One of the revelations of the Mysteries of God is to know who His Consciousness is and from where all His creatures come, created in the image and likeness of the Creator, of all that exists in the invisible and in the nonmaterial.

It is with this revelation that I bring you My Peace, receiving from My children the warm love of their hearts for this time of renewal, of reconsecration to My Maternal Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God is really something still unknown to the human being. The human being has to search for God in order to know Him, for they will thus receive His impulses and His Revelations; they will have the Grace and the opportunity of broadening their experience of love, of the path of forgiveness and of healing.

This is the main reason, My children, to have so many Children of Mary around Me, so that I may send you out to work in My Name, following the steps of Our Lord Jesus Christ in this long journey of service and ministry for the redemption and conversion of humanity.

This is the time, and it is the hour for all children, all creatures of God, beyond their beliefs, cultures or their peoples, to become a single flock to follow the Great Commander of the Universe, before the impulses of Light that My Heart sends you through the attributes of prayer, service, and fraternity.

Thus, today I do not only come for you, My children, but for a planet that becomes sick, day after day, that is in agony, that suffers, and that few hear this or perceive it. I am speaking about the consciousness of the planet, of this Sacred Home, of this beloved planet which the Father gave to His children so that they learn to experience it and adore it, through all that was created and expressed since the beginning.

The surface human being deviated from the purpose of God throughout time and generations. They misused the resources of God, they used power to conquer them and subjugated the Creation of God, destroying it right up to these times.

Now is the time to reconsider, My children, and may the light of your Christic essences be what gives you the impulse toward renewal and to change so that humanity can also be able to change and be renewed in this time.

If the response of all My Children of Mary could continue in the same proportion to the response of the call of God, the changes would soon come for humanity.

Adversity will not gain the Kingdom in this humanity because it will be defeated by the love and prayer of My children, which transforms and heals all things.

Today I wish to express, in few words, My children, all that God needs of His children in this time, but the Celestial Father also knows that each one of His children have their timing for experiencing transformation until they are able to achieve a maturity of consciousness and thus, live the Divine Purpose upon this planet and with this humanity in a real way.

With all of this I want to tell you, My children, that there is still much to do, there is much work and rebuilding to be done. In all the nations of the world they must still come to know Me by means of all the Children of Mary. There are many places that I still must reach to bring the relief and the love of My Heart to souls.

All of this will also be through the Children of Mary, and as much as the storm may arrive in the coming time, absolutely nothing will cause you to perish.

This will be the moment and the hour in which each one of your souls will be confirmed for the Plan of the Creator. It is for this reason that each Meeting of the Children of Mary is important to Me. Because once a year I am able to observe and contemplate how much My children in this time have grown, how many steps they have taken in the commitment to My Maternal Heart in order to carry forward the Sacred Will of God.

That is why I say to you again that there is still much to be done, there is much to sacrifice for, to surrender for, to give of self for, so that the Graces of Heaven may descend to Earth and be truly deserved by everyone, knowing that the love of God will always unite you and gather you together.

That the Love of God will be able to give you the peace and the wisdom to carry forward this great service for the planet and for humanity.

Today, on this special evening, I can say, My children, that I see the results of this experience of love in each one of you; not only in the commitment to the school of prayer, which must be something daily and permanent for these difficult times, but also in the commitment to service for others and the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also waiting for the love and pity from humankind of the surface that was taken from them by being mistreated Kingdoms, hurt and subdued for a long time.

That spiritual and inner wound, also generated in the lower Kingdoms, is the duty, the commitment and the responsibility of all the Children of Mary and of those who will someday be My children, of being able to heal that wound, applying the light of prayer and of service so that love may once again be given and donated to each one of the Kingdoms.

The commitment of My Maternal Heart is more than a commitment; it is the living of a Purpose still unknown to you that, every day, through the offering of your prayer and of your service to others, I try to draw you closer to that Purpose that was most preciously thought of and meditated upon by God, before your origins.

So you will be able to understand, My children, that I am speaking to you about something really profound, which comes from the Heart of God, and that is donated time and again so that His creatures may awaken to the higher reality and thus be able to fulfill that which they came to do on Earth.

There is still time to come to know this Divine Will, which many call a mystery, but that today is revealed in simple and concrete words so that all souls, in spite of their evolution, may recognize the purpose that comes from the Universe, from the Source of Creation, the Heart of the Celestial Father.

This is the time in which the Children of Mary, who are already consecrated, will be at the doorway of a new period of their lives, of a new commitment, of the deepening of that Divine Will, of responsibly assuming the small tasks that I give you through the Marian Centers and the Pilgrimages for Peace; as well as through the service that, in humility, you can offer in your homes, in your cities, as well as in your work places.

The Mercy of God must be in everything. You can never forget this, in this way, you will never lack wisdom and discernment, even though you may be experiencing a difficult moment or a very large challenge that must be overcome.

The Mercy of God in you and through you will always give you wisdom when you ask for it from the heart, in humility and in surrender, beyond your possibilities or your challenges.

Today, in simple words, I want to leave these requests of God, because our stage in the world will be ending shortly, and the armies must be well placed and available; all My children must support and elevate the Islands of Salvation that, as epicenters, will be home to the Marian Centers in order to be able to bear the end of times that will arrive with major climate and inner changes within humanity.

Everything that I have taught you will be of use to go through the end of times and so that you not be confused.

What We have taught you is very simple, and what you have achieved is quite a lot with such a short time for the experience. So you will understand, My children, the immensity of the potential that exists within each one of you, knowing that this potential, which in summary is the gift and the virtue of God, must be available for these critical times.

The time has come for you to give of yourselves so that humanity and the planet may be saved and the Return of Christ, with all of His power and victory, may be seen within the entire Planet.

My children, today I not only leave you My Blessing and the joy of My Heart because of your response, but also the commitment of living with responsibility that which God needs of each one so that His Will may be fulfilled within you and outside of you.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, remembering the consecration of each one of My children, together, as Mother and child, in this moment, on this 12th of March of 2019, in which all souls that experience the consecration as Child of Mary, renewing yourselves and placing yourselves beside your Heavenly Mother at the Feet of our Father Mother Creator to again say "yes" to the Universe, to the Purpose, to the Plan, to the redemption and healing of humanity.

Today I will accompany you in the silence of My Heart, through the offering of this song, in the consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart so that the nations of the world, especially those that most suffer the chaos of these times, may have happiness and the grace of wisdom upon receiving the Mercy of God.

I reconsecrate you as My children, as the apostles of Christ, as the peacemakers of the end of these times and the unconditional servers of God, in any moment and at any hour, under any circumstance or situation. All those who were consecrated as Children of Mary are today committing to obey God in the face of any call.

So be it and so may it be fulfilled!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In humility, I thank you for responding to My Call.

We can sing...

We stand up.

Song: Children of Mary


Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.

Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.

Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.

Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.

Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.

May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.

Your Father and Friend

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My dear children,

Today we reunite and unite again, from heart to heart, to attend to and pray for the grave world situation, an effect from the imbalance within all of the Kingdoms, especially in the Human Kingdom and for the excessive use of power.

All these events, My children, leads humanity to live and suffer a disorder that also reflects within the life of the spirit.

For this reason, beloved children, this is the time of prayer for the nations, because by praying for each one of the peoples and of the cultures, you will be praying for your planet, which also silently suffers the aggressions of the human being.

However, have faith in the awakening of consciousness, in the possibility that, through prayer and altruistic service, you will be able to relieve the mental consciousness of humanity.

In the meantime, My children, I need an army of praying souls that will accompany your Celestial Mother in the purpose of bringing peace to the world ever more, and of attaining the end of suffering.

This is the time of seeing awaken and flourish, within you, the virtues that My Son gave you so that your talents may be at the service of the Plan of Love and Redemption.

To pray for the nations also means to pray for the angels of the nations, which in this time suffer the consequences of the decisions that the peoples adopt as a model of social and spiritual life.

Today, by means of the union of our voices, let us open the Heavens, trusting and feeling the descent of Grace as a current that purifies the nations and heals the hearts in the face of all adversity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The spiritual and interior healing shall be the means by which humanity will be redeemed.

But, in order to be able to find the healing, there must be true repentance and purity of intention; on the contrary, the healing will not be able to approach the consciousness that still has not been redeemed.

A true coexistence with the Laws and with the Kingdoms, in all their expressions, grants the arrival of that so awaited spiritual healing; healing that will fill the spirit and each part of the being so that the consciousness, free of oppression, may take the steps towards the Lord.

This is the time to return to the origin and to the essence that created us so that the sense of the sacred and of reverence may be what elevates the consciousness so that it reaches the inner transcendence.

I thank You for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


To repair the sickness of the world, you must serve, pray and transform your own inner world, approaching more and more to the Heart of God.

In order to transform your own heart, to set it free from the evils and harassments that surround it, you must serve, pray and create unity with your brothers and sisters, because in these final times, children, what will strengthen you and keep you standing will not be anything individual. It is the love between brothers and sisters, fraternity and unity that will give you the strength to continue forward.

It is for this reason that I come today to extend My graces over this world and thus help you to awaken in your hearts the gifts of love, fraternity and unity, which will begin to be born within you and, little by little, will expand to the whole planet.

I come to offer all Light-Communities, Light-Nuclei and service groups the possibility to, every two weeks, on Thursdays, perform with Me the “Group Effort of Saint Joseph", a day that will be dedicated to repairing love, fraternity and unity in the human consciousness, in which all of its actions will have a conscious aim.

For this, in the Communities and Light-Nuclei that adhere to My request, you will gather in the morning to pray and sincerely offer the day to God; then you will share the first meal of the day and together begin to perform a service. Whether it is in the maintenance of physical spaces, or close to the Kingdoms of Nature, you will cover the needs that will be presented, and you will offer to God each moment of service together with your fellow being for the reparation of love, fraternity and unity in human consciousness.

May this be a day of reconciliation and graces in which, for a moment, you will come out of yourselves to be united to your brothers and sisters and spiritually serve this planet.

At noon, you will pray with Me, and I will listen to you and take your prayers to the Feet of God to intercede for the most necessary situations of this world, above all, those that emerge from the lack of love, fraternity and unity amongst beings.

The service groups that wish to join this proposal and who cannot approach a Light-Community or Nucleus, can gather in their towns to serve in some place in need and together will offer this service to My Chaste Heart. May this moment serve to strengthen the unity amongst group members and dissolve any disagreement and lack of love that may be breaking this unity amongst hearts. At midday you will also pray to My Chaste Heart, offering your service, and you will thank God for the blessings that He pours out upon the world.

Within the Light-Communities and Light-Nuclei, this will be an entire day united and offered to God; the life that you have chosen to carry forward, in which group unity is what sustains you.

Thus, children, My grace will be upon you and, more than that, upon the whole world.

Those who offer the Rosary for the Salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, before the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, will be extending this offer of love to all life. Thus, unity will be built, not only amongst human beings, but among all beings, of all the Kingdoms.

You have My blessing for this.

As of now, I thank you and I bless you for choosing to serve this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Within the Superior Universes, the so-called Source of the Creation acts, universally, regenerating the principles and the spaces of manifestation that form part of the spiritual development of the constellations and the planets.

In this current time, the struggle and the effort to be connected with the High will demand dedication, striving and dynamism so that the currents contrary to the Light, which circulate around the planetary life, do not affect nor deliberately deviate the servers.

If some form of deviation or personal abandonment of the purpose takes place in this time, it is a consequence of the lack of inner and spiritual connection with the Source.

On the other hand, the cycle of self-purification is leading the human consciousnesses on the surface of the Earth to face itself and know that which was before unknown and hidden to it. 

We refer to having consciousness and clarity concerning who each being of the surface truly is on a spiritual, mental, soul and material level.

Knowledge of the spiritual, mental and material aspects of the human being is something that used to be overlooked, because it acted in an unconscious way. 

Now, due to the universal crossing of time and space, these aspects, which beforehand acted alone and with great occult power over the consciousnesses, are coming into evidence so that the human being may face them, purify them and liberate themselves from this constant oppression.

What happens nowadays is that the majority of humanity does not know, nor have the consciousness about how to solve a situation that, during long periods of time, has been compromising the possibility of their awakening and their surrender.

So, however much a minority is aligned with the Divine Purpose and has the inner tools it needs to carry forward the manifestation of the Plan, this part, which is the more conscious minority, does not know how to proceed nor act to solve its intensive process of purification.

For this reason, the Supreme Source of the Creation has, at its disposal, great re-transmitters of attributes and codes of light, the so-called "Mirrors".

The Mirrors are the support and fundamental bridge of union for the current planetary transition because the most sublime Mirrors of the Creation will be the indispensable support for the evolution of love within the terrestrial consciousness; just as they will be the pillars that will sustain the bridge that humanity itself must build through prayer, liturgy, Sacraments and service for the neediest.

Without these attributes widely applied in daily life, the human being will not be able to sustain itself.

Up to now, the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the vast oceans and seas, were the spiritual and internal consciousnesses that sustained the human being of the surface. 

However, this cycle has changed, as the degradation, the mistreat and the lack of care for Nature have generated debts that are unpayable by the human race. And this has consequences, again and again, on the planet, reflecting on the changing climatic phenomena, the accelerated melting of the poles, the terrestrial and aerial contaminations and the collapse of all the environments generated by noise and visual contamination.

All of this planetary context drowns the Earth, as consciousness, the Lesser Kingdoms and all of humanity.

The moment has come for each being of the surface to counteract this evil caused to the planet and the Creation.

The moment has come for each soul to assume its own purification and transition, and to not feed on nor depend on anything or anyone.

The instruments to know how to create the spiritual condition have been taught; now it will only depend on the entire human race to be able to reverse and transmute what has been generated.

The Mirrors will be, in these times, the primary spiritual support of alignment and of balance.

The Mirrors will be able to unite with the mirror of the heart of each being so that, little by little, and with determination and consciousness, they may change the vibrations of the planet and the human race.

Within the Mirrors, you will find greater support for the end of times and the key that will open the right door for you to reach the Celestial Brotherhood.

It is time to work consciously.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Be guardians of peace in the world and pray for those who proclaim peace.

Pray for those who struggle for a planet of fraternity and hope because, without knowing, they are opening the path for a New Life and a New Time.

Pray for those who sincerely love life, the Kingdoms of Nature and the human beings and who, day and night, search for ways to expand respect and love for the world.

Pray for those who do not pray and silence those who do not respect their fellow being and who, with their word, create a lack of union and of love.

Offer spiritual repair for this world. Believe that through your prayers new laws will be attracted from the Universe to transform material life, which is out of alignment and imbalanced.

Pray for the protection of your brothers and sisters who, in the four corners of the world, take forward planetary tasks with the faith that Love will be established on Earth.

Trust that all effort is valid and even the smallest one can transform the destiny of this humanity and of this planet.

That your prayers be each time more sincere and embrace this world.

Children, pray for peace and be the peace of this planet.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The humanitarian missions, in this new cycle, need better legal and human support to be capable of encompassing the service needs of the planet.

For this reason, the manifestation of an institution and association will be essential to sustain all the work that the missionaries need to carry out and carry forward.

An association will be necessary that incorporates the entire planetary missionary network, from the head missionaries to the collaborators; this will help in responding more efficiently to all the needs and possible emergency plans.

The International Humanitarian Federation will continue to be the mother and the official of all the associations, including the association of the missionaries.

This work of expansion in the legal, social and humanitarian fields of the missionary life will allow it to be nationally and internationally supplied with resources and donations from other associations or governmental organizations that will collaborate so that the missionaries' association can fulfill, from cycle to cycle, the different humanitarian missions.

This association, which will be founded in Brazil, and over time in other places with the aspiration of encompassing the five continents, will be offered as a social, cultural and humanitarian instructor and educator in humanitarian emergency plans or for the Kingdoms of Nature. This will be the means through which human beings will learn to serve and to cooperate in the most critical times of the planet.

The headquarters of the association will be the epicenter of missionary life and, from that point, its expansion will be the means of its associations with other international organizations, through humanitarian missions and emergency missions.

The emergency missions will be those demands for humanitarian, social, psychological and medical assistance in regions of the planet or in places where a catastrophe or a dangerous situation is unfolding.

In this sense, the founding of this association, as well as those that already exist within Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation, will allow the humanitarian members, servers and collaborators to be kept safe, regardless of where that are. The embassies of the country of origin of each missionary will be able to fulfill their diplomatic and governmental protection of the citizens who will dedicate themselves to missionary life and service.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Wherever there is a heart that prays, there God will be, listening to its prayers and with them balancing the evil that surrounds the world.

Wherever there is a heart that serves, there God will be, working through its hands and building fortresses within those who have lost hope.

Wherever there is a heart that loves, there God will be, loving within His children and renewing love, so that it may expand and may make all things be reborn.

Wherever there is a heart that persists in the Divine Purpose, in spite of the adversities and difficulties to manifest it, there God will be, slowly building His Plan, silently preparing a new life, a new humanity.

Wherever there is a heart that loves and serves the Kingdoms of Nature, there God will be, making His creatures learn from one another so that they may live in communion.

Wherever there is a heart that believes in the new times, there God will be, preparing the return of His Son so that He may come to transform and heal all things, introducing a new life upon Earth.

Be those hearts that pray, serve, love, persist, believe, have faith. Thus, children, there God will be, by your side and within your hearts, making of your lives triumphant instruments of His Heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


By the merits generated in prayer and service, the Creator grants His blessings to the souls so that, through them, the spirits awaken and are ready to serve this world even more, and beyond it.

When the hearts pray, they grant the Creator the power to enter their homes and transform their lives. The Heart of the Lord finds encouragement in these praying souls and, through them, grants graces and Mercy for those who do not deserve them and even deny God and His Presence.

Therefore, children, open with joy the doors of your houses for God and let Him make of your homes cenacles of prayer, where the hope and the Love of the Creator renew themselves.

Within these cenacles of light, the thirsty souls quench their thirst and the Divine Mercy finds a door to descend to the world and to permeate the beings, the Kingdoms of Nature and the nations.

Offer your homes as an abode for the Heart of God so that, through the transformation of your families, many other families may receive the opportunity to be in God.

Today I tell you that the Love of the Father renews itself in your lives and within your hearts, it builds a fortress that many times you do not see nor perceive, but that will sustain you in future times.

Let the Creator find in your spirits encouragement and reparation for so much indifference in the world. While you repair the Heart of God with simple offers, His Love transforms you with an unknown depth, healing wounds that are hidden in the consciousness, but that reflect themselves in your lives.

Let yourselves be healed while you pray and repair the Heart of God. Some day you will discover that His Grace has transformed you into His instruments and, through the door of your hearts, the  Lord will return in Spirit and in Divinity to this world.

Today I thank you for transforming your homes into cenacles of prayer, abode of the heart of God, and I tell you that, in these homes, the Heart of His Son will pass to grant Mercy and Redemption to the world.

Do not get tired of praying. Let the miracle of the Lord happen in your lives and, through you, in the whole planet.

I love you and thank you for fulfilling the Plan of God with love.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Behold, from Heaven descends the blessing of God to Earth, as water and life to wash and nourish all the Kingdoms of Nature.

When the hearts truly plea to God, the doors of His Kingdom open, not only in Heaven but also inside the beings. Then contemplate, child, this door that is between His Essence and your heart.

Today and always, the Lord sends Me, as His Servant and Companion, to awaken the souls to the truth about themselves, about their evolution and about life. Therefore, search My words for the keys that open your consciousness to this truth and dispose of your being to live it.

Do not want to be this way or that way, do not want to experience this or that thing. Only remain before your own heart, knowing that it is a door for the Divine Consciousness, for the Heavenly Universe, and say to the Lord: "Here I am, Father. Here I am to know who I am. Here I am to know about You, about Your Plan, about Your Will, about Your Love and Your Essence."

Tell the Father that you aspire to fulfill His Will, that you want to be a living witness of His promises and that this is the only reason for your existence, that this is the essence of your life.

Contemplate the Creator as a Divine Source in the center of the Universe, that knows you and accompanies you: an inextinguishable Source of Love from where all the creatures emerged and that deeply knows each one of them.

Speak, child, with the One who sees you transparent, the One before which there are no masks or illusions. Speak to God and let His transparency and sincerity transform, purify, calm and release your heart, taking from you the fragility of mistakes and illusions and substituting them with the strength of union with the Creator, the strength of being in the Truth and in the Divine Will.

Deepen into your spiritual life, because this is the most necessary thing at this time. Without this sincere union with God, you will only be human fragility.

The times that will come will need to find you firm and full, not of yourself, but of God.

Therefore go and knock on the door of your chest. Speak to your God and Lord and He will listen to you and respond to your pleas.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Series - Manifestation of Aurora - Part XIII

Within the context of Casa Redención, located in the area of Redención 1, there are to be found the so-called points of healing, a spiritual term that refers to the congruence of elevated vortices of universal energy where spiritual impulses for the spiritual healing of souls are received.

These spaces, represented on the physical plane by small huts, for this new cycle of healing in Aurora, need to finish being built according to the architectural project made some years ago.

A walkway amidst nature will unite the spaces that exist between the so-called points of healing; this means that the finishing and completion of each point of healing will allow the task of healing in Aurora to continue in spite of the weather.

For this reason, Aurora, as a Kingdom of Healing and Redemption, must refurbish these small points of healing which later on will be small circular rooms where those to be assisted can enter to experience the steps of their own spiritual healing.

Up until today, and for more than ten years, Aurora has offered this important work of healing precariously and simply; but Aurora now deserves to be built completely, with the loving collaboration of everyone.

This finalizing of the building of the points of healing, according to the thought-out architectural project, will allow the task of healing to become a reality on the surface and, above all, for the processes of the healing of people to occur and be offered at any time of the year.

Up until today, the changes in the climate and the unfinished structure itself of the so-called points of healing have not allowed an expansion of the primordial task of Aurora.

Now the time has come to also schedule this need in the near future because Aurora cannot fail to offer healing due to a lack of vital elements for the correct development of the task.

It will be a mission of the Light Network and all of those who may wish to join, to be able to accomplish this goal.

The finalizing of the points of healing will allow the opening of the floodgates of redemption over this sacred soil of Aurora.

I thank you for considering My petitions!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Observe within the signs of nature, the expression of the spirit of the Earth. Through the elements, sense the deepest feelings of the planet that shelters you.

The Earth lives and expresses through the Kingdoms, giving humankind knowledge of the intensity of its heart.

When the winds stir, rains fall and lightning ignites the skies, lighting up that which the clouds had darkened, feel the Earth liberating hearts and let your spirit also be cleansed by its water of life.

When the sun shines on the horizon and the blue sparkles in the sky, painting the air of the Earth with a new day, you also experience the renewal that the elements bring, and thank the Father for the opportunity to begin again.

Like the Kingdoms of Nature within their seasons, child, let yourself be transformed by life. Revere the cycles that the Earth brings you and live each moment with gratitude, for in all things there is a message from God, for you.

Enter into yourself by facing Nature, so as to enter into the depths of the Earth and become a knower of its science and its spirit.

Life has a lot to teach you, it is enough that do not go through it with indifference and superficiality.

Contemplate the depths of the All and one day you will truly understand why you are here.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May every being find the key to their balance in prayer. 

In these times, souls are unmotivated to pray because life is so dense and there are so many stimuli of distraction that beings become weak, hearts become debilitated and their inner worlds lose the strength to pray and remain upon the path of prayer.

Today I tell you, children, that when you notice that you are going through this path, stop in your tracks and turn your eyes towards God. Let His word again be Sacred, through a dialogue with the Creator, and pray. Pray as you know how to, doing so with your heart, returning to your deep bond with God. 

Pray for your families and for the families of the whole world. Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the hearts of humankind. Prayer is the most powerful tool in these times. It is what protects you and keeps you in spiritual, mental and emotional balance.

For this reason, children, do not stop praying, do not stop uniting your hearts to the Father, uniting your rosaries to the Rosary of light of your Divine Mother and attracting the attributes of the new life to Earth. 

We are in a time of battle in which constant prayer is your only tool to win. You must persist and sustain yourself through prayer. 

The time will come soon, when you will understand this gift that God gave you, of communication with Him through the praying word.

Up until today, prayer is a mystery to the consciousness, and, little by little, with love, you must go deeper in order to unravel it. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part V

At the highest points of the House of Redemption, within the three areas constituted as Redemption 1, 2, and 3, systems must be installed to obtain alternative solar and wind energies.

For this reason, some of the consecrated and residents of the Light-Community must know how to work with these resources through an academic formation about renewable and alternative energies.

This experience in Aurora, after a while, will also allow us to perceive the different alternative energies that can be developed in the other Light-Communities.

It will be an indispensable and essential resource for the Light-Communities, in the long term, to be able to count on these means which nature and the climate offer within each region of the planet.

In this sense, the academic formation of the residents and of the consecrated, focused upon the alternative energies, will allow for further development in the field of knowledge and of intelligence, with the objective of seeking the resources to cover the needs of each Marian Center, as well as of each Light-Community.

For these coming times, it will also be necessary to have an awareness about the correct use of electric power, which supplies about 98.9% of the needs of humanity since its exacerbated consumption harms the Kingdoms of Nature and all of the ecosystems.

Bringing to conscious awareness the fact that everything necessary for living is within the Kingdoms of Nature, the human being will awaken their sleeping senses, which will help them to perceive reality without the need to harm nature.

It is time for human beings to learn to respect Creation and all its components through a more equitable and harmonious way of life.

To develop alternative energies in Aurora will require the formation of a group of brothers and sisters dedicated to academically instructing themselves, as well as for developing the necessary projects.

Aurora has the potential for the utilization of alternative energies through the Sun, the wind, and water.

I thank you for considering all of the Projects of God!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part IV

Within the lands granted to the Center of Aurora, on the surface, in the areas of Redención 1 and of Redención 2, the system of cultivation must be expanded.

First, within the spaces that will be dedicated for this conclusion, a process of preparation of the land must be generated through a plan of agroforestry, a method of recovery and of increasing awareness about the care of the soil so that, in a true ecosystem, the water may find a channel and a way to nourish the land.

It is already time for the members of the Light-Community and the Monasteries, as well as the collaborators, to learn about the care of the soil and the preparation of the land for future cultivation.

In this sense, bringing in new knowledge and applying it to an awareness of group life, the role of the Light-Community, in its mission and purpose of self-sustainability, will expand and be strengthened.

Natural and organic cultivation within the Light-Communities will be the main basis for survival during the most critical cycle of the planet since 90% of humanity makes use of and digests toxic plant foods which, in current times, represent the reason for an 80% lack of health and low quality of life.

In Aurora, it will be necessary to organize a space and an infrastructure to keep a seed bank that can provide 95% of the living food which comes from vegetables and fruit trees.

In order for that aspiration of the Hierarchy to become a reality, amongst the residents, the consecrated and the collaborators, a group of support and work must be created to gradually bring this aspiration into materialization, term by term.

It is important that all members of the Light-Community and of the consecrated life of Aurora learn about the agroforestry system and about the cultivation since, at the end of times, it will be essential that any brother or sister know how to recognize the conditions of the soil in order to be able to sow and later to harvest.

Organic and non-genetically modified food is a mission of the Light-Communities in order to preserve not only a quality of life but also the natural principle through which foods were created.

Each region where there is a Light-Community must develop the system of cultivation and care for the soil, according to environmental and ecological factors.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Prayer of the Angel of peace.

Behold the King of Universal Peace. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

The sacred Child God was born of the purest Womb of the Mother of the World and brought liberation to the Earth.

The sacred Child God came from the Breath of the Spirit, from the Creator Word that manifested itself and became flesh among humankind on the Earth, revealing the power of love and of redemption.

Today I ask you to remain with eyes closed because of the magnitude of the splendor of the Child God, so that your inner worlds may bear His extremely high divine vibration and so that, from now on, My children, before the Mother of God and the Child God, you concentrate upon the center of your heart, where is found the triumph of the soul and of the spirit, the inner dwelling place where the Christ of the end of times will be reborn.

Today an opportunity and an infinite grace are being born for all of humanity, for the consciousness of the planet and even for the Kingdoms of Nature.

This Child God is the beginning and is the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

He was announced, prophesized, lived among humankind, healed the sick, expelled evil spirits, revived the dead, converted sinners through the powerful Fount of Love-Wisdom.

And this Child, the Sacred God, will not only be born in you again, in the communion with His Body and with His Blood by means of this sacred night of light in which darkness is defeated and the hells are conquered, paralyzing the abysses, expelling the demons from those that they intended to perverted through superfluous temptations and the dominance of human control.

The Sacred Child God today announces His Advent to the temple of the heart of each human being so that His Radiance and all the Power of His Light may transcend boundaries, limits, and all forms, transcend the planes and all of the consciousness and, within the soul of each human being, may germinate the chance to re-ignite the Christic Light within, the Inner Sun that enters into fellowship with the Universe and all of the Brotherhood, making the Christs of the new time possible on Earth.

Just as the Kings of the Orient bowed down before the birth of the Redeemer, today the angels bow down before the rebirth of Christ in the beings of the Earth and the mirages of the human consciousness are dissolved so that the truth and the light may be born; that light and that truth that were a depository in Jesus through the Archangel Saint Michael, and transcends all times and all generations by the sacred teraphim of the Sword of Light of Saint Michael, which expels all illusions, which reveals all lies, which dissipates all hells and which concedes peace to the one that invokes it, to the one that invokes His sacred name.

Thus, today not only is the Child God here but also the splendor of His Eucharistic Heart for all those who adore Him.

Not only is the Mother of the Lord here, Who gestated grace and redemption for humanity in Her most pure Womb, but also the Archangel Saint Michael is here, the archangelic patriarch and the universal custodian of all the warriors of Christ for the end of times.

His Power has no limits; his authority has no boundaries. His presence defeats all evil by the commanding power that is born of His Heart when from Him emerges the Love of God that granted the Birth of Christ, the redemption of humanity until the Crucifixion and the Death of the Lord, and even during His Ascension to the Heavens.

For this reason, I ask you, My children, to not sleep while facing this revelation, neither physically nor spiritually, because you would be wasting many codes that are unrepeatable and nontransferable to other people.

I ask you to keep your eyes closed on facing the splendor of the Child God and the presence of the Archangel Saint Michael because in them there was a divine fusion from the beginning; a spiritual alchemy that was only known to the Essenes and which was veiled and safeguarded throughout time through the love and the unconditional service of Christ, up until these times, so that you, as current humanity, might receive this revelation on this day and at this time, when faced with a very acute planetary crises and an unbearable pain for millions of souls of the Earth because they are separated from God and the Truth.

Now I ask the consecrated to come up to the foot of this stage, and that with the light of their candles, they hold the descent of this revelation that comes from the Fount of the Celestial Father through My Immaculate Heart, for this planet, for this humanity, and for this moment.

Sacred are the Treasures of Heaven.
Elevated are the Revelations of God.
Immense are His Mysteries.
Infinite are His Projects, which must be complied with and materialized in the souls of the Earth so that the Sacred Will may be fulfilled and the cycles become renewed time and again.

Now you can open your eyes, because the splendor of Jesus, of the Child God, has withdrawn.

Knowledge exists in all the spheres of the Non-material Universe. And that knowledge, which is great Projects of God and part of His Divine Idea, expects to descend to Earth during this transition and after this transition, so that the concretization of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.

We are faced with a scenario similar to the Birth of Jesus, at a very serious time for humanity and the planet in which the human being has already learned to self-destruct and to damage the Kingdoms of Nature.

We are in a time more difficult than the time in which Jesus lived. And you know this, My children.

Thus, for God, today the presence of each one of you here and with this means of communication, is very important. Because that represents a mature response, although unknown on the part of your souls and your inner nuclei, which make the effort and surrender even though they are not ready to live the Plan of God, transcending desires, giving up pleasure and wholly seeking Divine Life for all those who do not do it on this Christmas Eve, in which the distraction of the world is very great, and the angels struggle against the demons so that the essences of human beings may not be contaminated, lost, nor perverted by evil.

For this, the Victory of Christ in this hour is very important. Not only because of His inner Presence in this place, which reignites your inner Christs, but also because of all the Hierarchies of Light that, in a single brotherhood of Wisdom and of Love, unify in a single Spirit and under the same Purpose, to carry forward the Plan of God in this transition.

You, My children, are faced with an event similar to the Birth of Jesus.

The personas that participate in this scenario are different, but the story is similar, because the planet is suffering and its souls are called to alleviate it through gestures of love, of charity, and of good, not only for souls but also for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Today I am not only here with you, My children, but also with those children of Mine who are alone in the asylums, in the hospitals, in the dark streets. I am with the children, with the divided families, with the mothers who went through an abortion and who will have an abortion in total ignorance.

I am with everyone and in all nations, in Omnipresence and in Light, facing the coming of the Child God and of the Archangel Michael, the emperor of the Celestial Homeland. Because if His hosts are here, He too is here, operating and working with the planet at the level of spirit and of human essence.

Perhaps My message today is very symbolic and abstract. But what is most important is that you keep the words in your hearts and all the vibrations that come through them which you will need for the next cycle, to learn to fight for the Plan and for the victory of Christ, although He still has not returned to Earth.

May this light that today you bear in your hands reignite the commitment of living the inner Christ so that the apostles of the end times may be present in this cycle and in this time in which emergencies and needs will be experienced that must be attended to by everyone, so as to maintain the psychic balance of humanity, and especially the peace, where it still exists.

But hold on to your faith and hope in this Christic light that comes from Heaven this evening, which nurtures you, which fills you and which heals you so that you can be different and believe in this great change in consciousness, which the rebirth of Christ can generate in your lives and consciousnesses.

Have absolute faith in that miracle of love so that the Will of God may be fulfilled and you may be participants, in this time, of His Divine Purpose.

From the depths of My Maternal Spirit, I want to thank all those who responded to My call through the novena, and for all of the families who were helped far and wide in the world: from the most miserable families to the richest families, from the most divided families to the most united families, from the loneliest families to the most joyous families.

The essence of families and their spirituality was helped and intervened in through My armies of light by means of this novena of light that was offered. Amen.

Before the Child God, which on this night is preparing to be born within humankind, in the depths of souls and in the consciousness of spirits, we offer the prayer of the Sacred Family as a symbol of spiritual union with the Kingdom of God.

Let us pray in Portuguese.
We take a breath.
Prayer: Act of Consecration to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Very good, children, very good!

Now, so that this night may end up consecrated not only here, but also in the families of the world, I will ask you to play the song Silent Night again, in Spanish, so that the Child God, in the presence of the patriarch Archangel Saint Michael, with the Power of Heaven, of the Universe, and of the Kingdom of God, before the angels that surround Him and adore Him, may consecrate the elements that will be a part of the communion between souls and God.

We stand up.
Song: Noche de Paz (Silent Night)

May the Peace of Jesus Christ, dear children, be in all the hearts of the Earth.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth for all beings of goodwill.

I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And may the rebirth of Christ be a truth and a reality in each one of your lives. Amen.

In fraternity and love, for the peace on this planet and in each human heart, in the name of the Child God and of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, you may give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!


While in the Heavens, a divine event is being prepared, on Earth there are few beings who are accompanying the divine dimensions.

The celebration of Christmas, above all, occurs with the start of a new cycle, throughout all life; the Kingdoms of Nature, the elements, the stars, the time, the cosmic rays, the universe, the cosmos. Life enters into a new cycle, marked by a spiritual rebirth. It is the remembrance of the moment in which the Creator transformed all laws so that He Himself could become a material and human creature.

God the Father changed into Father and Son, manifesting the mystery of the likeness with His Heart. As from that event, nothing remained the same, and the laws of spiritual and material life entered a new cycle.

After the death and resurrection of Christ, that change in the laws continued on its course, because the Creator did not manifest on Earth just to give a chance of salvation to human beings; He came to awaken an archetype of life, institute new laws, and send a sign of its renewal into the cosmos.

In this way, He gave humankind a path and an example to imitate, to follow, to renew throughout its whole evolution.

Each Christmas, when nature and material and spiritual life enter into a new cycle, that offering of God is renewed and awakens a Christic unity with the Father, within beings who are open of heart.

Year after year, throughout the centuries, the enemy of God tries to distract souls and cause them to become lost, but his craft does not reach divine laws, and the impulses of the Creator are unchangeable during each new cycle. The awakening depends on the will, attention and openness of each being.

Each cycle that goes by, these laws draw closer to Earth and take greater shape within human life, with their natural divine vibration confronting, within all beings, everything that does not belong to the new cycle.

Thus, in this period of cosmic and universal renewal, it is important to have the heart united with God, and not resist the transformations.

Allow yourselves to be renewed, so that you may be potential renewers of the Love of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let the Christic Love of the Lord flow within you so that, through your giving of self and surrender to the Plan of God, each space may be permeated by that powerful transfiguring energy.

Let the Christic Love of God flow through you, so that each consciousness may receive what it needs and be able to feel the peace of an apostle of Christ.

Let the Christic Love of the Lord flow through you so that the suffering of humanity may be alleviated and inner healing achieved by the majority of souls.

Let the Christic Love of the Lord flow through you so that each Kingdom of Nature may feel the love of human beings.

Let the Presence of God flow through you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Act of Reverence and Love to the Kingdoms of Nature

I wish I could be like a bird
to just praise and sing to God.

I wish I could be like the water of the oceans
to only mirror the Peace of God.

I wish I could be like a tree
that rises up to reach the Kingdom of God.

I wish I could be like a flower
that opens every morning to show its devotion to God.

I wish I could be like a plant
that decorates environments to leave them full of harmony and light.

I wish I could be like a dolphin
that amidst the waves overcomes itself to reach God.

I wish I could be like a sunflower
that opens every day to receive the light of the Sun.

I wish I could be like a crystal
that guards the most beautiful thing it has
in order to express its love for Creation.

I wish I could be like the wind
that blows strong and constant
to reach all corners of the Earth with love.

I wish I could be like fire
to illuminate the days of darkness.

I wish I could be like the land 
that tirelessly gives itself to be the womb
that gestates Creation again and again.

I only wish that the trees were not cut down,
to not leave the planet without beings that rise towards God.

I only wish that birds were not hunted 
so that the Earth would not be left without beings that fully praise God.

I only wish that the earth would no longer be transgressed with toxins and chemicals
so that humanity would not run out of living food.

I only wish that the oceans were no longer contaminated
so that marine life would not die soon
and the seas could continue to mirror peace.

I only wish human beings were aware
that the planet is our home and that we depend on it to live.

I only hope that all of us will be in communion with the Kingdoms
so that, for a moment, we may feel their constant suffering
and thus we can relieve them, without transgressing Creation.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

