by means of the power of the Holy Rosary will you manage to live the path of purification and of sanctity.  Your souls must convert themselves into living mirrors of the Will of God.  In this way, by means of My intercession your steps and footprints will be more luminous, they will be the footprints of the apostles of My Son. 

Today I untie especially the great knot of incomprehension and of bad feeling.  The knot that the enemy has patiently dedicated itself to create in the minds of those who do not dedicate time to the prayer of the heart. 

Now, as mature souls by means of My sacred instruction, the moment has come to you, after seven years of Graces, for you to meditate about the steps that you have taken with Me.

Beyond all that this world goes through and suffers, I bring you the Grace of being able to recognize My Maternal Love, the Love of God, the Love of Mother and the Understanding of all the problems and spiritual conflicts that many of my children live today.

For this, beloved children, see in your horizons the Saving Light that comes to aid you and that passes through here for the last time.  See the splendor of the Divine Love that wants to liberate and purify you so that you may be true humble servers of Christ.

To whoever supplicates to Me with heart and with soul, with faith and with spirit, I promise to help to untie the knots by means of the following charismatic prayer:

Charismatic Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots

Lady of Celestial Power,
untie from our consciousness
all the knots that oppress us
and close our paths.

Lady Untier of Knots!
Cut and liberate the ties of our lives,
may Your Light of Divine Wisdom
banish and dissipate the abysses of this world.
May Your celestial mantle of protection and shelter
guard us eternally
under the power of Your Love and of Your Guidance.

Sacred Mother who unties all knots,
may our lives, together with Your Angels and Archangels,
be untied by the imposition of
Your sacred hands.

Pray for us
 for all days that will come
so that, united to Your Maternal Consciousness
we may see, coming in Glory, the day of our redemption,
the day of the Return of Christ,
Our Savior.


       I thank you for answering to My call!

Peace and Blessing.

Mary, the Lady Untier of Knots


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Immaculate Heart comes to this world for the purpose of conquering your lives. I gather you together for another day to glorify the Heart of God. The doors of Heaven open in this city to pour out His Mercy, and all are assembled through My Immaculate Heart.

Day and night, I visit your homes and all the corners of this city, which is in such need of My Maternal Light, to listen to your pleas.

Thus, dear children, I ask that your homes be temples of prayer and of peace; in this way, you will prepare, dear children, for the Glorious Coming of Christ.

Let harmony and balance exist among your hearts; let there no longer be disunity or separation.

Let your families be sacred families; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have the Law of God be light in this world and on all corners of the Earth.

I invite you to create groups of prayer, the mission of which is to achieve My Divine Word; in this way, you will be united with the great Thought of God and will build new foundations in your lives.

I want to unite you with Me through the Holy Rosary, through Communion and Confession to My Son.

The enemy has managed to distract you from the Sacred Sacraments that unite you with the Heavens and the Universe. Remember to live the simple Commandments of Moses. You will open the doors of salvation for your lives when, in daily activity, through your families, you fulfill the Laws of God.

Everything will be rebuilt, everything will be in peace again, and love will not be lacking in your hearts. I come as the Queen of Peace, seeking peace in your lives.

Let your lives sow peace wherever you go.

Let your lips proclaim the greatness of God; in this way, your lives will be transformed by the power of My Marian Spirit, by the grandeur and the Mercy of Jesus, and mainly, by the Compassion of God.

Let your paths become straight, continue forward, continue through Me; do not lose sight of My call.

My eyes contemplate your hearts, My Mantle protects you and holds you when you truly follow My steps, steps that continue on to Jesus and which will carry you to a greater goal.

Dear children, it is time to become soldiers of prayer, it is the moment for praying armies to exist in this world.

The light is more powerful than evil. Love always wins, brings you hope and peace; thus, dare to take this great leap in evolution.

Let your lives be a perpetual prayer.

Let your spirits be in perpetual communion, and not lose sight of the path I indicate.

Dear children, My Heart must continue assisting humanity, It must continue to give torches of Light to all the hearts of the Earth so that, in this time of transition and of chaos, the essence of peace is not lost in the world.

The more you pray with Me every day, the more you will learn to grow through love, and feel what is real in your hearts; no evil or disturbance will exist, because your essences, which come from the Source of God, from the Greater Creation, will be firm and brave to continue onward, walking in Christ and for Christ, waking up the new apostles in everyone.

I bring you a simple but urgent call.

My Voice continues to reverberate in this local universe; all the Angels and Archangels hear this call, all of Creation works for the salvation of this world.

My dear children, have you perceived that I come to prevent many things?

Observe in your lives: how much time do you dedicate to God?, how much do you see, within yourselves the rich inner universe, which always lives in you and must be at the service of God through charity and the giving of self, for the good of this world and of souls?

I am the great Guiding Star of this universe; I am the second Sun of this universe, which comes to illumine your spiritual life, to rebuild your hearts and essences. I come mainly to bring you reconciliation with God.

In this way, My little ones, your lives will be healed and it will no longer be necessary to suffer; for this, you must pray with the heart, be united with My Maternal Essence.

How much I want to hold you always in My arms! My Son has allowed Me this special Grace of embracing you and sheltering you, of transmitting the warmth of My Immaculate Heart to you so you may feel trust and faith.

Dear children, I call on you at this time because it is a definitive cycle for all; you can no longer continue to do what you always do; something must change in your spiritual lives.

My Son has granted Me to be able to come to Betim so as to proclaim the awakening of all.

The time indicates a profound change. Thus, dear children, seek silence through prayer, step away from the noises of this world; look in nature for the Creation of the Father; in this way, you will be united with the universe and will be able to know the Will of God; because I assure you, dear children, that in this end time, each has their mission.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, I deeply thank you for overcoming the inertia of the world, for defeating the fear of meeting with what is Divine and coming to meet with Me.

Dear children, I know how difficult it is for you to have the Kingdom of God manifest in your lives, because you live in a time of chaos, in which modernities have dominated the minds and hearts of humankind. But today I ask, My children, that you find a source of hope in My Presence, because this is what I bring you in this time. Through My Presence in the world, I bring a unique opportunity so all the souls that live on Earth are able to accomplish the mission that is theirs to do and are able to return to the Celestial Origin with this divine mission fulfilled.

Thus, My children, although you consider it difficult to make My Words come alive in the simple daily activity of your consciousnesses, I ask those who hear Me with their heart to dissolve the impossibilities, because before this portal that is opening to the Kingdom of God, nothing is impossible.

I only need your lives to have the impetus of living in prayer, that you have the courage, each day, to face the worldly forces that live in each of your essences, and which, My dears, do not allow the Light of the Greater Kingdom to manifest in your beings. To the one who says 'yes', a Ray of the Celestial Heart will design your lives and will free them from all evil, so that in this time, My children, you are able to live the Words that I bring to the world.

Today, I ask you to receive the spring of hope and divine pity I bring to the world. I am announcing that this is still a time of Mercy, and even when the definitive time of Justice comes, it will be possible for those who cry out with the heart to reverse the evil in their lives, and through the Mercy of My Son, draw Divine Light to this world.

My dears, today I invite you to what seems impossible to you, so that in this time, you are able to see the world from another point of view.

No longer be, My children, in the small things of your lives, because if today you are here, it is because the Lord called each of your souls to manifest a Greater Purpose. In this time, you must discover that the Truth of God descends to the world to completely transform it, thus preparing the Second Coming of My Son and His Glorious Return to definitively redeem all the souls of this Earth, those still living and those no longer living, but who continue in the illusion this world once offered them.

My beloveds, if you accept responding to My call, I invite you to become part of this army of peace of Mine, so that peace can reach all the spaces of this world, for in this time, the Word I bring you crosses all boundaries, dissolves obstacles and reaches the most forgotten souls so they may receive an opportunity for redemption.

My beloveds, I aspire that on this night, the Light of the Celestial Kingdom touches each of your essences and transforms your lives forever.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For this reason, the path of persistence will allow you to reach this purpose of Mine.

I speak to you with Love and in the name of Love. I bring you the Grace of serenity and of hope.

Today, I carry your pleas and intentions to Heaven; continue to pray so they can be accomplished. Everything has its timing in the universe of Will.

On this night of Graces, in which I see your ignited hearts, filled with the Spirit of God the Father, I consecrate these flowers and these images especially for you, My little children; so that through this symbol, through the flowers, you remember that your hearts are a perfect beauty for God, and even more so each of your lives.

Thank you, My little ones, for responding to My call.

The Universe blesses you and My Heart thanks you, go in peace, in complete trust and faith, remember Christ in your lives.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

This evening, Our Lady approached us, showed Herself as the Queen of Peace, and mentioned the importance the Plan of God has on Earth, that Her children should listen to Her with the heart rather than the mind.

She also mentioned the importance of Her next steps in the pilgrimage. She reminded us that the United States, Her next place of pilgrimage, is the number one nation for Her to carry conversion to. And that She expects all Her children of the world, irrespective of their nationality, to understand the importance of Her being able to speak with Her children of the United States.

She said that the souls that live in that nation have great need of Her Love, have great need of conversion and need to know Her more deeply, because She will go to that nation as the Mother of the World and expects to carry out a great task with all the inhabitants of the United States.

She especially mentioned the original nation, that of the indigenous people of that country.

You know that throughout all these years of pilgrimage, Our Lady as the Mother of Guadalupe, Mary of Guadalupe, has carried out a great task with the original peoples, peoples who have suffered a great deal in these last centuries. She is carrying relief to those souls that today are still on the surface of the Earth and to those who have still not been able to transcend into the light and are on other planes of consciousness.

So She asks that we pay attention to this pilgrimage because it will be a great triumph of the Light and of Her Immaculate Heart, and calls all Her children of the world to help Her reach the United States.

All the information on this great pilgrimage is on the webpage.

And after the United States, She, as we told you today, wants to go to Africa to finish a task.

So we are all very determined to carry the Light of God to all those places; in the same way that today we received the Love and the spiritual Healing of Our Lady.

Our Lady blessed the flowers here, on the altar, so that you could take them to your homes, as if you were taking a little piece of the Heart of Our Lady.

So we are going to ask the Children of Mary, who are dressed with a blue shirt, that while we sing, they come up here and then go back down to hand out the flowers to all of you.

And to all of you, we thank you with all our heart for having been with us tonight; and if you want Mary to return to this place, ask Her with your heart, and after some time, She will come back here.

Song: "Mary of Nazareth."

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Monthly Messages


The Restorative Promises of the Most Holy Virgin

Continue to pray the Rosary every day, because in this way as I have once asked in Fatima, now it is asked of you.

My dear children, if you do this there will be a greater time of peace between your hearts and the world; My Maternal Peace will especially fill the souls that have given up the path of consecration to God.

I pray day and night for you; in this time I promise great Graces to those who seek God by means of the power of prayer.  If humanity does not pay attention to My requests a more difficult time will come to all, the world will be darkened rapidly and many will not be able to see the light of the sun.

But, if on the other hand, the souls that today live on the Earth – I want to say all the hearts – are united to My Heart as only one spiritual people of God, especially if all the religious leaders establish the ecumenism of Christ, I promise that before the coming of My Holy Son many souls that are imprisoned and dead in life will know who they are and where they have come from, as they will also know what they have been born for in this time.

But if all the religions do not accomplish My request, unjust spiritual decisions will fall over many and humanity will remain without spiritual instruction.  So that this does not happen, I come in this last time to ask for the consecration of all My children to the Immaculate Heart; whoever does this under the immaculate spirit of peace, I promise to wait for them at the doors of the next world, that is, in paradise.

Those hearts that soon repent and seek the restorative communion in the next five first Saturdays of each month, will be blessed by the strength of the Holy Spirit; such hearts will shine with light before darkness, they will be Christic hearts.

I wish from now on that all listen to My call, because if humanity does not stop committing bad actions, especially upon the kingdoms of nature, the law that comes from the Heights will re-ordain the planetary life and many will suffer what they did not deserve, by the work and the action of the non-believers.

I promise to whoever prays from the heart every day, that it will help Me in the awakening of faith and peace in those who have lost it, especially in those who have never been open to see the Light of Christ.

I ask in this age a special devotion to the Most Holy and Merciful Heart of Christ; to whoever professes and lives it from the soul and from the heart, I promise that I will not forget their soul at the time of death.  Also in the last hour of life, I will anoint with the Olive of Life all of their family and My Son will not be their judge, but their intercessor before the Most High.

Whoever accomplishes My requests will be able to form part of My Sacred Marian Army; I come to awaken the sleeping consciousness of humanity, I come to say that the time of Apocalypse has come.

A greater time of Grace and Mercy will come to the whole world, if only it accomplishes to the letter each one of My requests.  If any of My requests should not be contemplated, humanity will finally know the hidden and eternal cause that has condemned it to the fire of hell.

But if there were a spirit of perseverance, of faith and of joy from your part, I promise you that I will help you even in the difficult moments, because through the power of My Son I will liberate you from all evil.

Attention to My words, because My Maternal Love will come to help all of those who will be surprised by unusual human news.

Now it only is necessary for you to look towards God and contemplate His Majesty through the Sacred Hearts.  I only ask you that you meditate on all that I have said to you, because I will not be able to repeat it again.

I bless all of Barcelona and I thank you, because another city has answered to My call!

I wait all of you on the 21st of May for a special blessing.

Peace for all, now and forever!

Mary, Mother of the Most Holy Rosary and Prophetess of Peace


Those who with joy pray to Me a mystery of the Holy Rosary by the Sacred Manger on the 24th of December and, in addition to that, ignite a candle of light, will be giving the universal permission of removing from eternal earthly suffering the souls that are the most desperate and that have condemned themselves to worldwide purgatory. 

For this the 24th of December will be something more than a simple manger.  If your hearts keep themselves united to My Precious Heart during this day, the Christic codes that are engraved in the Sacred Blood of Christ will also be deposited upon those hearts that may open to Me the inner door.

I wish during this day to reign among people and God because to the hearts that may receive Me humbly through the message of the manger, I will let them know My Sacred Gifts of Unity and of Redemption.

I invite you that, in truth, you prepare yourselves for this day.  God has given Me the permission to consecrate again the hearts that are most separated from Me for some reason.  On the 24th of December I will come to the world as a new star of the night, that which will shine in the inner firmament of each being.

Opening the doors of your inner dwellings, celebrate in God the Divine Mysteries of the birth of Christ.  I will be thankful to the devoted souls for uniting themselves for an instant to My Greater Task, in this way the world will again be relieved by the action of My Divine Mercy.

Guard your lives in the Sacred Manger of the Lord Jesus.

Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for celebrating with Me the birth of the Inner Christ!

Christ Jesus of Mercy


Prayer to be recited especially during the Christmas Eve of the Lord and at the end of the Holy Rosary of the 24th of December.

    Act of Consecration of the Sacred Family of Nazareth

Divine Rays descend from Heaven
       over the dear city of Bethlehem.

The Angels announce to the shepherds
       the Birth of the King of Humility.

Jesus is known by His Sacred Name,
       He is the Prince that was born from the family of King David
       but His identity does not belong to this world,
       His Wise Spirit comes from the Holy Spirit of God.

The Jesus Child has arrived to the world
       to liberate it from error.

He is the Savior of all the races,
       He is the Messiah of the Celestial Annunciation.

The Angel Gabriel has dictated His Sacred Name.

The Most Holy Virgin has sheltered in Her bosom the Creator Power
       from Her most pure womb has been born the Savior,
       from the Most Holy Mary has awakened the Redeemer Christ.

Before this great universal mystery
       our hearts consecrate themselves
       because the prophecies of the Patriarchs have been fulfilled
       and the Son of God has defeated death with His Divine Passion.

Every race has been renewed
       by the victorious coming of the Son of God.

From Bethlehem has emerged the Eternal Light for the dark world.

The Orient has been united to the Occident
       and nothing will ever more  be separated
       because we have received the Mercy of God.

We are sheep of the Great Shepherd Child.

We are redeemed stars upon the Earth.

May this Holy Birth of Christ impel us to continue walking.

Nothing shall detain us.

Nothing shall torment us.

Nothing shall separate us from God.

We are members of the Sacred Family.

We are children of the Most Hoy Virgin.

We are faithful companions of Saint Joseph.

In Christ we shall fulfill the Will of God
       as it was in the beginning,
       now and forever.



Dear souls and families devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ,

I want to announce to you My special presence at the Marian Center of Figueira and at the Marian Center of Aurora for these upcoming dates of the Christmas of My Heart.

With joy I am pleased to be among all of the dear beings that, with faith, throughout the years have lived My Gospel and My Teachings.

I want you to know that My Spirit of the Child and Firstborn Son, the one that was once born in the beloved Bethlehem, will be present among all of the participants of the two important meetings that will be held in both Marian Centers consecrated to the Immaculate Heart.

For the first time I ask all of the wayfarers of the life of spirit to place in their homes some simple images of the Manger in Bethlehem.  On the 24th of December of this year those who venerate Me through the symbol and the joyful mystery of My Birth will receive during the Christmas Eve a universal blessing of Christ, the King of Kings.

And if on this night all homes of the world would offer Me a mystery of the Holy Rosary in reparation of all of the offenses and scourging that humanity has caused to the image of the Holy Jesus throughout the centuries, I promise you that whoever does this with the heart, with faith and who prays with fervor on this night of the 24th of December will be freed from the deadly and capital sins which agonize My Spiritual Heart.

If many families and Centers of Prayer unite themselves at the same time and at the same hour by means of this request I promise that the souls that wander through the world, the evil spirits that circulate and deceive many hearts on these dates will be removed by Me from this world.  On this date the Master of Forgiveness will descend upon the world in Pure Spirit and will visit the home that lovingly opens the door to Him.

In this way, during these dates, I wish to institute the fraternal, devotional and loving spirit that many souls have lost.  All of those who unite themselves to this Christic impulse will consequently receive the Graces that God wants to pour upon your lives.

I will appreciate from now on that all of those who pray rescue for their lives the true symbol of My Most Holy Birth because it was in these times that God became flesh and life.  He united Himself in love to all of His Children through the coming of the Messiah.

Know how to understand from now what I ask you.  I will thank you forever.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for venerating the Birth of the Redeemer!

Christ Jesus


Dear children:

Do not fear for anything anymore!  Because behind every circumstance or difficulty is found the supreme support of My Heart.  See this time as a moment of sacrifice and of permanent effort to accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.

Despite the fact that the Marian soldiers are very few, on them falls the greater degree of service and responsibility; through these servers who are not indifferent, but helpful and abnegated, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I want on this day to encourage you to continue on the path of faith and renunciation.  In this way, My little ones, you will permit that the Lord of the Universe may accomplish His great works through His children, especially those who live the apostolate of Christ.

By means of constant prayer, nothing that is outside the light will disturb you.  Know that My Mantle is over you daily, and that only I may permit that in this time of chaos your souls may know the judgment is being lived by the evil.

God wants to establish over Latin America the true devotion to My Immaculate Heart; if this gesture of love and devotion were exercised by all My children through the Holy Rosary, future social, political and family confrontations would be avoided.

Those who do not pray with heart and soul in this time, will not be able to stand the involutionary game that the enemy intends to create in the hearts, such as discord, lack of unity and, above all, the absence of love.

But humanity still does not want to recognize that the end of the times is happening and that the Woman Dressed of the Sun and crowned with the twelve stars of salvation is proclaiming to the world the last saving and redeeming call; a call that Christ will be accomplishing before the great judgment.

It is time, dear children for your eyes to see a little more beyond the normal life, because while some nations of the Americas open the doors to chaos and to the plans of the enemy, I beg of you: Pray! Pray! and only pray!  Be mediators between the world and God, because over the course of this time I have already taught you how to open the Doors of Heaven through holy prayer.

If the Americas do not achieve a praying, fervent action, many families will suffer the subjugation of those who believe that they make good works.  I want to say today, before anything, that I do not come to instill fear, but I come from Heaven having decided to rescue and save those who are submerged in the abysses and in the illusions of this world.

Pray, My dear devotees, so that vices and consumerism that deteriorate the souls of the Earth, may be liberated by the Mercy of Jesus.

It has already been some centuries since My Immaculate Heart descended in Mexico, over Mount Tepeyac, to announce through Saint Juan Diego, a time of peace and reconciliation between the indigenous civilization and the white civilization; this stopped the continuous slavery of good souls and permitted that this human slavery did not continue from generation to generation.

A long time ago the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe brought between Her hands the perfect revelation of union between the peoples and God.

Today, the Queen of Peace cries out so that Her children may awaken in consciousness to that which is happening in the whole world.

Dear children, whoever truly lives prayer will have the shield of My Mantle upon their being.  Whoever lives the prayer of the heart in truth will be able to protect themselves and their families; God has given them an instrument of elevation that is much feared by the enemy.

For this today I say to you that it is already time to grow and to mature; I beg you to support Me, and that you dedicate to Me the help that I need from you, to go on pilgrimage throughout the countries of the Americas.  Even though God granted the Faithful Servant the power of manifestation, Mother Mary today gives you the opportunity to dedicate a part of your lives to the Plan of God.

Now redemption of the world must be brought forward by the effort of all; My Son will not be crucified again by human cruelty because He will return victorious for the second time to pour His Mercy over the world.

Accept the offer and the call that I give you, forever and forever I will be eternally grateful to you!

Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Protector of hearts

At the end of the strong revelation that the Virgin Mary today announced to us through the message, She gave us the following prayer dedicated especially to the Indigenous Consciousness; for this day of December 12 of 2013, on which the date of the Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is celebrated.


Saving Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the Indigenous Consciousness

Dear Mother of all the races,
Sacred Mirror of the Divine Justice,
Virginal Chalice that pours out
upon us the Most Precious
Redeeming Blood of Christ.

We now beg of You,
of mind, soul and heart,
Mother and Queen of Guadalupe:
unite that which is separated between our consciousnesses,
liberate the human condition with Your celestial rays.

O Holy Mother of the New Race!
open the Doors to the Sacred Heart of God for us
so that, in the times to come,
all of humanity may see the Promised Land
be born for the absolute good of all.

In Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Weekly Message received of the Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Blessed, transmitted at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

On the eve of the anniversary of the weekly Messages transmitted by My Immaculate Heart, today I call on you to remember all the teachings that I have communicated during this last year, and I also ask for the collaboration of the pilgrims for the publication of the first book with all the daily Messages, which I will bless on December 25 of this year, because I promise to come on that day with Christ.

On the eve of the anniversary of the weekly Messages, these sacred but simple instructions will become monthly, thus fulfilling the request of your Lord, of also appearing the third Saturday of each month to guide you and accompany you. After a year has passed of monthly Messages, My task with you will go through a withdrawal; that means, dear children, that afterwards, My coming will be once a month, in the coming year of 2014.

But if your hearts do not lose the devotion and the love with which you honor My Immaculate Heart, the Lady of the Solar Universe will also be able to visit you in a special way.

Beloved children, today I declare this communication to you because you know that My Apparitions throughout the centuries have had a cycle and a specific time. But today I want you to strengthen that union with Me, for in this way, more hearts will be activated in prayer and will thus be responding to My celestial call.

On this day of Mercy, I want to thank you for the persistence and the effort you made in the life you gave to this, My Marian Center of Figueira, as well as the fruits you have cultivated through each Marian meeting on the Hill.

I invite the other  Marian Centers to join and practice the same rhythms of devotion that you have at the Marian Center of Figueira. In this way, your hearts will work on your fraternity and in the end times you will not feel alone even for a moment.

Dear children, today the Queen of Peace thanks you for this spiritual moment that you share with Me, because the life of a Marian Center is built and evolves through the steps of love that My children decide to take.

Today, the Marian Center of Figueira is carrying out its greater task from the spiritual universe. Thus, now I ask that the members of this Center work and organize a monthly pilgrimage to the Hill of Apparitions, for the simplest of the simple; so that in honor of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, for Me they pray the Holy Rosary for Peace in the inner self of all the beings of the Earth. This pilgrimage can include the precious procession of candles and the songs that I always listen to from the top of the Hill.

Beloved children, may the impulse of living the peace of the heart be ever stronger, for the whole world has need of your beautiful prayers.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call!

Peace to you all,

Mary, Queen of the Blessed

Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mother Mary of Nazareth, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Peace! Peace! Peace! Let only peace exist in your hearts, My dear children.

Let peace be the primary reason for living in the faith and in the love of My Son. I am your Mother of Eternal Peace. I am the Great Star of the Universe, which, in this critical time, comes to the world to illuminate the paths of those who are in the dark.

Through peace you will achieve wisdom and understanding about things; let peace not lack within you, so that in this way, peace does not disappear from the world.

Beloved children, let nothing disturb nor discomfort you, let nothing disquiet you. The world is going through a spiritual crisis, but My soldiers must not be without peace.

Be strengthened by the Holy Rosary, for it will be the instrument that will separate you from the actions of evil.

May your essences live in My ocean of Peace, do not worry your consciousnesses with outer things; may your peace only gain fortitude in the silence.

May peace be between beings, and between beings and God. May no child of Mine lose the hope of being redeemed and freed from the consequences that this world brings.

Be carriers of the peace of the heart; be like torches of light that indicate the pathway toward peace for your fellow beings. Unite your hearts with the Greater Life, lovingly enter into the Kingdom of the Father, so that from there, nothing more will disturb you nor take away your strength for walking.

May the prayer of the Rosary be your permanent shield, so that the snares may be liberated in its presence of peace and love.

Dear children, it is time that your hands hold tight to My protective Mantle, thus nothing will defeat you nor destroy you, for My protection will be eternal for your hearts.

The spiritual war for the redemption of evil has now begun in the universe. Your purest and loving prayers will define the next planetary event.

Simply pray, pray a lot, so that your lips only emanate sacred words of prayer. Lose no more time in superfluous conversations, dedicate your concentration to the powerful art of the prayer of the heart, so that nothing opposite to the light is able to attack you.

I come to the world to awaken it from the slumber and the illusions that widely dominate the heart and the spirit of many of My children.

May your eyes only look at the light of infinity. May your ears only hear the melody of nature. May your mouths only pronounce sacred prayers of light. May your hands only serve and donate themselves to the needy.

It is a time of preparation, the end is drawing near and My children of the whole world will not be able to be aloof from universal events. May your spirits be strengthened in the Sacred Sacraments, in prayer, in fasting, in communion and in the reading of the Gospel. Reconcile every day with God, for in this way, you will be united with His blessed Spirit.

Dear children, today, September 24, I come with the mission that, through this important Message of peace, you be able to open your eyes to remove from your beings the dream of illusions, because it is time to fight with the Rosary in hand for the peace and the protection of all.

My Immaculate Spirit will always protect you. Forward, follow in My footsteps without fear!

I thank you for being in vigil today with Me from the heart!

May peace reverberate in your beings forever.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

