My children,

The key to conversion is the true sacrifice you can live within your hearts; sacrifice made with love, with the effort driven by the soul and manifested in life.

Dear children, in Heaven, we measure the degree of faithfulness by the degree of sincerity. Each action must be true. Even if your hearts do not feel the joy of sacrifice, if it is carried out with sincerity and love, it is accepted in the Heavens as a source of conversion for souls.

I see a soul that accompanies Me when I see a heart willing to abandon itself before Christ.

In the joy of the brave hearts, My children, I find a refuge of peace. In the steps taken from the heart, I find the impulse to be before God, day by day, to intervene for the world. I only seek to find, within your hearts, a breath to give to the souls that permanently suffer. Each time that you are able to overcome the difficulties of life, a small light is generated and driven to My Heart.

I do not come seeking perfection, but rather the constant effort, the sincere will, nourished by the love for the Plans of God.

Dear children, many have told you about the time in which you live; now, My Words must become life, action, and peace in each of your beings. They must be true laborers of Mercy. And this is achieved with the will of the heart.

I see many of My children with lowered arms before the battle even begins. I see many of My soldiers dropping the shield of persistence, allowing the enemy to strike them. 

Resist, My children, resist. Nourish the heart and the spirit with the peace of My Presence and reignite the joy of living in self-giving to the Most Holy God.

My Heart comes to take each one of My children by the hands, to tell you, as a Mother and Companion, that here I am, whenever you want to see Me.

I am your Mother. I am the one who brings the Spirit of God engraved on the chest to give it to humanity. I am the one who constantly prays for your awakening and definitive conversion. I am the one who sustains those who have already said yes so that they can rise after each fall. I am the one who is always here, together with your hearts, so that I can help you grow and mature under the guidance of God the Father and towards His Son.

Do not be afraid to listen to Me, nor to respond to My call. I only ask you to not lose the love and joy that I once deposited within your hearts. Do not distance yourselves from God.

I come to guide and lead you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

This morning, I come to announce that My Heart will be amongst you throughout the day, accompanying the vigil and the prayer that you will join together with Me. Therefore I expect from your hearts a total openness to the Lord, so that His Kingdom may come to Earth and remain on it, for the rescue and salvation of souls.

This is a week of special Mercy because the Lord has allowed Me to be even closer to My children and, together with them, work for the salvation of souls.

On this day I gather the offer of everyone, so that you may place at My feet, not only the talents of your hearts but also the miseries. And to find, together with Me and through Me, the path of conversion; I tell you that the shortest path is service, prayer, confession and fasting.

When you pray for souls with the same fervor with which you pray for yourselves, when you cry out for the world with the word that emerges from the depths of your being, the lord turns his eyes to the earth and sends his hosts help, bringers of redemption and Mercy.

When you serve with gratitude, peace and reverence for souls, Divine Mercy finds a space within your hearts so that, through them, it may be poured out to souls.

When you confess to God and to Christ, removing the sin and bitterness of the heart, when you are able to forgive your neighbor and yourselves, you are releasing the sin of the world and are giving an impulse to the souls that are unable to do it.

When you fast with sincerity and feel hungry on behalf of those who truly have nothing to eat, you balance the evil of the world and you give an opportunity to those who have nothing, to receive what they need one day.

It is necessary that you know how to practice what I ask of you with a broader consciousness, with the intention of the benefits that the world will receive, far beyond what each of you may receive.

If you act this way, acting for the good of the world, and may the good of your beings be a consequence, you are taking great strides towards Heaven, and soon you will be by My side.

Count on My Presence, My help and My motherhood.

Listen to My Words with love. I come to instruct you and accompany you, tracing a path of humility for your hearts.

I love each of My children.

Mary, Queen of Peace.


Today, as Our Lady of Garabandal, I invite you to prayer, to conversion, to penitence and fasting, so your hearts may be transformed before God.

Dear children, the reason for My visit on this day has a main goal for God and for this world; thus, I want your hearts to be open to hear Me because tomorrow you will receive a special Grace in the name of humanity.

It is necessary that your hearts listen deeply; so tell your consciousnesses to enter into your heart so they may hear My Celestial Words.

Today, I come as your Lady of Garabandal, for I Am Co-redeemer, after Christ, a Mother Who wants to convert hearts to the Light of the Lord.

On this special visit, dear children, I wish to announce to you that My Maternal Heart will be among you and among your brothers and sisters tomorrow, November 11.

Thus, out of love for God, I ask that you accompany Me in a universal task I will be carrying out tomorrow, to which your hearts will be able to attune through prayer, if tomorrow you simply wait for Me, I will be among you every three hours.

So elevate your hearts though the Holy Rosary, so that every three hours, the doors of Heaven are able to open.

My first call to this world will be at 6 a.m., and I will be in this place with you.

My second call will be at 9 a.m., when My Maternal Heart will radiate conversion.

My third call will be at 12 p.m., when the Light of My Graces will be poured out.

The fourth call will be at 3 p.m., when the Mercy of My Son will be present here.

The fifth call will be at 6 p.m., when the Light of My Heart will also be poured out.

The sixth call will be at 9 p.m., when souls will be removed from purgatory and from hell.

If all My children unite with Me in prayer, the seventh and last call will be at 12 a.m., when your hearts will gather under My Mantle, and like roses, I will place you in My Arms to offer you as a gift to God.

So, dear children, do you understand what will happen tomorrow?

This call which My Heart speaks has a special merit, especially for those who have read My Words throughout this last year and have followed My steps daily through the Messages.

Tomorrow, as the Universal Mother, I will confirm which hearts I have at My disposal.

This is a permission which God has given Me, it is a last Grace I am pouring out, as I have been doing in Medjugorje for a long time. Thus, each child in My Presence, in My monthly Apparition, must convert their heart day by day, as birds change when they fly to God, surrender to the Lord in trust, fully.

Thus, dear children, I wish for you to fly high in the end of this time and your powerful instrument is prayer.

I thank you for answering My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

As we do in all Apparitions, we will give a short description of what happened and try to repeat the requests our Mother made for tomorrow.

A reflection before continuing: we need to open our consciousness to understand the urgency of this planetary situation, for which our Mother has to come during a whole day every three hours. This means that She will need all of our devotion so that as representatives of humanity, we are able to follow this task.

She is trying to find out, as is God, who She can really count on. So we are going to listen to the description of Friar Elías and then we are going to need some things.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, the Mother taught us about the power of prayer, which goes from Earth toward Heaven, and about that perfect communication between God and His Children.

Today, the Mother truly surprised us when She appeared as Our Lady of Garabandal, because She was manifesting a very powerful, very compelling image. When She appeared, She carried the image of a scapular, hanging from an Arm.

With the other Arm, She held a child. We had the opportunity of having the Presence of Our Lady of Garabandal for a second time, and we asked Her why She manifested in this way today.

Because it is the Presence She has in order to be able to definitely convert souls, and She transmits this conversion through the scapular.

The other symbol She also uses, She said, was Her Light Blue Mantle, and we know that when She appeared as Our Lady of Garabandal, She had Her Hair uncovered, which She said was the symbol of Her Virginity.

Today, She was accompanied by the presence of the Archangel Michael, and that presence was more powerful than Her. He placed Himself beside Her like a guardian, like a great custodian angel. And while Our Lady spoke to us, He shone with Light, and with a very serene gaze, observed each one of us. As He observed us, it seemed like we were transparent to Him. It seemed like everything that was outside and inside of us was visible to that archangel, and at that moment, we understood He was making a reading of what He was seeing, and in this way, Our Lady asked us to meet tomorrow every three hours.

She said She would be carrying out an important planetary task and for that reason, it will proceed every three hours. She said that in the intermediate hours, which is to say, between those scheduled times, we need to have a period of rest. Because, She said, it will be a very intense task, and She will be doing that task, which for us is about something unforeseen, and on receiving that permission, She will carry it out together with us.

And we asked Her if, apart from that task which will happen tomorrow, we would have the Apparition on the 12th and 13th, and She responded that yes, because tomorrow will be a special task and conjunction for the planet.

In our task of prayer, She asked that above all, we should pray for the Middle East; specifically, She addressed the Lebanese nation, which we were to place in our prayers. 

And we asked Her how that task would unfold every three hours. Our Lady said, you must place yourselves and pray the Rosary, and at a specific time, I will appear and deliver small Messages. She asked us to pay a lot of attention so as to be able to accompany the course of this task She was going to carry out.

And to help us, during the Apparition, She described what would happen every three hours, and in truth, we found ourselves facing a great mystery, and at that point, as She perceived this feeling, She said the following:

"It does not matter if you do not understand; you pray, because your hearts will understand." She said that everything would be very much guided.

We also asked Her if that task had to be transmitted as this task at this moment is being transmitted, and She said She would suggest the following:

"Let My Divine Mother's children leave everything as it is so the task can take place."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Even though tomorrow we may be unable to understand the scope of what Our Mother asks of us, we will accompany Her and try to do the best we can. For this reason, you are all invited; if you cannot or do not feel you have to participate in all the Apparitions, at least accompany us in some of them.

All of Casa Redención and the whole Monastery are going to be here from 6 a.m., as She asked, until midnight, and those of us who are here and those listening to us and seeing us are all invited to accompany us.

Thank you all very much; we will be seeing you all day tomorrow.

Let' us sing "Luminous Bird" for the closing.


Dear children,

I hope that throughout this last year of Daily Messages you have accepted to live in the Grace of God. It is a merciful revelation that My Maternal Words have accompanied each one of you for all this time that passed, during which your hearts have had to grow and mature before the reality of the end of this time.

My children, this is why today I call you to deepen in your hearts the gratitude towards God, gratitude because through My Son and His loving intercession God has allowed Me to daily come to your encounter through the messages.

Dear children, you know that the world is suffering very much and that each new day innumerable souls are lost, condemning themselves to the path of purgatory.

Therefore I call you to live the prayer of the heart, because your prayer will be the only hope for the salvation of many hearts, above all, of those children who in the ignorance of their lives offend God.

Lovingly I ask you to pray under the Light of God and to commend to Him all souls possible, through the power of prayer. Those that still do not pray, do not do so because they lack Maternal Love and need to quench the thirst that their souls have felt for so long.

Dear children, this is a defining time, a time of changes. This is why I invite you to be conscious of your task of prayer so that more Light from the Universe of God may be able to help and save condemned souls.

My children, hold in your hands the prayer of the Rosary and may each new prayer that you realize be an offering and a supplication to the Mercy of Jesus.

In My Son is the path. In My Son your redemption and your forgiveness are to be found.

Be awake to prayer!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

In this time you must have a pure heart, and to live with a pure heart you must pray with a totally pure love, and to pray with a totally pure love you must be day by day in the Heart of My Son.

In the end of these times souls are weakened by the influences that they receive from the enemy and from the different states of humanity. This generates consequences, at times irreparable, in many hearts that, within the life of illusion, believe themselves to be on the correct path.

As the Protecting Mother, I invite you day by day to prayer so that in this definitive time your hearts may perceive and may feel what is true, healthy and good for life. If you fall into the normality of this fast time, do not be discouraged, but awaken even more the power of prayer on your lips. And when you feel that you cannot walk, call for the Light of My Immaculate Heart.

If souls read My messages, My words would strengthen them and through prayer they would be able to walk in love and bravery. The souls that in this time live upon this world are not the same as the souls of yesterday. This time of changes and of transformation must be supported by your loving and fervent prayer of the heart.

Dear children, in this way you will help yourselves and will assist many hearts that are crying out for relief and forgiveness. God awaits you to walk at His side in this end of times, and to reach down to the depths of the abyss so that the souls of this world may raise again and reconcile themselves with the Most High.

You, My dear children, are in the time of the definition of the spiritual path of millions of consciousnesses. Therefore, prayer will be a perfect shelter in this time and My Maternal Heart will help you, whenever you call Me.

Dear children, today I give you My Forgiveness and My Celestial Light because I love you and I know what is best for each one of you.

I await you always in prayer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Opening My merciful arms again, and with perpetual prayer between My lips, today I invite you to live My message, today I invite you to consider each one of My words, those that have been pronounced during these last months.

My children, if you do this in this way, you will be able to be instruments of God, you will be able to be the living message for each heart in the world. This will allow that each one of My words be sown in your hearts.

Dear children, know that as Intercessor for all souls, the divine message that I lovingly give to you every day is a message of Light that comes from Heaven.

My children, today I want that you not only awaken to the maternal call, but also that you remember that each one of My words reaches your lives to bring you Forgiveness, Re- conciliation, Mercy, Divine Love and Redemption in these last times.

Being the Mother of Jesus, the Great Priest of Love, I want to teach you to read the messages, I want to teach you to meditate on My messages, and I want to teach you to interiorize My words in your hearts.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already spoken much to this humanity throughout these centuries. It has spoken to make you remember that God is your only and true aspiration for all eternity.

But still, My little children, a great part of humanity is blind and closes its own heart to the gift of life that My Son represents and, more so, it little accepts Mercy.

For this reason, dear children, your prayer must help to restore all these events so that your hearts, as mediators, may receive a Greater Grace of Forgiveness.

My children, when you feel My messages, your souls will be in eternal prayer. As the world changes rapidly and without pausing for reflection, My Immaculate Heart is offering Itself to each one of you so that, united in prayer, we may change the course of humanity, in the Grace of God.

Dear children, remember to feel My words with the love of your hearts, allow the light of the Holy Spirit to descend from the Infinite Heart of God upon all humanity.

Let us pray in this time of emergency! Let us pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

