May you today awake to the essence of My Plan of Love.  May you today comprehend the greatness of the path on which I placed your feet, so that your souls would not get lost from God.

My mantle of light is woven in the invisible of this world and My Heart unites the different expressions of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Dear children, even if your eyes cannot see, open yourselves to comprehend with the heart that I Am the same in all of My manifestations in the world and, although for each of My armies I have a perfect plan, on these times, I come to unite in essence and in the heart all of those who answer to My Call, no matter where they may be.

Because it will come the time in which the circumstances of this life will need to find hearts strengthened by the spirit of Unity; otherwise, My children, My plans will not be able to be fulfilled.

I gather you in this time, as in all the others, for a greater purpose, for a universal purpose, but very few could comprehend what I have brought to you as a Message of Salvation and of awakening.

To Medjugorje, I have come to install the spirit of Peace and of conversion in the whole world.  Here, to the Americas, I have come to awaken humanity to the true Conception of God and so that all the Wisdom that comes from My Most Sacred Spirit could be given to human heart.  As Rose of Peace, I come to give to the world what of most pure exists in My interior, as the last table of salvation for the souls.

I tell you all of this, My dear children, because today, on this day of commemoration, both in Heaven and on Earth, I will not only ask that your hearts rejoice and pray with gratitude and joy.  Today I will ask you to deeply reflect about My presence in the world, above all, about everything that I have transformed in your lives and in the lives of so many souls.

I want you to discover in the depth of your hearts the true reason of My presence among you.  I want you to open yourselves to unite to My different children of the whole world, not only to Medjugorje, but you must be united, in fraternity and love, to all of the praying hearts, wherever they may be.

Because is through those who can be the most conscious of My Plan that I will build the Kingdom of God and that I will prepare for His Son the perfect path, with the precious prayers of the beings of this world.

Children, if you live in the spirit of Unity, you will be able to give and receive the codes of Light that I placed in My different soldiers.  You will be able to gather this puzzle that I have built in the world, with scattered pieces to the four corners of the Earth and that, only through the spirit of Absolute Unity, you will be able to gather and form the perfect draw of God to human race.

My beloveds, celebrate this day with prayers and praises, with grace and joy.  Unite to My Kingdom that ignites in light in Medjugorje, in order to redeem and save many souls, but also awake a little more to the essence of My words and do not let another year pass without being able to live them fully.

I love you, bless you and gather you in this cenacle of universal redemption.

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, Rose of Peace, Mother of the World, Universal Mother


Dear children,

Today, as the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, I come to establish the Kingdom of Forgiveness in the hearts that still have not reconciled themselves with God, for so many causes and endless sufferings.

It is for this sacred reason, that your Heavenly Mother reunites you today in one of the main cenacles of prayer of this city, after the Parrish.  I wish the first ecumenical cenacle for peace, which will be called the Cenacle of the Sacred Family, to be founded here.

You, My children, are ready in heart to assume this task of prayer for the humanity and the world.  Today your Lady of Peace stops here to observe the needs of spiritual healing and restoration.

For this I tell you, My children of Carmo da Cachoeira, that to reach the deep healing of the body and the soul, you still must pray much so that My Grace may be granted to your lives.

Today I establish here in this house the Cenacle of Prayer of the Sacred Family so that from today on, your spirits may feed themselves from the manna, which wants to be given to your hearts.  This will be possible when your prayer from the heart be intensified and in a short time you become bearers of Grace and Peace and thus the whole city will be worthy of the Mercy of God.

For this I invite you today, My dear children, to take the first steps towards the deep life of prayer.  I want to tell you that from the top of the hill I listen to all of your daily prayers and supplications, but if you truly form this cenacle, I tell you that you will let My heart rejoice, and mainly, many things that are happening today in this city will stop happening.

For this go to the Parrish because My Beloved Son waits for you, present in the Eucharist as also in the Tabernacle.  Decide, My beloved ones, what path you will choose?

I come to guide you and warn you, because I am your Mother from Heaven.  I am the Holy Woman of God that unites peoples and beliefs through the Love of God.  I wish to come back here three times more, because I aspire that My blessings reach your beloved families.

With the heart ignited in love and faith, live in Christ, look for Him! He is thirsty for your love, in this way your conversion will be possible.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Redeemer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Children of Mine,

In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.

On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America.  For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.

The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages.  It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States.  As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.

For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing.  For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause.  In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.

In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life.  In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.

Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward.  For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness.  When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.

The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.

I thank you all for answering to My requests!

Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


A time of Graces for all

Dear children of Mine, today I unite you all in My Immaculate Heart and from Heaven I send through the angels the spiritual help that each soul needs.

But when My Maternal Heart asks you to pray with the heart it is so that your lives may be converted into carriers of Peace and of Mercy and especially your divine essences may become precious mediators before the Celestial Father.

Everyone, for this time of spiritual, human and worldly crisis, has the divine opportunity of being forgiven through the spiritual action of the Divine Mercy of Jesus.

You, in spite of all, in this era and century are in My Time of Graces.  You are under My merciful rays each time that I encounter your hearts during the Apparitions of My Most Holy Face of Peace.

Meditate for a moment My dears, on how many problems, disturbances and inner and planetary conflicts are resolved when the Queen and always Virgin Mary descends from the Celestial Universe to untie the knots that have been tied by mistake and by sin.

My State of Grace, that which has been poured upon you, is sublime and divine.  For this throughout the centuries I give this Grace to all humanity through the Grace that the Beloved God has poured upon Myself in the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel. 

In Guadalupe My Maternal Grace prevented from disappearing the gifts of simplicity and of love that were lived by the Indigenous Consciousness.

In Fatima My Immaculate Heart of Grace prevented the human world and the divine life from disappearing from all of the Earth. 

In Lourdes My Divine Grace restored the world from the grave sins that were committed, calling the souls to confession and forgiveness.

In Medjugorje I prevented the encroaching development of a third world war, that which began by the division of the republics of this place.  Everything was prevented by means of the Grace of My Peace.

Beloved children, today I reveal to you that if you, as fraternal brothers and sisters, as brothers and sisters of spiritual path, brothers and sisters of the path of Christ, be united in prayer a some cause of for a soul in need that is about to be lost, My Supreme Grace will spiritually concede the salvation of this situation or of this consciousness and this will be possible through your mediation before My Heart and the Heart of the Celestial Father.

The world could be better and it would not be necessary for it to suffer.  Now I show you as a Mother the Path of Peace, that which will lead you to find My Grace.

May the Holy Spirit of God bless your paths now and always.

I thank you for the attention of all for this important call of Mercy!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Most dear companions,

May the coming of this Christmas mean for the good souls the inner reunion of the new apostles of Christ.

May in the course of the next year your hearts prepare themselves ardently and with faith to celebrate, together with the King of Humility, the anniversary of the daily messages when a year will be completed, I mean, the 5th of January of 2014.

On this day a new cycle of precise instructions will come for all, and more sleeping hearts will wake up when they only get to know that I have been among My ones during 365 continuous days.

For this today I call you so that in this Sacred Christmas your lives try to live the sacrament of humility and the sacrament of faith.  In this way I will be able to realize My Works among the pure and simple hearts.

I want to leave today a pastoral hug, an affection of Master to disciple and of Friend to companion, because I know what it represents for the souls to be consoled and understood.  But I ask you to not fear, but to keep ignited the flame of devotion, the unquenchable spirit that will give you the necessary strength to cross the bridges towards paradise, between abysses and chaos.

The time is approaching in which, in some places of the world, I will be able to be seen and found as happened before My Celestial Ascension.  The open heart will know how to distinguish the true Master from the fake master because My Love will always be unmistakable, it will bring to you the peace and the confidence to know that whoever is in Me will lack nothing.

Now I leave you for you to listen to the warm and sweet voice of the Celestial Mother.

Go ahead because while the fire burns in the depths, new cells of spiritual life awaken in the Christic humanity.

Now we will listen to the Voice of Our Lady:


Dear children,

Today I specially announce Myself together with My Beloved Son.

After Jesus was born in the inner manger of each being, the Holy Spirit hopes to find pure dwellings in the human hearts.  Let that in this Christmas Day the Sacred Hearts radiate the principles of the new universal life.  This will occur after your yes to the universe.

In the path of prayer you will find the retreat and the protection that you need in order to defeat your own inner evil and the evil of humanity.  The Holy Spirit wishes for this Christmas to be the new Pentecost that may prepare in each missionary heart the task and the mission to be fulfilled before the Celestial Father.

Pray lovingly for the Church and for the Holy Father so that they may recognize soon the great Marian task that My Immaculate Heart has been realizing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for 6 years in the Americas.

I wish for the believing humanity to wake up and to see the union of the times that I Am realizing between Heaven and Earth.  New and unknown laws are helping humanity so that it may not get lost amongst chaos and pain.

My Heart promises the spiritual salvation of those who may truly want to listen to My Spiritual Voice.  I wanted that after so many Christic years shared with My children, that you could grow up to receive a greater knowledge because the Mother of the World, the Solar Star announces coming and fruitful times for those who may only obey His call.

The Redeeming Grace will be available for all.  I will always be at your side to accompany you and to make you grow in simplicity.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you now and always,

Christ Jesus, the Master of Forgiveness and Your Mother Mary, Queen of the Hearts

Special message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Bethlehem, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Fray Elías

Dear children,

My maternal voice is unmistakable among the universes. For this reason, I always come from Heaven to announce the eternal state of My Peace.

With joy and blessings, today I want the bells and bowls to ring for three minutes of your time and before the beginning of the vigil of prayer, because this gesture of celebration will announce the coming of the inner Christ to your little hearts.

Today My Immaculate Heart comes back to Her second house of prayer in the world, because the first house of prayer in the world is the Kingdom of Medjugorje.

In truth, My beloveds, in My Heart there are no differences, there is only a great mission to fulfill, a mission that I lovingly share with some of the self-summoned for the planetary service, for by this sacred answer the world is still able to sustain itself.

Dear children, today I come to your encounter as the Lady of Bethlehem, I want that all My beloved children, during this night, return interiorly in heart and soul to the great moment of the birth of Christ.

If you are able to experience this mystery as true and important, your souls will open the doors of the heart so that the Christic codes may be preciously cultivated in your hearts.

God wants to rescue the day of the Birth of His favorite Child within the spiritual heart of humanity, for the enemy has not been able to destroy the true love that He created through good actions, for some attributes, which a part of humanity expresses nowadays on Earth, allowed to safeguard the world from its self-destruction.

Dear children, I wish for My message to reach the heart of all of those who listen. My Son hopes that today you can live it as something sacred and devout.

Each time in the world a date is celebrated fraternally about some event of the Sacred Family, opportunities for special Graces are opened in Heaven to be poured upon the world as a source.

May this night be of Peace for all and may you offer to God this unusual peace of the end times for those who do not live in peace and for those who experience great suffering in their lives.

I thank you for this gesture of love and reverence before the Manger of Bethlehem.

I am grateful for the good inner response of the pilgrims for being able to concretize the mission of the pilgrim omnibus of Divine Mother a reality, for behind every heavenly request, there is the holy Will of the Father.

Rejoice and sing lovingly to Christ, because He will hear you today throughout the world. Let us thus reverse the evil upon Earth through the love of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you on this special day,

Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Star of Bethlehem



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

I come to the world to give you Peace, mainly those who unite with Me through the Rosary.

The Lord has asked of Me that on the Earth there be new pioneers of Peace, new flames of Peace that can ignite in this chaos that exists in the world in order to transform it, to free it from the heart of humankind, so that all My children may also attain that Peace.

Today, I invite you to love the Law of God; no matter how unknown it is to you, you will be able to know it through the Commandments. If you live it in this way, you will be able to draw closer to the Justice of God, a Justice the world has drawn away from, because the Justice of God is Love, is Compassion, is Mercy.

As Queen of Heaven, I come to bring you the Universe of the Father. On Earth, new stars must re-ignite, new suns that are dark must kindle again, and this will be possible through prayer and the living of the Sacraments with My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I come to Brasilia to have you know the Justice of God, which many fear, because the Justice of God is a justice that repairs and restores hearts that have been lost.

The Justice of God wants you to come to know Eternal Life, the universal principle of Will; but, dear children, it is necessary that you truly aspire to love that Law, which is the law of Love and Truth, which has been unknown to many of My children throughout history because of wanting to live the laws of the Earth.

But today, I come to have you know the true Law of God that is to be found in the essence of your hearts, in the steps you can take toward the Lord through your infinite trust in His Love and the sure fullness of His infinite Mercy.

Dear children, before the Return of My Son, I come to open the doors of your hearts.

The New Jerusalem must emerge as it existed in the past among the sacred peoples of the desert who, together with Moses, obeyed the Laws of God; and some of them, in spirit, found the Promised Land.

This Land of which I speak is Paradise. That Paradise that lives in your hearts, that inner Temple that many do not seek because of being distracted with other things, which the world provides as a temptation and desire, that makes My children be separated from the truth of the Law.

All the Celestial Universes, where the Angels and Archangels are, want to draw closer to your lives.

Dear children, it is time, through the prayer of the heart, for you to be able to know your Guardian Angels, invisible presences that God granted you to accompany your footsteps toward the only definitive goal, which is that you are able to blend into the essence of the Love of God in the next world.

While the world still suffers, many hearts must find that Truth, seek it through prayer and faith so that your hearts may be healed and the redemption of your souls may come to pass, just as the Father has foreseen from the beginning.

All the Creation of the Father, including this planet of love, must live the new Project of God; those awaited years of peace that many seek and that, like an inner seed, will be able to be cultivated in your hearts, and that inner light will expand through you by means of prayer and peace.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to seek that truth. Do not look for a mystery unknown to you; love the Mystery of God to be able to know it. It is to be found in all manifested things, in your brothers and sisters, in your cities, on the planet and in the Kingdoms.

Look at how much need there is in the world and how few servers intend to serve God to help humanity in this definitive time through the Laws of the Lord. Those that the Sacred Family of Nazareth lived will be able to restore the Earth, but it is necessary that there are instruments that are able to accomplish this simple goal that I ask of you: to be souls in eternal prayer that can verbalize the Sacred Word of God so the subtle vibrations can transform the Earth and consequently, human beings who daily separate from God, following other paths that do not lead to Peace or Love.

For this reason, as Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, I committed Myself to Our Father in this last century, in this last XXI century, to open hearts so they are able to see the truth.

Thus, I invite you to unite with My Heart as I have already asked for so long in Medjugorje. Because after these Apparitions, I will wait for My children to be able to concretize the inner consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart. 

In this way, you will allow new doors to open so that the Laws will be able to restore humankind, so that new principles of Creation are able to emerge as new flowers in hearts and the New Humanity can emerge which, for a long time, God has so hoped can awaken.

Dear children, I do not promise you happiness, victory, or power; I promise you sacrifice, surrender, charity, faith and love, and much prayer for these so difficult times.

In your hearts, contemplate the needs there are in this world. It is time to do something, dear children, and help the Plans of the Father. In this time, you have the keys to be able to do it; unite with My Immaculate Heart.

Definitely proclaim that you belong to God so the false gods can fall away and the victory of the Heart of My Son be established in all the hearts of the world; but for this to happen, My children, it is time to awaken.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I hope to not cause fear in your hearts, because it is not necessary to be afraid of Divine Justice. I only bring you an impulse from the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, through My Presence, you find a sure path of consecration.

My dears, today I tell you that prayer will activate devotion in your hearts, and through devotion and love, which is born in the depths of your beings through the Heart of God, you will discover how simple it is to fulfill the Laws of the Lord.

Today I tell you, My beloveds, that it is necessary to be very willing and determined to follow this path, because you must knock down the barriers built so many centuries ago in the consciousness of humanity, barriers that feed the material world and make the life of the spirit be forgotten. Today you can see around you what you built with this aspiration of growing only in matter.

Today I tell you, My dears, that the world suffers and also the Heart of God suffers because of all the causes that humanity created in the world. Thus, on this night, I ask that you be willing to balance this evil, living this Law of love, fraternity and prayer.

Do not allow yourselves, My children, to feed the discord and the lack of love among creatures, but rather continue with faith and with trust on this path of unity, a path the Sacred Family placed in the life on Earth and left as an example and as a truth so that all human beings, throughout the centuries, could imitate it.

Today, My children, if you find the Sacred Family distant from the reality of your lives, do not sadden your hearts, because this is a long path, a path of definition, of persistence, a path that is built through the faith of your hearts, because faith will move all that is entrenched in your consciousnesses, and that which seems impossible to you to transform, through the Work and Grace of the Spirit of God, will be transformed.

For this reason, it is only necessary that you want to experience that transformation, that you aspire, with all the will of your hearts, to follow this path of conversion of life and that, through the conversion of your lives, the conversion in all of humanity can occur.

Today I ask you, My dears, that you also live in communion with the Kingdoms, as the saints and the blessed did on Earth, to balance all the destruction that humanity caused throughout the centuries.

The love you radiate to the Kingdoms repairs the Heart of God and transforms the destiny of humanity, so that Mother Nature does not need to go against the human heart to balance the faults caused by it.

My dears, today I tell you that there is still time to spiritually balance the faults caused, through fervent and true prayer, through fraternal and loving actions, which create unity with the Kingdoms and with others.

My beloveds, if you only try to experience this path, the doors will open in your lives and, step by step, you will discover how simple it was, from the beginning, to live the consecration of your hearts. Thus, I come throughout the centuries to tell you it is possible for the human heart to be able to create in love and in truth and change the situations of the world, transforming all the darkness that exists into a Light that expands over the planet, the Light of the Heart of God, which is radiated through His Creatures.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I invite you, dear children, to pray this night with Me, so God in His Kingdom may receive the pleas of all His children of this humanity.

Through My blessing and My intercession, I will open the Source of Healing so it may deeply touch your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that today I invite you to Hope, that this invitation remain in your memories. If you seek Divine Hope, nobody will perish, but rather you will rise up from the ground when you fall, so that you are able to continue to walk firmly in Christ.

As I have said to Sister Lucía: a tree that is ripped, which dies through the hand of humankind, is the same as a mother who loses their child; minerals that are assaulted are like a crack that opens in the heart of the Earth; the water that is contaminated is like the purity that is lost in hearts.

Thus, dear children, I invite you to pray with devotion for the Kingdoms; because they are a part of the Supreme Life on Earth, and through them, dear children, you will also find Truth and Love.

Let us pray the prayer this night which I taught you yesterday:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(11 times in Portuguese)

Pray now, dear children, for the Marine Kingdom in the Pacific, which is extensively dying without anybody doing anything.

As Mother of all elements, as the Most Holy Virgin, I will contemplate the need of these children that are part of the loving Creation of God since the beginning.

Let us pray:

Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
Intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.
(eight times in Portuguese)

May the Will of God be fulfilled and salvation occur.

Let us pray, day and night, day after day, for your humanity.

Thank you, dear children, for attending to My call. The blessing has alighted in your hearts.

And before I rise up to Heaven and place My Heart in your memories, I ask that on this night, all those who have brought these images, representing My Aspects throughout history, hold them so that I may bless them.

And the Holy Spirit, dear children, will be your Faithful Intercessor in these times, the Great Helper of hearts and of the souls that truly seek to live in Its Gifts.

I will lovingly listen to "The Flight of the Holy Spirit".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will pray the Hail Mary.

Our Lady returns at this moment to do the blessing.

Prayer: Hail Mary (five times in Portuguese).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

In the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts: of Jesus, of Joseph and of Mary; dear children, in your hearts hold the Sacred Family. That Supreme Consciousness that is fully at your service to gestate the new beings in humanity who will celebrate an inner encounter with God in the Kingdom of the Father.

I bless these sacred elements on this night; may they be the perfect symbol of your union with Me, may they radiate the Light of My Immaculate Heart so My Love can expand in your homes and families.

Dear children, on this night, I bless you, in the Presence of My Son and of Saint Joseph, Who have especially come to visit you; because know, My children, that the name of Brazil in the Kingdom of God, means the door of Light that children open to receive the Mercy of God.

With hope and joy, may your hearts be uplifted; and remember, beloved children, that you can always count on Me forever and ever.

I love you and bless you.

Sing "Mary of Nazareth". Lift up your candles so the Flame of the Holy Spirit may permeate your consciousnesses and the Light of God is able to remain in all the spaces of this world.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Today, My Heart listens to the supplications of the innocent and the poor.

Today, My spiritual Soul embraces those who have suffered the most from chaos and destruction. 

Today I announce Myself to your hearts as the Lady of Akita, to remind you that My Immaculate Heart belongs to the entire world and today, especially, to all of Asia.

Dear children, I remind you that once, not so long ago, the Lord sent me in pilgrimage to Japan to transmit an important call to conversion, prayer and peace.

Today, in a time of great emergencies for all, My Son Jesus has asked Me to tell you the truth as the good Mother of all, although the truth may be painful as it was for Me in the Mount Calvary.

I want to help you, assist you, prevent you and advise you that, in this cycle, it will be necessary to transform yourselves so that the world may also transform itself and become consecrated once again to the original Project of God.

Beloved children, you have seen that your planet suffers with each new movement and that these catastrophes take away the precious and innocent lives of many souls.

This is why today I ask you, My dear ones, that you open your eyes to the call of the Light that comes from Heaven. While you, without perceiving it, share My Kingdom of Peace, on the other side of the world souls die and disappear from the surface of the Earth.

God desires to spread the absolute devotion to My Immaculate Heart, and in Akita, Japan, I have transmitted an important call to transform the actions of the consciousnesses, just as since 1981 My Voice made Itself be heard in all of Africa through the Apparitions of Rwanda.

Now, I am among you. Would it be for some reason? What is it that your Most High Father wants to say to to you through My Holy Presence, in South America as well as Medjugorje?

As it has always been, humanity matures after everything has happened, but now, I ask you that, out of love, you awaken in time for the Truth that Heaven wants to reveal to you; it will be this Sacred Truth that will prepare you for the return of My Son to the Earth.

Dearest children of Mine, today I also invite you to love the sacrifice you make for the reparation of the offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today, I call on you to make a little more effort, although it may seem to you that the forces of the inner will disappear.

Little ones, the world is coming to a culminating moment, because after My Apparitions, here in South America and in Medjugorje, the times on Earth will change and humanity will have to prepare for the Universal Judgement.

Now, on the eve of my special arrival to the Marian Center of Aurora, on this 13th day, the Lady of Heaven prays for the innocent and condemned souls, saying:

Prayer for the innocent souls

Prayer to be recited on Mondays and
Thursdays to help in the relief of the worldwide situation.
Most High Lord of Mercy,
contemplate within Your Powerful Heart,
the need for peace and for redemption
in all souls that live upon the Earth.
Oh, Savior of Mine!,
God of Love and of Truth,
Separate my children from the eternal punishment
and elevate, with My Offer, the lost hearts.
Oh, Wise Father of Light!,
find in each essence the Light that comes from you
and accept the offerings of love
that we deposit on Your Sacred Altar,
because together with My Son Jesus Christ,
the King of kings and Lord of absolute Love,
we promise, now and always,
to consecrate Your loving humanity.
Listen now, Lord, to Your faithful Messenger.
Observe with Your paternal Gaze,
the flight of the Bird of the Holy Spirit;
because the rays of Pity and of Compassion,
that flow out from Your Most Holy Heart,
will redeem all of the Earth
so that, together with Your Angels and Archangels
We may glorify You for all eternity.

I thank you for always responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of Akita


Today it has been two years, on the 18th of August of 2011, when Aurora dawned in splendor, it received the Grace of the descent of the Virginal Mother, of the Mother of Love. She in Her humility and maternal surrender, opened Her arms to shelter all in Her Heart.

This was the day in which Heaven was united with the Earth and the celestial angels filled with light the corners of the Inner Aurora. From this day on God opened a new source of Mercy for the world, that which would serve the reparation and the healing for the souls of the entire world.

As in Merdjugorje, My Mother has prepared the path so that more flocks recognize the Only Shepherd of Love and of Mercy.  For this today Heaven is reunited to praise God eternally so that His Magnificent and Loving Will continues to be poured upon the world and on all of the souls.

Now you will be able to see through prayer the fruit achieved in many creatures of God, those that have returned to the Kingdom of the Father and have reconciled themselves with the Infinite Love of God.  See today, My dears, the fruit of the New Aurora, the New Sun that shines in the hearts that have only said yes to the call of the Most Holy Mother.

May this day remain guarded in your memories because God has been able to fulfill His Purpose in the most little hearts.

Let us praise the Father for His Unfathomable Mercy and Pity!

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to God with the heart!

Christ Jesus.

Special Message received of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Praised be Jesus, dear children of Rio de Janeiro!

For the first time in the history of My Apparitions, My Immaculate Heart receives the celestial permission to descend in Glory and Mercy upon your needy city of Rio de Janeiro.

In honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on this day I call you to truly open your hearts to My Heart, so that, in this way, I may have the permission to take you to Jesus Christ.

Dear children, after so many months and years in which My Work has been accomplished in this part of the Americas, together with the Center of Medjugorje, My fundamental Message for all of you is Peace! Peace! Peace! If you do not try to live in peace, how will the Kingdom of the Heavens reach your tiny lives?

For this reason, dear children, may peace reign among you, so that it may later reign in the cities and in the peoples; mainly, peace must reign in families, so that my Son Jesus may receive the permission to reign, with His redeeming Light, in your hearts.

My children, let peace be the keynote of this epoch. The world must be in peace so that it may be in the Arms of God, and this will be possible, beloved children, when you simply pray the Rosary with your heart.

Dear children, in each Mystery of the Rosary you have the keys to achieve your conversion and find the states of peace: peace in your heart, peace in your consciousness, inner peace, peace in your souls, peace in your work for God, peace in each space.

In the Peace of Heaven, you will find relief for your recurring problems. If you still do not have peace, My dear ones, it is because you must first love God. If you love the Father, you will never lack joy, and thus, Peace will be the main cause that will generate happiness, hope, and daily victory in you, a divine victory that can reside in the heart of each being.

Seek within yourselves where peace is to be found because peace is strengthened through the sublime power of prayer. The repercussion of prayer is many Graces; so, My dear ones, may prayer be the true reason for you to live in peace.

If peace is lacking, it is because prayer is lacking. True and sincere prayer is the impulse for the heart. Be good prayerful beings, because, with the rosary in hand, you have the path to your redemption, for the Rosary is the doorway of salvation and the straight path to the blessed Heart of My Son Jesus.

So, My dear ones, if the world truly prayed to God and lived the Commandments, it could be under the Grace of God, wars and the divisions between peoples would be avoided, and you would have yet another time of peace.

When I call you to prayer, I call you to the awakening of your sleeping consciousnesses. Children, awake to this important request. Thus, I come here on this evening to meet with you, because as a Mother, I love each of you and will do everything until you take the definite step towards the consecration of your hearts to God.

You cannot live without God, because it would be like a child without its mother. Nobody can replace your inner meeting with the Father of Heaven. He expects a profound union from you. God is the Lord of Compassion and Mercy, do not fear because of your sins, make way so that God may be the new path and in this way, your souls will be disseminators of the loving Light of the Father.

Dear children of Rio de Janeiro, as a Mother, I come to your city so that sleeping souls may awake in time; the time has now come to respond to the Call of God through the work of the heart.

My children, for this you have Your Mother, ready to lead you on the path of your quick redemption. First, seek the path of peace, because as Mother and Queen of Peace, I gather you around My Presence so that you may recover the strength and the will to say a loving 'yes' to the Lord of the Universe.

Dear children, remember that you are still in time to meet My Son, Jesus. I come as the Mother of all, to look for those who were called by My Son for a greater task.

Dear children, today, begin by giving all your love to My Heart through prayer.

May the blessing I bring today from Heaven for all those present be able to also radiate to those who most need it.

Receive from My Heart today the Mercy of Jesus, your only Shepherd.

I thank all My children of Rio de Janeiro for responding to My special call!

Who blesses you with love and compassion,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace




Dear children,

Today, by the Will of God, an uninterrupted year of daily apparitions and Daily Messages of Love is fulfilled.

For this reason, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary will announce Her words of Love and Redemption for all Her children for a while longer.

Dear children, on this day I announce to you that God has asked Me, from today on, to communicate My instructions to you on Saturdays and on the days of the apparitions.

My children, after a continuous year of Graces received, My Maternal Heart asks that you look within your hearts and that you grow from within through My Redeeming Peace.

Therefore, dear children, may this day be for you a day of synthesis so that you can keep in your hearts everything that God has given you through My Immaculate Heart. From today on we will meet daily through the prayer of the heart because the world is waiting to receive the Mercy of My Son.

I give thanks to My children, those who accompanied Me to Medjugorje a year ago, for having pilgrimaged with devotion and love, because this state of love, radiated from your hearts before God in Medjugorje, allowed Him to send Me in order to guide you during a whole year of great changes.

Dear children, on this day all the groups of prayer and all souls receive as a task to pray week by week so that you may wait on Saturday for My Weekly Message, which will be transmitted in an apparition to My visionaries.

My children, the moment has come to grow and mature from the heart so that the soldiers of My Son may be prepared for the time that will come to humanity.

Dear children, once again I place you all in My arms, to offer to God the voice of your prayers, that have helped in the con- version of humanity.

In the next year of 2013 I will visit you by means of My Motherhood and from the Heavens, twice a month, on the 13th and the 25th of each month so that together we may accompany the descent of the Holy Spirit that will help humanity.

Little children, rejoice today because, for one year, My Immaculate Heart has triumphed due to your response to My maternal call. The celestial choirs, together with your hearts, are praising the One and Only God during all this day.

I thank you for responding this whole year to My call for peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

We are coming close to the anniversary of My daily messages, when God gave Me the Grace to guide and accompany you.

My children, therefore, through all the instructions that My Heart has given, I invite you to exercise the reading from the heart again, that is, the reading of all of My messages from your heart. I invite you to live My messages, to practice them in a simple and humble way.

Dear children, the beginning of the announcements of My daily words had its origin in Medjugorje, when My Maternal Heart prepared My visionaries so that they would accomplish the task that has been carried out in the name of God throughout this last year of apparitions.

Today I want to invite you, united with My 31 years in Medjugorje, to walk in faith and in conversion, because if you transform your hearts day by day, you will be transforming the abyss of humanity.

Dear children, your conversion, your penance and your fasting will help in the salvation of souls that are living irreparable faults and above all will allow the arrival of Divine Mercy.

When I call you to conversion, to penance and to fasting, I am calling you to give a little more of your beings, without living great privations, but rather giving from your hearts all that can be transformed and redeemed.

I call you to prayer because in this way your hearts will be rising themselves as a bird rises itself towards the top of a mountain.

Dear children, may your feet climb the mountain of grati- tude and devotion so that your hearts may unite to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

In Medjugorje, one year ago, on the 15th of November, 2011, My voice was announcing the emergence of the Work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Today it is a very broad Work thanks to the response of My soldiers.

But to all of you, dear children, those who accompany Me month by month in My apparitions, I ask that you help and collaborate so that this co-redeeming work that is united to the Master Jesus may be able to expand itself even more, just as the work of Medjugorje was propagated 31 years ago.

My children, I want to tell you that all the Work that is real- ized in South America with the Blessed Virgin Mary must be supported with a little collaboration from all of My children. I ask you for a true collaboration from the heart, a surrender to God from your inner being, because a work on Earth happens and manifests itself through the workers that work in it, and these workers need the resources to accomplish it.

Thus God takes care of His workers and at the same time, of the Work.

Children, everything is united by the same link and your prayer will help so that My co-redeeming work may continue touching hearts in pain and suffering.

My dear ones, I invite you to accompany Me as the Pilgrim Mother so that Light may reach those that deny the Merciful Love of My Son.

Let us work through prayer so that the Work of God may be accomplished in South America.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Pray, pray much so that in each moment of your day God may hear you and thus His Magnificent Spirit of Love will be able to work through all creatures.

Dear children, pray, pray much so that your souls and the souls in all of the world may receive the consolation and the Mercy that they are waiting for.

Pray and do not tire of praying, because in prayer the strength and the loving dialogue of your hearts with God is to be found.

Pray, pray for the time of changes that will come, so that each heart of this world may listen with humility to the lovely requests of My Immaculate Heart.

Pray to open the Doors of the Heavens so that the angels may be present with their love and service on Earth and so that this can allow the hearts of many consciousnesses to change. When you reach a harmonious and loving prayer you will be going through the path towards contemplation of the Most High and your beings will be as sparks of Light in the universe.

Pray for those who do not pray. Pray for those who do not love. Pray for all of humanity because the prayer of the heart will guide you as a mother guides her little child.

This is why, dear children, My Maternal and Devotional Heart is among you to teach you to walk through the path of prayer and conversion.

Throughout these last months you have known the Face of the Queen of Peace, of the Mother of God, but still, My children, you must love the daily prayer until your hearts recognize that the prayer of all the groups will change the world.

When in Lourdes I called for penitence, I was calling the world to reflection, to the awakening of the consciousness before the actions.

In Fatima, I called the world to daily prayer so that souls would weave, by means of the rosary, a new web of peace and redemp- tion that could help the world.

In Medjugorje, I called you to fasting and prayer, just as in Aurora where, for five years, I have been asking humanity for a little more sacrifice and effort so that it may be able to balance itself before the events that are outside the Law of God.

In Salta, Argentina, I called you to heal the heart through the adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. I was calling everyone to consider the importance of the daily union with My Son the Redeemer, through the Communion with His Holy Body and His Sacred Blood.

Today, dear children, I call you to the awakening in yourselves of the new time, to the preparation of your hearts through prayer, through adoration, confession, fasting and the devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

My children, after so many calls and warnings to humanity, today I call you to live your conversion and your redemption by means of prayer and peace.

Dearest children, you are part of the beautiful Project of God, you can be an expression of My Peace and the Divine Peace of My Son.

Children of My Father, now, recognizing the power of My Maternal Requests, again I call you to the prayer of the heart, because prayer will help the whole world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Beloved children,

Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world.

Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the consciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define the path to follow in this time.

For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption.

My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pilgrimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace.

I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times.

You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of modernity and comfort.

I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity itself through prayer.

My children, someone must do something for the world! Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart.

Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls.

Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful.

May this month of November be a preparation for all of you for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December.

Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

For the commemoration of My monthly apparitions each 25th in Medjugorje, today I invite you and I gather you in the name of Jesus so that your hearts may contemplate the existence of the Marian Center of Figueira.

After twenty-five years of instruction, necessary for your lives and loving for your souls, today I announce that the Blessed Universal Mother, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, has walked silently together with you through this pathway of teachings and learning.

Dearest children, today I want you to understand in your hearts that God the Father manifests Himself not only through My Immaculate Voice, but also through all those who give themselves from the heart to concretize the Divine Plan on Earth.

Therefore, My children, God the Father is the Great Tree of Wisdom, Its roots and Its branches are the expression of the Infinite Universe and Its leaves are the emanations of the souls upon this beloved planet.

Dear children, in order for this to exist in all of the created life, there exists in your lives the presence of the Universal Mother, the Queen of Peace, the Morning Star that announces the new time before the coming of Her Son.

Dear children, this is why your lives and your essences are al- ways united to the essence of the Heart of God. As the Mother of the World, as the Lady of the Heavens, I come to your en- counter to reveal to you the true mystery of your faith and of your lives; this mystery is called Love for the Whole, Love for the One, Love for the Will of God.

This is why today, with the Rosary of Peace in My blessed hands, again I invite you to prayer, because day by day many souls are lost and they do not find the path towards Light.

For you, My dear children, who are awake to the life of the spirit, it will be enough to serve in this time: to serve by giving yourselves, to serve by loving, to serve to repair the Heart of My Son.

Through your inner maturity and with prayer as a primordial exercise, you will be taking secure steps towards the consecration of your little hearts.

My children, on this 25th of October and after so many events that have happened by means of the presence of My Immac- ulate Heart, I call you to the awakening of your consciousness so that, under the will of God, new and donated Marian servers of peace may emerge. These soldiers of peace have the spirit of loving prayer, of being in inner service for souls and finding, in the Will of God, the aspiration to reach Eternity.

My children, awaken to the call and listen in your hearts to the Voice of the One and Great Lord.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

With immense delight and joy in the heart, I give My Blessing and Maternal Peace to all My beloved children of Argentina. For this reason, My children, I gather all of you around the Divine Sacred Heart of Christ so that your souls may reaffirm their alliance with the Universe of Love and Peace.

Dear children, today is one more moment to remind you of the confirmation of each one of you with the Universe and with the life of prayer, necessary and fundamental for humanity in this end of times.

Dear children, as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and in the world, today I ask you to pray from the source that exists in your hearts.

Today once again I ask you to pray to prevent wars, persecutions and disorder in the life of humanity.

Today, dearest children, I ask you to pray to prevent suffering, pain and the desperation that My Immaculate Heart witnesses day by day in this world.

Today I call to pray to alleviate My flagellated Heart that is hurt by the grave offenses of humanity.

Dear children, today I am calling you to awaken your small consciousness in the face of the events that are unfolding in this world.

As the Mother of Graces, today I ask you to place your hearts under the Redeeming and Merciful Rays of My Beloved Son, because it is in Christ that you will find Relief, because it is in Christ that you will find Light and Forgiveness, because it is in My Son that you will find the Reconciliation that your lives and the lives of humanity need.

Therefore, My little ones, may the hope and the joy of serving God awaken in you, because you should know that many of My children must live the redemption of the heart.

My children, on this day of meeting with Me in Luján, a Sanctuary of love and faith, I ask that through prayer you unite to Jesus, that you call Jesus, and that you look for Him so that His Divine Spirit of Love may be with you, visit you, guide you and shelter you in everything.

Dear children, for one more month I say to you: thank you for responding to My call, to all the pilgrim hearts of Argentina!

I thank you!

Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world.

Dear children,

Today I invite you in a special way to unify your hearts to the Light of My Maternal Love that also springs in the Center of Devotion in Medjugorje.

For this reason I invite you to pray for all the Marian Centers where My Immaculate and Helpful Face(*) is present for the life of all souls.

As the Queen of Peace today I call you to pray lovingly for all the pilgrims who, united to My Immaculate Heart, make an effort to live the science of faith and the devotion of the heart.

My Maternal Heart descends one more time upon this world, as also day to day, through My announcements in the daily messages.

Today, My little ones, My Immaculate Heart reflects itself upon the Marian village of Medjugorje.

Therefore I am inviting you to enter into the Kingdom and the Spirit of My Peace that are present in Medjugorje. There, it has been thirty years, and here in the Americas, five years, that God has been sending Me towards you to teach you to live in daily communion with My Son and to live in reconciliation and peace. Souls easily forget the essence of these important attributes for the heart.

Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the devotional heart of Medjugorje because thus you will find My Maternal Presence in your lives.

Remember that God contemplates the exercise of your prayers, that God expects the greatest effort and giving of the heart from all His children so that the designs of His loving Will are fulfilled.

Therefore, dear children, live Medjugorje as a school of prayer to live the Peace of My Maternal Kingdom.

I thank you for responding to My call for one more month!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) Tr: “Faz Inmaculada y Auxiliadora” in Spanish - may refer here to “Mary, Help of Christians.”


Dear children,

Today, once more, in My spiritual visit to Medjugorje I ask that you recognize the presence of My Peace in your hearts. My Love wants to convert your souls into a garden of roses and into an inexhaustible fountain of peace.

My children, by accepting this call from My Maternal Heart, pain will no longer exist in you so that in this way the Love of the Redeemer may be born again.

Dear children, I want your consciousnesses to not complain anymore about the difficulties and the tests of life. I invite you to remain in My Maternal arms so that you may walk in sacrifice.

My little ones, the world is carrying so much pain. For this reason you must be true emanations of My Peace upon the face of the Earth.

Dear children, in order to correct the past, the tests and the pains, you must surrender your lives into the Hands of the Creator. In this way, in the name of all those who do not pray, do not adore and do not love God, you will be making an important surrender of your hearts to the Most High.

Walk in this time under the Bravery and Love of Christ be- cause your missionary hearts must now give everything for humanity.

Smile to the life that God has given you with so much love; be thankful from the heart and serve, in peace, those in most need through prayer and the service of the heart. In this way the towers of peace will rise from the Light of your hearts.

I thank you for living My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


While the world and humanity define their path towards the eternity of God, the time of Divine Justice approaches to reverse all the causes that have been generated in this humanity.

Therefore, dear children, in these times of emergency, I call you all to be peacemakers and propagators of the Purpose of God on Earth. In this way and through the prayer of the heart, there will be more time for Mercy to continue to work in the hearts of all My children.

As the Mother of Divine Justice, I ask you, dear children, that you do not waste time and that you open your hearts because, just as in Medjugorje, these are My last warnings so that the consciousnesses of all My children may reflect and awaken to the reality of this time.

Dear children, do not see Justice as a punishment. The Divine Justice will put in order that which humankind has deviated from the Will of God.

Therefore, little children, pray, pray and only pray! So that the Love of God may touch all My children. Know that your honest and sincere prayer from the heart will define, as it was in Fatima, the next path of humanity.

As Mediator, I ask that your praying voices help humanity, placing each one of your supplications at the feet of the Creator.

Dear children, My Son Jesus is a great mediator. Therefore, unite your souls to the will of My Son so that your hearts may find a true guidance. In Jesus you will resurrect to life. In Jesus you will remedy the pain of the past. In Christ you will follow the pathway of Mercy and Redemption.

Do not feel fear because today I am among you and with all the hearts of the world, calling you to pray for the peace and the conversion of all this humanity.

Redeem, through forgiveness, all the past and, in joy, together with My Son, quench your thirst for love. Be responsive to each other because for the end of this cycle in the world, the time has come to manifest the sacred teachings that My Son left you:

  • To love is to forgive
  • To give is to surrender
  • To trust is to live in faith.

I thank you for responding to My call on this day! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Virgin Mary continues the transmission saying:

My children, I have seen and I have considered, within My Plan of Love, that for the times of emergency, My Voice must go on, echoing in the hearts that still do not hear Me. This is why, from today on, all the monthly apparitions will be public and open to everyone so that My message may reverberate in the consciousnesses.


Dear children,

For the bliss of the reencounter of your hearts with Christ, today I invite you to continue celebrating with Me the anniversary of My Apparitions in Medjugorje.

Today I ask you that in your hearts be ignited the Flame of Love that My Son entrusted to each one of you. The infinite Flame of Love of the Creator will be necessary for the times of great changes; the flame of the Merciful Love of My Son that will guide you and will protect you by means of the prayer of the heart, the infinite Flame of Light of the Holy Spirit that will bless you and will fill each one of your lives, as a renewing Source of Grace.

My children, in the month of September we will have in Brazil the Anniversary of My apparitions and, especially, of My Guidance and of My Love for you. So that the work of My Inner Peace in you can continue, My little children, today I also call you to the collaboration which must be born from your hearts, because if this is so, then I will be able to contemplate this gesture as a sincere action towards Me.

My children, remember that each work that My Heart has realized throughout this time in this world has been for the simple reason of uniting again souls with God, the Creator, uniting again what was separated and distant in each one of the consciousnesses so that each one of My children would be able to know the essence of the Love of God.

Today I reconcile you with the Holy Spirit of the Father so that your hearts, permeated by His Eternal and Loving Peace, may be able to walk towards the consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

Know, dear children, that Jesus has His Arms open in order to give you, with purity, His Divine Redeeming Love.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Divine Mother of the Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

