The art of loving and guarding the Plan of God

My dear children,

Today I come to you in love and reverence for your souls that try every day to remain faithful to My requests and united to My intentions.

Today I shelter you under My mantle of Light just as I protected the apostles of My Son after He rose to the Heavens. Just as in that time, today I want to instruct you on how those children of Mine learned the art of loving and guarding the Plan of God for this humanity.

First lesson.

Be always in gratitude for having received the Grace of participating consciously in the instructions of the Divine Messengers. This gratitude will keep you always united to Our Hearts.

Second lesson.

Be always attentive so that the minds with their thoughts manifest within evolutionary energies, sacred and reverent toward God, toward His whole Creation, and toward their own consciousnesses. Strive to reject dissonant thoughts and contrary to the Law of God, to other people, and to yourselves.

Third lesson.

Take note that your emotions and sensations are guided toward and intended for pleasing God, our Lord, full of devotion for His Work and of healthy happiness for His designs. Do not allow sadness and hopelessness to embrace your hearts. See in everything you experience the purpose of forging in you the true children of the Most High, strong and brave for facing any situation.

Fourth Lesson

Keep your souls in the full prayer of the heart. Keep the verb, the thought, and the feeling that emanate from spirit in every word, in every spoken sentence, with concentration, love for God, and joy for belonging to His Plan and for having been summoned to perform a sacred task.

Fifth lesson.

Place spiritual strength, the one that has brought you here and that keeps you always available in faith, in each moment, in each prayer, in each service, to concretize the Will of the Father. Always attentive to serve His Purpose in each moment.

Sixth lesson.

Keep always in the heart the intention of pleasing God and keep watch so that your feeling, that deep one, be genuine and does not claim benefits for the self. Have everything be because of and for the Lord and His Work.

Seventh lesson.

Remain faithful and be authentic. Do not deceive yourselves and become involved in appearances; give always the best you have in each action, in each service, and in each prayer.

If all of you are clear on these lessons in your inner beings, and they guide profound actions, thoughts, and feelings, you will be guardians and custodians of the Will of God for this race.

And when you pray and keep vigil with the Divine Messengers, in complete spiritual joy for living in the obedience that the Angels of Heaven live, you will be free of spirit, apostles of love, peacemakers and servers of the Son of the Creator, the Redeemer.

Children of Mine from Venezuela and of the whole world, I invite you to be guardians and custodians of the Plan of God for the Earth, guardians of evolution, faithful servers of the Creator and His Divine Work.

Keep vigil with Me during all the times that will come, and you will see the plans of Peace in this world materialize.

I love you and I summon you to concretize the evolutionary step of this race.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, your Mother, Universal Feminine Consciousness


​​Dearest children of Mine,

I come tonight as the Lady of Peace and the Guardian of the souls, because Your Heavenly Mother prays ardently for all during the evening hours.

At those times, the neutrality, the spiritual introspection and the silence of Your Mother perpetuate themselves throughout the Universe.  It is the time for retreat and quietness to be able to meditate and contemplate the next steps of the Plan of God for humanity.

That is why the night is the moment of vigil of Your Mother, it is the time when the Angelical Heaven enters the sphere of the Earth in order to save the fallen souls.

Dear children, in the next times your lives may be united to My universal life because it will be the moment of adoring and praying for the world when it enters the most acute phase of its transition.

Children, I am the Lady of the Night and I reveal to you the principle of My universal vigilance that comes from concentration and silence.

Children, accompany Your Mother in this sacred task.  The day and the time will come when the apostles of My beloved Son will become guardians of the spaces and keepers of the Sacred Centers of all the oratories of the Earth.

I thank you for answering to My call.

Who guides you to a greater vigilance,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Message of Saint Joseph, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Dear companions of My Chaste Heart,

There is no use repeating that these are times of emergency in the world.

Our Words must reach the whole planet. There must not be even one soul that does not know the Presence of the Messengers of God in this place (1). For this reason, today I ask that you disseminate Our call without fear, without being ashamed of proclaiming your own faith, without fear of not being accepted or recognized by those you respect and love.

Just hold in your consciousness that everybody needs to wake up, that there will no longer be any time for the illusions of life because prayer will be the only way out for the planetary situation.

Do not think about what beings will feel, do not worry about what the minds of the people in the world will manifest; simply glimpse the need of souls to be reconciled with God, of praying and of uniting with the Plan of the Creator.

The immediate response of consciousnesses upon entering into contact with Our Words does not matter. What really matters is that the seed of light will be planted within the beings, and when they come to the moment of real need, they will have something to resort to: they will remember those valleys in Brazil (1) and also that refuge of peace among the orange groves (2); they will remember the mountains that hold the Holy Spirit of God (3) and also those that safeguard the future of humanity with the Codes of the Child Jesus (4), so they may be placed in the little ones of this world.

Announce to your families that your lives are no longer the same; announce to your acquaintances, announce to those unknown to you who are in need of peace. Announce to the rich, announce to the poor. Announce to the healthy and to the sick, to the young and to the old.

Let the future of the planet find the essence of peace in the hearts of the youngest, and may those who leave this planet, the eldest, carry the discovery of love wherever they go after this life.

I make this request of you because souls must not miss the opportunity of experiencing love, since this is why they came into the world.

Let the doors of the hells close before the prayerful response of all the hearts that awaken in time.

Let the Perfection of God, which exists within all creatures, not be exchanged for the innumerable capital woes that the enemy sowed in the human consciousness.

I call on you today to be true apostles of Christ, without fear or shame, even if you seem mad, let it be the holy madness expressed in your hearts.

Let your loving and fraternal actions be the testimony of Our Presence in the world. Let your capacity to forgive and to be reconciled with others be the proof to human eyes that God is among humankind, through His Messengers.

Thus, today and every day of your lives, go, serve, be reconciled with your neighbors, ask for forgiveness, serve those who hate you, love those who persecute you, pray as the priority in your lives, as if prayer were water without which you could not live.

Disseminate, announce to the world the Message of God, of peace and transformation, the call to awakening and redemption, through His Messengers. Something will resonate in the human consciousness, as long as you are sincere in all that you do.

Before proclaiming with your mouths, live with your senses, with your intentions, and with your heart all that you aspire for beings to know. Be carriers of peace and hope for this world lost in illusion.

Let us not allow a part of the Heart of God to be extinguished.

I love you and I bless you always, so this blessing may come alive in all the spaces of the human consciousness.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


1. This refers to the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

2. This refers to the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay.

3. This refers to the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina.

4. This refers to the Marian Center of the Child King, Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Like a Queen, your Mother is crowned by the prayers and the pleas of all Her children of the world. This makes the deep pain of the Most Holy Mother disappear little by little, because the pain of the world is shared with the consistent apostles of Christ.

It is for this purpose, dear children, that today I come to meet with you to call you to a time of conscience and inner maturity. It will be in this way that your souls, united with Christ, will be able to respond to the Will of God, when that Will makes Itself known in your hearts.

Thus, children, in times of preparation, but also in the acute moments for humanity, may your path be to respond through Christ to the Designs of the Celestial Father. That will require that your consciousnesses respond to situations that were not planned for in your daily life.

Little by little, you are being led into living the same principles that the Family of Nazareth lived, to thus accomplish the infinite Purpose of the Eternal Father, which is to save the whole of humanity.

Follow the light that leads you into finding that sacred Purpose and do not close your hearts to what you must learn in honor of My Immaculate Heart.

The freedom of the East, and especially of the poor families in subjection, will depend on your response and the response of all My children in the world.

Your decision is unique in these times, because from the beginning, humanity is unique, and what one does has repercussions on the rest, be it evolutionary or contrary to evolution.

My Heart, wounded by an ungrateful humankind that does not know the Love of God, is being offered to all as the sublime refuge for the immigrants of the world.

My arms are stretched out to the planet and My hands draw close to all to cry out for pity, peace and conscience.

Dear children, like the Ark of the Holy Covenant, I pour out what is purest in My Heart so that, in this time of purification, you may avail yourselves of My maternal and universal Principles, Principles that come from Heaven.

I thank you for continuing to calm My Heart, a Heart that suffers for that which Her children of the world suffer. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Cordoba, Argentina to Salto, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Every day I come from Heaven to call the apostles of Light, the unconditional servers of My beloved Son, for the urgency of having servant souls requires going beyond the knowledge and training received.

Thus, every day, through the prayer of the heart that I have taught you, I come to awaken the gifts that still sleep within your souls, souls suffocated by the pressure of the times, by modernities, by sin, because of forgetting God.

My co-redemptive Plan of salvation, in this apocalyptic time, is directed at the immediate rescue of essences under the control of the adversary.

For this to be possible, in the face of the emergency experienced by humanity, My Heart comes to call the apostles of Light, so that through service, prayer and the missions of charity, you may help the most unprotected and ignorant of heart, who are in need of relief, healing and Mercy.

Dear children, the time for showing your gifts and placing them at the service of the Plan has now come. There is much to do and humanity does not want to hear or see out of shame, since the planetary reality that is overwhelming it, obliges it to forcibly change.

But meek and prayerful hearts in these times can be the example of a consecrated and happy life in the Arms of the Celestial Father.

It is time to take care of the planet; it is time that the warriors of Christ awaken to the call and come out of their homes to serve; Pity and Mercy will fill all needs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

One Who educates you in service to Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

As the Mother of Providence today I bring to all the principle of the spiritual wealth, that which is saved in Universe as divine knowledge and wisdom.

As Lady of Providence I pour over the world the Graces that will make possible to get know the true treasure that each soul keeps in their inner world.  For this, children, despite the time of your purification, remember that the Love of God is kept in the inner world of each of you, a Love that moves the whole universe and that permeates all existence in this and others universes.

As the Mother of Providence I try to make My children recognize that My presence in your lives has the reason of awakening you to the quest for the spiritual wealth in each one. Children, this wealth that God, your Father, granted to the spirit of each creature, is beyond all arrogance, all false power and all material property. It is this divine treasure that the Divine Messengers come to awaken, to mature and to reveal in the life of each being.

But children, for you to be worthy of receiving the Grace of discovering your divine and spiritual treasure, you will have to overcome tests, surrender, humble yourselves, and furthermore, to live at least the path of humility; then, My children, it will be this cosmic and spiritual treasure that you will live in your dwelling, in that space of the macrocosm that God has saved to each soul.

In this way, dear children, when at the end of your days you have discovered this spiritual treasure, you will know that everything will have had a meaning and a higher reason in the experience of this world. If the souls put their attention in the divine treasures that they keep, it would not be necessary to suffer, mature nor to grow through the power of a higher pressure.

Your Celestial Mother teaches you to value the simple and true that is the life of spirit and as each soul has the inner potential of expressing God in their life and in the whole planet. It is this sacred spiritual treasure that My adversary does not want that be awakened, but My plans will be fulfilled above the adversities and fears generated in the souls, as far as each heart permits Me.

Children of mine, if you awaken this divine spiritual treasure, you will find the true meaning of being born to life and you will know that you have come here to fulfill a mission in the name of the Love of God. But most souls forget the meaning of the purpose that created them and, it will be through the praying word that essences will remember that they have come to the world to fulfill a mission, even though they may not be aware of it.

This last time that you are living will mark the next steps to humanity that will be purified, converted and transmuted by the powerful action of the Universal Laws, something that no one will be able to detain. Many of you that are already conscious and are able to work spiritually, seek this divine treasure, because it will permit you to find your lineage and the mission that must be manifested beyond the ego.

The things of Heaven are opposite to the realities of the Earth. Your Mother of Providence grants you this indication today, that you seek in time within each one of you, the true, and not the illusion that the whole world reflects by being each time more indifferent and blind. I tell you, children, that even with very few ones the Plan of the Most High will not be transformed.

For this, dear ones, the triumph of the heart through the awakening of your spiritual treasure, will generate a positive action in all of humanity, which is hypnotized. My aspiration of Mother is that you soon die to yourselves, as the apostles of My Son learned to die to themselves, surrendering the most profound fears.

The purification will set you free and thus, you may be seeds cultivated in the Promised Earth. As your Mother, I am here to guide you in faith.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who prepares you internally for the New Humanity,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Many Graces from My Heart have been poured out into your lives during these last times.

You have been worthy of My Love and of My Grace because the joy of My Spirit has filled you with gifts, sowing the seeds of My Son in all essences. Now the fruits must be offered at the Feet of the Creator so that His highest Work may be fulfilled in the redeemed hearts.

You have seen the manifested Purpose in Heaven, and were participants in the Celestial Plan of God; thus you were guided towards the goal so that many souls could awaken to the path of redemption.

The Father has given you everything and will never cease to give you what you need so that you can fulfill the work of His Will.

You have been set free and many of internal situations were liberated from the eternal captivity. You have known peace and felt it; you took the Message of Heaven to those who listened to nothing; you helped to open closed hearts, and recovered the faith in those who had lost it.

Through the work of your Heavenly Mother, you were led to understand the reason for the call, were consistent with the Universe, and it never left you defenseless, not even in the most important moments of your lives. You have learned how to cross the abysses and overcome the tests through the Love of Christ; you have known the truth and became participants in it at the end of times.

You have received the greatest treasures that the Universe held and were called to be guardians of this legacy. The Word of the Divinity has always guided you and has never allowed any door to close in spite of circumstances.

The simplest ones have achieved the goal and followed the path of spirit and of simplicity. Others were lost because they wanted to search for their own answer to everything that was happening; but at the end of the last day, My Son will call you to witness the judgment of the whole world.

For this reason, all are prepared and no one will be able to say that Grace did not touch their heart. The Plan must be accomplished, the hour indicates a sincere decision; the Universe will always await you. The apostles must wake up and work.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you with the Purpose of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Like the Breath of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles of Christ, today that Divine Breath floods your spirits, so that on experiencing the cycle of inner rehabilitation, you now confirm your union with Christ, Our Lord.

Thus, My Son will find apostles ready to serve Him above all else, because truly, your purification is the prelude for entering into a state of Divine Consciousness.

Between your terrestrial beings and the soul of each of My children there must be no abyss that will separate you from the Purpose and the fulfillment of the task My Son entrusted to you from the beginning.

Now, this Divine Breath will carry you to a discovery of everything whose time has come to go through its death, so that, crossing the portal toward the Heavens, your cells become divine in Christ, the Lord.

Between one cycle and the next you will find the abysses of consciousness, abysses that must be illumined by the power of the love and unity among souls. This is the key that will open the door of freedom from the self for you and believe that from now on, you must allow yourselves to be loved and must set aside the calvary that through a lack of understanding you are experiencing within yourselves.

Your souls must be in constant unity and fraternity; views and concrete ideas can no longer reign in the collective thought of souls. Your source of renewal must be the Love of God, a Love that bears all things, forgives all things and understands all things.

In this way, you will be free of always seeing imperfection and will awaken to the virtues of the unity and love that My Son taught you. For this reason, children, you are in time to reconsider and of not allowing the ideas of My adversary to completely invade your consciousnesses.

The spiritual battle of the end of times has now begun which will come from the hand of the accelerated and intense purification that many will face, to then be able to enter into the Kingdom of God.

During the battle will be the moment when you must be more united than ever, so the Divine Breath of Wisdom may always place you on the correct path. In this way, you will be able to collaborate and help all those who will be lost, through ignorance or deceit, to be placed on the right path.

Be witnesses of all the Divine Legacy which has been given to you. Nothing occurs by chance; that Legacy will be your fortitude and your knowledge, as Our Sacred Hearts will also be.

I thank you for responding in consciousness to My call for peace, in this time of the spiritual battle of the end of times.

Who assembles you in the Luminous Heart of Christ,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

The time of universal Justice will come.

Therefore, I come to call the most sinful and imperfect so that, in honor of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, they may receive the last chance to live conversion and redemption, because not one stone will be left on another and no one will be able to prevent it.

Your judgment before the entire heavenly and angelic universe is near, but if my good souls continue to pray from the heart and without obligation or commitment, I promise, before the last hour, to render help to those souls who have stained the Heart of My Eternal Father with their pride and denial.

I will send My Custodian Angels to help you so that, in the most difficult times, when the Earth will be intensely purified, They may guide your steps and the all cenacles of prayer where the Holy Trinity is glorified.

Receive the help you need; My true Church, full of simple apostles, has already fulfilled its part before the Law and the instruction.

None, in this material world, will be able to say that they did not know the Son of God, He who will come among the clouds bringing the scale of Justice and the Scepter against impunity and suffering.

The Son of God will come in the omnipotence of His humility, of His attained humility, and there will be no one who will not see Him coming in celestial splendor and merciful Love.

The sacred scriptures will be fulfilled in a way unknown to the impious and the cruel.

But My sovereignty belongs to the Greater Universe, from which the Glory of God and the Kingdom of His eternity will descend.

Prepare yourselves, repent, and pray with luminous love so that the last shadows of human horror may not touch or influence your hearts.

That who is not humble and meek will not bear it. Therefore, now that you are in time to be able to reverse everything, be intelligent, seek a life of confraternity and purity, thus you will be protected from the interferences of the adversary and from yourselves.

I send you My Peace, and I give you My Peace, there is not anything better to do in this life than to pray and serve.

Accept the time of the apocalypse that you are going through, feel protected by My fatherly Spirit, and do not waste time or space with misunderstandings. No longer be doors of the past, be instruments of My unfathomable and infinite Mercy.

Remember what I am telling you today, these are already My last Instructions and Messages for humanity. Live in faith and come out of the world of despair and disorderly restlessness.

Pray, pray, pray with Me, and be vigilant.

Seek Me in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar and you will be worthy to one day return to My Kingdom of Peace and Love.

Tonight I bless those who would not deserve My blessing, thus you will be able to feel the magnitude of My Love for all of you.

I leave you My Peace. 

Under the Mercy of God be blessed. I thank you for accompanying me.

Your Redeemer, Christ Jesus 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus arrived here with His splendor as the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His luminous and loving Presence was surrounded by six angels who carried in their hands a Blessed Sacrament that they projected as mirrors of light on our beings.

And there, the Master was working within us, seeing the need of each one of us, of this city and the planet.





Always bring My message of peace to the world and to all of the souls that do not know the power of My maternity and of My Love.

In your paths you will find hearts in need of the Mercy of God and it will be this Divine Mercy that will open the door for redemption and for the liberation of the sins.

For this, children, be apostles of Christ in love and in truth.  The adversary fears these great virtues because there he cannot establish his kingdom of darkness.  Love and truth will make you understand and accept the current decadence of an indifferent and materialistic humanity.  In this humanity there are still praying suns that shine and bring hope to an uncontrolled and restless world without peace or unity.

Dear children, the times will be complicated because humanity and mainly some hearts without God will promote unusual events for the world.  For this I come to ask you that everyday you may offer the prayer of the heart.  It will be your shield against My adversary.

Those who do not pray, how will they be saved?  This is the science of the end of times, the prayer of heart, the prayer of love, the prayer of truth, of peace.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you in calm and in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages


May the pains be far away from your heart, because I, your Most Holy Mother, am with you.
May the arts of My adversary be far away, because My mantle protects your walk and your task, as well as those of your brothers and sisters.

May the sins of ingratitude and denial be far away from you, because inside of My Heart you will only feel peace and the eternal flame of the Creator's Light.

My children,

On this day in which I am with you by the Divine Grace that the Father has granted Me, I come to bring Peace, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy to My children of the world once again.

A new cycle begins to My soldiers, to the apostles of Christ and to all humanity.  My Son has announced the definitive beginning of His Return.  He returns, first of all, to the hearts of the children who are faithful to His Mercy, those in whom He prepares the path of transformation and of the emerging of the spiritual gifts that He sowed in each one of you, over two thousand years ago.

Such gifts will flourish in each soul, at each step taken in the sincere transformation of each being.  Remember that He does not need you perfect, only good and pure of heart, faithful to His Presence and to His Guidance in this life, which will be the step that will place some of you in Paradise.

At each step that each one of you takes in the discipleship of Christ, this world and this humanity take a step towards their liberation and their salvation.

For this, My children, beloved children, children who are strong and firm in renounce and in sacrifice, always remember that your path, the one you are traversing together with My Son today, will be the seed for the New Humanity, that humanity which is so much awaited by all.

Do not fear anything, because We, the Divine Messengers, have left inside of you the keys for the indissoluble union with the Heart of God, the ones that open up the doors of Liberation, of Redemption and of the eternal Peace for all.

In your stars of origin, today is a day of celebration because a cycle of the dissolution of debts, of redemption of the experiences and of the definitive pathway of the Christic life has begun.  In this cycle, you will learn that love which Christ taught to His Apostles, you will learn how to love and to be loved in the way He loved you.

Courage to those who shall see the next cycle as the best of their existences, the one that will prepare them to meet the Redeemer face to face.  In that glorious day, may you lovingly merge yourselves in His Gaze and be able to receive the Eternal Grace that the Supreme God keeps for each one of you.

Today I bless you, My daughter, in order for your path to be guarded by Me, your Celestial Mother.

I bless all the children who today, in humility and reverence, are in My Presence.

Who keeps you in Her Heart of Mother,

Mary, Rose of Peace


Children of Mine,

May in times without peace only exist love.  Your Celestial Mother reunites you on the favorite lap of the Heart of Her Son so that you may be able to recover the absolute trust in the Plans of the Creator.

I wish today that your souls continue confirming themselves to the Celestial Father, because the Eternal God of the Divine Mercy will rely on your yes so that you may be able to live the transformation of life and of spirit.

With your hearts elevated to the Kingdom of the Celestial Father, you will allow My plans of peace to be promptly fulfilled, because in this way your essences will be as flowers at the altars of Heaven.

Dear children, today I come again in search of the apostles of My Son, I come to fetch those who, consecrating their lives to My Immaculate Heart, have said yes to the Divine Plan of the Creator.

For this, children, do not get tired of transiting every day among the tests and sorrows of life, offer your efforts and charities to God so that His outraged Heart may be glorified for the times to come.

Walk in confidence towards My arms, in this way I shall support you in the falls as well as in the tests.  For this, receive My Maternal Love as a balsam and as a healing for your lives.

God expects that, with your sacrifice and surrender, the whole humanity may be elevated to another spiritual and interior state.  I need, My children, that you follow My steps of Mother, as I shall always divert you from the abysses and from the circumstances that My adversary generates to all souls.

Today I dedicate the attention to the most needed and unprotected of spirit.  Your Celestial Mother gathers you all the time in the Essence of the Kingdom of God so that you may recover in your lives the gifts that have vanished or have been lost from your interior because of suffering.

Dear Children of Mine, the times of definition are knocking at your doors.  I come from Heaven to extend My saving hand to you.  From this Marian Center of devotion and faith there must emerge the disciples of My Son so that by loving His Redeeming Word they may profess the conversion that they achieved and they may declare to the world the Merciful Love of My Son Jesus.

At your side, children, I pray for you so that someday your total consciousness may awaken to the Divine Light that is being announced from the universe to the humanity in transition.

Remain in My Arms and trust My Son Jesus, He will never fail you, His Mercy is great and compassionate.

I thank you for answering to My Call!

Who congregates you in the Love of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Today I leave here happy and thankful.


Dear children,

May in times of Apocalypse, you only live in the faith of the heart.

For this, children, may your souls confirm to the Celestial Father the absolute feeling of trust and love, that each one of you has for the Creator.

Today I pour over your spirits the Creative power of the Love of God, something that humanity forgets to search and to practice with the heart.

In these times, the Living Love of God will be what will help you to bear the cycle of internal changes, which will come for all without exception.

My children, seek the Love of God through the Love that Christ tirelessly offers you every day.  For this, My hands touch your hearts today to ignite them in the Light of the Love of the Creator, in the love that trusts, in the patient love, in the renewing love.

Take in your hands the rosary and pray with love, because that will liberate you from all evil and you will not fall in the ambush of the enemy’s trap.

With your hearts in faith you will bear every test and disturbance and when the time to face your purification comes, the power of your prayers will have made you meek and peacemakers in the Heart of Christ.

Allow, My beloved children, your debts to be alleviated and forgiven.

Always trust in the Mercy of God and do not waste time in the superficial problems.

Despite the serious situations that humanity lives, I bring you the definitive opportunity of being able to reach the inner sanctification.

Everything indicates that something must happen in these times.  The Universal laws that spring from the Heart of your Celestial Father are combining so that the harmony that is lacking in this world may be able to manifest.

Only through determination you will open the right door so that the whole of humanity do not miss the opportunity of receiving the Mercy of My Son.

I always shelter you with My Love.

Your Mother prays for you, so that someday you may be what you came to be: worthy in the Lord and in His Unfathomable Love.

Pray for those that, influenced all the time by the modernities, are imprisoned in the technologies and lose the inner thread of light that unites them with the Love of God.

Be what My Son expects: be apostles of love and of redemption.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who calls you to love with the heart and with the soul,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, transmitted in the city of Santo Tomé, province of Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Make your heart small and you will grow in Life.

Become the pious Mary Magdalene and come to Me to wash My Feet with your tears.

Come to remove from Me the dust of sin that many souls cause in My universal Being.

Come and sit at My table. I will listen to you day and night. I hear the clamor of your heart in the universe.

Unite with Me and trust; you are in the correct place, where God has placed you. You are where you should be, under the Will of the Creator.

Let Me tell you how much I long to feel you close and enfold you in My Mantle, to place you in My lap and take care of you during the long nights of storm and cold.

Do not feel discouraged, I have already given you the key to supreme joy. Allow your whole structure to move within you and the true being that comes from God to be able to be born in life.

And while you still are crossing the arid and desolate desert, I stretch out My sacred Hand to take you off the path of desolation and emptiness.

Feel now the warmth of My merciful Heart again and allow Me to erase from within you everything that no longer belongs to you.

Be the same as My apostles, accept dying for Me and being reborn in My Flame of life, the divine Flame of God.

In this time that passes, I come to call you to tell you where I want to have you in this cycle. Listen to My Voice, which resonates in the heart that opens to recognize Me.

I Am that I Am. I Am the One that was born and returned to the Source of Love. I was the One that came to give the greatest testimony of Love and Forgiveness, and I Am the One that will return to give Life to that which has already died.

I Am the Spirit of the Truth of God.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for returning to My Heart!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


The virtues that I awaken in you belong to Me because by means of them I will fulfill My Project.  For this motivate yourself to be part of Me and to become indelible in the eyes of God.

I wish for you to be able to see the steps that I Am indicating to you through My Presence.  Let Me show you the way out.  Seek the aid within My Heart, in the sacred shelter of love.

Today I declare all these things so that you may be able to find justice in all, because My single motive is to make you grow up and mature as My Apostle.

Seek the perpetual union with Me so that in the days that are to come your heart may be prepared to face the end of the times.  I can only promise you My unmistakable Love, My constant relief for the circumstances of life.  Avoid following other paths that are not Mine.

I have demonstrated to the world by means of the redeeming communion the way of reconciling yourself with God the Father.  But many forget this important spiritual nourishment, that which will strengthen you and will show you the path to be able to find Me. 

Be attuned for My Arrival.  Wash your feet from the dust of the past. 

And now, sitting at My Table, tell Me how much you love Me because this love that you give Me, I pour it over the most disconsolate. 

Motivate yourself to follow My Footprints.  After all the purification will come the shelter that I will give you in this life.

Construct the Real Time within yourselves so that My Message of life may act in your lives.

I only wish that you be with Me and that you never forget Me as this is My last call before My Return.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Heart.

The Glorified Christ Jesus, the Shepherd of Love


In the simple things, I make you examine your consciousnesses so that you may reconsider your degree of offering to My Heart, and thus perceive the difference between being close or far from Me.

At the hour of Mercy, every day I bring you the opportunity to give up material things, of loving My Fatherly Consciousness and of repairing all the causes that offend the Heart of God the Father.

Thus, I encourage you to quickly mature in these times of spiritual and planetary crisis.

I call on you to grow from the mature consciousness which your spirits sowed at the moment of your human birth.

Your souls can serve Me or hinder Me; depending on the degree of your inner intuition, you will know if you are with Me or not.

From your hearts, I need the possibility to help this Plan evolve and to make it grow and mature like a new fruit through your conscious and healthy actions as apostles of the new redemptive time.

I need you awake to be able to work with Me, and thus, to keep you from the most insignificant temptations of life. In this way, you will be free from suffering unnecessarily and will save your energies of service and charity to be able to give of yourselves in My Name.

When I place a test on your daily paths, it is so you may take steps in the Project My Father offered you through My Merciful Heart.

Day and night, I pray for you and for a sleeping humanity in the garden of My Eternal Vigilance, to carry you to be the stable of My Heart through the luminous essence of My Priestly Spirit. Thus, through you when you allow it, I can assemble the souls that are most in need of My Divine Mercy.

Strive to achieve that spiritual virtue which you still have not gained and I will support you through your perseverance and transparency throughout your life.

Meanwhile, hold tight to the loving strength of My Hands, I will not let go of you, but rather I will take you to find an eternal communion with the Celestial Father.

Revive the power of your vows. They will be full and powerful when you dare to live them in your consciousness rather than from illusion.

I want to see you strong and determined to serve Me in this Plan of transition.

Reflect on My Words, so they may remain in you always.

Thank you for seeking union with Me in the hour of infinite Mercy.

Under the Love of God, be blessed, mature and determined.

The Glorified Christ Jesus



I speak directly to your heart, because I know it will always know how to respond to Me.

I am present in all the Blessed Sacraments of the Earth, waiting for many more to decide to know Me in the silence.

If souls truly surrendered a little more to My Heart, I could solve all the problems you experience; but the enemy always articulates its game to confuse those who are Mine; it just has to touch the open wound for the miseries that many experience to begin to show.

Child, you must know that in the Blessed Sacrament, your consciousness will expand, and you will soon know, through Adoration, how to discern My Infinite Will.

Through Adoration, you will be able to feel the path to be trodden.

You will know how to distinguish when I desire that you do some things but not others, when you must be attentive and silent.

Those who risked becoming immediately consecrated to My Heart and proposed to live the vows that daily reformulate selfless life, all of them will have double the work of controlling, in themselves, the needs and ideas that may emerge in their consciousnesses, because a completely consecrated being waits every day for the sign that comes from the Heights.

Of all of them, I will always expect a little more, to the point of their being prepared to seek Me and find Me in their inner heart. In them I pour out My Celestial Graces. By them and through them, when they truly respond to Me, I can work and make life miracles happen.

Now, let your focus concentrate on the power of Adoration; through it many tempests will dissolve, and you will find the remedy to heal spiritual ills.

I became a Living and Glorified Body so that souls, through the Eucharist, where I am always present, could physically unite with the universe and the spring of My Mercy.

In truth, today I suffer for those who are deceived and lose the strength of sanctification. I long to be able to find apostles trained for this end time. They will be sought like sheep among wolves, but My shepherding is true and will lead them on the path of redemption.

Thus, seek Me through Adoration. You will thus be confirming My Presence throughout the Earth, because in Adoration, a bridge of union is established with the Heavens, and the soul communes with Divine Principles unknown to it, but which are placed in its heart.

When you are alone, restless or weak, find Me in Adoration. My Heart is the Blessed Sacrament for the world, and all must penetrate the dimensions through contemplation. It will be the shield that will free you of all evil. It will be the star that will illuminate the next dark night.

But in truth, the majority of souls are adoring modernities and great electromagnetic discharges hypnotize the lower consciousness. Because of the influence of these involutionary means, Heaven cannot open over the dome of each spirit and a great distance is established between matter and the very divinity of each being.

I am observing how many are deceived; the prophecy of the Apocalypse is unfolding with strength and determination over the planet, but only the wise of heart will perceive these things. In them, I place the power of My Trust, but I know they will always be more tempted than those hypnotized.

Whomever concentrates their heart and their gaze on the Blessed Sacrament will not be lost, they will know how to distinguish the seeming from the real and will have spiritual tools to overcome the time of deception.

It will not be necessary to be surprised by what I tell you; this is only a small sample of the current illusion of humanity. No matter how confused the times seem, I am present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth and the soul that thirsts for Me will just come toward Me. In this way, it will not deviate from the path, will be freed from being tempted by the demons of sensuality and pleasure, which in this cycle will be creating sub-levels of malice and of conquest in good souls.

But whomever observes carefully will be able to know and will be able to feel what is correct and what is incorrect. I have the Divine Authority to dissolve all the cruelties of space. It will be enough that more hearts bow down at My Most Holy Sacrament so that, in profound honoring and Adoration, I may uproot the influences of evil and more souls, which die from such a bitter thirst, may be revived by My Water of Life.

These are no longer remote times; they are times of battle. Heaven and hell play for the reign of the Earth. The more temptation, the more the weakness; the more Adoration, the greater will be the unwavering strength of the spirit.

For the consecrated there is no salt other than Me. I am the only complement to life which will not fail you and will not cause you to suffer. For this reason, in seeking the salt of this world, many orders are weakened and buried in the arid sands of the Earth, without finding a way out.

I aspire that those who listen to Me be intelligent. I tell you these things to avoid new falls in you.

Faith will be the instrument of your Adoration and elevation to My Kingdom. You cannot image how many times I have called at the door of hearts and have only seen the results of long passions that blind and distance those who are Mine from My Eternal Heart.

God, your Father, allowed Me to give you these warnings, because you are now ready so that in the next month, seven years of abnormal and infinite Graces will have been accomplished. I say abnormal because only the Virginal Purity of My Mother made it possible to put out seeds in the deserts without water.

Now that many have blossomed through Divine Love, give of your human love so that, through My Heart, it may be purified and sublimated in the Greater Kingdom.

Pay attention; I am not asking you for the impossible; now, in this era, this would be of no use. I come to reactivate the final Message which I once gave in Rwanda. Aurora, the inner dawn, will be the bridge of redemption of all those who once were deported to Earth by God.

I come to rescue the unrescuable.

I come to give life to that which is already dead.

Woe be to those who will not repent! It will be late for them to recognize My Glorious Countenance at the moment of the Return.

While everything happens, seek the spirit of holiness. In this way, you will please Me all the time and I will be able to rest in your hearts.

In Christic Love, I always bless you.

Do not be discouraged, you will be able to do everything through My Heart of Peace.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

Before the moment of the Apparition Mary manifested something important about this region.

When the Virgin was descending from Heaven, twelve doves of fire were also descending which were placed over the house forming a circle.  Each of the twelve doves was radiating a ray of different light, which manifested as rays of different colors and shades.  These rays of colors were coming from the universe and were descending directly over the twelve doves.

At this moment we perceived that it was something spiritual that was happening in our consciousnesses.

Also the Virgin Mary, through this event was gathering in the inner levels the brothers and sisters from the different groups of prayer that today could not be present here.

When Our Lady appeared above us, at first Her arms of light appeared opening themselves toward us, after appeared Her hands and while She was opening them, out came a celestial light from Her palms.  Then after appeared Her silhouette of light and in the end the Virgin Mary appeared so clear, so clear.  That which called our attention the most was the brightness of Her celestial turquoise eyes, very luminous.

She looked at us with attention, in silence, with much love of a Mother.  After the Divine Mother begin to shed Her light upon this house and She expressed joy and happiness at the same time as She was serene; it was a pleasure for Her to be here with us today.

Each time that She transmitted to us this feeling Her clothing became illuminated by a clear and transparent light.  Today She appeared dressed with a white veil - there was visible part of Her brushed hair with a part in the middle.  She had a celestial mantle, a pink tunic and a golden belt.  All of the time She had Her arms extended towards us.  Her face was light pink and Her turquoise eyes were very brilliant.


Dear children of Mine:

I come from Heaven to your encounter with the purpose that you may love much more than you have loved till now.  I come to teach you every day to walk in the faith of the heart, so that through the presence of My Son, you may be My apostles of truth, of charity and of peace.

As your Most Holy Mother, to each one of you I have given a spiritual mission – that which is seen by your Father as an inner and more intimate mission united to My Immaculate Heart.

The Lord desires from this group a fuller devotion because now this will be your gift as a group of souls; the path of your devotion to My Immaculate Heart will be that which will allow you to realize the works that I have forseen through your hearts.

My embrace of Mother and My maternal consolation accompanies you day and night.  I ask that you do not cry anymore but that your tears be of joy, of compassion and of love for all that have thirst for the true love of God.

The Father awaits from your group an ardent devotion, able to remedy the sorrows that many souls feel for the lack of love and prayer.
I teach you My dears, to walk in the truth and in the favored union with My Beloved Son.  He sent Me as a Messenger for your lives in order to remind you of the commitment that you assumed from the beginning with the Eternal Father.

For this today I come to ask of you, as a mission that you, My dears, and with the help of all the groups of prayer of Sao Paulo, raise a chapel on the top of Hill of the Apparitions – if it is possible, for the month of September.   This chapel will be dedicated in honor and thanks to the Glorified Christ ; it will especially spread the faith in the awaited return of Christ.

If you comply with this request, I promise to bless the 25th day of September of 2014, and in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus I will open upon it a Fountain of Graces  and of conversion.

Every soul that approaches in pilgrimage to the chapel of the Glorified Christ on top of the Hill will be blessed in the last days of their life through the intercession of My Immaculate Heart, and on the day of the Great Judgment I will answer for them before the questions of My Son.  After many years this Marian work that I carry forward in Minas Gerais, Brazil, will triumph and those who do not believe will believe in My presence.

Whoever prays with devotion in the Sacred Chapel of Glorified Jesus will be heard just as you are heard the chants of the Holy Angels.

I will give thanks for this collaboration; always everything will be for the salvation of the Earth and of the kingdoms of nature.

I thank you from now for answering to My call!

Thanks for welcoming Me into your hearts.

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace


Dear beloved and favorite ones,

I am present here, believe that for an instant.

I come to gather the not chosen, those who have remained behind on the path of transformation.

I come to open the door of your hearts through My Heart, so that the infinite mysteries of My Love may be revealed.

I need to create new apostles upon the surface of this humanity, and that there may emerge those who will announce My near coming in a simple, humble, and austere way, because the true Word comes from the Divine Word of God, and your hearts can be enriched by the Light of the Holy Spirit.

As it was some time ago, I come again to be in your lives for seven consecutive days. My hope is to share the Instruction and parables with all of you, as I did once in the past.

So I will gather you around My sacred table again, so that you may share the Bread of Life and the Redeeming Blood with Me.

New souls congregate in the consecration to My Sacred Heart this evening. For this reason, I gather the beginners again, those who must learn to love and serve.

In truth I want you to be able to feel the warm Word of Life.

I will also be gathered with all of those who are by My side, sharing this path with Me in each center of prayer and each home. Thus, you will be able to see, dear companions, how My merciful Rays stretch out upon all the places on Earth.

The Holy Father Francis has begun this Sacred Week with an important question for humanity, which I consider to be important for you. I have meditated upon it and I wish to tell you, not as an observation, but rather as meditation and reflection for your consciousnesses: On which side were you in the epoch of Jesus?  Were you the Apostles or the Pharisees?

It does not matter who may have condemned Me or who may have loved Me, I come to demonstrate the power of My infinite Mercy to you because the Love of God can do anything when the soul is willing to experience it from the heart and to learn the new lessons that Heaven presents to all souls that are on the Earth.

Today I want to address Myself to you through Love, to open the dwelling places of your hearts through the new keys that I bring in My Hands to assist hearts that have fallen and to heal souls that are wounded.

In each new meeting with Me through merciful prayer, in a group of souls as well as in solitude, I am present there to help you.

My Silence is eternal and permanent. My Words are spoken in your hearts through the Guardian angels, through all those that follow this Higher Plan.

Thus, in this week that is beginning, may your hearts begin to warm up through My Divine Fire. I would wish to place many gifts upon you so that the task may be fulfilled and the mission may be concretized just as I have foreseen from the beginning.

I would like to send a greeting of peace to all those who unite with My Passion. Precious and divine codes will be poured out upon the consciousnesses that open to listening to My call of the end of time.

I come directly from Heaven into your lives to announce something better, something good and kind that is born from My Merciful Heart. For this reason, do not fear to abandon that which you have not done well.

My Heart comes to heal the past and also the present. Open yourselves to the channel of My redeeming Healing. In these days I will be a stream of Light in your hearts, water that will wash your wounds, and linen that will heal your wounds.

I offer Myself this evening to listen to more prayers that may ignite My Merciful Heart, to feel your true love for Me, so that more Light can be poured out upon the world, mainly upon those souls that have been denying My Presence for such a long time, and even though I crossed their paths, and had been seen by everyone, they did not recognize My Priestly Presence through the good hearts that serve in prayer and service, because through such simple acts, I am also present in everything.

I gather you all in the cenacle of My Most Sacred Heart. A new celestial gathering, a new meeting with Me is being gestated and this will be born through My Divine authority, through the power of My invocation to all souls. Because My Light, My Love, and My Spirit are disseminated throughout the world as a fire of peace, igniting new sparks of light in hearts, bringing healing and redemption to all.

I know that many have questions for Me. Offer them, because I will listen to them, and in due time I will respond to them.

I have a perfect path for each one of you. The time has come for you to return to the Master, to the Shepherd of the heart.

Now bring the water, the bread, and the wine for the consecration, Heaven awaits.

Each Communion will be different on these days. I invite you to find the answer in the act of Communion with Me. If you open your hearts and minds, you will find the answer.

I will pour out a divine gift upon each Communion, and at each new Supper, a further piece of your beings will be healed.

The Light of the Universe resplendently shines today.

I invite you to bow down before Me for the consecration. Today is the day, it is the beginning. Today is the Alfa and Sunday will be the day of the Omega.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is asking for more water because he says it is too little.

This water will be sprinkled upon all those present, as my first blessing on this Sacred Week.

Let us pray, at a request of Our Lord, the Devotional to the Divine Mercy seven times:

Water, Blood, Life and Redemption
that flowed out from the Blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
Have pity, mercy, and compassion
on all of us. (x2)

Celestial Father,
Supreme Unity,
Supreme Consciousness,
Supreme Love,
Have compassion on all of us
and on all humanity.

This afternoon, My Feet land on the ground of Aurora, very close to your hearts and lives.

I come to bring relief to those who cry out for redemption and especially for those who have forgotten My Father. Make an offering to God at this moment.

The Altars of Heaven open through My pastoral Priesthood so that all the offerings may be placed at the feet of the Creator. My Heart will be like a bridge to you for this to happen.  

I Am the expansion of the Light of God to the world.

I Am infinite Love for all beings, the living and resplendent Love, the curing and healing Love.

Receive the blessing of My Heart at this moment.

A Ray of My Heart is emanated upon these elements and all humanity.

I expand the entire Source of My Divine Mercy from My Celestial Universe.

I bring you Peace and rehabilitation, the new path that you must follow with Me, which I invite you to follow in trust and wholeness through the powers and gifts of the Father, through the powers and gifts of the Son, through the powers and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I bless you and I bless all the hearts that listen to Me.

Go ahead, a Higher Paradise awaits you. Trust in Me.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: "Mercy, Supreme Creator".


Feel the sweet Voice of My Heart within you and firmly embrace the nets of salvation that I give you. Leave behind all that makes your heart suffer and see My Heavenly Light coming now on the beautiful horizon. Give Me all that you are and allow My hands of compassion and love to caress your face, wash your hands, and prepare you to receive in the night the Great Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ Your King.

I come every day to make known to you the Divine Mysteries of Heaven. I come to meet you with the Sacred Hope that you may walk lovingly at My side. I have always been Your Heavenly Mother, I Am the Flower that opens to the rays of the sun and expresses the beauty of Creation.

Find Me in the love of your prayer. Seek Me in the manifestation of nature. I Am the steadfast tree that sustains the good fruits, those that in the coming time will be harvested by the Shepherd of souls.

I want you to trust in what I ask you, I need you to be reborn through the Fire of My Devotion. I wish to see over the world pillars of prayer and banners of Peace and Fraternity. The Father has waited for His children since the beginning.

Today My Faith is poured as a fountain in the hearts that open themselves to feel My maternal words. I want you, on this day, to be able to give your YES to the Celestial Father, because the Lord expects the best and the good from you.

Stay in My arms, as Jesus once did.  Let that which I have foreseen be fulfilled in you. I hope that you may know the light that comes from Heaven and the latent love of My Heart. Surrender yourself to My Heart and you will know that which you still have not known, you will recognize the Love of God in your heart.

While many souls despair for lack of comfort and peace, I come to awaken the soldiers who have fallen asleep in the sleep of this world.

Encourage yourself to be that which you still are not, I will help you. To all the children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, I say:

That a Child of Mary is a spark of devotion that illuminates the darkness.

A Child of Mary is an apostle of Christ who serves in full and opens themself to find charity. 

A Child of Mary is a soul that is willing to fulfill the requests of Heaven and has offered itself to help materialize them.

A Child of Mary is a servant who consciously prepares the coming of Christ, because a Child of Mary is a collaborating soul that is at the complete and absolute service of the Immaculate Heart.

A Child of Mary represents the manifestation of the ray of Peace for this world.

A Child of Mary is like a bridge that intercedes so that souls may be relieved.

In Christ you are all potential Children of Mary, the Lord opens Himself to receive your offers.  My Heart is grateful for your efforts to accompany Me.

I thank everyone in Santa Fe for having answered to My call to conversion!

Know, dear children, I need you as you also need Me. Will we help each other?

I protect you and I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Most Holy Queen of Brotherhood


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

