Dear children,

Thank you for responding to My call and opening your hearts to My voice and to My Messages for the world, and especially for all My children in the Americas.

Today I call you to celebrate in My maternal Love the effort and the surrender of your hearts to the Will of the Lord. Today I remind you of the moments of My preparation during the Visit to My dear Sister Elizabeth*. Our Hearts, the heart of Elizabeth and Mine, responded in that time to an unknown Will which, however, we could feel in the depths of Our souls. At that moment My canticle Magnificat was born, praising the Lord of the Heights for His Glory, His Grace and His Immensity of Love for all creatures.

Today I invite to you to keep in your hearts this moment of the Magnificat, the moment when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Me the glorification and the divinization of My soul as Blessed, as Universal and as Mother of all creatures, after My Resurrected Son had elevated Himself to the feet of the Father. Therefore, My little ones, the effort made with love and for love of God is worth much.

Keep My Maternal words in your hearts. Trust and enter My Kingdom of Peace. Let us unite ourselves today in prayer for the peace and the healing of those who live in affliction in the whole world. Awaken the flower of your souls so that I may elevate it with My hands as a precious offering to the Creator.

Who loves you and guides you and so many other souls, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


* She is referring to Her cousin Elizabeth.


Live in the Love of Christ and live for the Love of Christ.

My dear ones,

Today imitate the path that Christ traveled here on Earth, convert your hearts into little disciples of prayer and of charity.
Transmit the Love of the Redeemer through works of charity. In this way, My little ones,
you will be serving as instruments of the Omnipotent Lord in this last time.

Today I call you so that through the prayer done with the heart and service of charity we may alleviate the suffering of hearts.
That in the merciful Love of Christ, My dear ones, you may give your hands, your arms, your gazes of Peace
and your hearts so that I may arrive as the Divine Queen of Peace to all the flocks in the world.

Follow the footprints that Christ has marked in the sand, but this time imitating the power of His merciful Love and the
radiation of His Infinite Peace. Let us reunite our hearts so that you, with Me, the Mother of Love,
may be one with the Heavens.

Who guides you always in Love,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today seek the Light of My merciful eyes so that, as your Mother of Peace, I may be able to accompany and guide your steps towards the Lord. I leave to you seven keys to open the Door of the Heavens:

- Prayer with love;

- Fasting for peace;

- Communion with Christ;

- Forgiveness of the past;

- Reading of the Gospel;

- Reconciliation with God;

- Trust in the Divine Will.

With these seven keys you will find the path that will lead you to the consecration of life. Keep your hearts in My Heart, in My Temple of Peace. Let us work for Peace in the world.

Who adores you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I call you to awaken to the fruit of the Merciful Love that Christ radiates to your hearts. The Most High Lord hopes, My dear children, that you may elevate your hearts towards My Kingdom through the exercise of prayer.

The time of the coming of Christ is close, it is closer than each one of your hearts expects.

Keep vigil with Me in prayer for the merits of the Reign of My Peace.

Soldiers of God, walk for love to Light.

Who adores you always,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special Apparitions

The group gathered on the Hill of Apparitions at 11:00 am to begin the attunement prayer. The praying began with the "Prayer to the Universal Mother."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

 Let us prepare, the Lady is coming.


At that moment, the choir was intoning the song "Meeting with Mary." Afterwards, there were 33 strikes of the bell, announcing the Apparition of the Celestial Mother.


Hail everyone. I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is touching this ground with Her Feet. At Her right there is the presence of the Archangel Gabriel and at Her left is the presence of the Archangel Michael.

She asked those who could to kneel down.


I come to announce the Third Secret of Fatima, which is even more prophetic.


At that moment, Friar Elías, in a private manner, tells Mother Shimani and José Trigueirinho Netto what the Divine Mother is revealing as a secret. While this happens, the whole group prays the "Prayer to the Universal Mother."

Some time afterward, the voice of Friar Elías is heard again.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who feel it, can now stand up.

Our Lady, Mary, has appeared today as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, and can be seen more clearly than on other days.


I have come here to announce to you the Light of the archangels, so you may know you can count on them when I am not present on this plane, and I am only in your hearts.

The Archangel Gabriel brings redemption, the Archangel Michael brings liberation. These are the two Father Creators Who will assist the world before the Return of Christ. This is My Good News.

Let us pray for Peace and for Light. Let us ignite the hearts that have been broken for centuries, hearts that once again are here, in this world, seeking the Light within the darkness. The time has come for the revelation; thus, I am here among you, over your consciousnesses and those of the world.

In Medjugorje, I have announced an important part of My Messages; in Uruguay, I have revealed another part; and here, in Brazil, My preferred heart of souls, I will reveal yet another part.

I Am the Messenger of Peace for the lives of those who dare to live each calvary within Me. It is time to descend from the mount and find the new path that leads you to Me, at this last hour, the hour of the end of the cycle.

I Am the Immaculate Conception, the Messenger of redemption for those who wish to listen to Me for the last time. Carry Peace in your hearts, and do not stop because of anything that happens; you know I am here, protecting you in prayer and in love.

I am here to announce that you must carry out a chain of prayer; and this House of Mine, just like the one of Fatima, must progress in the praying verb. For those who want to hear the Voice of the Heavens, this is the moment of protection through Words.

I Am an emanation of those Heavens, and I bring you My Spirit of Peace so you may feel It and open to It.

I speak the same Words I have repeated in the different Apparitions throughout the world: only prayer is Peace. Eternal Peace is the living and ardent prayer that transcends borders and opens the barriers so that all, in time, may come to Me.

I am here, in My Kingdom, waiting for you.

Let us pray for peace in the Middle East and for the love and the rescue of My beloved African community.

I Am the Queen of all places, Who carries the same Message in Her Voice so that, at the end of this time, all come to Me. I come to everybody when you open up without restrictions; for Love, which is not of this world, can do all things, a Love that nurtures the heart and brings life.

Whoever wants to go on pilgrimage on My path will be saved and victorious.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Together with Her, let us repeat the prayer "Luminous Bird."


Everybody prays some beads.


By the Power of My Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

The Divine Mother is announcing She will give a blessing to those who are ill. It is important that all those who are ill approach the tree, and if it is not possible for you, remain in your places.

While we wait, let us pray the "Prayer to the Universal Mother" together with Her.


At that moment, many people who had some illness approached the tree.


I Am the Lady of Graces and reconversions of the spirit, the relief from all pain and the safeguarding from all evil. I Am the Original Virgin, the support of hearts, the flame that burns in pain, that opens the purification of faults.

Today, accept My Merciful Heart and feel at rest in Me. Do not fear, I am with you. I Am the Mother of Sacred Providence; I have been here on Earth and know how it is.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now She is opening Her Arms and stretching them downwards, She is radiating a light blue energy.

Two white rays are coming from the center of Her heart, projecting downwards, and Her Stars are also lighting up.

The tree is becoming more and more invisible, and on each side of Her appear three angels, that are opening a deep and light blue Heaven.

Now, She is embracing a Christian cross and transmitting the following Words:


I Am the Patroness Who carries the cross of redemption. Touch My Feet and feel My Fire.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Her Feet and the roses are lighting up. 


I know you believe in Me. Be with Me; you will lack nothing in this Kingdom where you will find Me after this offering you have made.

Love heals and if you feel Love, you will be healed.

My time to leave has come. I will meet with you again soon.

Now, other children need Me in another part of this world. My Bird of Peace must travel there so that others may also find rest in this world in purification.

Remember Me as Mary if you want to feel Me closer to your hearts. I Am Mary, the Universal Mother. I Am the Bird that descends now from the Heavens to your hearts.

Remember, remember, remember, remember, only Peace, full Peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She has now gone and greeted us with Her Peace.


The whole group first intones the "Hail Mary" and then the song "The Woman Who guides us."


The group, in this second day of Apparitions, gathered at 7 pm to start the prayer work. Nightfall was approaching, and once more there were no chairs. The uphill climb to the Hill of the Apparitions was very harmonious. All brought lit candles, which awakened the devotion amongst all present in a special way.

Mother Shimani, José Trigueirinho, Friar Artur and Friar Elias faced the tree where  Mary, the Divine Mother had previously appeared. 

There, Mother Shimani invited all to pray “Universal Mother.”  After a few beads, Mother Shimani conveyed a request of the Divine Mother  that invited all of the children present in the Hill to approach the tree. 

Many of the children sat at the foot of the tree. All remained within a profound silence during all of the Apparition. There were no cries, even amongst the toddlers and little ones.

Some even fell asleep.

While the prayers continued, Mother Shimani sang “Hail Mary” (Ave Maria).

After the song it was asked that the sisters of the Fraternity Network for Prayer come closer. As they reached the tree, they joined Friar Elias in prayer.

Shortly after Mother Shimani sang “The Woman that guides us”(“A mulher que nos guia”.)


Friar Elias: She asks that nobody moves, and all be quiet.


In this moment, a real silence was established.


Friar Elias: Now we will explain what happened. While we prayed, a few images in the sky manifested themselves. First three angels with orandiums appeared, in prayer.
After a while, a golden triangle of light emerged in the sky, dwelling there for a long time. It seems as though, with its light, it tore the material plane by the intensity of its shine. 

At another moment, two angels appeared, one in each side. They showed us a golden Christian cross, sustained by their hands.
Mary was then seen, above the tree, wearing white, surrounded by a very white light. In the center of her breast, Her Heart with the color of blood can be seen; a Heart that pulses each moment. 

Later, She guided me to look to the skies, where a small planet Earth appeared; this planet was within this local universe, within this solar system. It could be seen that our planet, from outside, was being invaded by dark forces. In this moment, angelic armies emerged that came to watch the planet.
After a while, all the continents and the whole planet seemed to be surrounded by a large orandium.

Mary then tells us:


If you do not pray, you will not reach Me; will not reach the Heavens.


It was in this moment that She asked us that the children come closer and that we sing “Hail Mary” (Ave Maria). While we sang, She blessed each of them. In the silence, She observed and contemplated us.

The Divine Mother says:


Thank you for answering to My Voice, I am the Mother of Peace.

I hope that you have understood My Message, that is why I came here.

The open hearts in the invisible lights, will notice My Sacred Heart. 

I have announced My Voice in many parts of the world and many children are answering me, like you all have, in Faith.

Today, I come for us to sing together “Luminous Bird” (Ave Luminosa) and so that your hearts open even more to My Heart, that shines within yours, that seeks refuge within you so that it unites to Me in this task.

Today, I come to tell you that many words were said along this day about My Divine Conception and that I am here so that you find Peace even if it is for just a few moments, for a few seconds; so that your hearts open up and feel Me, that your thoughts settle and find refuge within Me, like I seek refuge within you.

Today, I show you My stars.


Friar Elias: She is showing her crown of stars with the word MIRNA-HE.

The Divine Mother says:


This is the Immaculate Holy Spirit, of which was born in Me. I sprouted from the Source to all creatures. I am the Messenger of the Plans, which announces the Voice in the universe, like My Son, the Redeemer. 

Do you want to know why I am here and why I came?

So that we pray, because it is necessary. So the doors to Heaven in this place, in this region, here in my beloved country, can open. The angel of Brazil announces to you Its´ coming, for I have recommended to it that it be present at this moment, to protect you, and support you, so that you find the shield in the immaterial, in the light of the angels.

Why do you carry this flame? Why was it asked of you? (The Divine Mother is referring to the candles of the procession).

So that you see that My Light is in your hearts, sprouting like that fountainhead that springs from the earth to satiate the thirst of the hearts that are tired and that are yet to redeem themselves. 

I give you the Holy Spirit, in this moment, above your consciousness, so that you know where to return or where to refuge, in these final times.

My Voice is coming to a close in Medjugorje and will end here as well, next year.

I want both nations to consecrate to My Immaculate Heart. I know that many of you have followed me for a long time, but, more is necessary to reach My Peace; I want to give it to you before the Beast arrives, and so that it cannot find refuge in the tired hearts. 

Because of this I ignite My Cell of Light in your hearts, so that you find rest and relief. Because I Am the Mother of Peace, the Protector of your souls, the one that announces the New Prophecy for the ones that want to hear. This prophecy does not come from Me, it comes from the Creator, for I announce myself to you before the Master returns in living flesh, in soul, and in spirit over this planet, within humanity.

Many will recognize Him, others will distance themselves, because it will no longer be the live Jesus; it will be the new Universal Consciousness that will bring an irradiating love for the hearts that come closer to It, even without seeing it. Therefore, first comes My Message, before He arrives.

Know that He is the Way, I have already said it, and today He has asked of Me to repeat it to your consciousnesses. I will be here, as I have already said, until the day 15, for those that are up to meet Me in the invisible, even if you cannot see all that you are receiving.  But you will see it at the end of this time, when I will be here not; but will be awaiting you in prayer, so that you come closer to My Immaculate Heart, in the Kingdom that found Me to receive you and protect you.


Friar Elias: Grabbing a jar with water and wetting Her feet, she says:


This is the blessing that I want to deliver to you all. The same Source that bathed Me and washed Me since the beginning, since the origins, I want to sprout in you all, not only as a fountainhead, but also as a life attribute for the ones that live in obscurity.   

You all, have lit hearts, today. Not because I am here, but because you all did this through trust in Me. 


Friar Elias: Let us pray, She says. Let us repeat the prayer phrase by phrase, so that the ones that do not know it can learn it.


After we prayed “Luminous Bird” (Ave Luminosa), we intoned for a few times the phrase “Hail Mary” (Ave Maria).


Friar Elias: She says that a million and five hundred souls have been rescued.

They started to be rescued by Her in Aurora (Planetary Center in Uruguay), through prayer, and she asks of us to continue with this spirit of collaboration. According to Her, they are souls that, in this moment, are being enlightened. She says it came from the galaxy´s heart, to lift these souls.

The Divine Mother says:


Someday, you will understand what I tell you.


Friar Elias: In the moment that “Hail Mary” was sung, She lit a small flame of light above each of our heads. She showed that some lights were more alightt and others more opaque; the latter started lighting up  slowly.

She says that the Holy Spirit comes to humanity in various forms. There are many faces and not all are known; it is a Spirit that makes itself known in this world, for those that in Him believe.  

Says the Divine Mother:


Because it is the same spirit that permeates Me, Me and you all. First it enters in essence, makes the light sprout, and then expands itself over all of the heart, until it rises up to the consciousness, that finds a new wisdom never felt nor heard before, that had never awakened in your interior. This is the Spirit that transforms, that arrives in these times though Me, to prepare you all for the new cycle.   

As in in Aurora, I want you all to build next to this tree, a large campanile (bell tower), that will announce the sign of Peace for the end of this time, close to the year 2012. So, more prophecies will be revealed to the world, for many beings that hear My Calling. This campanile will be rung by a prayerful being each week, in the same lined rhythms: at 6 o´clock, at 9 o´clock, at 12 pm, at 3 pm, and at 6 pm.  


Friar Elias: She says that these times are the different moments of the day when Her Consciousness descends to the planet.

The Divine Mother says:


I want to see a strong path for the pilgrims, for all that live My brother and sisterhood, like that of all the Hierarchies, so that they can rise up to here and elevate themselves to Me, because here I will find them.


Friar Elias: She says that she will be here until the 15th and also that she will come back starting in the month of November, in the days 25 and 26 of each month, until the month of May. The day 8th of June of 2012 will be her last apparition in this region. In Aurora, the last apparition will be the 8th of August 2012.

She says that she wants both nations, Brazil and Uruguay, to be Her epicenter of prayer, that sustains the Southern Cone, that sustains Argentina, Chile and Paraguay.

She is still manifested and observes us. Behind Her appears the triangle of golden light, the same that was seen in the beginning. Two triangles that place themselves one on each side of this first triangle appears, in this way forming a line of three triangles. Moments later another two triangles together with the first three appeared, forming a cross of equal arms. 

The Divine Mother says:


I am the Mother of Graces for those that open themselves to it. Superior Grace that is a Divine Grace, Grace which many of the ones here were previously touched, in another time. 

To be here over this Center is a Grace and for Me to be here is a Greater Grace; I know that you do not understand it, but that yes you feel it, because once you were touched by Me. 

I bless today all My children, the little ones, because they will be a strong column of My Heart for the times of chaos; and their angels, that shine, will be known to them all because these angels were sent along with them so that they fulfill a part of My Peace, even if My children, these little ones, follow other paths that are not equal to this. 

Today I am here more manifested so that you can feel Me for a longer time, for I interceded for them, for the ones that do not believe. I leave over this tree My roses.


Friar Elias: She takes the golden roses from the superior part of Her feet and places them on the tree.

The Divine Mother says:


It is for this loyal companion, the tree, to guard My Maternal Energy and irradiate it for all the nooks of this Nation, the one that needs peace despite believing in Me for a long time.

I am the messenger for your hearts and, as in Medjugorje, I want to be an echo of a great voice in each interior.


Friar Elias: She ignites the Stars, the ones that are in Her Crown, of shining celestial color and one  more letter appears in MIRNA-HE, the letter N in celeste, MIRNA-HEN. She explained that it means that the Holy Spirit is fulfilling the last phase of this cycle.

The Divine Mother says:


I call you because you are in time to reach the Holy Spirit through Me in your hearts; do not believe that I am here, believe in your hearts, in Light that you once reached by the exercise of prayer and of struggle. Know that I have been here as Mary, the Mother of the Messiah. I am the Bird of Universal Peace and Immaculate to all of you and to My children of all races in this world and of others. 

My Bird of Light descends today over you all so that you find rest, after having walked so much in search of Light. I am found in each prayer, the one that does not resist to a Prodigious Mother. I am the Bird of Mercy and hand you My maternal and protecting energy so that you walk in the dark night.


Friar Elias: She irradiates from the center of Her Heart two rays, one pink and the other blue, and projects them over the soil.

She asks that we repeat the following prayer:


Mercy for those who have not yet been redeemed.

Mercy for those who do not live in peace.

Mercy for those who are still sleeping.

Mercy for all the Kingdoms, who are also My children.

Mercy for those who are still not open.

Mercy for the whole world.

Sacred Mother establish Your Gate of Peace.



Friar Elias: She says that she is being very compassionate and at the same time, instructing, teaching us to talk and to pray through Her Ray of Light and of Peace.

She says that many of the souls here present have questions to make and that She is willing to hear them, at first in silence.

She places her hands in the sign of prayer and says that the hour indicates to her Her return, and that tomorrow she will return here to find us renewed in faith and in trust in the Higher, in the Universe. 

And at a medium tone, let us pray together with Her the “Universal Mother” prayer for a few moments. 


Friar Elias: Before leaving She says that she will respond a question to three people, that She signaled. She says that we should be in tranquility and in peace. It must be a question that is really necessary, because, according to Her, it deals with a celestial opportunity. I will go in search of these three people, meanwhile we will pray the “Universal Mother,” at medium tone.   


Friar Elias goes in search of these three people so that they come closer to the tree. They come closer, in silence. All the rest maintain in prayer.

Each of these people do, in a low voice, a question and Friar Elias transmits to them the response of the Divine Mother.


Friar Elias: She says that each day 15 hourly prayers should be made; with groups formed by seven people selected among the pilgrims of Figueira, praying inside the Prayer House (Casa de Oração). The groups should pray from sunrise until nightfall, until the hour of Her Apparition here, at 8 pm.

She says she called these three people so that they comprehend how Her Grace is and that God, also, permitted that each of the present write in paper a question. Of all these questions three more will be extracted, that will be read by Mother Shimani so that She answers. Mary asks us that they be questions essential to life.

The Divine Mother says:


I am interceding with something larger, which has never been permitted by the Universe.


Friar Elias: Until the day 15 She will answer three questions per day. She says it would be important as well that all who have questions, ask them in prayer, in order to give the opportunity so that others write their real urgencies.

The Divine Mother says:


I elevate and leave today My Heart so that you sleep with It, an Immaculate Heart that comes from the Heavens so that you find the Peace in the way that you travel.

I am founding herea new Universal Consciousness, not a Church; the campaniles are for the devotees of the cosmic Heavens, for the ones that want to receive the Light of the stars, of which irradiate the rays that come from the Source through My presence here and of the Redeemer. 

Thank you for responding to My Call.


Friar Elias: Let us close with the song “The Woman that guides us” (A Mulher que nos guia), the same that was sung in the beginning.

We can turn off the candles. Let us remain in syntony because Her Energy is still present, irradiating us.

Special Apparitions

As requested on September 5th, and answering to the call of the Divine Mather, a group of approximately fifteen hundred people went to the "Crystal Hill"(1) at 9 am.

The Hill of Apparitions is located in a wild place where almost no one goes. To get to the top of the Hill you have to go up a trail with a steep slope, surrounded by an abundant native vegetation. This day the sky was clear, without a single cloud, and the radiant sun raised the temperature by the minute.

As the call of the Divine Mother was unforeseen, the place could not be prepared to receive such a large group. The vegetation kept most people standing while a few looked for some space between the bushes and the grass to sit down. Everyone, overcoming the heat and the lack of comfort, prepared to receive the Celestial Mother.

On the other hand, a small group placed itself on the highest part of the Hill. This group was formed by Madre Shimani, José Trigueirinho, Friar Elías and some other brothers and sisters.

Madre Shimani did a small introduction, explaining what would happen and what should be the proper attitude to receive the Divine Mother.

Then, the work of prayer began and lasted for a long time. When the approximation of the Divine Mother was noticed, the female voices intoned "Hail Mary," while the male ones carried on praying. 

After a few minutes, Friar Elías stood up, a sign that the Mother had appeared, and turned his gaze towards a spot in the sky. You could see him deeply concentrated and permeated in contemplating the Divine Mother.

After some time, he communicated to the small group that was with him what the Virgin was transmitting to him, and in this moment all of them walked down the top of the Hill to where the large group of people were.

Fray Elías quickly, but in profound silence and concentration, walked to a tree that was in the middle of a large group of people who were praying. 

When the group reorganized itself again, around the tree, the prayer was interrupted and a profound silence fell, and in this way, everyone waited in static and reverent quietness.


Fray Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the Divine Mother appeared on the top of the Hill, accompanied by two angels, she said: "the Will of the Lord is that I be among all My children, therefore, I will descend."

And, in this moment, she went down the Hill and placed Herself upon this tree.

She appeared as the Queen of Peace and wrapped the tree with a great orandium.


My peace to all Brazil!

I have come to ask you to be here from the 9th to the 15th, because I will come every day at 8pm. 


She also requested that, during these days, we would come in procession, with candles to enlighten the souls who were afflicted.


Now I will speak. 

My dear ones, how many precious souls gathered around My Mantle! I am protecting them.

I am the Queen of Love, the Redeemer of souls, after Christ.

Today, I announce myself to you as the Queen of Peace, Protector and Guardian of the hearts, the One that hears the call of the souls and all those that wish to return to Me. 

I am here to ask you to come in procession up to here; not for yourselves, but for those who are asleep and do not receive the Grace, as you receive in your hearts today.

Today, I open My Arms to sow My Heart within you.


Friar Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is opening Her Arms and irradiating a lot of Light towards us. In the center of Her Chest a Heart of pink Light is pulsating that She shows with Her right Hand.


See My Heart, full of thorns, It must be healed by prayers. 

I have come here to found a Center of Permanent Prayer, day and night, for peace and the elevation of the world. This is My last warning, you will understand.

See that I am the Mother of all of you, Who picks you up when you fall; I specially pick up those who forget about Me and do not respond to My call because they do not see Me. 

Now, I am here, among you, to welcome and accompany you, so that you may have trust in Me, so that you may follow My path of Peace and Salvation. I am calling those who have committed to Me, since ancient Nazareth up to the New Jerusalem. 

We are a single voice that must rise up to the Heavens, so that the Father responds with His Graces to all of your hearts. I am here as the Intercessor of the souls.

I ask you to come here, during the night, because My Presence will be clearer and It will reflect more in your hearts.

Will you be willing to respond to an immaterial call, of My Divine Voice, during these days?

The Lord has delivered you to Me and I deliver you to the Father because this is the time. We are in the last time, a time of crossing the portal towards Light and Redemption. 

I raise My Crown of Stars towards you and place it upon your beings, which symbolizes the twelve doors that will be open in this near future of the New Humanity. Each star represents a design that will descend from the Heavens upon this aching world. 


Friar Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, She is showing a small orandium, that has a silver medal with a small picture of Father Pío.


Father Pio is the one who will govern your souls, a faithful companion. As I was in him, I am in you, even if you do not feel Me or hardly understand My Call. 

Open your hearts, I am calling you to respond to the Greater Will, which is now descending upon this place. I wish to penetrate the broken hearts, the ones who have not felt Me for a long time and do not trust in the Mother of God. I am calling you once again, so that you may resume the path towards Christ, the Redeemer. 

I have already said it: Mercy is in its last time, before the angels open the door of Divine Justice upon this world and others.

All the races that are separate will be a single people in this end of this time; because you will See me walk upon several continents, in which My Peace will be ignited among the chaos. 

Now, I invite you to commune with Me, to trust My Immaculate Heart that was born in the East.

Now I am already here, guarding and protecting you with My Love from the Heavens, even though you do not see Me. I am the Mother that observes everything in each interior; even more in those who hide from Me, because they fear to trust Me. 

I have come here to consecrate this place as a Center of Pilgrimage, as a Center of the  Rescue of souls and opening of fallen hearts. You must be the pillars of these hearts, so that they may revive and be reborn in Christ, Who waits for them because He is still thirsty.

You must be the spring for your brothers and sisters, for those who refuse to open their hearts and have closed them, for those who suffer in their misunderstandings. For all of them, you should open yourselves to the Divine Patience, that I have lived for centuries.

I am the Mother of Mercy and I want to bring you Peace in this final time. 

Much has been written in the Sacred Books, which are in the Heavens, about the Message of the Lord throughout times, times that will be united in one, for those who unite to Me in prayer and peace. 

I leave you My Maternal Heart, so you may hold It in your hands in the times of tribulation and tests, because those who trust in It will be saved and will not leave the path nor My flock.

The Voice of God descends through Me because I am His Slave just like you, even though you do not believe it. 

Everyone has a commitment to be fulfilled with Me and with the Lord. I elevate My Voice towards the Heavens as a great prayer so that you may find the Light and the Peace in this time. 

On the last day, I will say what I want the most for this place and for this nation, which I love with predilection because I know it has responded to My Voice for a long time. 

Do not fear judgment and persecutions, because the 144,000 must awaken before the 72 that I will send to this world. 

Today I open My Arms to take you in.


Friar Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is opening Her Arms and extending them downwards. She is projecting a White Light from the palm of Her Hands and the tree is being surrounded by a brilliant white energy.


Today I ignite Myself inside of your hearts so that you may listen to Me, because it is not My Will, but the one that is beyond Me. 


Fray Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now She is pointing up, where there are open skies of light-blue color.


This is my Emblem of Peace, My Sacred Heart, the one you must always long for despite everything and must look for when everything is in the dark; because you know that I will be there when you pray with Me, when you do not tire of praying and speaking to Me. This is how the darkness will pass and will not touch you, because you will be in prayer with Me perpetually. 


Fray Elías Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now She is looking up and putting Her Hands in sign of prayer and asking us to do the same.


Let us pray for the souls that are in the dark suburbs and do not receive the Grace that you are receiving. 

Today you are aware of My Presence, but I must go to all those places where peace is not found and where the chains still have not been broken because My Light has not entered and will only enter through your prayers. 


All the group prays a prayer that the Divine Mother had transmitted in Her Apparitions in Uruguay:


Blessed are You
among all creatures,
for You were conceived
by a Greater Grace.


During the prayer, some people from the public leave, going down the Hill.


Remember, all of those who walked away from Me, that I was here to call you.

Thank you for responding to My Call.

I am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

For the Divine Power of the Holy Spirit and the Sublime Grace of God to all the Hearts, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing, so that the hearts may rejoice, a song that was born in Aurora. 

All the people present intone the song "La mujer que nos guía," in gratitude.


(1) The name given later by the Divine Mother to the Crystal Hill was "Hill of Apparitions." 

Special Apparitions

Everybody arrived very willing to pray and follow this last day of Apparitions of the Divine Mother.

After several beads, when the rays of the sun began to light up the farmstead, Friar Elías stood up and approached where the Divine Mother had appeared.

Then a monk of the Aurora monastery was called by the Divine Mother to speak a few Words to him.

After some time passed, Friar Elías gave us an account of what had taken place.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the Divine Mother appeared in the heights of Heaven, there were groups of angels that were silently praying. They walked in a slow and contemplative way, forming the symbol of infinity. It was a constant and harmonious movement.

In Her right Hand She carried a golden Scepter and in Her left Hand a small Christian cross and a rose.

When She settled over the Orange Tree, a light orange-colored rose blossomed from Her Heart. A few moments later, some saints appeared, praying together with the group, and at the side of the Tree, Padre Pío appeared, also in prayer.

Then, through an intense movement of Light, the Archangel Raphael appeared, a resplendent being of Light in all his silhouette, who presented himself with a sword in his hand, and said:

"My time has come. I am the Healing Angel, the Archangel Raphael."

Saying this in a powerful and magnanimous way, he flew up into the heights of the Heavens, where a circular door of Light and with a light blue energy appeared, surrounded by several concentric golden rings.

The Divine Mother told me to look toward the center of this door, and there I saw a great open Book. The pages turned from one side to another, as if a wind moved them. In that Book appeared several Gospels written in the time of the Messiah.

The pages continued to turn rapidly, until at a certain moment, they stopped and the number 12 appeared. Then the Divine Mother said:

"Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse of John. I want you to read this chapter."

At that moment, I asked Our Lady if what I was hearing was correct and She responded 'yes'.

Afterwards, She began to pray the Hail Mary and asked that every hour a prayer should be carried out and that there be 33 strikes of the bell.

She also told us that the way of establishing the Thousand Years of Peace will be through prayer, and that it must begin to be built from this moment on. This was Her request for today.

She appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, with Her light green Robe and surrounded by a Crown of golden Stars.


I Am the Lady of the Infinite and Melodious Vibration, which comes from the Heart of the Universe, from the Infinite Source of God. For this reason, music, which is divine and must be the sound of hearts, opens My channel of Peace and expands My Light. In this way, My Plan of Light is established upon the surface of the Earth.

See how the angels sing and the choirs praise Me, as it was at My Assumption into the Heavens as the Patroness of souls, the Lady of the Angels and the Archangels.

Today, remember this symbol: The Lady of the Angels and the Archangels, so you may understand the Will of God and so that your souls may recognize My Peace, which flows with Love.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, from Her Chest emerged a three-petaled flower, colorless and brilliant, like of transparent silver energy.


This is the Flower of the Conception.


After the Divine Mother communicated some Words to the brother She had called up, She asked that we all pray the prayer "Blessed Art Thou."

Finally, the Celestial Mother asked that we sing the Hail Mary.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is rising up, but is still present. Gently, let us stand up to say goodbye to Her.


I love you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Today, in the evening, I will speak with you all.

Today I have come so you may pray with Me, as you did yesterday. At every hour, may a group gather to pray in this place and it be announced with 33 bell strikes, so the essences can shine, those that must be rescued.

Today especially, the prayers will be dedicated to Africa and the Middle East, places where I will need missionaries who are able to take My Peace through prayer and share the tasks of Christ with other brothers and sisters who also will unite with My Spirit.

Today, meditate on the Presence of the Queen of Peace, and you will understand My Presence in Medjugorje. Nothing is separate, everything is a thread of Light that leads to God so that you may be reunited with Me once more.

Today, seek the faith in your hearts so that I am able to labor as the Mother of Peace in all My children, children I need to take to My Kingdom, children you do not know but that are far from the Light, especially those who distance themselves from Me because of not believing in a Maternal Mother and who draw away from the path when they are not surrounded by My Light. I come in search of them in this part of the world, in the Americas, in Uruguay.

Take My Message of Peace beyond the phenomena that will be spoken of, those you do not yet see, but which I write with My Hands in the ethers of Aurora.

May your lives be an eternal communion with Me and may you return to the Father through Me. You are in time, do not allow yourselves to be defeated. Before the bridge breaks, cross over it to Me.

I Am for you, in this place, the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Spirit of Peace, the Triune Flame of the Spirit, the Original Emanation of the Source, the Merciful Bird which comes to you to give you Love and to heal the ailing spirit.

Peace, Peace, Peace for the Earth, which is asleep.


While a group built the rose garden requested by the Divine Mother in Her morning Apparition, another group prayed under a close-by orange tree, some distance from the Orange Tree of the Apparitions. During the prayer, the Divine Mother appeared. Friar Elías stood up and transmitted some words to the gathered group.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother appeared in Her Aspect of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. She had a stole with an equal-armed cross on each end.

She told us that today She was giving us a part of Her Meek Heart so we may sow it in our hearts.

She also told us that evil generates confusion in hearts, but that when She comes, all that is dispelled in Her children. This is a constant struggle that is experienced between two kingdoms.

She asked that this prayer, the Luminous Bird, be sung during the General Meeting at the Figueira Light-Community. That the only thing removed from this prayer is the word "amen,” which will not be sung.

She told us that She has opened Her Kingdom here, so all hearts may come, so all Her children may come, and that each will know what part of Her Message they must carry.


I am opening the door of the Heavens to sleeping hearts and those who do not trust in My Voice. Through My Words, I emit My Voice to all.

Thank you for responding to My Call and for concretizing these Works of God. Thank you for transmitting My preferred Messages, including to those who do not understand them and do not feel what is happening here.

What is important for all of you will be to remain always united in Peace, in the Communion of Christ, in the Light of My Heart, to strengthen yourselves in the face of the confrontations of evil. Know that if you are united with My prayer, My sword of Light, My sword of Peace and the silver sword of the Archangel Gabriel will be before you to safeguard you. Pray with Me, leave all that you are doing, so your hearts are illumined and thus, evil is stopped, because where I reign, the Light of the Father prevails.

Accept My Love, even if you have not felt it, and if you have not yet seen Me, here I am.

I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity, who brings you the Peace of the Heavens and the unconditional Love of the angels, cherubim and seraphim, those who received Me in the Assumption of My Body and My soul, when I reached the center of this Galaxy, to learn to live Universal Love.

As My Essence is part of a Source from which emerges the spring of life for souls that are in this and other worlds, today I give you My Peace and My Love so that they may nurture your hearts and so that you may know that when you are with Me, you are with God, you are in contact with My Source, My Source of Light, My Source of Redemption.

I Am the Lady Who brings to this Earth and to this people of Uruguay, as well as all sister nations, the motto of redemption through the Trinity and the Light of the Father in this time.

The Archangel Gabriel accompanies Me in this task and ignites the nuclei of hearts, so they may reverberate in the Love I have been radiating to them for centuries. You have known Me as Mary, the Mother of the Messiah; today you know Me as the Queen of Peace, the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Universal Mother of creatures, the Mantle of Peace, and also as the Flame of Immaculate Love.

Let no inner cloud surround you, the so-called darkness that is the chaos that suffocates the world.

Today I told you to study chapter 5 of the Apocalypse of John. That message is symbolic for your minds. Do not stop; I need you to open your senses, the inner senses, that you unite with My Love and My Light, so you may understand what all that means. That part of the story is coming in a way that hearts do not perceive, but do indeed feel it when you pray with Me.
Go in peace and gather together hearts so they may hear My Message. Gather the hearts that reside in this place and those to which Heaven is entrusting a promise that is not of the Earth, which is a divine promise that causes Light to flow to hearts so that they may recognize Greater Will.

I want to ask everybody today to listen to My Words, so you may understand what I am doing here as Mother and Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

The time has come for My Heart to triumph in this place for the second time, and that the Purpose, which is not Mine, but rather comes from on High, is able to descend to your consciousnesses, to your understanding, by means of My Universal Consciousness.

In these days, Aurora has become a refuge of My Heart, and all those who follow this Work, which is Celestial and Divine, who have been here for some time, are accomplishing this Purpose and respond to My Voice as the Mother of all.

May the saints and angels, resplendent consciousnesses, beings who have learned in love and humility, come to your hearts, so that in them you may recognize the path which is one and leads you to Me, leads you to Christ, leads you to the Omnipresent Lord Who is in the Heavens.

Many will come here in search of miracles and healings, but My task here is one of redemption, to open the heart, to tear the veils that are hidden, to open you to the Light and to place Light where all is dark.

This is My task in this New Aurora; which, in this place, is the dawn through Me.

Thank you for responding to My call.


Just like in these last few days, a significant group of people gathered to pray and sing to wait for the Message of the Divine Mother.

Shortly before the time scheduled by Her, nature began to manifest a different movement, and when the first rays of the sun touched the crown of the Tree, Friar Elías stood up and approached where Our Mother had appeared.

After a few minutes, silence was requested and all attentively listened to the account of what had happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When we began to pray, a mantle of Light appeared, surrounding the Tree from the bottom upwards, which lit up with great intensity.

The Divine Mother appeared in a white Robe and a light blue Mantle, and had a golden rose in Her Hands. She prayed and prayed, smiled and prayed. Behind Her, from the Heavens, an Egyptian cross descended.

She asked us to come closer, and when we did, She began to radiate two rays of Light from the center of Her Heart.

Today, She invited us to pray more for souls and for the task She is carrying out in several parts of the world.

Today, She especially asked that it be a day totally dedicated to prayer; that groups be formed to pray hour by hour, beginning at the moment we finish this meeting with Her and until 5 p.m. She said that She wanted the collaborators of Casa Redención to pray the prayer of the Universal Mother, as a group, at the different times.

She also wants rose bushes to be planted today in Her garden; She says She is expecting it. She said that, hour by hour, while one part of the groups prays, another part is dedicated to the building of the garden, because She wants to see it finished before dusk.

She asked that today, in our prayer, we have the intention to pray for souls who are in chaos and who are wrapped in material energy, the energy of materialism; souls who, because of that energy, are very lost.

Afterwards, the Mother moved from the crown of the Tree and approached the group. I then could see Her from the back, and saw that She had a six-pointed golden star, all filled in. The star encompassed the whole Mantle, which was very pretty, and covered Her from head to toe.

When She was then beside all of you, She began to bless you. She approached each of you and touched your head. From Her Hands came a lot of Light, and that Light renewed your beings.

After the blessing, She rose up and returned to the crown of the Tree. While She was suspended in the air, She invited us to read Chapter 5 of Saint John's Apocalypse, and told us we had to study it.

At that moment, She showed something which I understood to be a prophecy about the end of times, referring to what Chapter 5 of Saint John's Apocalypse is about.

In the vision, angels battled against evil. The planet seemed to be in complete darkness, a darkness generated by an eclipse. When the planet was going through that eclipse, I was unable to identify in which hemisphere it was taking place; there were involutionary forces that were suffocating souls. Then, with the sound of some trumpets, many angelic armies were descending from the universe, being guided by many archangels.

In what would be the center of the planet, the Greenwich meridian which divides it in a vertical direction, evil was confronting the Light, and a battle was beginning. At that moment, the Divine Mother appeared in another place of the planet, trying to resolve and help in this situation. She observed from the outside, not participating. At that moment, the vision ended.

When She appeared, She said She was naming Herself the "Bird of Peace" and wrote a Message in the sky. I asked Her what the significance was because I didn't understand it very well. The Message was:

    "If you come to Me and if you pray for peace, you will gain eternal life."

In that phrase She wanted to tell us that if we prayed for peace, we will gain eternal life, a promise which the Master made to us and that today She is once again making to all of us.

At the end, when She rose up, She was very resplendent, and behind Her, Christ appeared, in His Aspect of the Merciful Christ, and Saint Faustina by His side. They greeted us and then the Three disappeared.

Special Apparitions

Today, a small group gathered at midday, at the Tree of Apparitions to pray 150 beads of the Hail Mary. After a few decades, the Divine Mother appeared and asked that everybody should stand up. Immediately, Friar Elías began to transmit Her Words.

My Heart is growing within your hearts. Do you dare to welcome it?

I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Queen of Peace and the Lady of the Rosary. Have you understood Me?

I come here to ask that, in the place where you are, you place My Immaculate Countenance and a plaque where the following can be read: "I Am the Lady and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, given birth of the Sacred Holy Spirit".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When Our Lady appeared, She showed a symbol: a silver Christian cross that had, on its upper part, a small figure of Christ the Redeemer, also in silver.

Then, in another vision, the Merciful Christ appeared, placing His left Hand on His Heart and His right Hand raised up; after a few seconds, He disappeared.

At another moment, She lowered Her veil and showed Her hair, which was of a brilliant light brown color; She took off the Crown of Stars and placed it over us.

She then showed a medal which had the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. From the moment She had appeared, She was surrounded by many small angels.

The Divine Mother said: "Call the others, that are also within My Heart".

At that moment, a brother withdrew to bring all those present on the farmstead, and while all were coming, the group that stayed intoned the song Hail Mary, in the form of praise.

When everybody reached the Tree, the prayer of the Universal Mother began. After a while, Friar Elías asked for silence and told us that we were to repeat, phrase by phrase, a prayer that the Divine Mother had given us yesterday, asking that we do it all together.


 Because You are the Sacred Heart for our lives.

Because You are the Trinity for our souls.


Everybody repeated this. Everybody prayed a few times, phrase by phrase, and then all together.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We're praying together with Her.


The praying continues.

After a certain time, the group began to pray faster and faster, until Friar Elías interrupted and transmitted the following to us.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says we have to pray a little more slowly; between prayers we have to make a short moment of silence to contemplate what we have just said. She says She is trying to teach us a prayer practice and asked us to start again.

Everybody began to pray the prayer again, pausing between each phrase.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the end, we're going to add:

                        You give us Your Immaculate Peace, Lord.


Everybody continued to pray, inserting the pause after each of the three phrases.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now we're going to say the following prayer:

In reverence to You, Lord.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will all repeat it several times, together with Her. This seems to be a closing prayer.

Afterwards, the Divine Mother continued transmitting Her Words.


By the Power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to ask that you write this prayer on a plaque, so all can read it and it be under this Tree.

This way of praying, I learned with the Master, when He was Jesus, when He was only seven years old.

This is a prayer to call the Trinity. This prayer represents the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the prayer to My Presence here. It is a prayer that rescues the deep nuclei of souls, the spirit in each being, by means of contact with the energy of the Trinity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

It is for this reason, She tells us that She appeared here to teach us to pray in a slow and loving way, as She learned when in Nazareth, living a part of the time with Jesus, and preparing the path of the Chalice.

A short silence occurred, then Friar Elías continued.

She is speaking a prayer which She wants to teach us now. It says the following:

Luminous Bird,

our lives shine

under Your Universal Presence.


Everybody repeated it several times.



Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She added another part to this prayer, which says the following:


May the Heart of Your Divine Mercy

relieve us of all pain.


Everybody repeated it several times.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now She has added a last part:


May the Heart of Your Divine Mercy

relieve us of all pain

and safeguard us from all evil.


Divine Mother,

Your Light will always reign.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


She says that we should go a little more slowly, at Her rhythm. Between each phrase, a silence, so as to meditate on what we are saying, and then continue.

Let us continue with the prayer "Luminous Bird".


Everybody continued to pray.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Says "amen" three times at the end:


           Amen. Amen. Amen.


The Divine Mother said goodbye to us, saying:

"Thank you for responding to My call".

Special Apparitions

As requested, the group carried out a procession with candles from the auditorium of Casa Redención to the Tree of Apparitions.

On reaching the place, all sat down and began the work of prayer.

While everybody prayed, Friar Elías and another brother approached the Tree; shortly after, the sisters of the Fraternity Network of Prayer did so, and a little later, other praying brothers, very faithful to the Work of the Divine Mother, also approached, remaining for some time under the Tree, together with the group already there.

Finally, silence was requested.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says that She is now going to bless us, she is going to radiate Her Heart of Peace to us.

She asks that all who can, should kneel to receive Her blessing.


By the radiance of My Motherly Love, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

While the Divine Mother blesses us, we're going to repeat a prayer which She taught the group here, close to the Tree, at the beginning of the Apparition. She asked that we all pray it, that it is the true Message Archangel Gabriel gave Her when He announced the Birth of the Messiah.

Let us, brothers and sisters who are here, begin to pray, and others may gradually join us as they feel comfortable to do so. While we pray, we're going to let the energy of the Mother reach us. She is going to emanate that energy from Her Heart Center, from Her Heart of Peace, toward us. Let us accept this offering.


Everybody present began to pray the following prayer:


Blessed are You among all creatures,
for You were conceived by a Greater Grace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother said that She will soon return for a longer period. She is now rising up, but Her Heart of Peace continues to radiate. She is very happy because of the response we have given Her.

From up high in the sky She says to us:


Peace and you will rise!

Trust in My Peace and you will rise!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She projected Herself into Infinity like a sphere of Light. Let's put out the candles and sing to Her the song "The Lady in Charge,” to say goodbye.

The song requested is sung.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We'll give a brief account of the Apparition, so all are able to understand what happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When we arrived here, the conditions for the Apparition were already present and, inwardly, She said She was opening the Heavens to appear.

Today She came with a green Robe and crowned with stars, and She explained: "The light blue Robe is for establishing Peace and the green Robe is for healing the heart."

The Divine Mother came from the moon. When She drew close, a sphere of Light very rapidly etched a great symbol of Infinity in the sky. The Infinity sign was drawn horizontally, but afterwards, that same sphere began to vertically draw another Infinity sign.

While this was happening, the Heavens began to open and a light blue energy bathed all the space over us. Various choirs of angels appeared and two more spheres began to draw the same design the first had done. Those three spheres were close to one another, they moved together in the same direction, at the same time, at a point in the space, each drew a flower.

Then the Mother appeared, going through the three flowers drawn in the sky, bringing in Her Hands the symbol of the Fleur de Lys, and She said to us: "I Am the Lady of Lys, I Am the Flower of Lys.”

She descended to the crown of the Tree and made the symbol of the Fleur de Lys disappear. With open Hands, She bathed us with Her Light. She was smiling at us in silence, and Her Countenance shone brighter and brighter, until She was completely resplendent. Her silhouette and Her image were very real and were in constant movement.

At another moment, She told me to look at a place, beside the Tree, where the apostles appeared. They greeted us, bowed like those of the East do and disappeared.

When She called us (Friar Elías and the other brother from the Monastery), we didn't quite understand why She had a smile. She explained that it was so we would accept Her Love in silence.

Then She began to speak and transmitted the prayer to which you were just introduced.

Later, She called the sisters of the Prayer Network, to whom She also transmitted some Words.

Then She called two other praying brothers, blessed them, and transmitted some Words of instruction to them for their work.

Everybody who has come up front has done so because She asked it. She calls them by name and by their consciousness; She not only calls our planetary being, our personality, but also calls our inner being, our soul. When She calls it, She does so by the name of that soul.

Today, the Divine Mother called some people who need to take on certain commitments they have with Her. When they approached the Tree and were in front of the Divine Mother, She descended a little more so some could touch Her Feet.

To some She gave a crown of roses, to others She gave a golden rose that, bending down, She took from Her Mantle.

When She did this, She said: "This is the Flower of the Immaculate Conception.”

While She spoke, She said She was happy with our response, because we believed in what She was telling us.

At a certain moment, She raised up Her Arms, placed the palms of Her Hands upward, Her gaze focused on the Heavens, in the deep Universe, and carried out a powerful prayer.

At that moment, the Heavens began to open in a grand way.

We transcribed the prayer spoken by the Divine Mother:

O Lord of all the universes!,

Who emerged from the purity of existence,

may the flame come from You

to all these creatures

who consecrate their beings to My Immaculate Heart.

May the Divine Trinity,

which comes from the sublime hope in all souls,

ignite essences

so the Plan of Love and Light

which You have entrusted to Me, Blessed Lord,
may be fulfilled.

I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity,

the Guardian of Love,

the Protector and Mother of Peace.

I implore of You, with My pure hope,

that You give Light to all the hearts that are fallen,

and that You reconcile all Your Children

through the flame of My Love.

You have conceived Me as Lady of the Heavens,

like the dawn in the life of souls,

like the fruit of Your Heart.

Now I call on You, Lord,

together with My children,

so You may hear My plea,

which begs You from the depths of My Consciousness.

I Am Yours,

and raised up Am I by Your Grace and by Your Love.

Angels and Archangels intone the choirs of Love

so Your Will may be accomplished, Lord,

and the Purpose be sown in hearts.

I wait, Lord, with sublime hope,

as the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace,

for Your Light to descend

and evil be removed from all consciousnesses;

because the sword You have granted Me,

Sacred Archangel Gabriel,

cuts the snares and ties

that suffocate hearts.

I ignite My Light, now and always,

for all eternity, now and forever more,

as Your Guardian of Love,

Your Messenger of Peace,

the infinite Servant of Mercy.

I Am, I Am, I Am

the Mother of Peace.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


We understood that this prayer was coming spontaneously out of Her, full of love and of life. It is a supplication She made for humanity, in which She unites Her Apparitions, from Fatima to Medjugorje, as the Queen of Peace, and also as the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

That prayer relates Her Apparitions with Mary, the Mother of Nazareth. While She was doing this prayer, the Mother projected some very expressive and instructive images, where She showed how She was connected with the Father when She prayed and how the Father responded to Her prayers.

In this prayer, She prayed not only for hearts that are fallen, but also for those that don't believe in what is happening and for those who don't listen to Her Messages in this time.

The Divine Mother prayed out loud, in a resounding and powerful way. And it could be perceived that the Father answered Her from the Spiritual Universe, because a Light which seemed abstract began to descend, it was a very subtle and higher energy that came from on High and which descended upon Her, impregnating Her, filling Her, a light which expanded out to the whole world.

After this prayer, She transmitted some Words.


By the Grace and the Peace which emanate from My Heart, I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I ask you to be meek and to wait for the multitudes.

I Am Mary, of Nazareth, the Universal Mother, Who was conceived as the Immaculate Conception and Who was conceived by the Divine Trinity.

Tell all your brothers and sisters that My Heart flows out with joy because you trusted in My call.

Welcome all those that will come, understanding or not understanding.

I bring you My Peace from the center of Medjugorje. There, My Threefold Flame descends as it does here. But here and now, it is through the Light of prayer and of My constant Apparition.

I want a single purpose to be accomplished, which is to rescue souls through the collaboration of all of you.

Who sees without seeing, who feels without knowing, and who acts without understanding will gain the Kingdom of the Heavens. I will open the door to them.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Today She also asked us who would dare to accept Her Love, who would dare to take a risk for Her.

The brothers who had been called by Her received a request. She told some things to them, not only to their consciousnesses, but also to their inner beings, and She entrusted them with some tasks.

Part of this movement is for understanding that we must be prepared to be called at any moment, to be attentive to hear Her Words, which are Words of Love and Words of Peace.

As everybody knows, at the end of the Apparition, She said She was blessing us. After the blessing, She began to rise up and dematerialize. She gradually began to turn into a sphere of Light and the portals of Heaven began to take shape, which She calls the "Doors to the Heavens.”

While these doors were appearing, the sphere of Light began to disappear very slowly. While it disappeared, Her projecting Her Heart of Peace toward us could be felt. That Heart, on other planes, can be seen as a human heart that beats, which is alive, which emanates Light, and at that moment, She projected it by means of two rays of white Light.

This evening, She invited each one of us to carry Her Heart with us when we go to sleep and that we try to feel Her.

Thank you all.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías: The apparition of the Mother was very short.

When She appeared She was untying a rope that had three knots; and this rope was also being untied by Padre Pio who was helping Her.

When She appeared She said that if the hearts and the souls do not transform themselves through prayer, they will suffer pain.  This is the only thing She said, and for us to pray.

Special Apparitions

On that Apparition day, the participants arrived in pilgrimage to the House of Prayer, and then, responding to the request, the group began to pray while waiting for the meeting with the Divine Mother.

After an hour of prayer, the Presence of the Divine Mother was perceived and the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith intoned the song "Celestial Mother."

At 7:33 am, the Mother appeared, and Friar Elías stood up. After a few minutes of contemplating the crown of the tree, he gave us the following account.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the Divine Mother appeared in Heaven, there were three golden brilliant suns over Her, in a perfect triangulation, an equal-sided triangle. In the center of this triangle a golden cross joined with the letter M manifested; the cross was over the M. This symbol began to grow and expand through the area.

After a few seconds, the Divine Mother descended to the crown of the tree, accompanied by the Archangel Michael, who emerged from the triangle formed by the suns, which remained in Heaven. He took Her Left Hand and escorted Her in Her descent.

Now above the orange tree, they released Hands, and in the left hand of the Archangel Michael appeared a silver shield, at the center of the triangle of suns, engraved with the symbol of the letter M and the cross; there were also many small stars around the edge of the shield. In his right hand, Michael carried a lance.

Then, in the presence of the Celestial Mother and the Archangel Michael, some beings appeared who had experienced holiness and who had left great teachings for humanity. At the right of the Divine Mother, for a few instants, Saint Expedito could be seen, who greeted us and then disappeared. Immediately after, Saint Claire and Saint Francis appeared, who also greeted us and then disappeared.

The Divine Mother then asked that I look up and, through that symbol remaining in Heaven, in the middle of the triangle of suns (the letter M with the cross), an aspect of the Consciousness of God manifested. From the symbol emerged a great sphere of Light which positioned itself over the place where we were. I perceived that it came from a very high dimension and had descended toward us to fill us.

That image lasted several minutes, and afterwards, the Divine Mother walked over the three trees that are in front of us, and which also form a triangle, and over each of them She thrust a Christian cross, and then thrust a fourth cross over this ground. It seemed as if, with this act, She was decreeing and proclaiming the presence of the Light over this place.

She then rose up, placed Herself in Heaven over the three orange trees, and with Her Arms and Hands completely open, intensely radiated Her Light.

A few moments later, remaining in Heaven, She showed us She was writing a book. She used a small palm branch to write with and did so in Aramaic.

Then the image changed again; She descended over the crown of the Apparitions tree, and at that moment, began to open the Heavens even more to Her left, to Her right and upwards.

She then asked that we stand up because She would carry out a radiation of Light to each of us and to the whole world.

In silence, everybody stood up, and with closed eyes, prepared to receive the Light of the Divine Mother.

After a few minutes, Friar Elías continued describing what he perceived.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Heavens are open and there is a lot of Heavenly energy. There are some angelic beings that play trumpets, and a sound can be heard like deep thunder, which resounds throughout the universe.

The Mother, at this moment, is surrounded by many angels, and Her Crown of Stars can be very clearly seen, very illuminated and brilliant; among the stars the word MIRNA HE can be read, also resplendent.

The Divine Mother appears with a light blue Mantle and wears a golden cloth belt around Her waist. While She prays, She looks at us with great compassion and says:


Feel and listen to My Voice; I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


At that moment, and at the request of the Divine Mother, the female monks sang the "Hail Mary" once.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says:


Do not fear. I Am the Queen of Redemption Who comes to eradicate evil from hearts.

The world will face a great illness in spirit and in faith if you do not join with Me in prayer.

Hear My Message; I am calling you so that Peace and Love may be established in the darkness, so that evil may be defeated and hearts be illumined through Me.

This is a moment of Peace. Be at Peace, for nothing more will happen. Everything will pass through Me.

Find refuge in Me; I have told you this time and again. Have faith in Me, feel the brilliance of My Heart, see the Light which is descending.

I Am the Queen of Redemption, the Queen of Divinity, conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the afflicted and the fallen.

I come to announce that as from today, and for 33 days, you must pray the prayer of the Universal Mother with Me, so I may rescue My children through these prayers.

Feel My Peace; I Am the Mother of Nazareth, the Guardian of prayerful silence.

The world will face suffering that will purify it, and you, My children, are to be the guardians of prayer with Me; in this way, My sword will be able to cut the ties with that which is is not of the Light.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is moving a sword horizontally through the whole space, a silver sword. Let us pray.


The group prayed the prayer: "Consecration to the Mother of Divine Mercy".

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She said that up until now we have prayed by the Son and by the Holy Spirit, and that now we must pray by the Father.


This request was accomplished by praying the same prayer.


The world will go through its damnation, but My Heart will triumph if you pray with Me and if My Heart finds lights burning in your hearts.

The battle must end with the coming of the Redeemer, the Master of the Heavens and Times, Who is allowing Himself to be seen by those who listen and respond to His Voice.

Today, I give you the Sacred Mantle that wrapped Jesus so you may wrap yourselves in it and take refuge in His Heart.

Mercy is stopping its flow and the moment is coming when Divine Justice is to flow.

At that moment, I will be the Mother of all those that wish to hear My Voice and My call.

Know that I will always extend My Arms to you so you may find My Peace and My Heart, a Heart that is emerging once again.

I leave you this Mantle so it may protect you and so you may join the commitment of Christ, of being spokespersons of His Peace and His Mercy coming from the Heavens. They are the same energies that have permeated Me as Mother of this Earth, as Guardian of the Heart of Jesus, as Disciple of His Instruction.

See My bare feet today, that have walked so far in search of souls, so they may find shelter in Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is showing Her Feet, which are of Light, and continues, saying:


Today I distribute My roses to you so you may feel My sublime aromas.

The rose is the mystery of the birth of My Heart, which was glorified after having gone through this Earth and having learned, as you are learning, about Love and Forgiveness. The rose is the resplendent essence of My Being, the Conception which God has given Me as Mother of creatures in purity and in ascension.

Today I leave My angels among you, so you may pray together with them for the rescue of souls, those that are asleep and those that have not found peace for a long time.

I am coming here as the Mother conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Messenger of Peace, the Guardian of hearts, the sincere Soul for each of you, that takes miseries into Her arms and transforms them into Love, the same Love with which I held Jesus Christ the Redeemer in My Arms. 

He gave Me to you so you may be in My Arms, as well as all My children in all ways, beliefs and thoughts. I Am the true movement of the Light, I Am the Flame of God that comes to ignite your hearts in this time of chaos and damnation.

Carry My flag of Peace in your hands so My Crown of Stars shines forth in your hearts and your souls rise up to Me, to find the new paths that seem to be dark because of so much distraction.

Go deeper into contemplative prayer; you are in time, there is no more time to lose.

What are you doing with your lives, My dears?

I am waiting to hear your calls in My Heart to accomplish the Graces that come from on High.

I Am the same Lady that instituted the Rosary, and now the Sacred Orandium, the inner connection with the great patriarchs who prayed continuously to profess the Voice of the Lord in their hearts. They, in that time, did not know of My existence nor the existence of My Son, the Redeemer.

But now, we are all in the same school, learning to open hearts that are closed. For this, I have come here, to this country, to announce My call of Peace and of Redemption.

I summon all to live in reconciliation before Divine Justice comes, and if this should pass  through you, your hearts will be open in prayer and the Law will be light upon creatures.

I come to announce, at the request of Our Most High Lord, the Omnipotent God, the Resplendent Single Mind that has created us in His image and likeness, in the image of His Love and Forgiveness, that you now open your hearts so My Heart may triumph and the legacy of Peace, which comes from My angels, is able to be established in all these nations that lack love and redemption.

I Am the Messenger of Peace, the Illumined Heart of Christ, who comes as the Mother and Protector of creatures, for those that cannot find refuge in this material world and who wait to rise up and set aside illusions.

Hear My Voice, I am calling you once again, as I have already done in other parts of the world. Feel My echo in Medjugorje, in Fatima, in Lourdes, in Guadalupe and in other places where My Message has not been formalized because of the lack of celestial understandings that affirm the presence of My Voice in all the hearts I seek.

The Kingdoms of Nature are in My Heart; they too are My children, that wait for your prayers in this time of chaos.

Who will pray for the plant that is dying? Who will have compassion for the animals that die? Do you know where your souls go?

Yes, a purgatory of the Kingdoms of Nature exists where they wait to be rescued so My Heart may exalt and lift them up to the essential Celestial Lakes, where they will be born again as lights to learn and live in this eternal evolution.

Receive the Light of My Heart today; listen and meditate on My call, pray with Me through these Words, for there you will find more keys so you may unite with Me and believe in what I am telling you.

As the Lord once said: "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will remain."

I Am the Bird of Divine and Compassionate Mercy for the hearts that are cast down by wars and despair.

Have you read My Fatima prophecies?

The third war is trying to descend, a war in thought and in conflict for property; property that is an illusion of hearts that have fallen and do not listen to God.

I come here, to this place, to establish My Redemption, My Peace in hearts, Love in all consciousnesses that believe in Me and also in those who do not believe in Me, that belong to other places and movements.

In the end, you will see My Voice and My Light pass before your hearts, and there you must take shelter in My Love, which is Merciful and Divine.

Today, I await you here, in the early hours of the night, so that with Me, you ignite the Light in the hearts you are not seeing, and which are suffering and in pain.

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want to establish My Peace, on this day, in more groups of souls that hope I will extend My Heart and My Arms to them, souls that have their consciousness and mind in darkness.

My call is higher, My Voice is preferred because My announcement comes from God; it does not come from Me. I am only fulfilling the Will to scatter the Love God has given Me as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and today as the Glorified Mother among the angels and archangels.

My Essence is open to you and to all those that dare to cross toward the portal of My Heart, which will give Peace and Redemption in this time to all hearts. I will wait for you here, in this Center of Prayer, which through My Voice and My Immaculate Presence, opens the doors to all.

Do not fear what will come; wait in prayerful silence together with Me. My Rose of Light will be poured out over your heads, so the petals cover your bodies of light.

At 7:30 pm, the first procession will begin, with flames lit and hearts open.

You really do not know what My Presence means here and why I am speaking these Words to you, which must nurture your hearts so you may find shelter and protection in Me.

This will be the first procession to light the hearts of this world. The second will be on Friday, which will close the meeting with My Motherly Light until the next moments I come to give you My Peace.

By the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray.

Special Apparitions

At 12 pm and at the request of the Divine Mother, a small group approached the Apparitions tree to pray 150 beads of the Hail Mary.

At a specific time during the prayer, the energy of the Divine Mother approaching could be strongly felt. Friar Elías then stood up and after a long interval during which he was contemplating the crown of the tree, he transmitted what the Divine Mother had said to him.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother appeared as the Queen of Peace. She was wearing a light blue Mantle and in Her Hands there was an orandium, the largest bead of which had an image of Padre Pío on one side and an image of the Merciful Christ on the other.

She was in the sky, to the left of the tree, and behind Her there was a great golden sun. On the instep of each foot She had a silver-colored rose and further down, on the cloud where She was standing, there were the seven roses She had shown at the first Apparition in August of 2007.

She told us we were praying with Her, and that we were accompanying Her.

When She appeared, three channels of golden energy opened, somewhat farther away from this area, through which many souls went, coming from different parts of the planet.

In this Apparition She gave us some guidance for the Center of Prayer.

She told us we had to think about the organization of this space; for example, about some structures to be able to light the candles which will be used only on the pilgrimage days, which are on the third weekend of each month and on the 12th and 13th of each month.

She also told us that a circular golden railing had to be installed, with the symbol of the Cross of the New Humanity at the four cardinal points, fencing in this tree, the orange tree of the Apparitions.

Concerning the rhythm of this House of Prayer and the bell tower, She asked that we take care of the bell tower and that She expects that bell to ring 33 times, next month, September of 2011, at these times: at 6 am, at 9 am, at 12 pm, at 3 pm, and at 6 pm.

She told us that these times are the most important concerning the prayer work; during them, deeper prayer work will be done. During the rest of the time, from hour to hour, shorter prayers will be done, 10 by 10 beads, to be able to maintain the channel.

She told us that some of Her children will carry out a vigil in the House of Prayer at 9 pm, at 12 am, and at 3 am in the morning, which will also be short prayers, simply for support. And that the beginning of the day will be 6 am, with the bell strikes.

In September, the 33 bell strikes will occur, inaugurating the awakening of this place, even though the House hasn't been finished yet. Afterwards, 14 daily bell strikes will occur at the times already mentioned. It is only on the 12th and 13th, and on the third weekend of each month that the 33 bell strikes will occur; the rest of the days, it will only be 14.

She said that the 33 symbolizes the 33 Aspects of Christ, which will manifest through beings in these times, and that the number 14 symbolizes the 14 different steps which the Consciousness of the Mother took until Her Assumption into the Heavens.

She said that later She will tell us more and that at this time, we should pray.

Special Apparitions

By the fire that comes from My Immaculate Heart: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.


Friar Elías: We could all extinguish our candles; She asked the sisters to keeps theirs lit.

She appeared high in the Heavens, opening a Celestial door in the shape of infinity, and She was surrounded by stars, wearing a celestial mantle as the Queen of Peace, a celestial belt with two knots and a burning flame that She kept between the palms of Her hands.  Suddenly the apostles appeared with Her and then disappeared.


I have come to announce to you that because you have answered the Light of My Heart I will also be here with you on Wednesday night in another procession with candles.  Several inner lights have lit themselves in this world through the faith that you have in Me and in My Heart.

I Am the brightness that lights up the souls, I Am the flame that comes from the Trinity and that brings you Peace in the moments of darkness.

I was sincere with you in the morning so that you can find in Me the true path of peace, the path of reconciliation.  Many souls have been rescued from dark places through the prayers that are offered to My Immaculate Heart.  Now we must offer more prayers, and guarantee Heaven on Earth, the angels above the human beings, above the souls that need light and forgiveness.

You are all here in response to an unknown call and I open the Light of My Heart to light hearts and radiate your hearts.  The All-powerful God Has brought Me to here to give you one more opportunity to open your paths by means of My paths that will lead you to the Heavens, the place to where you must return and stay despite everything that may happen on this painful Earth.

Today I open My hands to all of you so that you may accept My Light, so that you may find in the ancient manger the refuge of the Mother of Devotion.  Place your beings in this manger and stay there; I will watch over you day and night.

When you unite to Me in prayer, you will find the light for the path even though it is dark and your feet cannot walk.  I will open with My torch of fire each one of your paths when you allow Me to reign over you and over all My children, those whom I have been waiting for so long.

Take My flame in your inner being, allow the Great Spirit to act and open your hearts to understand the purpose that you do not know; if you unite to Me you will find understanding and your hearts will not close because My flame will deepen the path to Love and Truth.

I have come to announce to you that the processions will be nocturnal; the lights of the candles will be lit to give Light to the world that is darker each day because of its humanity.  My light descends here to meet you again and open your hearts for there are some that are closed.

As the Mother of the Celestial Science I will wait for the moment when a small door will open in your beings so that together with My Son the Redeemer, there We will reign in Peace, in the true communion with the Heavens and infinity

Do not forget to pray with Me during these days for the rescue of souls that do not know; only one prayer moves the Heavens, and the mountains change place to open paths to those who are in redemption, so they may find the courage to keep going within the light and searching for Peace and Forgiveness.

Take My Light with you during this night so that it may shine in that which is dark; do not fear because I will be there, if you give me the permission for My Maternal Heart to open your hearts.  Then you will find Peace that is My Peace, the Peace of Christ, the true Peace of Mercy, the Peace of Light.

Your Hearts are being placed in commitments that you do not know about because you have answered to My Voice in these times, as I am also doing with many souls in Medjugorje.  My apparitions are not separate, they are united in the Omnipresence of God, and My Voice can resound in several parts of the world at the same time; you do not know this reality because of the life you have led.

Today I bring you the good news, of being able to reconcile yourself through the redemption with our Father and to find the promised refuge in My Immaculate Heart.

Do you know what My Immaculate Heart is?  What have you understood about this?  Have you felt My flame in your hearts?

This is why I have asked you to light these candles in the name of your brothers and sisters that have lost their inner Christ’s because of the bitter life they lead.  You are being blessed by the Light of My Heart even though you do not feel it.

My Immaculate Heart represents the glorified heart that was born in the Celestial Lakes when I was conceived.  The Father Archangels of Light gave Me this key, to bring Love around this world.  Once, when I came to Earth as the Mother of the Messiah – and before He was the prophet of God – so as to be able to drink from the chalice, the Archangel Gabriel – by means of constant prayer – consecrated My heart with the Light of Divinity so I would say only yes to all My children, children that in these times I would rescue from the hells.

The Father gave Me permission to gather these souls from hell.  This is a task of the Heavens, it is not a task of humans.  You must learn this Mystery that is celestial and that through Me is descending to your hearts, the hearts of all My children.  That is why I bring to you the Holy Ghost, the balm of Trinity, the One Divinity, so that you may find again in our Father the Grace of being able to be in Him continuously.

Today I open My heart to you so that with Me, and here, we may receive the children that search for Light, the true Light that comes from Me as the Mother of all, as the Queen of Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Special Apparitions

A small group got together on that day beside the tree of Apparitions to pray 150 beads of the Hail Mary. The sisters of the Prayer Network were there, together with Mother Shimani and Friar Elías.

At a certain moment, the energy of the Divine Mother approached and Friar Elías, after contemplating the crown of the orange tree for several minutes in silence, described the following.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She appeared very clearly during the prayer, praying with us. Dressed in a light blue Mantle and a pink Robe, She was barefoot and was smiling at us. She carried an orandium in Her joined hands, in a sign of prayer. The center bead of the orandium, the greater bead, had the image of the Mother of Perpetual Help, a very ancient image that looked like an Orthodox icon.

She suddenly opened Her Arms and lifted them up to the Heavens, and then She again placed Her Hands in prayer.

Later on, at Her left and with the same clarity, Padre Pío appeared. He lifted his right hand in greeting. He wore brown gloves, like the ones he used to cover his stigmata. He greeted us and then disappeared.

With great tenderness, the Divine Mother was looking at us with Her light blue Eyes, deep and luminous. Her Countenance had a radiant and fresh complexion.

A few minutes later, She descended a little more, remaining closer to us.

I will try to precisely convey to you what She said.

First She spoke to us about the life project of this place and said that She was doing so in obedience to the Greater Will, that God had given Her the authority to guide and define the life project here.

In the beginning, She emphasized that She didn't want the designs that She is bringing down upon this place to manifest like in Palestine and Jerusalem.

She said that this space will be small for the multitudes.

That this part of the fields can be extended, can grow more towards the bottom of the orange groves, to make more gardens and pathways.

She also said that we had anticipated Her requests (one of the sisters felt we should go to Medjugorje) and that She was definitely waiting for us in Medjugorje.

She also said that we had correctly perceived the ideas from the Heavens about how we should organize the field of Casa Redención for the new Prayer Center, which are sublime ideas but must be expressed in matter.

She indicated the field split into two parts by walls, fences and gates, both here and in the pilgrimages area. She also showed us that each entryway should have the Cross of the New Humanity.

She also showed us, toward the back of the field, a guardians' house, those who would do vigils and permanently circulate through the area to protect it and accompany it.

Then She showed that the operating area of the House of Prayer will be taken on by the monasteries with various rhythms, receiving and accompanying people.

She showed the building of the bell tower, with a padlock at the base and a female monk having the key to open and close the bell tower.

She said that the project, as it had been thought of by the group in charge of the building of Casa Redención, is what God wants. And She added that what is being manifested here will draw many who are asleep, but also many curious onlookers.

She said the tribes of Israel formerly were divided into degrees of learning and of riches, and that She belonged to one of the poorest tribes of that period. That God placed Her in that tribe so that part of the people, which learned the Aramaic language, could learn about humility. Because in reality, in that time, a part of God couldn't be born in a place of riches.

For this reason, She said Her Son was born in a manger, that this manger, for Her, represented love in poverty and that, in that moment, another source of emanation came from Her, which was devotion.

She also said that, as a task of the monasteries and those who felt they should come, there should be morning, evening and night prayers to maintain the area She is moving forward with all these days.

She said She was coming as the Queen of the Heavens to bring a Message of Reconciliation and of Peace. Thus, She was presenting Herself here to us.

She said there was nothing to fear, that we just needed to pray and be vigilant. That this Inner Center had given Her the authority to accompany everything until the end of times. She said Aurora has always been a part of Her and She always was a part of Aurora.

At the end, She said:

I am bringing an opportunity so that, through devotion, all may be rehabilitated, and in this way, Aurora will act to free souls from the ties and from sorrow.

Do you understand that nothing is separate?

God is One in Three, and those Three Presences, which are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, are Single.

I love you and do not fear what will be said; I Am the Queen of Eternal Peace.

Special Apparitions

On the eighth day of the Apparitions of the Celestial Mother in Aurora, the group present continued to grow.

In silence, everybody arrived at the tree of Apparitions to begin with the prayer. At a certain moment, while everybody prayed, the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith, a female monastery, intoned the song "Celestial Mother".

Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stood up, contemplating the crown of the orange tree, and shortly thereafter, Friar Elías, Mother Shimani and one other sister approached the tree, to then return to the group.

Later, Friar Elías spoke about what he had perceived.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the sisters intoned the song, several celestial doors opened over the whole area where the group stood.

The Divine Mother appeared, holding in Her right Hand a golden Christic cross. From each end of the horizontal arm (called PATIBULUM) a golden plate was hanging, forming a scale.

At that moment, in the Heavens, choirs of angels could be seen singing and praising the Divine Mother.

Then, from the Heavens, She effected an expansion and radiation of energy over all of us. Our souls rapidly rose up to where the Celestial Mother was, and She placed them close to Her Heart. She then had them descend back to our beings.

A few moments later, She manifested two great silver-colored medals, one in each Hand. Each one of those medals had the image of Christ the Redeemer; He had His Arms open, radiating a lot of Light. At that moment, the Divine Mother repeated several times:

"Redemption, Redemption, Redemption."

Afterwards, behind Her, another much deeper Heaven opened, where there were more angelic beings very far away. At a higher point in Heaven, above the Divine Mother, Christ in His aspect of Christ the Redeemer appeared, and over Him, at an even higher place, a white dove manifested, which beat its wings as if flying, but remained always in the same place. This image emanated a lot of Light, coming from those Three Presences.

After a few minutes, the image changed. She descended to the orange tree over which a crown of roses and other flowers formed, which had the shape of an arcade, it was very beautiful and with many flowers.

At that moment, the Divine Mother, on Her Breast, manifested a great red rose, which She supported with both Hands, and She said to us:

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

Afterwards, the Divine Mother asked us, the two brothers and sister who were present at Her Apparitions during 2007, to come close to the tree. When we approached, She descended a little more and stretched out Her Left Foot, placing it on an orange. She asked us to touch Her Foot and that we feel Her energy. She transmitted some Words to us, and in the end, told us not to fear, for She would protect us.

After this account, Friar Elías transmitted to us that the Mother asked that we all pray the prayer of the Universal Mother.

After a few beads, Friar Elías began the transmission of the Words of the Divine Mother.


Today, I come to ask that you carry My Mystic Rose in your hearts, a Spiritual Rose that was born in Nazareth.

Between the prayer and Joseph's carpentry, devotion emerged when we accepted the chalice as parents and children; something far from our comprehension. But the light of the angels guided Us in the Purpose of fulfilling the unknown.

The Archangel Gabriel appeared to me thirty-three times after the elevation of My Son, and there, My task as the prophet of the new times began, as the Mother Who was to begin to embrace all Her children to take them toward the Father.

When I rose up, My task expanded on all levels and in all senses, levels that today you will not understand, but which are divine lights that all can welcome into their hearts.

Today, My Mystic Rose manifests before you so you may receive My Peace and My Redemption.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Higher Spirit that is descending into hearts at this end time.

Carry My Message of Peace with you, so that in your hearts My Immaculate Heart may emerge. Find refuge in Me, over My roses and under My Mantle, so you may walk far from the pathways of darkness which are settling first in minds and then in hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now the Divine Mother is lifting up a scepter, which has a golden cross at the top.


This is the redemption of humanity, the coming of the New Christ, of a Christ even more merciful than we can understand with our intellect.

I have been here for centuries and in various parts of the world, safeguarding hearts until the coming of the Master. You already know, He is reappearing first in the consciousness, then in hearts, and in this way, He will descend to His old Earth. He will return renewed as a Sublime Heart of Peace and of Love for souls.

But first, Divine Justice will come, and the initial prophecy He has given: "The straw will be separated from the wheat," it needs to blossom through Me and then the fruit will be born.

Do not seek and do not wait for sublime meetings, but rather, more profound prayers in which you unite with Me and My Immaculate Heart, which must shine forth over your beings and over all My children who cry out for My Voice.

I Am the Queen of Love, the same Queen of Peace, Who brings the victorious Message to those who have fallen, to all those who cannot stand up and all those who must heal the profound sorrow that only I know.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is lifting up Her hands to Heaven and a light blue light has begun to descend.


I lift up My Hands to Heaven so you may find refuge in each part of My Being. I will thus be able to protect you as little children who must walk in this end time.

Hold My Messages in your hearts and promise to pray for My Peace, for in this way, I will trust in each one of you and in each one of My children. Teach everybody how to pray in a simple and sincere way, defeating the limitations of this reality and opening the heart to find Me.

I Am the Resplendent Flame of the Trinity, the New Holy Spirit that descends, a Spirit that all will know and which will not be far from your realities.

A Grace descends, even while this world is purified. All will go through the door of purification, but whomever withdraws into Me will find the strength to continue forward united with My Heart, which shall shine on your path, to be able to walk without rest.

These are My Messages in these times, in which higher realities, the Heavens with the Earth, are uniting, and there, you must be prepared to find Me as the Guardian of Prayer and so we may contemplate together the mysteries which took place in Jerusalem.

We are reappearing not only at the center of this world, but also in all parts of it, so My Message of Peace may be disseminated into more hearts that suffer.

Today, you are receiving a special Grace: the Mystic Rose of My Heart, which must be spread through prayer.

If you think about My rose, you will think about Me and I will be united with you, giving out Graces to the hearts that open and understand the mysteries unknown to your realities.

Heaven is descending over this place and this is beyond consciousnesses; this is part of My Ministry of Redemption and of Rescue in this end cycle.

This place will be a Center of Prayer, the same as Medjugorje has been for a few decades; because now God has asked of Me, with you, that I place My Eyes, My Hands and My Heart, together with My Light, over this place.

This is the New Aurora which is being born and in which you must trust, a Celestial Aurora that shines in the darkness. Call for this Aurora, which is My Aurora, which is the one that rises before you to ignite the hearts that are dark through incomprehension.

If you pray with Me, I will have a preference for you, inner guides that will unite with Me through prayer, in a continuous dialogue of voice to voice.

Three principles will unite for this Earth, which are being born for the second time, for the work of My Celestial Purpose, for the Light that emerges from My Hands and is born from My Immaculate Heart for all, the sick, the healthy, the awake, the sleeping, known and still to be known, I seek you all, again and again, through My preferred prayer.

Heaven is coming over you, a Heaven you will not understand. Listen to My Voice, which is emerging in this part of the world for those who need it. Embrace and accept My Inner Flame, My preferred Fire, so you may have the strength to walk where it seems dark and unknown.

Carry My torch of Peace, as an inner flame, so it may allow more springs to emerge within your hearts, hearts that must be redeemed and forgive the past.

Hear My Voice; listen to It!

I Am the Queen of Peace, the Path of Love, the Merciful Bird that pours out Its Graces over the ones who do not deserve them.

Ignite your hearts and continue to trust in Me so as to find the correct path toward the celestial universe. All of you must return to these Heavens through My Heart which is open.

I will be here until next Friday, to continue to pour out My Light over those who do not see it and do not feel it. If you are united with Me, your lives will transform so the Calvary may be alleviated and you achieve the Light in front of your eyes. I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am one of the Sources that has been born in this world to protect it and rescue it.

Listen to My Voice, so that it may echo in your hearts and pray with Me for Peace in this world.


All together we pray the Universal Mother three times.


Next Friday, at 8 pm, you will come here and each one will light a candle that will represent the coming of Christ the Redeemer in this time. When I appear, you will put them out, because My Light will illumine you.

I will reveal something to those who remain in prayer with Me.

Sow Peace in all hearts and walk in the trust of Christ, Our Lord.

I Am the Conception that once again is being born in hearts.

By the Burning Fire which is born of the Heart of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is now slowly rising up to a part of Heaven where there is a choir of angels formed in two lines, leaving a corridor between them where She is walking.

She has turned, and opening the orandium, She extends Her Hands downward and forms a small glowing pink heart.

The Mother disappears and all the images fade away.

Special Apparitions

Today the group grows even more in its number of participants for the meeting with the Celestial Mother.

At the indicated time, the prayer to the Universal Mother begins.

After 7:30 am, Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stand up, announcing the arrival of the Divine Mother. At that moment, a request is made to pray “The Prayer to the Mother of Divine Mercy.” After some prayers, the feminine monastics began to sing the song “Ave María.”

Then there is silence and Friar Elías approaches the tree; when he returns, he begins to transmit what he has perceived.


Friar Elías: When the “Ave María” was sung, the Divine Mother manifested in the right upper portion of the orange tree; it was as if a part of the sky had torn open and another sky had manifested.

In the beginning, the Divine Mother brought a medallion in Her hands in the shape of an oval and in the color silver. In the center of the medallion, the representation could be seen of this Apparition: the image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity resting on the cloud that has the moon and the roses at Her feet.

Around this image the following phrase could be read: “I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.”

She revealed that in the days of darkness, whoever carries this medallion will not only have their body protected, but also their soul. She said that this medallion brings a celestial energy and presence.

She then asked me to look behind Her, where armies of angels could be seen. Some carried scepters in their hands and others seven-armed candelabra, with seven lit candles.

The angels began to descend and draw closer to the Mother; they walked around Her, as if they were pilgrimaging.

At this moment, the image changed, and the Celestial Mother appeared holding in Her right hand a small bell, which She began to sound in space. The line of angels was long, and they were coming from a deep space, from another Heaven.

Then the image changed again; She stretched Her arms downward and, through the palms of Her hands, She radiated us with an intense light. She also radiated the first three trees that are here before us, which form part of a triangle. She said that one represented the Father, another the Son and the other the Holy Spirit; it is that Spirit of the Trinity that She is causing to descend.

Moments later She walked toward the crown of the first tree and rested upon it, and there began to radiate it with Her light.

Then She again showed the medallion that She brought in the beginning, and made it grow in size and She placed it over the group that was present.

When She asked me to approach the tree, She showed details of the medallion ,in which the image that appears has the twelve stars over Her head, but not the word Mirnahe.

Sometimes She smiles at us in silence.


My Heart must triumph within fallen hearts.


And this She says as if it were Her motto.

The image of the medallion withdrew and now She is opening an orandium with Her hands; it is a very large orandium, and She offers it to us. Each ten beads, the Orandium has a small medallion, which shines in a silver color.

Now, each one of these medallions of the orandium, which are seven, has a different color, like the seven colors of the rainbow.

The Divine Mother says:


Find Peace in My Heart.

Listen to My voice, pray with Me, pray for those who suffer and for those who are not here, for those who do not believe in Me, and for those who are awakening.

I Am the Queen of the New Conception, I Am the Spirit of Love and of Peace, I Am the Mother of the suffering and of those who are alone, I Am the Mother of all.

At the request of the Divine Mother, all begin to pray the prayer to the Universal Mother.


Friar Elías: Now She is again showing the medallion that She showed us in the beginning. Around it is written a sentence, a little closer to the edge of the medallion,appear three small six-pointed stars, which represent: the Spirit of the Son, the Spirit of the Father and the One Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Trinity.

The Divine Mother says:


This is the Alliance of the beings with God for these times.

Today I come to request that you not sell what I am giving to you, but rather that you feel it is a sacred object, a Divine element that comes from the Heavens.

I am giving you so many keys so that you may believe in Me and trust in Me. I safeguard everyone in their inner worlds and hear each heart that cries out to Me.

Today I give you the Light of the Divinity in your hearts.


Friar Elías: Now She is stretching Her arms downwards and is radiating Her Light to us, the Light of Divinity.

The Divine Mother says:


Feel this path that you are building with Me, which in the end of times you will understand better, when you unite in Light with Me; in this way, I will be able to protect you and safeguard you.

Listen to My Message of Peace, My Message of Reconciliation. I have come from the Heights to see you, to be with you and with all of My children of this world.

You know that My message is being revealed in various parts of the world; listen to the echo of My voice, that it may resound in the depths of the consciousness and in the heart. In this way, you will be able to be My guardians of prayer, a redeeming prayer that must fill the souls that will come in desperation, that will come in search of Peace and of inner silence.

In the streets and in the peoples, you will see the demons that surround souls. That is why I give My Medallion of Peace, My medallion of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, so that the original Alliance, which is born of the Source, may protect and guide all of you.

When I am not here, My voice no longer proclaiming , it will be the moment in which you must unite with Me in prayer and build an inner dialogue with Me.

There I will be, like a father that hears and cries out for their children. As the Higher Father that is in the Heavens, so will He be on Earth for those who open their hearts to this new call of reconciliation and of peace. You must bring to Me those who suffer, so that they may be rescued, and those hearts that are asleep may find My Maternal Heart. 

I Am the Bird of the Sun, the dawn of the morning, I Am the Queen of Peace that brings this energy for these times; receive it in your hearts.

Do not fear, I am with you, united in prayer we will build the paths so that the angels, My angels, may descend and, within what is unknown, rescue from the underworlds what is dark and what has had pain for a long time.

Give your prayers to My Heart, I hear them. Feel My voice that cries out; this is the last call, it is My last echo for this part of the World.

You know that I have appeared in other places for some time, carrying the same purpose of Peace for humanity, for My children and for your hearts.

Pour your voices into My Immaculate Heart, which hears and responds to everyone without distinction, to each one in due time and to each one according to the response they give to My call.

If I ask you to pray, it is because it is urgent; your beings believe little of what I tell you, but when you are here with Me, in the doorway to Heaven, you will see the path trodden and the Purpose of God that I am fulfilling today for this part of the world.

Touch My Heart with love; It will respond to you and My Light will ignite in your essences so that you may be affirmed in Me and follow the path among the abysses and the cliffs; I will be sustaining the cord, the bridge of light so that you may cross and we can meet.

Today I am carrying more souls to the Heavens with this Immaculate meeting.


Friar Elías: Now, She is igniting in Light and elevating Her arms upward.

The Divine Mother says:


If you hear My Voice, you will receive the Grace that descends from the Heights through Me, your Protecting Mother.

Friar Elías: Now, above Her head appears a great golden six-pointed star.

The Divine Mother says:

This is the final alliance for beings, for those that believe in eternity and unite with Me to walk upon new paths that I will pave, by means of the beating of your hearts within My Heart.

Today, I show you the candelabra, the seven principles of God that manifests in its flames: Love, Redemption, Unity, Peace, Healing, Forgiveness and Transfiguration. These seven principles will be poured out upon the World, into a world that experiences chaos and despair.

But if more souls respond to My call, with a permanent and continuous prayer, Graces will come in spite of the pain, and I will be able to transform everything in the hearts that suffer. Today I relieve your beings with a sublime Grace and I hope you will help me to alleviate the other hearts that are imprisoned behind the bars of evil.


Friar Elías: At this moment, through a vision of another plane, the Celestial Mother is showing the presence of souls that had been imprisoned behind bars throughout eternal times (centuries).

The Divine Mother says:


And so, between prayer and prayer, My sword will cut the evil and will tread the serpent so that My Heart may reign, the Will of God may reign, which you must come to know through the opening of your heart, your soul and your spirit.

I mark this path for you, go this way, upon the prayerful path with Me. In times of chaos, you will be able to find Peace and Love and, in this way, I will be able to trust in you, friends from other times, so that the rescue may be fulfilled in all hearts and in those that have been furthest away for a while.

Now, feel My Light that is descending and nurture your hearts with My Spirit of Peace and Redemption; this is the Grace that God sends to you.

Form groups of prayer for when the pilgrims arrive searching for My Light and My Love. You are before My Maternal Heart and this is how I want all My children to be, like on this day.

I Am the Conception of the Trinity, the Messenger of God for these times, the one who touches the ground with Her bare feet. Through the roses of light that I offer to you, may you take your steps, from your hearts rather than from your thoughts. True spiritual life is built under the instrument of prayer.

I am a faithful servant that responds to Higher Wills, as I once responded when I was here on Earth, sharing Redemption with My Son. He gave Me to you as the Mother and the Guardian of Love, to protect essences until His near return.

He is already arriving, He is already appearing. His presence will be seen and felt, not only in the heart, but on the levels of material life, in the chaos of this world. The Redeemer is coming and opening the doors of Mercy, before his final descent to the world to which He belongs.

I make My Peace descend toward your hearts.


Friar Elías: Now She is stretching Her arms downward and holds out the orandium with Her hands.

The Divine Mother says:


Unite with My prayer that has been constant since the beginning of My existence.

Silent prayer, spoken prayer, elevated prayer, prayer of the heart, prayer of the consciousness, prayer in feeling, in doing and in caring. Life must be a prayer; this is the new movement for these times so that souls may be elevated and find a refuge in My Heart, which is open and has been waiting for you for a while.

Lead souls to Me in your prayers and penetrate the Heavens, because I will listen and who trusts in Me will receive the response of My Inner Voice.

I Am the Bird of Mercy, I Am the Mother that comes from the Sun, I Am the Daughter of the Trinity, I Am the Guardian and Protectress of souls. Unite with Me in devotion for these times, ignite the flame that is within, do not let thoughts make it go out, allow fire to be reborn within your hearts and there I will be.


Friar Elías: Now She is elevating to the Heavens.

The Divine Mother says:


Light your Suns that are internal and allow My call to be accomplished in your lives of prayer. Yearn for and seek for this fire that must illuminate the darkness in these times, when you unite in fidelity with My Heart.

Today I give you My Love; cultivate it in your hearts so that it not be lost in the tests. Remember what I am telling you; this is My last call for peace. I come in search of all those who once were with Christ and heard His message and the message of the Father; thus you recognized it and today are following it. See the Redeemer in it, see His Light, see His Mercy.


Friar Elías: Now She is manifesting a great rose that is in front of Her being, an open red rose. She rises up more and more toward the Heavens. She is radiating more Light toward us.

Now She is appearing, with a child in Her arms, and the two of them radiate Light toward the four cardinal points and behind them a heavenly door is opening.

The Divine Mother says:


I am the Mother of the Sacred Heart of Peace.

By the fire that is born from the Heart of God: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

On this fifth day, the group met at the same time as the previous days, to start the prayer of attunement.

Through songs and prayers, the inner condition for receiving the Divine Mother was gradually created in all those present, as well as within the room.

After an extended time of prayer, Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stood up, contemplating toward the direction of the top of the orange tree, where the Celestial Mother had appeared in the last few days.

After a few minutes of deep silence, Friar Elías approaches the tree. Moments later he returned to the place where he was and began to describe what happened.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: A while after the attunement had started, high in the sky to the right of the orange tree, a manifestation appeared of another open sky from where an intense white light was emerging.

There, in the highest point of the sky, the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity appeared, resplendent in Light and radiating it from Her Presence toward the entire area where we were.

Then, from that place in the sky, the Mother gently descended by means of a white cloud that was under her feet.  While reaching the treetop, she stopped, and it was as if she had rested upon the branches of the orange tree.

In her right hand, She carried a brown colored scapular, and in her left hand, open and facing downward, She held an orandium. She holds the beads in silence and with a smile.

At Her arrival, the Divine Mother emanated a strong light blue energy upon all those present, and Her face gradually manifested ever more clearly upon the tree.

Then, with Her left hand (the one holding the orandium), She asked me to come closer so that I could see what was engraved inside the scapular. When I approached, I saw myself under Her feet and Her Presence, which was immense in light, color and energy. At that moment, She directed Her gaze to where I was and silently smiled. Her face was of light, Her eyes light blue, Her skin was delicate and soft.

She raised the scapular a little with Her hand so that I could look at it. I saw that on one side was the image of the Merciful Christ and on the other, an image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. At the bottom of both sides of the scapular, there was a cross of the new humanity.

At that moment, smiling and radiating the brightness of her eyes, she said to us:


Whoever wears this scapular will receive the new codes from Heaven, codes that come from God.


At that moment, above Her, another sky appeared, which seemed more powerful and luminous than the first one. From that Sky, a celestial and white energy descended upon the scapular that the Divine Mother held. Then She smiled again, and asked me to go back to where I was with the rest of the group.

Today She is dressed in a sky-blue Mantle, Her image is more alive, more real.

The Divine Mother says:


By the power of the Divine Water that flowed out from the Heart of the Master, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I have come to announce the symbol of My scapular to you, the scapular of Peace, so that you may disseminate it as an instrument of protection against evil. You are not imitating the old doctrines, but rather you are imitating Me, the Guardian of Love, the Protector of souls.

I am the Spirit of Peace, the spring of that stream of Light. I am the one who safeguards the hearts that have fallen and that despair. Thus, I give this instrument to you and to all My children, so that through your Congregation(1) of love and peace, you may carry this symbol, together with Me.

Today I ask you to build a fence here, around this tree, with your own hands, so that you may feel the love of this land and new fruits may blossom around your hearts that await for My call and My peace.

Today I also ask you to drink from the fount of the well that you have made, in the other lands nearby, a fount that I have consecrated through My silence for the healing of the hearts and the souls. This is a spiritual fount that emerges from within, which, little by little, you will come to know. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Now the scapular has disappeared, as well as the orandium, and with both hands, She is lifting up a silver equal-armed cross.

The Divine Mother says:


This is the symbol of redemption, the symbol of the rehabilitation of those who have forgotten Me and those who have not heard My message.

Children, I also ask that you build several paths with flowers, so that My love can be expressed throughout the procession path, all the way to here. 

I also ask that the image that was painted  be placed here, and that below it there may be the symbol of the cross of the new humanity, so that everything may be redeemed.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Now She is showing us how She wants the image to be placed in this space. 

The Divine Mother says:


This will be a meeting point for those who pray, for all those who do not manage to enter this House of Prayer, when great multitudes come who will be seeking a new state of peace, through My Presence in the Trinity.

I was conceived by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, an emanation that is born of the universe within Celestial Lakes, where essences manifest to begin to live this path of evolution. I emerged from there, through the Creator Fathers who, with Their love, conceived My Presence. 

Know that I am the Feminine Source of God, that source that can do all things and that renews all things when the heart opens.

You stand before the Mother of Love who understands all things and who waits for Her children to grow and unite in consciousness with Her, with Me.

Today I open My arms to pour the Fount of Grace into your hearts and into those hearts that are dark and have long-lived without light.

Pray for the reconversion of all those beings, this is why I have asked for this house. It is time to begin! It is time to rescue with Me those who are alone and those who lose their faith!

I know that you do not understand why I am here, but your hearts do understand, because they feel and see Me on another plane and within another rhythm. It is there where you and all My children must return to, so you can see the flame being born, that always burns through Me.

In the days when everything seems like darkness and despair in the mind, in the heart and in the spirit, you must carry this symbol of the scapular of Peace so that you may be protected through prayer.

Today, place in your hearts all those who lose their faith and those who lack love, those who are desperate and those who die because they have nothing. On this day, I collect souls from some points of this world, souls like yours, living souls that have lost their essences through not knowing how to find me and for being scattered by the evil that never rests.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Now She shows Her right foot stepping upon a serpent.

The Divine Mother says:


I eradicate the evil from hearts, even more so in the hearts that do not believe Me and still do not hear My message, for it has no echo in the inner essence that loses its fleeting light, a light that I nurture with My prayers.

I eradicate! I eradicate! I eradicate! as Warrior of the Light, I eradicate the aftermath of the evil that destroys My children and causes them to lose their cosmic life.

But some of them I must only observe, because they have accepted traveling along other paths and they do not find refuge in My Heart, which has been open for centuries. 

Today I cry out for the fallen hearts, for all those who live without light and have no peace, for the three days of bitterness are approaching in these end times. Thus, praying souls must burn, but without becoming fascinated.

They must burn through Me and help me to rescue what seems un-rescuable.

I wait for you; I wait for My own. I am the Queen of Redemption, the Light of Peace, the Immaculate Heart of Mercy.

Hear My Voice! Hear My Voice! This is the last path that is being traveled.

If you do not see me, it is because God does not wish it. Know how to recognize the Will that is not yours, but rather comes from the Heavens to fill hearts and to place you in your inner tasks.

Carry this message to all My children, as well as all My announcements during these eight days. On the eighth day, I will do something immaculate for those who are awake and know to recognize My Light, a Light that your essences recognize. 

Today, I light the Flame of My Heart for all My children and, together with you, I will go along this path of healing through prayer and the procession to My Holy Face of the Divine Trinity. 

May the Spirit, the burning Flame, the Father, the Sublime Conception of the Universe and the Son, the Redemptive Essence of the worlds, nurture your hearts, so that you may find peace through My Heart. 

I am the Queen of Shields, the One Who with Her mantle protects creatures .

A new peace will come after the difficult times, a peace in which all essences must learn to be reborn. 

Thank you for responding to My call!



1. The Grace Mercy Order


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

