Perceive the life around you, the Kingdoms, the elements, the presence of your brothers and sisters, the light, the color, the sounds. Perceive what the surroundings create in your heart, what they reflect in your mind, in your emotions, in your heart.

Life, child, is permeated by the silent presence of the Spirit of God, but He is hidden, hiding like the King of the Universe, hid in the Womb of His Most Holy Mother. The Spirit of God only reveals Itself to those who are humble of heart and who open to perceive the mysteries of the divine presence among humankind, just as His Son revealed Himself to the simple in the manger of Bethlehem.

If you cannot feel the presence of the Spirit of God around you, close your eyes, breathe and become silent. Within the air that enters your being, that is where the Spirit of God dwells. In nature, in its sounds, in its colors, there dwells the Spirit of God.

Live in this presence and act, in each instant of your life, under the Eyes of your Heavenly Father. In this way, you will see, child, that you will no longer do those things that cause you to fall, again and again, into the same errors and tendencies of the past.

Live with the gaze of the Spirit of God upon you. But do not only live in fear of God; know that His Presence comes to help you to re-consecrate your life and to persevere in your consecration.

May the Eyes of the Fire of God that are upon you lead you to transformation.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Gladden your hearts and glorify God, Who never forsakes His children and never ceases to pour out His graces over those who, with faith, serve Him, and in trust, respond to His call.

Today I come to the world for each one of you, servants of God, who every day, with effort, try to go deeper into your own surrender and transformation.

I come for those who feel alone, inwardly forsaken sometimes, because they feel they never reach the place where God needs them to be. I come to tell you that, indeed, you are on the correct path and must not fear not reciprocating with God, because what the Father needs from you is your perseverance and not perfection.

I come so that you never stop learning to love, because the simple effort of living love is already enough for you to cross the threshold between the old and the new man.

Remember, children, that you are in a time of transition, in which you are stepping out of what you were but have not yet achieved what you should be. You are the tip of the spear of a new life, which perhaps will be fully lived by others.

Today I simply ask you for your constant effort to love and to live these times in unity with your brothers and sisters, and each time you feel disunity knocking at your door, know how to say "no" so that you may remain in love and in unity.

I want to help you take a new step toward the Heart of God and for this reason, I am here.

Receive My presence as a response of the Heart of God Who, placing His Grace within your spirits, simply tells you: "Persevere! And try to love every day."

Love His Plan, love His Purpose and love His Will for each one of your brothers and sisters. Love the existence of each human being, of each Kingdom of Nature, because all beings that live on Earth are here because, being fully loved by the Father, they have received, from Him, an opportunity to imitate His Love.

With these words, I bless you and I thank you for trying every day to take a step toward the Heart of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


After the daily Message, Saint Joseph added:

I also come today to make a request: the Group Effort of Saint Joseph, at the Marian Center of Figueira.*

Just as this practice of unity with My Chaste Heart has brought results at the Marian Center of Aurora, it will also do so here, in which is My home.

So that hearts may be strengthened in unity with one another, and so that this very unity may make you strong in the face of the situation of chaos that the world is experiencing, I ask you to carry out this Group Effort, in which I will always be present.

As from now, on the days in which you pray to receive Me, you will experience a moment of service and of community among you, to then commune with God.

I ask you for this because the Communities of Light must become a bridge of salvation and of healing for the human consciousness and this only happens when beings learn to be united, and thus, learn to be fraternal and create a connection of love with one another, and thus, with God.

During this first period the Group Effort will be weekly, and when My channels  are not here, it must be done bi-monthly.

You will see, children, how in a short time, unity will dissolve the conflicts, and being closer to each other, you will be closer to God.

I bless you and I thank you for fulfilling this request of Mine for unity and fraternity among the servants of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


*The Marian Center of Figueira is located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.


Keep in your heart all the Graces that the Lord granted you and consolidate, within yourself, the action of His infinite and unfathomable Mercy.

Remember, every day, that you are the fruit of the Grace and Mercy of God, which acted within you, as in your consciousness, releasing you from all the evil that kept you tied to the things of the world.

Keep your heart immersed in Divine Mercy, remembering that the Grace of God is something that must be cultivated and sustained within you. Make the gifts and virtues that the Lord granted you grow and multiply, because the time has come to put into practice, in face of the atrocities of the world, the faith and perseverance in the Love of Christ.

You will not be free from this test, child, because the purification has now extended beyond the invisible of your inner world and has reached the consciousness of the planet. But, just as you pray, you clamor and sustain your own inner self; now with more fervor, pray, clamor, and sustain life upon Earth.

Do not let chaos, hate or fear approach your heart. Love and do not forget that love is your only tool at this time.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Above chaos and beyond all human and universal duality lies the Heart of God.

Your Father, child, calls you to transform the laws of the Earth, which are fruit of the human degeneration; He calls you to transform what is the natural condition of humanity for many. Do not believe that the current human condition is non-transformable. Believe in the mystery of the Heart of God, which is beyond everything humanity knows and expresses.

Look at the Firstborn Son of your Creator Father: He must not ever be an exception for you. He is the spike of a spear of which you make part; a spear which breaks the structures of the old mankind and establishes a new life, a life that expresses the true essence of the human creation. Christ is the spike of the spear and His Father and Lord is the hand that supports and directs it, in order that its goal be exact and his path, right.

Feel your heart as part of this Plan, part of this divine spear in the Hands of God, which must be strong and needs to break the structures of an old being. Feel that, above all, this spear trespasses and crosses your own heart, your soul and your spirit and, transforming all that you are, makes you part of the establishment of the New.

Persevere, my child, and do not fear.

Let everything be broken and be transformed within you. Offer your heart to God as the first transformed part of this human consciousness. May your redemption be the first symbol of the triumph of God in this world.

Do you fear, but be firm. Let God send this spear to its target and, with a Love that is beyond all human understanding, transform this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, child, pray at every instant of your life, asking that the presence of the Spirit of God be alive in you. That this Holy Spirit may permeate your being, your mind, your soul and your heart, entering into your feelings and acting in the world through your actions.

It is a time of confusion and conflicts, in and out of the beings, and the enemy, very invisibly, enters into the life of people and takes hold of their hearts, even when they believe that they are on the path of good and that they do not do anything other than proceed through life, according to what their heart dictates.

The enemy lives in the hearts of many men who sow discord by enjoying evil and that, ignoring the voice of their souls and the outcry of their guardian angels, enter more deeply, each day, into the abysses of this world.

Pray for those who make mistakes and only attract Justice and despair toward themselves.

Pray for those who will regret their mistakes too late, for having ignored the Plan of God, His Work and His Will, believing that all of that was the plan, work, and will of men.

Pray for those who ignore the Law of the Hierarchy, for the unbelievers and the impious, those who judge the actions of God in men, because they will not be able to receive anything more than Divine Justice, since they did not accept His Mercy.

Pray for those who suffer for not being able to be humble and who prefer to build human works instead of recognizing their faults and allowing themselves be corrected on the path of God.

Beg the Holy Spirit to act in your heart and live in you so that you may persevere in the Will of the Father and do not judge the fulfilling of His Plan based on human actions and definitions.

Pray, child, because the world agonizes, the nations tremble, the hearts of men are confused. Only in God there will be peace, only in His Spirit there will be discernment, only in His Heart there will be true Love.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Heavens open before your eyes, first give thanks to God and raise your deepest reverence to the Father; then, child, let this Heaven not only be before you, but let it enter into you, and you into it, recovering, even if for an instant, your unity with God.

When the Heavens open before your eyes, after giving thanks, then think about all of humanity, about all the Kingdoms of Nature, about each small and secluded space on this planet, and place all the life that dwells upon the Earth in the Heart of God. Cry out to the Father for each heart and feel that He responds to your supplications, pouring out Love and Mercy upon the world.

When the Heavens open before your eyes, give thanks, cry out for the world and then cry out for yourself, so that, as a part of a whole, which is life, you also may have courage and perseverance, enough to fulfill the Will of God and remain in it.

Recognize yourself as a unique piece in the fulfillment of the Plan of the Creator, in the renewal of His Love and of His Grace, and in this certainty, also understand the importance of each being, of each heart, and call for unity among beings; pray not only for the neighbor to learn to love you and accept you as you are; pray, above all, for all to know how to mutually love one another, respect one another, and understand the importance of each being within this Plan. Even the most sinful and lost being is important to God because their conversion is a great victory.

But you, who are also imperfect and are on this path of learning, consent yourself to pray for the neighbor and to open the path so that this Heaven that opens before your eyes may pour its Graces on those most in need, on all the children of God so that no one remains in the world without having received at least one opportunity to return to the Heart of the Father.

With this, child, placing Life everyday, in the Heart of God, you will be fulfilling a part of the Will of the Father for you, because your prayers will be true.

Pray, and when Heaven opens before your eyes, cry out to the Father for His Unity to live again within the beings.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Third Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Beloved Jesus,
make me brave in each moment.

May the tests serve
to purify my consciousness.

May the challenges that You send me
help in the transcendence of my being.

May each transition of life
be the passage towards a new
state of consciousness.

Help me, Lord,
to be persevering,
humble and dedicated.

May I be able to feel within my heart
the Ray of Your Mercy
and the divine and supreme Grace
acting and working throughout my being
because thus Your divine Light will triumph
before the inner darkness
of these times.

Lord Jesus,
strengthen me day after day
in the union with You,
make me small and similar to You
so that I may perfectly imitate You
in each step.

Empty me in every moment, Lord.

Rejoice my Soul
while being in Your glorious Presence.

And I ask You, Lord,
to relieve the weight of my cross
so that, with Your merciful assistance,
I may surrender completely
at the Feet of the Celestial Father.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses and renews you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Third Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

bathe me inside and out
with the fount of Your Grace.

Purify each aspect of my being
so that I may always be able to renew myself
through You.

Purify me of my thoughts
and of my feelings.

I ask You, our Lord,
to be part of my being.

Teach me to be patient
and persevering in every moment.

Teach me to be humble
and simple before others
so that my personality
may not seek to promote itself in anything
but rather be willing to serve
when I am needed and called.

Lord of Truth,
may my feelings be ennobled,
may my word rise in vibration
and may each prayer that I offer You
be able to be received in Heaven
as a drop of light in the vast Universe
so that the Graces of God
may continue to descend.

Teach me to offer my life to service.

Teach me to offer my heart
as an instrument of healing.

Teach me, dear Jesus,
to empty me of myself day by day
so that each step that I take
may be blessed by Your consoling Love.

May my life be guided
and protected by You, Lord,
and may the Holy Spirit descend
so that I may fulfill,
within Your majestic Work,
all the Designs that You have thought of
within Your humble Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

O My Lord!
make me patient and persevering
just as You were
in each moment of Your Passion.

May I see, reflected in everything,
the Divine Will of God,
and even if sometimes it may seem unfair to me, Lord,
allow me to always
see the purpose of the Truth
that emanates in each deed.

Small and invisible, I want to be, Lord Jesus,
just as You made Yourself small
and simple in humanity.

May my steps reflect
the absolute trust
of being able to follow You.

Elevate my consciousness
in state and vibration
so that from now on,
beloved Jesus,
I may find the meaning
of everything that could happen.

May my inner hearing
not close; may it open,
just as my heart opens
to recognize Your Presence
in my brothers and sisters.

Help me, Lord,
to understand life
beyond what it seems to be.

Help me to experience
each test or obstacle
with the importance they have
for reaching the transcendence of my being.

Liberate me from myself,
in all senses and forms.

May You, my Jesus,
be the One who acts, proceeds
and manifests the Supreme Will
in order that, someday,
I may learn to die to myself
so that You, Sacred King,
may live in me



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Through this song, I come to cry out to the world to not lose its innocence, because otherwise, it will greatly suffer, worse than the last century.

May innocence not be lost from the hearts so that they never lack Peace.

Yesterday I spoke to you about hope, but today I speak to you about the true consciousness that many eyes do not want to see, for being afraid, for fear or for anguish.

But I, My children, as Your Mother and Mother of the World, must always tell you the Truth.

We are trying to build something new in a difficult time, in which each second and each minute is definitive; in which each step to be taken must be taken with forethought and discernment, so that no one precipitates into the abyss.

With this I want to tell you, dear children, as I told the shepherds in Fatima: Do not lose your innocence; because if you lose your innocence as humanity and as a people, you will lose the power of your original purity, your essences will be stained and God will not be able to draw close to you to bring you what is new and renewing.

But as I Am Mother of all and Mother that comes for all, for those who are present and for those who are not here, today I make this plea to you from the depths of My Spiritual and Maternal Heart; that your innocence may be able to shine in these times in spite of the mistakes, of the tests and of all that happens in the world, day after day.

I need, children, that through your innocence, you return to the path of your essential purity, because the world greatly needs it in order to continue forward.

In spite of all the manifestations of these times, My children, remember that I will always be your Patroness in this nation, and I wish to be the Patroness in all the nations of the world, no matter how they may know Me or call Me. I Am the Divine Mother of God, the Sacred and Feminine Spirit that emerged from the Source to come to the world and hold all of My children in My Arms, just as I held Jesus, the Supreme King.

I invite you, through the path of prayer, to not only seek the hope of God, but also the inner innocence that must reign in these times, so that things may be kept in balance and, above all, nations may remain in harmony.

Because if your innocence is available to the world, permeated by a deep gratitude and love, many things that would be about to happen in the coming times could be stopped, very difficult and very large things that your Heavenly Mother observes, day after day.

For this reason, everything you do and everything you offer to God will be important in this time; you must be creators of sources of reparation so that many things may become balanced in the world and many events that have been foreseen may not occur.

Through this call, I want to lead you all to the essence of Love and of Truth, so that the world may also awaken to that.

But that essence of Love will first begin in you, in discovering it within you in a simple and humble way, so that it may then awaken in the world and in humanity.

Humanity has lost many values, has lost many principles and also many designs that your Heavenly Mother comes to reestablish in this time through the pilgrimage and the call to all Her children of the world, irrespective of their religion, their nation or their people.

With this I wish to tell you, dear children, that I Am the Universal Mother, the Mother that embraces each one of the children of God: the perfect and the imperfect, the sinners or the believers, those who have erred or those who have been correct, all are My children in the same Original Source.

That is why I come to call you and I come to find you, so that the transformation of the consciousness may take place in this time and serious events may not happen as has been foreseen.

But the path of prayer of the heart that each one of you offers Me day after day, gradually dispels all the bad influences so that the Light may reign a little more in the world, reach more sleeping hearts and awaken more consciousnesses that must find their inner truth in order to continue following the path to the Source, the path toward Divine Will.

While I speak with you, I pray for the world. I hope that in all the days to come, you will imitate this exercise of your Heavenly Mother, because in each second of your lives, as well as in each daily task, it will be necessary to place the mind and the heart in prayer, so that many, many more negative forces may be dissipated and the powerful channel of prayer may triumph in My children and consequently, in the world.

Unite in constant and continuous prayer with your guardian angels; more critical times will come to the world and they are not only just words, but realities that your Heavenly Mother decrees to you at this time.

Because the world chose to follow the path of lack of love and withdrew from the truth.

But even here, on this Earth, there are many brave hearts, that God will fully avail Himself of to carry His Work to the world.

There is still a little time to resolve what is happening in humanity.

That is why I call you, My children, to accompany Me at each step of a new pilgrimage, because your Heavenly Mother needs to establish new realities in the world; what I call "Principles of God," which come directly from the Source to aid humanity.

God needs instruments, many more instruments that may want to donate their lives to the Plan; for a Plan that is still unknown and of which humanity knows only a small percentage.

But there is no Mystery that cannot be revealed; your Heavenly Mother will always bring you the truth, the guidance and the path for your lives, so that this Divine Plan may be fulfilled as it is foreseen.

Know, My children, that we are reaching the great moment of great efforts that each one of your souls must live. Greater efforts than those you have lived up until now, because it is necessary to change many more things in the world.

With the sweetness of My Voice, today I bring you the Truth; with the calmness of My Heart, today I bring you hope; and I pronounce the call of God to the world again and again, until finally all souls may listen and realize that it is necessary to change.

I thank you for your perseverance and your faith; through those virtues, I can also do many more things in the world.

Perseverance will always make you brave; hope will always build the future, inside and outside of yourselves and over the surface of the Earth.

I want you to make the Plan of God triumph in humanity, with each daily effort and dedication, with each opportunity of service and of surrender, to relieve the Heart of God that is much offended by men, also by His church.

I want you to relieve the Heart of the Father together with Me, with that joy that you live and that you have that will never be erased, with that devotion that you have built through each daily prayer bead, with each service that you have lent to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

All, all of those virtues transform the world and repair the Heart of God, although you are sometimes very tired. Everything is valued by the Highest and recognized by His Angels from Heaven.

There is no testimonial of love that you make that is not written down; everything is recorded in the Book of the Heavens; every good work done, every work of Peace that is spread, every service rendered that is unconditionally surrendered to the Universe, is recorded in the Books of the Heavens and, in this way, many more Graces can return to the world, such as the Grace of the Presence of the Mother of God in these critical and difficult times.

The sweetness of My Heart will always be close to you, even though the time will come in which I will withdraw to Heaven, as My Son will; I will be here, in Spirit, with you, making the Graces that many more souls will need in the definitive times blossom and emanate at the Marian Centers.

Everything you do for God, you do it for humanity and, as a result, the Kingdom of Heaven will reward you with His Graces.

Today I can say, dear children, that the Spiritual Mission in Europe and Africa will be accomplished; but much more help will be needed for it to be able to end as has been foreseen by the Universe.

For the first time, dear children, and by the Will of the Most High Father of the Universe, the Divine Messengers will embrace many nations at the same time and with them, all the souls that are in them, in order to avoid a universal catastrophe that could encompass a great part of the world and above all, many, many lives.

But now that you have responded to Me and will continue to respond to Me in the days to come, I Myself, at the request of My Son, will prevent what could happen in that part of the world and that could bring about great consequences for the rest of humanity.

When your faith is sustained in the Purpose, the Mission is accomplished and the Graces return to the world to aid the most lost hearts and the nations most in need of Mercy, although it would not seem so.

Today I ask God for humanity to recover its inner innocence and that this innocence may prevail and reign in this time.

As a testimony of this request of Mine, today I will consecrate new Children of Mary, who will actively form part of My celestial armies, to carry forward this work of Redemption and of Forgiveness in humanity, which the world must awaken to.

Let the Children of Mary, who today will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, stand at the foot of this stage.

Today I will ask you again to repeat the song you have sung, as a call of Mine to the world, so that many more of My children may hear Me and find Peace.

I wish you to bring water before My Presence for blessing and consecrating, for My children who will be consecrated today.

I am listening to you...

I consecrate you and bless you.

I thank you for having responded to this important call.

May God pour out His Light in your lives, and especially in your hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you!



Take your cross and follow the Master, on this day. Follow Him on the whole path of pain, but of the victory that he will achieve for you. Imitate His example of perseverance, meekness and faith.

Carry your cross with My Son and let the Purpose be a part of you. Love the Divine Will tirelessly and, even if you do not understand it, accept it with joy. Accept everything that the Universe sends for you to learn.

Carry your cross and stay close to My Son. Imitate His Peace, His state of silence. Let your cross be a victory and the defeat of all illusions of the world.

Carry the weight of the past but believe that, on this sacred day, everything will be liberated, because the Beloved Son will bring with Him the merits of His Passion, Death and Resurrection, to offer them to the New Christs as coronation of the triumph of Christ on Earth.

Carry your cross with My Son and in trust drink from the chalice of sacrifice because it is time to give yourself for others.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Pray, when the night seems to fall over the sky of the Earth.

Pray when the difficulties are great, and the challenges seem impossible, because in this way, My children, the Grace of God will always come to assist you.

Pray so that the world may receive the healing it so much needs, and may neither the wars nor the chaos cause the faith of your hearts to wane.

Pray when darkness approaches, when solitude seems infinite and emptiness takes over your inner world, and persevere.

From the perseverance of your hearts will be born the merits for a new life.

From the healing of your souls will be born the merits for the healing of the planet.

From the sun lit in your hearts, in spite of the difficulties, will be born the merits so that Aurora may rise again in the sky of the Earth and within beings.

From the fortitude of your hearts will be born the merits so that the weak of spirit may rise again.

From the invisible of your hearts, I build the universal triumph of God.

In the silence of your lives, I teach you to imitate My Steps and to transform the Earth in the anonymity of a celestial victory.

So that the world may know the Grace of higher life, persevere, and have faith in the invisible.

What is a mystery to you today will be tangible to you someday. But, before touching, you must believe, feel, and live under the Grace of what is not seen.

Have faith and strengthen the faith in your hearts.

Trust will make you free of doubts and you will know how to recognize within yourselves the portals of the new life, because you will already be part of it.

Build now, within yourselves, what will make you guides of the new humanity, because it is through knowing how to go beyond yourselves and the difficulties of these times that you will be able to guide others.

It is by trusting in what is invisible to you today that you will be able to guide beings to the path of their redemption, even when there is no light over the world. Because you, children, will not depend on the light of the Earth, but rather on the light that illumines your inner self.

Pray in the presence of doubt, pray on facing error, pray on facing temptations, pray on facing indifference, pray when you feel separate and distant from one another, and more than that, pray, pray a lot, when you feel distant from God.

Today I tell you, My children, that a great mystery is drawing closer to your lives.

The planet is facing the birth of the new human being, which will be painful, but also, it is facing a light that is unknown to you, in spite of it having been here since the beginning.

Pray to recognize the truth, pray so that the truth can be before your eyes, and even though it is invisible, that you may be able to see it.

The rays of Aurora that are being born within the Earth are already illuminating a part of the planet, and those who open themselves to its rays and to its light will never be in the darkness of this world.

Pray, My children, and feel that I Am part of this New Aurora, which as it is born on Earth, is also born in heaven, in the depths of the infinite, and illumines all spaces, renewing them with the balm of the Light of God.

Pray in order to know how to trust, pray to awaken faith and do not let yourselves be deceived or darkened, do not let yourselves become cold by this night that you live on Earth.

May the rays of the New Aurora warm your hearts and reveal a new path to you where Heaven and Earth unite, where that light that was ignited in the depths of the Earth finds part of itself in the infinite. And in this mystery the Creator reveals to you that the same Aurora is born in Heaven and on Earth, and that is where My Immaculate Heart is.

Pray so that, more than understanding what I tell you, you may live it.

I bless you, today and always.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear child:

When you see winds coming that are contrary to the life of the spirit, it is a sign that something grand is about to transcend. Keep your faith and your trust in the Father, because He already knows your exiles, your deserts, and all the voids of your soul.

Certain tests, at this time, reach the life of the apostles to confirm them on the path of Christification and of inner transformation.

Do not fear to see yourself naked, and to find yourself before the greatest miseries of your human life. My Son has taught you to persevere in love and in unity with the Kingdom of the Heavens.

The innumerable battles and disagreements with the inner part of your being no longer matter; now it is primordial to continue struggling every day to learn to overcome yourself, and so to show the Universe that the new and peacemaker Christs are on their way.

Be strong in your trust in God. His Love will help you even if everything is too difficult.

God bless you now and always!

Who follows you in soul and heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


New Earth Community: Rose of Redemption

Behold your Heavenly Mother, who carries in Her humble hands the Rose of Redemption, the most precious flower amongst all flowers, the gift that becomes possible in the souls most in need of healing and forgiveness.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, formed by the beauty, love and service of all selfless souls.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, the one that I contemplate, protect and care for the most so that, intact and pure, it may last throughout time and even longer.

Behold, in my hands and in offering, the Rose of Redemption, integrated by the light of each little soul that has reencountered the path towards God and is now in the Arms of your Eternal Father.

Behold, amongst you, the marvelous Rose of Redemption that has expressed the virtues of each being, a Rose that has kept within itself the memory of an experience of love between brothers and sisters, which has become inexhaustible.

Behold, beloved children, the Rose of Redemption, that is offered today at the Feet of the Creator as a testimony that it is possible to live conversion, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Behold now, before your Heavenly Mother, the Rose of Redemption, that holds the aromas of brotherhood, perseverance and the constant battle to achieve the love of the heart and express it in all that exists.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has given new roses and has made many lives beautiful, making them worthy in this humanity and upon this planet.

Behold My favored Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has witnessed your love for Christ and for your Heavenly Mother, a Rose that has persisted before many dry storms and extreme conditions.

Behold the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has become an example for other roses that are appearing on the path of devotion, unconditional surrender and service.

Behold the Rose of redemption that has gathered the synthesis of all created Kingdoms and that protects the continuity and existence of each one of them.

Behold, My children, the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has converted sadness into joy, error into forgiveness, bitterness into bliss and faults into profound redemption.

Behold, My children, before My altar, the living Rose of Redemption, a rose formed by the light of your hearts, by the devotion of your spirits, by the constancy in your daily work.

This is the Rose that I present today before the Celestial Father as the greatest fruit, of the impossible that becomes possible, of the unrescuable that become rescuable.

This is the Rose of healing love, love that unites and strengthens, love that comprehends the incomprehensible, love that vivifies that which is losing life.

Behold, children, the Rose of Redemption, the most precious Rose of your Celestial Mother, a Rose that will leave the example that everything is possible, beyond everything. 

Behold the Rose of the liberation from the past and of reunion with the essence of life, of the union with the Kingdoms of Nature and with the Creator, this is the Rose that has made it possible to achieve, in this place and in this Community, a sincere path towards peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the Light of God convert and modify all that is necessary to redeem.

May Divine Light fill the deepest spaces of the consciousness and make each state a principle of redemption.

May Divine Light convert and transform each aspect of life and realize the Plan of the Creator.

Feel yourself to be free, child, of the chains that imprison you, for the time will come for taking the great and last step toward Divine Life.

Meanwhile, continue fighting with all the strength of your heart, for in the heart is held enough love to make of each lesson an opportunity for forgiving.

Walk on the pathway of My Son; He offers the path of perseverance and of peacemaking.

It is in the change of consciousness that the opportunity for elevation can be found, and every day, make each stage of life be a great experience of love and of transcendence.

Let us live the change in these times. Let us await Him with joy, for it will be good news.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

With the love of My children, I will always be able to carry forward the Works of the Creator.

With the love of My children, I will finally be able to bring peace to the world.

With the love of My children, although imperfect and immature, I will be able to carry forward all that God asks of me.

With the love of My children, I can gestate the New Humanity within Me, and thus see it born in a near future.

With the love of My children, I can redeem the world and pour out My Graces over those hearts and lives that need it the most.

With the love of My children, I can help the divine essence of the Kingdoms of Nature so that the restoration and the healing may be carried forward of all the repercussions caused to them since the beginning of Creation.

With the love of My children, I have permission to enter the hells of this wounded world subjected to war, indifference and omission.

With the love of My children, I can welcome into My maternal Heart the souls of the nations and everything that dwells in them. In this way, your Heavenly Mother can carry forward the Rescue Operation.

With the love of My children, in simple hearts, I can experience the existence of the Project of God, and in humble hearts, I can every day re-experience the merciful Presence of My Son.

It no longer matters how many times you fall or make mistakes; what matters, My children, is that you learn every day to be persevering and good. This will help Me to continue availing Myself of the love of My children because what must be redeemed in you will be transformed by the love you have for Me.

In the love of My children, I see the Promised Land.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and consecrates you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

The simplicity of consecration, in this time, means the opportunity to humbly live in Christ.

Let today your inner aspiration be to find that simplicity, so that love and truth may be present in everything.

The consecrated life is something that My beloved Son greatly appreciates, for in each consecrated soul, the Lord finds the possibility of expressing His Kingdom through essences.

Today, let those consecrated seek inner simplicity, so that your essences may draw closer to Christ and Christ is able to draw closer to all His disciples of the new era.

Dear children, as the Mother of Consecrated Life, I accompany you on the path of faith, of perseverance, and above all, of the inner union of each soul with Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you under the inner Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


From Heaven I am able to hear the cry of My children of Belo Horizonte and from the world, and the Universal Father rejoices because His beloved children inwardly recognize the Mercy of the Redeemer.

In this way, the doors to spiritual Grace open with each prayer that is pronounced in the deep sincerity of the heart.

The entire Spiritual Universe contemplates, in this moment, the precious event of seeing souls thirsty for the Love of Christ and invoking His powerful name as savior.

The soul of each of those who pray rejoices, and deep healing is established in them and in the planetary consciousness.

After the last 8th of August, the times have definitely changed, and what before seemed to be in danger in this entire race, through definition, through surrender, through prayer, and through union with the Evolutionary Plan, everything becomes possible to be fulfilled in the consciousness of many.

The perseverance of the brave souls encourages My Son so that He, in His Blessed Glory, may return to this world.

The suns that were before going out because of planetary inertia or because of chaos, have lighted up again, and have finally found the path to My Son.

All of this activates the Heart of the Father that before, being in silence, was teaching the Universe His mysterious Will.

The invocation of hearts for the powerful flame of the Mercy of My Son has caused the angels of the Universe to again descend to gather up the supplications of sincere hearts.

A flaming and mysterious fire is lighting the evolutionary spirit of nations and changing the catastrophic destinies that entire populations would experience because of their own actions; this converts all of America into a new Eden.

In this way, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph send souls the last preparatory impulses for the new times, which will be different from the times of yore.

A new path is established in the human consciousness; the veils of blindness and of ignorance are removed from the majority, and a hope that was dead before, is reborn like the bird of fire.

My Graces illuminate all these opportunities and today the soldiers of Christ alleviate My suffering Heart.

Because of this and for all that is yet to come,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united with each prayerful heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



In times of inner and outer tribulation, it is necessary to develop the gifts of persistence and of perseverance. These two attributes naturally emerge in the strong souls, and today I tell you that all souls that will live the final tests of these times must be strong. Their strength comes from love and faith, and the perseverance of which I tell you is related to these two divine attributes.

Even if the world breaks down to your left and to your right, keep faith and love in your hearts. You will not live anything that you cannot bear because this is the Law; however, you will find out that you can bear much more that you imagined.

Faith quiets the mind in the certainty that the only one who knows the true end of everything is the Creator. And as His Triumph is also a Law, if you are in the favor of this Law and act for the fulfillment of it, it does not matter what you live because all will be a mean to the Triumph of God in some mysterious and unpredictable way.

Many believe that faith is the wisdom of the ignorant which – not being able to resort to reason – resort to faith. But those who think this way and who have their fortress established in the unstable sand of the beach of material life will seek the assistance of those they used to call ignorant when they see the fortress of the haughtiness and of the false knowledge sinking.

Children, do not listen to those who do not believe in the power of faith. The greater the challenges to keep this faith, the more persistent you must be. Because if faith were not a unique treasure in the hearts of humankind, the adversary of God would not try so hard to make it disappear.

Before giving in to those who judge and condemn your way of living, pray for them and deliver them in the hands of God, in the hope that one day the Creator will receive them in His Kingdom because also those who deny Him are part of His Project and must live Redemption.

I tell you all that because many will be the difficulties of these times for you to keep your own faith and love. For such reason you must be strengthened and prepared to face these onslaughts.

I will ask you to be persevering and also attentive, since the enemy does not work only by the means of others, because he also can use each one of you to establish his kingdom. And those impulses that make you lose faith can come from yourselves. For this reason, be brave and love from the heart the Plan of God to which you have been summoned.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the night precipitates over the Earth and light becomes a memory in the hearts that got to know it, it will be only Faith that will guide the path of the persevering, who will serve as an example for those who will be the most lost.

The Divine Mercy must not be a reality only during the moments of prayer. Initially, you must clamor for Mercy, but afterwards, children, you must be the manifestation of Mercy itself in the world.

You are children of the Divine Mercy because just the fact that you have awakened to a higher reality, being in a world completely asleep to the Truth, already demonstrates to you the acting of Mercy in your lives. No creature awakens to the life of spirit only through their own achievement. Yes, it is necessary that you accept to follow this path, but it is only presented to you through the work and Grace of the Divine Mercy.

Mercy walks hand in hand with Humility because in order to be merciful it is necessary to transcend all expectations over someone, over oneself and over the Plan of God, as a merciful heart shelters the others as they are, and delivers to those who deserve the least, all of the Graces of the Kingdom of God.

Those who are merciful forgive, regardless of the evil that has been done to them, and they make use of humility so that, before judging and condemning the actions of others, they recognize their own miseries and how many times they have made mistakes on their evolutionary path.

The one who is merciful knows that they only receive the Divine Mercy when they donate it to the world and, thus, discovers the Grace of seeking something that is not for oneself, discovers the gift of living in the Mercy only to be merciful and offers oneself to God as His channel in the world. Mercy must be an inner state of the self-summoned so that they keep it within themselves, regardless of the darkness that surrounds them.

The merciful heart does not need anything in exchange for its donation and does not need favorable conditions in order to render a service or to be in union with God because, by clamoring so much – Mercy has become a natural state of their being.

Just as some will live Mercy, others will live Faith, others Fraternity, others Unity, as permanent states of heart. Thus, even at times when you will apparently be alone, living your tests in this world, you will never be left without the Gifts of God and humanity as a whole will not lack the Divine Presence because the Creator will be living within those who, through prayer and through service, have discovered the perfect union with Him.

Live the Divine Gifts. Clamor, but also be each one of the attributes of God.

The one who loves you and guides you,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

