Songs of Figueira - "Devotion"

"Devotion" is a song of Figueira that implores for and invokes the cosmic Mercy and a universal grace, permeated by the one and absolute Divine Creator Spirit.

"Devotion" is a call, a request of the innermost and deepest worlds of the soul of one who, in surrender and resignation, offers themselves to the Creator to be transformed, redeemed, and blessed by the Higher Law of Love.

The song "Devotion" presents itself to us as the key to access the Gifts that Christ offers, as is the spiritual Water, one of the millenary nourishments of Creation that sanctifies and quenches the thirst of humankind.

Through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, we find Christ as the principal saving model for humanity and the planet; we find Him in the inner world of each being, as the universal Redeemer and Intercessor between humanity and God.

For this reason, Christ is presented in the song "Devotion" in His true Aspect, something yet not recognized by His Church on Earth, but testified to in the different Gospels, and just like the Transfiguration of Jesus, a mystery yet to be revealed.

In this sense, the song makes an appeal for the life of the surface to be corrected from the deviation that it has lived, time and again, due to ignorance, pride, and human power.

In this way, the song invites the devotee of Christ to drink of the true and pure Fount that the Master offers to all beings, so that each soul may be completely satiated by the Redeeming Love that the Divine Person of Christ, in fusion with His Divinity, offers in this song.

The Water He offers not only purifies and cleanses, but also redeems and uplifts the consciousness in state and in plane in order to find the spiritual meaning of its existence.

Thus, the Master appeals to everyone to love one another as brothers and sisters so that there are no confrontations and struggles between beings and peoples.

In the song "Devotion," it is prophesied, in simple words, the importance that love prevails, in order to dissolve conflicts and, later on, wars.

After thirty years of the creation of these songs and poems of devotion to the Hierarchy, a warning is revealed, especially in this song "Devotion,"  to prevent human catastrophes.

And, in truth, the opposite took place because the human being allowed themselves to be defeated by the power and the arrogance to conquer the world, forgetting the rules of love and allowing themselves to be submerged in error.

Renewing the appeal of this sacred prophecy, expressed in this song, the last Christs will be those who will place human life again on the right pathway, a life that has been perverted, separating itself from the true reason of its existence.

The last Christs will be those who will give their lives for the rest.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Allow your soul to permanently invoke the Divine Mercy of the Redeemer, so that His Source of Love and Grace may pour upon your being the Gifts of redemption and healing.

In the meantime, My child, and even when humanity purifies itself, invoke from within the power of the Mercy of My Son, so that, it may continue descending upon humanity and the planet be washed of its profound wounds.

Acquire a spirit of meekness and hope in the midst of the tests you and humanity will encounter.

You must always keep in mind that the Divine Mercy of My Son performs miracles and converts impossible situations that cannot be solved by human will.

Be encouraged to say "yes" to the Mercy of the Savior in spite of the falls and delays.

In that way, there will be souls in constant offering so that the planet may be illuminated and blessed by the same Mercy.

I thank you for the effort of your prayers!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

May the Mantle of the Mother of the Word cover and protect all Her creatures, under the infinite Grace of the Redeemer.

Today, a new cycle emerges in this Sacred Work that I am carrying out together with My Son, the Christ, and the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the rescue of this planet and its humanity.

Today, together with My Celestial Kingdom on Earth, the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima, I celebrate with all of My children a new dawn, one that definitely prepares your spirits and souls to take the last great step in the consecration of your lives to the Will of God.

Many times, you have heard these words that seem to be repeated every now and then, and it is true. Each new step proposed by the Divinity for His servers, in this Plan of redemption and of rescue, is a cycle that ends and a new one that begins, full of challenges, of tests and of responsibilities.

This is the proposal for you, at the level where each one is in this school of love, forgiveness and redemption that is this planet and this humanity.

To each of My children present in the world, those who are part of the Celestial Church of My Son, those who follow Him from the heart and in truth, today I will give you a new goal, a deeper path to travel and on which to serve.

Those who are part of this Celestial Church only through affinity, I invite you to convert into effective collaborators of this Plan of redemption. To collaborate means taking action, means to be available to carry out the tasks that may be necessary to carry the Work forward.

To those who already collaborate, I invite you to carry the banner of the servers of Christ; those who are always ready, willing to help and assist the Divine Messengers when necessary.

To those who for a long time have been serving in this Plan of Love, I open the door of inner consecration, one that will lead you to live for and to serve My Son, Christ the Redeemer, and allow Him to prepare you to accompany Him in this end of times, on His Return.

To those who have already gone through the portal of consecration and walk on the path of apostleship, I place before your souls, spirits and essences, the great possibility of giving your life for Christ, with the joy of surrendering it, in unconditional service, for the total redemption of souls.

And for those who no longer fear giving their lives, who live with My Son in their hearts, who will be capable of following Him to the end, no matter what it may be, I invite you to walk with Me on the path of being nothing, only slaves of His Love and of those He loves as the Eternal Father loves.

Thus, this cycle is one of great renewal for each one of those listening to My voice.

For each creature that longs to in some way serve God and this Plan of Love, there exists and will always exist a place to do this service. A service that must be carried out with the greatest of efforts, as much as each one can give and a little more. For this is the time in which everything is about to happen, and the destiny of the planet and of humanity, which also means your own destiny, will depend on the effort of each one, 

From Fatima to the whole world, I am preparing to give a Grace to each one of My children, those who in a sincere way, from every place in the world, present their hearts to Me in this May of total renewal.

We prepare to give the Grace for recovering the codes of original Purity that are held on the inner planes of this Spiritual Kingdom, that original Purity that your essences lost so long ago through errors committed in the past.

I will be with My son Francisco, concelebrating the Ceremony of the Eucharist. Pray for his protection and for his task. He brings the renewal of faith for everyone in this time.

I love you and bless you.

Thank you for being with Me today.

Your Mother Mary, Mother of the World and of all its creatures


Feel My presence as a balm that calms you and brings you hope and renewal.

Feel My Divine Spirit as a Source of Peace for your lives.

Feel in My presence the possibility of forgiving the past and restarting.

I come as the sun that rises in the morning, to give the world a new opportunity of seeing the Light. I come to kindle this Light in your lives.

I come as the water that springs from a new source, giving nature the hope of the renewal of life. Today I renew your lives.

I come to open one more cycle and a new door to redemption.

I come so that all may know Me, and through Me, may know God; because My words do not come from Me, but from His Holy Will.

I come to unite what humankind has separated and to demonstrate that all religions, all cultures, all lines of true wisdom are to be found in an unusual search: the living of Love. As the carrier of this Love, I come to open the doors to unity among beings.

No longer separate what must be united. My Son did not come to the world to create religions. It was the inability of humankind to live His words that caused religions to be created, so that each one would follow the path that would allow them to understand them, until one day they could discover Love and Unity, when all that was separated unites again.

Children, I come to open the doors of this house so that it may be My house, in which you can seek help. Come and learn to pray with Me, just as the women of Nazareth and Jerusalem learned.

Come without distinction of creeds and races, so that My Love may unite you.

Come seeking forgiveness and the doors to redemption that I have opened here for your souls.

Come to reconcile yourselves with God and to find in His Servant a path to imitate and follow.

This is not a new church; this is the House of Your Holy Mother, the Mother of all the poor, the Mother of all those who lack something.

Humanity needs to understand that while it is in this world and attached to it, it will be poor, because the true riches are to be found in the Kingdom of God, where, renouncing all things, beings experience a real freedom and are filled by the greatest treasure of Creation: the unity with the Divine.

Children, allow yourselves to restart your lives and to hold new principles, new goals, new aspirations. Open the doors of your houses and of your hearts to Me.

I do not come to bring you anything but Peace. I come to have you know My Love, so that in this way I may liberate your lives from the evil that oppresses them.

With the Holiness of My presence, I come to consecrate this city and all those who say “yes” to Me. And, in the same way as the Sacred Family, with Its simple life in Nazareth transformed the perdition of that small city and prepared the path for the public life of Christ, I now return in Divine Spirit so that, together with My children, we may spiritually liberate and transform this small city, to prepare the return of My Son and for things not to happen as in Nazareth, where in spite of everything, many could not receive Him.

Open yourselves from the heart, My children, so that this cycle may renew your lives.

Recognize the poverty and the need of your hearts and allow Me to show you the path to true fullness.

Consecrate your lives to prayer. Set for yourselves goals of Peace and no longer deny the Love of the Redeemer, for He comes to make you worthy of looking into His eyes, of touching His Heart, of laying your head on His chest, and of feeling His Majesty, relieved because the time of Redemption will have come.

I love you and I invite you to enter with Me into a new cycle of Peace.

With My hands I bless you. With My love I free you. With My support I protect you and I call you to recognize yourselves as My children.

Come and pray with Me. Create unity among religions and hearts in this house. May the search for Peace and the perpetual prayer unify you in God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The union between beliefs

A time will come to the planet in which all religions will have to unite in the spirit of Christic peace and love.

This prophesied union will allow souls who have walked different spiritual paths to find the Highest Source, the great Spring of the Heart of Christ.

At that time, Jesus will be recognized by all as the Redeemer not only of the Christians but also as the Liberator of the whole world through the impulses of Love that He is giving the world in these times.

This hour is approaching for the planetary consciousness.

When this prophecy of the union between beliefs can be realized among all peoples and not only among Christians, nations will oppose one another, and different human philosophies will try to tear down what others, with love, try to construct for the common good of all souls.

These types of judgments and slanders emerge as a source of human impulses that will only lead to the weakening of the union between consciousnesses and peoples.

In the most critical and acute moment of the planet, the faith of the consciousnesses will be put to the test; not because God will determine it, but because of the destructive action that the voices of the philosophers of the world carry out against everything that is considered the Work of Peace and Light.

But finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the world and outside the Church.

Before the eyes of those who govern the religions, I will open the great door of redemption, and all will recognize that, behind every Work of Light, Christ was present.

In this time, they will try to silence the Voice of the Heavenly Messengers, just as they tried in other times; but, at the end of everything, many will belatedly realize the just and true cause.

In this cycle, everything will be allowed, both the great errors and the great victories. It will be like this so that souls, in their freedom, can choose before the Final Judgment which path they will take, whether the path of error of the unjust or the path of peace and fraternity.

In this definitive hour, your heavenly Mother carries out Her Co-Redemptive Work outside the Church, so that in this way, the shepherds of My Son can contemplate the planetary need with Mercy and not with deep and petty indifference.

The Mother of God comes to gather what the Church could not achieve, the mission of contemplating with love the spiritual and moral need of souls, regardless of the belief which they experience at this time.

This is how your Heavenly Mother comes, in this cycle, to teach you what She taught the apostles in the past, uniting nation with nation, culture with culture, and language with language, in order to establish the principle of the sacred people of God, for which Moses worked for a long time.

Therefore, I ask all of you, regardless of your belief or your spiritual doctrine, to listen to the Mother of God, the Ambassador of Peace, who tells you to no longer waste time; do not use it to argue or slander whether or not it is true that I am working outside the Church, or whether or not your brothers and sisters are wearing  certain outfits, or are lying. This is not true, you are not seeing the truth nor feeling it with your heart.

Do not forget that you are all children of God and that the most important thing is to lead souls towards love and prayer, and not towards slander and value judgments.

Those who claim to live the truth are blind. Repent and ask for forgiveness. Open the heart and not the mind, because truly I tell you, My children, that you are trying to dissolve My Work of Peace with your evil actions.

Live peace and do not feel disturbed. Embrace the Call of God, just as He determined, and do not try to deny it only because this Call is alive and luminous outside the Church.

Thank the universe because there are souls who offer themselves to suffer for you.

Change your attitude and do it out of love, do not lose time in vain words. Do your job and thus the religions will unite through love and not through force.

Christianity is an inner state and not a formal state, it is the possibility of believing and feeling Christ within the heart.

Listen for the last time to My call.

I thank you for responding to My requests!

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Like the winter sun, warm and welcoming, I come to you to pour upon you, in faith, all My Graces and to open the doors toward the path of deep conversion.

For this reason, today the Aurora of Love clothes itself in light and in healing, to receive those who pray who will participate in this pillar of planetary prayer for all of humanity.

It will be thus, dear children, that Aurora will again be able to work with the planet and with all of sleeping humanity, so that at least it may awaken from its deep sleep.

On this day, dear children, the bell towers of Heaven will be sounding to assemble all the angels, which will accompany the ceremony of the Redeemer during the meeting for prayer.

If souls opened their consciousnesses and even more, their hearts, they could increasingly understand what it is that happens when they assemble to experience the extremely potent channel of Prayer for Peace, and in this way, their lives would rapidly change.

Dear children, I leave you with the intention of a good and victorious work. This Marathon will invite you to withdrawal, to unity, and above all, to trust in God. Thus, dear children, you will be able to embrace His Purpose with greater firmness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In prayer with you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Establish the Kingdom of God within you, this space of peace where the universal Laws find their manifestation.

Establish in you the union with the Father and let yourself be similar to Him, giving Him the authority to transform you, according to His Will.

The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world, where some enjoy their own riches and the majority suffers and works to serve the latter.

In the Kingdom of God everything is permeated by the Divine Consciousness. The Creator is in all of His servants. He Himself is the essence of humility, living in the smallest of all as in none of the others.

In the Kingdom of God only triumphs peace, goodness, love and unity, principles that become laws manifested in the lives of all creatures that share this state of consciousness that is the Kingdom of the Creator.

Live these principles in yourself and become worthy of being the bearer of the Kingdom of God, which first emerges in the interior of the beings from the union with the Father, and then establishes itself outside, in the material life of this world.

Every principle, law or manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, before settling externally in planetary life, first meets its dwelling in the heart of each being. The heart is the bridge to God, it is the door to Heaven, it is the great manifester of the divine will. Everyone who has a mission first knows it within the heart: feels it, understands it and accepts it, to then, afterwards, live it.

Christ will first come to the hearts in Spirit and Divinity; afterwards, He will manifest Himself in Body and Soul, when His Dwelling has already been established in the hearts of those who have recognized His presence within their own hearts. They will recognize Him when He returns, and, with Him, they will fulfill the end of this redeeming Work. Therefore, bring the Kingdom of God into yourself; do it being consequential with it, living peace, love, unity and humility as premises.

Let, child, that the higher Laws act in your heart and, from you, reach the whole world. Let yourself be shaped, transformed, corrected. Prepare yourself and consolidate in yourself the Kingdom of God, a secure dwelling for the Redeemer.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph,

The One who prepares the return of Christ in the interior of the beings

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today, may peace reign between humankind and God, because the Savior having been resurrected in the hearts of the simple, once again the Light defeats the world and the Kingdom of God has Its victory over Its enemies, leading them into rehabilitation and then to the experience of the redemption of their heart.

Dear children, the angels sing in chorus: Hallelujah! Jesus rose from the dead and has established the Supreme Will in the consciousnesses that were lost.

Thus, children, live this day as a day of redemption and of inner liberation. Christ left the sepulcher to demonstrate that the eternal Spirit never dies and that it silently acts in hearts that with great humility welcome it in.

Raise your hands up to Heaven and give thanks to the Creator for having sent the Redeemer of all ages and of all centuries; for having recognized and accepted that Jesus rose to His greater Glory, you have opened the doors of His Mercy so that it may reach your fellow beings.

Dear children, gather together in constant praise and allow God the Creator to partake in the Glory of the work that His beloved Son has done.

Now that your chains have broken and your souls have been freed from shipwreck, see before you the new harbor that welcomes you to begin to travel new paths, the paths of the Lord.

Your union with My Son will make you strong while at the same time, will help you to find the path of holy humility. 

Reveal to the world your surrender and know, My children, that your Mother feels bliss and joy, since many hearts were able to recognize the Savior as the only Master and Redeemer.

Rehabilitated by this Sunday of Resurrection, go through the doorways of the new consciousness and, through your school of purification, renounce whatever it may be, waiting in silence for all that God, in His Love, will send you.

In this way, dear children, be worthy in the Lord and happy on this day of great planetary resurrection for all lost souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who finds you rejoicing, on this day of spiritual resurrection,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Only find refuge in the House of God.
Only wait for the coming of My Son with joy.
Only await in prayer to find peace.

Dear children,

Today I call you to revere God, the Great Creator of the Universe. Each new day must be a praise to the Lord because in this way your lives will be partakers of His Law of Love and Forgiveness.

My children forget the Eternal Father. Today I remind you that you must always return to the Universe elevated, as souls, through prayer. Wait with joy for the coming of the Messenger of God, the King of the Redeeming Love, My Glorified Son, because while waiting, you are opening your hearts for the new that comes from Jesus.

Revere the Creator as a Path of Consecration of your lives to the Will of the Father. Know, My children, that in each act of reverence you will be praising God and in this way you will form part of the harmony that the world needs and has lost because it forgot to praise the Creator.

Today I invite you to remember this act of reverence because it will lead you to live in the devotion of the heart, a pathway that opens to the encounter with faith.

Dear children, if humanity loved God the Creator, the plans would already be different. As a Mediator, I want to make you discover His Love in each one of your hearts. It is time to recognize that without Jesus, you will not be able see the path clearly. Jesus is the vision that, as Light, illuminates life in order to redeem it. And for this to happen, it is important to pray with the heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Beloved children,

May this day in your hearts begin before the most beloved presence of My Son.

The King will arrive to reign once again over the life of all souls. He will quench the thirst of the heart and He will renew the hope of all those who have lost it.

Dear children, today I call you to witness the unfathomable source of life and salvation that comes through My Son, the Redeemer. May all of you come towards My Heart, My dear ones, so that we may walk together in this pilgrimage toward the conversion of the heart. The time of reconciliation is being given to each one of My children. Therefore, little ones, go in prayer and adoration, announcing to the world that the Redeemer of souls is arriving with a Good News of Peace and Mercy.

Dear children, the Grace of God must be a living experience in your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will come to glimpse the path toward the consecration of the heart. Today I radiate My flame of peace to you so that it may dissipate fear from your hearts. See the Lady surrounded by the Sun coming again into your lives so that this sign may restore in the world what has been unjust to God up to now. Come to My encounter so that I may help you to reconcile your hearts with the Most High.

My beloved children, the source and the fount of My Peace and those of My Venerable Son Jesus are open and in abundance for all hearts. Commune with the presence of Christ so that His Sacred Heart may show you the new path to travel.

Dear children, let us pray with the heart for the peace of all lonely hearts.

I will guide you through this path toward true peace.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

