Message for the apparition of the Blessed Mother of Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the visionary Sister Lucía

Contemplate, in My eyes, the imperishable Light that never goes out, so that it may illuminate your paths that lead you to the Heart of God.

Contemplate in My Mantle the eternal protection, so that you may risk to take the steps and, without fear, experience the transformation.

Contemplate in My Heart the flame that will sustain you in devotion and in faith, and that will not allow you to lose heart before the ordeals of the enemy.

Contemplate in My hands the perpetual, tireless and impassive help that will always await you to lead you to the Light.

Contemplate in My feet, sanctified by the glorious walk I have taken to the Kingdom of God, the secure path through which your little feet will also walk.

Contemplate, in My crown of stars, the Light of the Holy Spirit, which will appear even in the dark of night and that will appear from behind the thickest clouds that approach your lives.

In My Rosary, contemplate the unshakable faith and the eternal persistence of My Heart that prays day and night for the souls of the world.

Contemplate, in the roses under My feet, the permanent offering generated by My perpetual prayer, an offering that is adored by God and that represents all humanity.

Today, My children, I clothe your bodies with My Mantle, I cover your heads with My crown of stars, in your hands I place My Rosary and, under your feet, I lay seven roses so that you may follow My example eternally, an example that I bring to your hearts week after week, month after month.

I want you to accept this true offering of My Heart so that you can have a pure heart, a simple and humble life, a journey full of faith and absolute trust in God; and through the rosary in your hands, never forget that each step must be taken for your neighbor.

Experience the transformation as an eternal service of help to humanity and to the whole planet, which needs hearts Christified by the Love of the Holy Spirit of God; hearts ready to cross the threshold of a new race, a new humanity, based on Love.

My Presence at this time comes to show you the path which you must follow, until the moment you will meet My Son, and from then on, you will follow Him, in His glorified example of union with the Father.

My children, luminous is the end of this path of stones; I only ask you to be persistent and to follow the instructions left by the Messengers of God, for in this way, the stones will be opportunities for growth and not reasons for atavism.

My beloved, seek in My Heart and in the contemplation of My Sacred Image, the strength and faith that nourishes your spirits; thus, I will always be able to guide you and to accompany you, side by side with your hearts, on the trajectory you must experience.

Like water that flows in the river of life, allow yourselves to conform to the Will of God expressed in the instructions you have received; this way, you will free your beings from being in unnecessary suffering at this time.

Never forget to pray. Pray, pray a lot to achieve peace in the whole world.

I love you and I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

It is time to ask with the heart for the help of the Lord in your lives. It is time to cry out for forgiveness and for the conversion of the world. It is time to unite to the Divine and the Sacred to maintain the thread that unites Heaven to Earth.

My Son Jesus once said to you: "Ask and it shall be given to you." And so it is, up to the current times. The Lord expects that the hearts of His children cry out with fervor for the salvation of the world.

If your hearts, for themselves, do not approach God, nor can God, for Himself, approach you. In the Laws of Heaven, dear children, it is necessary to ask to be given, it is necessary that your call for it to come, it is necessary to open the door for it to enter.

Therefore, I ask you today to open your eyes and hearts to perceive if you are really crying out for the Presence of God in your lives.

Perceive with the heart if you call the Name of the Lord daily and ask Him to approach and to guide your little hearts. If you open to delve deeper into this understanding of yourselves, feel if your hearts, through action, feelings, thoughts, aspirations and intentions of the heart, are opening the doors for the Lord to enter, in Consciousness, into your lives.

My Immaculate Heart, for many centuries, dictated to the world holy words of reconciliation with God, so that souls could find the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, dear children, it is the moment for your eyes to turn to the Heights, for your hearts to allow yourself to discover the new, out of love for this unknown Universe of God. 

My last call comes to renew the knowledge of the world, it comes to awaken the divine life in all those who are tired of walking in circles in the path of Evolution.

My Heart comes to embrace the old world, so that under My Mantle it is transformed into the new and reborn world. But, My Beloveds, for many it is not simple to give up one's own knowledge to open oneself to the endless Mystery of God.

Therefore, those who are encouraged to respond to this celestial call must do so without fear and without delay, in order to give impulse to all human consciousness in this new step towards the infinite Heart of God.

Walk with faith, My little ones, without fear of making mistakes or suffering, because mistakes are ways of discovering humility and experiencing new learnings in the heart, and suffering will come, according to the Will of God, for those who must to render service by living it.

Simply open yourselves on this day so that a new impulse of transformation enters into the world. While you pray, ask for the help of God and for His Presence in the life of all beings. Do not forget that when the Voice of God sounds in the hearts, it will be necessary to respond with promptness and faith, for you and for the world.

I thank you, little ones, for being in prayer with Me on this day and in all the days of your lives.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Peace for all the hearts.

Weekly Message of the Most Holy and Pious Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

About the message:

Before Mary came, before us emerged images of the Passion of Christ, of Mary accompanying Jesus, and lastly, an image emerged from the moment when Jesus was taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of Mary. Mary stood up with Jesus in Her arms and came toward us; this is how She presented Herself in the room where we were praying. She continued for some time, then disappeared and appeared again as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and transmitted Her Message.

As Mother of the Divine Piety, today I bring your small hearts this sign, so that you may experience the Gift of Piety in your hearts.

My children, Piety returned to the world at the moment when My Son Jesus was taken down from the Cross and My arms felt the weight of His Body, which was all a Most Sacred Wound. In My Chest I did not feel pain, but rather the Love that was shed in the Blood of My Son, the Son that was given to Me by God and Who in that moment returned to the Kingdom of His Father.

Piety was born as a doorway to Mercy. The understanding of My Heart and the Pity I felt for all the souls of the world made it possible for Sacred Mercy to continue to be poured out upon the world.

With Jesus in My Arms, I Finally and Definitely Included The Love of God for His Creatures, and In the Scourged and Dead Body of Jesus

Piety, beloved children, is born of Mercy and allows it to expand over the world. So that the Earth may experience some more time of Mercy, it is necessary that hearts know how to experience Piety.

Today I tell you, with the purest Love of My Heart, that Piety emerges from the understanding of the Plan of infinite Love that Our Lord God has for all this humanity.

Dear children, simply love one another, understand the trials of life without judgment, be pious as to accompany the painful transition of each of your brothers and sisters.

In this time of purification, only love will sustain you on this path that leads you to the Kingdom of God, and the search for love will show you the weaknesses of your brothers and sisters so they may be seen with eyes of Piety.

I aspire that My little soldiers be, in the small things of life, faithful to this God that is so good, that always guides them. That faithfulness, My children, is in being what God expects: loving, merciful, pious, understanding, welcoming, helpful.

A soldier of My army fights through love; their weapon is prayer and their field of battle is daily co-existence with their brothers and sisters, because the world no longer knows how to love.

My gaze travels the Earth from the Heavens, and I see that Piety dies day after day in the hearts of My children. For this reason, to those who listen to Me, I ask that out of love for My Heart, you rescue the Piety in the world, living it among you. Cause love to be reborn, by living it. Allow the time of Mercy to be eternal, even during the time of Justice, and that is achieved by being merciful.

Continue being the sweet breath of My Heart, so that I may find refuge in the little hearts of My children, that together with Me, are tireless.

Do not give up, My children, from living love. Do not seek to be perfect in order to experience it; live it in your imperfection, for I descend from the Heavens to tell you that this is possible and that it will be with those who listen to My Voice today, in all parts of the world, that God will accomplish His Plan and manifest His Eternal Glory on Earth.

I love you with all of My Heart of a Mother and I thank you for persisting in responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The one who donates to Me and surrenders to Me all their strength to serve My Lord, this one will be called disciple and blessed because in him or her I will be able to build a firm inner dwelling that is willing to give itself more each day.

Afterwards I will teach you little by little to love surrender and whenever this surrender matures in your consciousness I will give to you to drink from sacrifice, I will give to you to drink from My Chalice, the same that I drank from in honor to God and to all of My Companions in the past.

Thus I will be able to form the new apostles of the new time, those who will provide the example of My Word of Life by means of love and charity, because they will not be false nor liars; they will imitate My Christian Path through the devotion to My Sacred Heart.

In them I will deposit the power of My Glory so that they may prepare My silent Path of return to the world.

Now I need for all of those who profess My Name to forgive themselves for the mistakes of yesterday and that they no longer judge themselves. The New Kingdom of My Father will descend through Me as an only one, a unique unity between the souls and God.

For this beware of the wolves that will try to remove the wool from My Sheep, beware of all of those who will use My Precious name in vain. May no one confront another, but emanate the spirit of pacification because I will truly confirm if the talents that I have left to My Disciples have blossomed in the heart of those who work with Me.

The New Celestial Church is descending to renovate those who have ceased to believe in My Presence due to the petty actions of humans. The church that I founded is the Church of the Heart, of the Inner Temple, of the Absolute and Divine Truth that God radiates through His Firstborn Son.

Many have lost the reconnection with Me, for this I make use in this time of simple servers, not of those who received false praise, but of those who were redeemed by My Love.

May each one accomplish their part and be permitted to see how My Consciousness is present in all of the children of My Father because I Am Brother of all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 

Special Message for the Apparition of the Most Pure Mother of God, transmitted in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

I am the Lady of Heaven, I am the one Who comes in glory and peace to radiate the Love of God to you.

I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the one Who will take you in My Arms from the abysses and carry you in honor of the Kingdom of God.

I am the Mystical Rose, I am the one Who emanates subtle aromas to silently protect your path of consecration to God. In this way, day after day, I try to lead you to prayer, because in prayer My Heart closes your wounds and protects your little hearts in the Light.

I am the Mother of Graces, I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun Who pours out the goodness and compassion of God onto the world and creatures.

I am the Guardian of the Faith of those who have lost it.

I am the Mother of the Divine Conception Who draws each child closer to the universe of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Warrior of Love, I Am the Patroness Who raises the banner of Peace.

I am the Lady Who in Love and Pity, unties the knots of those who constantly suffer.

For this reason, I cry out to all for prayer, because as humanity, you must repair the Heart of God for the grave offenses He receives.

I am the Lady of Peace, I am the Queen of Peace, Who announces the coming of the new Kingdom of Christ on the face of the Earth. In this way, I gather My soldiers, calling on them to be consecrated to a life of prayer, to the experiencing of fasting to purify the heart, to forgiveness and to reconciliation.

I am the Celestial Mother, I am the Solar Star that eternally shines in the firmament and announces the time of Mercy.

For My Son, I gave of Myself to all, and with the awaited coming of Christ, I will reveal the Aspect of the Lady of the Sun.

May My stars transfigure your lives into light, may My steps towards God be your steps, may My maternal Heart reverberate in love within you, may My merciful rays illuminate the dark pathway of those who have not yet reached the Kingdom of God.

With My Son, I return to the world to awaken it and call it to conversion.

Prayer will be your future nourishment that will nurture the spirit and all manifested life because through prayer, you will walk without delay to the Arms of God, and when all My children reach Heaven, I will cleanse the past from your faces in the Fountain of Life of My Son, and renewed in spirit, you will glorify God and eternally serve Him out of love and honor of the Creator.

For this reason, seek a life of sanctity while you are in this world. Be charitable one with another. In prayer, build the new principle of brotherhood. Be apostles of Peace and live the redeeming Message of Christ every day.

I come to you to lead you to Jesus because as a Mother, I wait and beg God for the salvation of humanity from the constant sin it lives in.

My dear children of Belo Horizonte, I thank you for the response of your essences to My Immaculate Heart. I especially thank the children that, out of love for the Greater Good, worked so that I, the Queen of Peace, could bring you all the Message and the Call. I thank you for your loving example of charity.

My children, on this Saturday of Glory, may your deep essences prepare for receiving the spiritual visit of the Lady Who is brighter than the Light, the visit of Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.

Dear children of Belo Horizonte, today may you be participants in the complete absolution that My pious Heart will radiate to all under the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for opening the door of your hearts!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace



Rest all your being in My Heart and may your words only reverberate by the strength of prayer.

May your eyes only see Me and may they recognize in Me the favorite savior and redeemer love.

May your feet walk without delay towards My Encounter so that at the end of the infinite pathway your soul may discover the merciful greatness of My Soul.

May your hands caress the softness and the mystery of a devoted prayer that may construct a long bridge towards the Kingdom of the Lord.

May your feelings and thoughts be brought to My Hands so that My Consciousness may transform matter into light, darkness into brightness, sadness into joy.

Let yourself be guided by the impulses of My wise Heart because in this way you will always see the steps marked by Me on the path towards eternity.

Open yourself entirely to receive My Comfort because I have always aspired to consecrate your heart to My Heart.

Do not see how much you have failed Me, just recognize the powerful Love that I give to you day by day so that you, in trust, may walk towards Me.

Just let Me enter into your life and heal your wounds. My Sores have already been the beginning of the liberation of the world but now My Hands are the end of the healing for each heart.

My Rays illuminate you even when you believe that you get away from Me. For this, smile at each challenge, leave space so that I may guide your little spirit. Just tell Me Yes and I will comfort you whenever you need because above all things and circumstances is My Divine Love for you, for your prompt redemption.

An unknown Kingdom waits for you, a Kingdom that is not from this world but only from God.

Walk towards Me without delay. Let us go ahead!

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 

Special message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Today My call is respect to your loyalty to God, the Most High.

On this special day, My Heart is proclaimed to confirm that My immaculate and spiritual Presence is true to the eyes of all creatures.

For this special reason, today I am with you sharing My Pilgrim and faithful Servant path so that you are able to understand that My maternal Heart chooses those children who need Me in these times.

Today, come all, to My Kingdom, because God will receive you.

In My immense joy and bliss, I call you once more to conversion. Your path towards the Father is already being fulfilled, but when you walk, many souls that need peace and conversion also walk.

Dear children, today My call is about your fidelity to God. The Father expects that, through your sacred daily consecration, you will be able, in works and in good examples such as prayer, save this humanity.

My Heart of a Mother follows the great decisions of the end of this time.

The new Pope will need your fervent prayers so that he will be able to help the world and its definite conversion. His sincere support to the Church of My Son will allow many of the faithful to renew themselves in faith and in the prayer of the heart.

Continue praying the Holy Rosary, every day, God is attentive to the voice of the appeals of all His children.

Dear children, once more, and through this clinical study of faith and devotion, I thank you for responding to My call.

Thank you for responding to My loyal plans of peace and redemption!

Mary, Queen of Peace


At the end of the Message, the Virgin transmits a small Message for the doctors who are present:

I bless in the love of My Immaculate Heart the scientists because, in this way, they will strengthen their faith in the Only God who loves them and who wants them, above all things.

I thank you, My children!

Blessed be Jesus!



Dear children,

This morning, I come to announce that My Heart will be amongst you throughout the day, accompanying the vigil and the prayer that you will join together with Me. Therefore I expect from your hearts a total openness to the Lord, so that His Kingdom may come to Earth and remain on it, for the rescue and salvation of souls.

This is a week of special Mercy because the Lord has allowed Me to be even closer to My children and, together with them, work for the salvation of souls.

On this day I gather the offer of everyone, so that you may place at My feet, not only the talents of your hearts but also the miseries. And to find, together with Me and through Me, the path of conversion; I tell you that the shortest path is service, prayer, confession and fasting.

When you pray for souls with the same fervor with which you pray for yourselves, when you cry out for the world with the word that emerges from the depths of your being, the lord turns his eyes to the earth and sends his hosts help, bringers of redemption and Mercy.

When you serve with gratitude, peace and reverence for souls, Divine Mercy finds a space within your hearts so that, through them, it may be poured out to souls.

When you confess to God and to Christ, removing the sin and bitterness of the heart, when you are able to forgive your neighbor and yourselves, you are releasing the sin of the world and are giving an impulse to the souls that are unable to do it.

When you fast with sincerity and feel hungry on behalf of those who truly have nothing to eat, you balance the evil of the world and you give an opportunity to those who have nothing, to receive what they need one day.

It is necessary that you know how to practice what I ask of you with a broader consciousness, with the intention of the benefits that the world will receive, far beyond what each of you may receive.

If you act this way, acting for the good of the world, and may the good of your beings be a consequence, you are taking great strides towards Heaven, and soon you will be by My side.

Count on My Presence, My help and My motherhood.

Listen to My Words with love. I come to instruct you and accompany you, tracing a path of humility for your hearts.

I love each of My children.

Mary, Queen of Peace.


If you call me by My Name, My Merciful Heart will be present amongst you.

If you adore Me as a Sacerdotal Consciousness in the Eucharist, My Redeeming Heart will redeem you and free you from sin.

If you call Me to enter your house, I will do so because you will be opening the door so that My Heart may dwell perpetually amongst you.

Dear ones: if you are in My Universal and Celestial Fire, My Most Sacred Flames will burn everything that does not form part of the Good and of the Light. When you purify the body, the feeling and thought, My Wonders accompany you to relieve your transition until the total transcendence of self.

I do not return to give you suffering, this I have already lived for you and I know that pain is still not liberated from the heart of people. But My Fire purifies you, at the same time It consecrates you as souls worthy to live in the Kingdom of My Father.

My Source is another of the glorified gifts that My Father has conceded to Me in order to baptize in My Love all those who have committed themselves with Me for this final time.

I Am the Vigilante, I Am the primordial Guardian of all of the Christic essences. Do not fear in this time for what you may be seeing of yourselves. This is what I give you, My friends, the true face of what My sheep are.

For this I come back, I come back between clouds, rays, stars, lights and suns to demonstrate to the world that the Son of the Man is who complies with the Highest requests of the Creator. I take between My arms your hearts and I contemplate you with My only aspiration, which is that you, in simplicity, reach Eternity.

My Kingdom, the one which was announced, is near, more than all of My Flocks may imagine. First will come the Holy Spirit which will prepare in wisdom the soldiers so that they may face the battle between Heaven and the Earth.

All will be healed, even the smallest particle created by My Father.  At the end all will be redeemed and consecrated through the centuries of the centuries to My Holy Lord.

Be encouraged by the presence of My Heart, live all of the days in My Redeeming Law.

Under the Grace of My Father, be merciful.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

At the end of the daily message the Master opened His Arms and radiated towards those present an intense light of love and said: “I know that still not all understand the commandments, for this I tell you that My Beatitudes are Commandments too”.

At this moment Master Jesus transmitted the following prayer: 

Prayer to live the Commandments of the Lord

May the Laws be the manifested life between Heaven and Earth.

May the Law of the Divine Purpose
permeate our cells with light.

May the Celestial Laws
be an expression of the laws on Earth.

May I consecrate myself everyday to the Highest Law of God.

May the Holy Spirit
be the path to live the Sacred Commandments.

Through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
may our souls find the living of the Divine Laws.

May humanity be redeemed and forgiven
by the Merciful Law.

In the Celestial Father,
may we live forever the Eternal Law of His Grace.


Christ Jesus, your Eternal Lord.



Your prayers are like the flowers in My garden of redemption. Your gestures of love are like the wisdom that allows the understanding of things. Your charity and service is like the door of Heaven, the one which opens itself to give salvation to all.

Today rest in My arms and trust that every purification will elevate you soon in the same way as the flight of the birds but, what will elevate itself will be your spirit, that which will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to consecrate itself to the Will of My Father.

I distribute among you My Gifts and My Graces so that they, with reverence, may be presented before the Throne of My Father. Do not forget to carry the cross that the learning of life has given you because to carry your cross and follow me will mean the rescue of other consciousnessess, of the consciousnessess that lose themselves from the lack of their faith and of their love.

A short time ago I was among you to reveal to you the mysteries of My Lord and now you have known a part of My Kingdom. Returning over the clouds I ignite with My Light are the hearts that need the fire of redemption. Some disciples are prepared, but still are missing the ones who have distanced themselves, who have yet to say yes. 

Guard the present and the grace of My Words because there will come a day that They will not resound anymore and they will only have to be listened to with the inner ear of the heart. You have received so much that now each soul must give its testimonial of life for these definite times. Looking at the Great Law of My Father, trust in it and open yourselves to be able to lose a little bit more of yourselves and to enter thus into the awaited Kingdom of Paradise.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Infinite Peace for all,

Christ Jesus, your beloved Instructor. 


Brothers and sisters:

In the beginning of your lives God had drawn a plan of life for His creatures but throughout the ages the generations of My flocks have decided (instead) to walk through the paths of great learning.

Now My Sacred Heart returns to correct your lives as had been foreseen by the Lord God, My Father. Through your absolute trust in Me, My Consciousness will be able to redirect the flocks through the more peaceful that are coming.

My dears, I bring you today My Good News of the return so that you may be participants in the coming of the Kingdom of God for the second time. Your hearts must purify themselves in the same way that your consciousness, so that empty of all, the Holy Spirit may fulfill you of light and joy, to be living in the Kingdom of the Lord. What today I tell you is not a hypothesis, it is a crystalline reality that the consciousnesses must assume to form part of the next time.

Dears, My Heart wants to transmit to you hope and faith which you must live for the transformation and the consecration. My Spirit also returns to free the souls from the intense weight that many carry on their back but through My Divine Mercy I come to integrate the hearts to My Universal Rhythm of Love.

Dears, I expect from you neutrality and patience in order to not fear being purified by those laws that are of the Father and that come to the world from beyond the Earth. It is the moment to assume the coming times that will show you the profound changes that the consciousnesses will live.

For all this, your union with Me will be important because thus My Eternal Heart will be before you like the incandescent light that will guide you and will remove from you the inner fear. The first step is to trust completely in Me and in what the Father shows you day by day as a learning.

Thus, living the events with wisdom and united with Me, you will be able to untie the knots that impede the free walking of souls. Pray to find these knots because thus My Rays will burn them and you will be released in your path.

Under the Grace of God be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Dear children,

If you try to live in the essence of My Peace you will find the Kingdom of God upon the Earth, and the conflicts among the hearts will be dissolved, conflicts that are born from the consciousness itself.

In this time, above all, be united as brothers and sisters through prayer and let yourselves be conducted by the power that it has when pronounced with love.

Dear children, withdrawn within My Heart on this day, seek the presence of My Son, practice the teachings of Jesus through daily prayer, service and fraternity.

It is no longer the moment for any heart, for any child of the Father, to stop fulfilling their daily task of prayer because, without realizing, you would be distancing yourselves from the purpose and you would begin to live under human principles, even those souls that have consecrated themselves.

Prayer is the salt of your lives, it is the seasoning that provides humility and wisdom in these times. My children, while you walk upon this world you will open a little door towards Heaven through the daily prayer in order to find peace and meekness.

Be merciful at all times even if your thoughts and feelings say something different.

Unite to the Heart of My Son so that all the sheep that have separated from Him may find the path again. You are part of the Plan of God, a Plan that is being accomplished with effort in this part of the Americas through the announcement of My Immaculate Face.

As the Mother of Relief, I give you My Blessing and I invite you to remember the path of humility for your hearts so that in this way upon this world there may be more peace and harmony.

I thank you!

Thank you for praying the Rosary every day!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may descend over both nations.

At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.

When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during the months of October and November at the Marian Center of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning.

Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time.

My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time there was a very poor woman who donated everything that she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has.

What is the mystery of this parable?

Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heavens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth.

Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the Heavens.

Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a correct balance in the collaboration and in the support for My universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children.

God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be transmitting the monthly message for October and November of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation.

God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each nation.

Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart.

Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call?

I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times are changing!

I thank you!

Thank you for listening to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Contemplate the divine beauty of Creation

Dear children, may the essence of love and truth spring from you so that your hearts may be open to the essence of giving. My children, never stop contemplating the Love of God in your hearts. Embrace the essence of forgiveness in your inner worlds so that the new spirit of Love may be sown in you.

Dear children, never give up, raise your aspiration towards the Infinite, aspire to live in the Kingdom of God and also aspire to live the Reconciliation and the Mercy of My Son.

Little children, never lose the joy of being in Me and of glimpsing in yourselves the power of My Immaculate Love. Accept to be on My path. Your souls recognize where My Maternal Heart comes from, they recognize My presence before your consciousnesses do.

I am the Lady of the Heavens, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Mother who helps the pilgrims and I am the Immaculate Heart that gives Itself to you in order to love you and to forgive you.

Dear children, My voice announces Itself to the world once more so that My children do not lose the path to salvation, to the rescue of the heart.

I am with you on this path of pilgrimage towards eternity. May pain, bitterness and desolation not be a burden in your lives. May your hearts, filled by the Holy Spirit, receive Peace, a Peace that comes from the Universe, a Peace that the suns and stars emanate, a Peace that is radiated from all galaxies, a peace that comes from the Infinite and that you do not know.

From there My Maternal Heart comes in order to show you the path that leads to a humble and peaceful life, a path towards the Universe, towards everything that the Father, Adonai, created out of love for you and for His Glory.

Dear children, glorify God! Love God! Search for God in your lives because in this way your little essences and all the essences will be in the Celestial Kingdom of the Universe.

Beyond your earthly life there is eternity, the eternal present, the Omnipresence of God in all the universes.

Therefore, My children, pray, pray and pray! May your lips not tire of praying so that the Mercy of Christ may aid humanity.

I thank all My children for the loving welcome in this nation of Paraguay.

Love and peace for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Believe that God forgives you every day, even more, He forgives you before you offend Him.

Dear children, I have told you to trust in Divine Mercy. Mercy is Forgiveness. Mercy is Redemption. Mercy is a new opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of God. Mercy is total absolution given by the most Holy Heart of My Son. Believe in the prodigious time of Divine Mercy.

God needs all My children, all of His instruments to bring to completion the Divine Plan on Earth. While many of My children easily distract themselves in this world, you are day by day, more and more in My Maternal arms, because every day I present you before God, under the light of Divine Mercy, as My Heart once presented Jesus in the Temple of God.

Dear children, today I invite you to meditate on Divine Mercy. It is the last fountain that is being poured over the world and over all the souls with grave faults before the universe.

My children, I perpetually pray for all of you so that, as brave souls in prayer, you may be able to be responsive to the call of the Creator, the call announced by means of the voice of My Immaculate Heart.

My children, My little ones, on this day My Heart remembers one morning when I arrived at the Heart of Aurora in Uruguay. May this day remind you of the moment when God sent Me to you to announce the time of salvation.

Dear children, after a year of being permanently with all My children, announcing My Good News, today I ask you to per- sist and, raising your eyes to Heaven, to walk with humility towards the Purpose of God.

My children, as Mother I contemplate you, as Celestial Mother I love you, I forgive you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Maternal Heart nourishes all the hearts with Light. My Mantle of Peace extends itself over the world. My presence among you is possible by means of the word of your prayers.

I love all My children, especially those who need the absolute forgiveness of God. I pray for all those who separate from God. I pray for all those who deny God and for those who do not believe in the Mercy of My Son.

As Guardian of all hearts, My children, I tell you not to fear for anything, to see the Presence of the Kingdom of God in the sparkle of your hearts. I place you inside My Heart in order to elevate you close to the Heart of My Son because your prayers repair all the events that happen in the world.

Dear children, may your hearts be instruments for the good and the pure, may they be the expression of the life of My Glorified Son here upon this Earth. In this way, with the daily prayer in your hands, you will become obedient sheep that will learn to love and forgive day by day.

Convert your heart into a heart that trusts and do not fear losing anything or being judged. Remember, My little ones, that the true flocks are the ones that are tempted the most.

Therefore I ask you, who trust the coming of My Son, to embrace His Sacred Heart so that under this spirit you may collaborate in the redemption and conversion of those who have not been converted before the Creator.

Dear children, I pray for those who, still distracted in the life of the world, do not find God. I pray for those who, distant from Mercy, are placed under the fire of temptation and damnation.

As Mother of Mercy I pray to My Son so that in this final time all may find salvation and peace in the heart.

I tell you, My little ones: pray with Me! Pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


On a day like this 11th of August, but in the month of February, 1858 in Lourdes, My Immaculate Heart brought to the world the Universal Mantle of Healing for all of My children. I asked My daughter Bernadette to dig a spring so that all the generations would be served from it, in the loving union with God that all souls must seek.

Today I accompany you, as I have been doing for five years, and in these times of great definitions, I contemplate you and I only ask you to be inexhaustible sources of prayer.

Dear children, the world still has not prostrated itself at the feet of the Creator and, as the Mother of the healing of the soul, I ask you to keep praying, praying with the power of love from each one of your hearts. This will allow the Universe of God to act on all consciousnesses, especially those that need the Redeeming Light of My Son.

Dear children, I invite you in a special way on this 11th of August to convert your lives into a state of prayer, into a new proverb of Light that may be radiated to humanity.

I conduct you through the new paths of the shepherds, shep- herds that you must love and respect, because My Son has elected them to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Dear and little children, the time is coming to unite what the consciousnesses of all My children have separated throughout time. The only reconnection for all the souls is the Divine Heart of My Son, because it is in My Son that you will be able to find the Peace and the Forgiveness of God, which many need.

Humanity continues along the path of the offenses and this has repercussions on the life of the spirit. This is why, as Inter- cessor of all souls, I call you to pray with the heart so that more Light may be ignited in those who walk through darkness.

My Son is the Light of the world and you are potential sparks of the eternal brilliance of His Sacred Heart.

My children, it is time to raise your arms and cry out for Mercy through prayer so that the whole Creative Universe may be able to transform all that humanity still does not manage to change.

Know, all My little ones, that you are in the last time of Mercy, and as it was announced by My Son to the world, the time for Divine Justice will come. Love the Law to be able to love the Universe of God. Remember the commandments; renew your vows with the Creator.

I guide you and I place you near My Son.

Do you accept the coming of His Kingdom?

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Keep My Maternal Words in your hearts so that you never forget that they come from the Lord. Awaken in you the Sacred Spirit of God, and may your lives be a great dove of Light that transmits peace to those who do not have it and faith to those who have lost it.

Dear children, you are My Missionaries of Peace. This you must remember well, this is a mission of peace and redemption that My Immaculate Heart invites you to live day by day.

Know that I am here because I love you, and My Son Jesus sends Me to the world as a mediator between souls and God the Father. I am the Maternal Flame of Love and Help and I want to teach you not to waste time in normal actions. Each new day your spirit must place itself before the Will of God so that the hearts may recognize that they are called to live in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Dear children, with supreme compassion for My children, whom I contemplate in My hands, today I invite you to recognize the importance of a sincere prayer that can aid the whole world with its Light. You, My little ones, are called to be the new disciples of My Son, you are called to unite Heaven and Earth through an honest prayer of the heart.

It is time, My little ones! It is now time for you to open your arms and receive the Maternal Grace that My Heart of Peace is pouring! Many of My children who form part of this humanity waste the precious time of their lives immersed in illusion. I call you to reflection with the Voice from Above so that your hearts may be able to shine in the Throne of God’s Eternity.

Know well, My dear children, that I need you despite every- thing, because My Son is coming, and before you are called in consciousness, He will touch each heart. I invite you to the sincere preparation of your lives by means of prayer.

Awaken, My little ones! I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts and in the hearts of all of My children in the world!

My little children, today I call you to practice the humility of the heart, the humility that may be exercised through daily prayer and which will bring you to find the peace and the meekness that is necessary to live in the end of this present time.

Therefore, united to My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to find the Light of My Son for the path that I invite you to go through from now on: the path of humility. A humble heart is a meek heart, open and receptive to all the requests of service and of giving that may come into its life.

Live by the examples that the little Jesus once manifested in each one of His passages here on Earth. Today I invite you to remember, My little ones, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; the presentation to the Father, of the child Jesus in My arms, as well as the finding of Jesus in the temple.

Dear children, I want to train you on the path of humility, and that each one of these living examples that Jesus transmitted to all of humanity may be a valuable spiritual instrument of conversion.

Dear children, you know that humanity is still not humble before God. This is why He sends Me to you through Jesus so that you may remember that the moment to renounce oneself, to transcend oneself and to find the true Kingdom of God has now arrived.

I welcome you all in My arms of motherhood.

Know, My children, that My Immaculate Heart was consecrated to God by all of you. Therefore I love you and I guide you towards the new time of Eternal Peace, Peace that the world must live to be able to be in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

In Jesus, praised be the King of the Universe!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

With the Redeeming and Saving Cross of My Son in My hands, today I tell you: convert yourselves in the name of love! What do you expect from this path?

Little hearts, the moment has come to raise the heart to Heaven and to entirely abandon the illusions of the world. You and all My children are called to the time of conversion, a path that leads you to Redemption in order to find the absolute forgiveness of God.

For this reason, dear children, watch, watch and watch with the light of the heart so that nothing may be lost in your lives. I invite you to live from prayer in order to find in it the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit. Remember that the world is changing and you need to strengthen the life of the spirit to be able to glimpse the loving Kingdom of God.

My children, seek quietness and peace before each situation. Persist in God’s Purpose and, in the inner hope, receive the Love of My Son in your hearts.

Stand up, My little ones! It is time for the conversion of the heart! It is time to open the Door of Heaven through prayer. Each time that your hearts pray, the Lord allows Me to pour the gifts over all My children.

You can be faithful servers of My Plans of Peace. Know, dear children, that I want to lead you to eternity, to the discovery of the Love of God in your hearts.

I need you in Me, I accompany you, I understand you, I shelter you. It is time to change, to accept and to grow as a kind soul in the arms of God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

