Dear children,

Like this rain, which today falls upon My blessed Fatima, so today the Angels of the Queen of Heaven cry for all My scourged, wounded and persecuted children of the Ukraine.

So that there are no longer wars for morbid interests, I ask you not to stop praying every day, because the worst is yet to come.

In order for this moment to be as smooth as possible, I also come to tell you to remember all those who experience other conflicts throughout the world, even though the attention of the nations is focused upon the suffering and feared reality of the Ukraine. Those who communicate and, even more so, those who work with impunity through the media, have removed from the stage others who also suffer so that their voices of pain and suffering could no longer be heard.

For this reason, My children, during this next Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary, at a distance, but very close to Me, I invite you to consecrate yourselves as the praying apostles of Christ so that His Priestly and Divine Ministry may intervene in this harsh planetary reality and, even more so, so that the rest of humanity may not forget those who have already been discarded and exploited, without any value and respect for their dignity as souls.

As long as the established impunity continues to act fiercely throughout the world, by means of imbalanced tyrants, humanity could be facing many wars throughout the world, and society could be moved by indignation, that is, My children could be driven to commit acts never seen before up until today.

Now, do you understand the cry of the Angels of the Lord?

Pray, offer true sacrifices, especially those sacrifices made out of love, and thus the imbalance will be balanced and justified.

Meanwhile, foster peace, dialogue and compassion. No longer be stains in the consciousness of the planet, be children of the Mercy of Christ.

I am grateful to you, and now I ask you to do another Novena through the prayer transmitted last Saturday, March 5, the “Prayer Against World Impunity”.

Pray with spiritual conviction.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Prayer Against World Impunity

may my voice never again
raise against my brother.

may nation no longer
oppose nation.

may weapons no longer be raised
and may no other consciousness lose its life.

O Celestial Lord!
have pity on our injustices and errors.

O Lord of Mercy!
make Your Light descend
upon this dreadful darkness.

may conflicts no longer be generated.

may the most vulnerable families
no longer be displaced.

may bombs no longer detonate.

may no one ever again be capable
of killing their fellow being.

O Lord of Life!
make us worthy of Your Kingdom.

O Lord of Peace!
may Your Sacred Celestial Universe
become alive and present in this world.

may the tears and blood of the innocent
no longer run.

may hate, revenge and impunity
 no longer exist.

heal us from indifference.

heal us from omission and prejudice.

heal us from all evil.

May our hearts be pure.

May our works be charitable and good.

May Your Presence within us
close the doors to evil.

make us partakers of the Return of Your Son
for whom, with hope and faith, we wait.

By all the redemptive merits of Your Most Beloved Son
and by the perpetual prayer of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
may we see the emergence of a humanity of peace,
respect, tolerance and fraternity.




I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My very dear children,

As it was one hundred years ago, today I gather you again close to My Heart to ask you to pray, more than ever, for peace.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven, seeing that invasion, hatred, destruction and war between brothers has been established again in Eastern Europe.

With urgency and in supplication, I come to ask you to unite in one voice and one heart, offering to My Immaculate Heart, beginning February 28, a special Novena for Peace and the End of War in Eastern Europe.

Once again, the venom of impunity quickly expands over Europe, and the most underprivileged are forced to migrate.

The world believes it knows about control and the power of weapons.

After one hundred years, the Queen of Peace, from Fatima, cries for the scourging that is being caused to the Creator and the most oppressed families.

I ask you to unite in prayer with Me, because the blue tyrant wants to impose lack of pity and chastisement upon those who do not yield to his dark plans.

Children, unfortunately, we are reaching the expected end, a moment when the greatest and most unknown pain will come to the world.

Pray with fervor, and, in a true commitment, be together with Me in this cruel spiritual battle, when your Heavenly Mother will step upon the foolish and evil head of the serpent.

I am grateful to you in advance.

Who blesses you at this crucial moment,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



The priestly spiritual force is like a mirror that concentrates and attracts the Divine Energy.

My enemy always wants to destroy that unknown spiritual force that comes from the Source of God.

For this reason, My priest sons are placed under an interior pressure, also unknown, through which My enemy projects and mirrors uncertain realities that, in many cases, are capable of confusing and diverting the aspirations of the priests of Christ.

At this time, My favorite children, the priests, cannot let themselves be taken nor influenced by the harassments that do not belong to them, because they are only stones on the path that try to make them fall, over and over again. 

But, My Son, who loves you deeply, has given you the strength of spiritual resurrection, the possibility of rising again, as many times as necessary.

The spiritual and inner mission that the priests of the world have cannot be valued or appreciated with physical eyes, it can only be contemplated by those souls that are capable of praying fervently for My favorite children so that, at each new fall, they may rise from the ground for a single purpose, for the people of God that await them, and that aspire, through the priests, to see the apostles of Christ.

I ask all priests not to be fooled by what does not belong to them, to be brave and always remember that, through the power of the Sacraments, you will find the service so necessary and fundamental to redeem yourselves.

Let us pray every day for the priests. I will be immensely grateful to you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

 Who bless you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to the world as the Mirror of Peace so that My children may remember that Peace exists, but that Peace has dissolved, in this times, in many hearts.

This is why I come as the Mirror of Peace, bringing with My Presence the Celestial Universe, all its tools and attributes, bringing the Angels of God that reflect the Hierarchy in the Higher Universes.

Through the Portal of My Heart, I want each one of you to enter My Peace again, because the more whom among you enter My Peace, through the Portal of My Heart, the more situations will be solved, and fury or adversity will not be unleashed in the oppressed hearts.

Now, I extend My arms towards you, so that you may take My hands and, like little children that learn to take steps in evolution helped by the Heavenly Mother, you may enter the Universe of Peace. Believe that Peace exists beyond the life situations, the challenges, the lessons or the tests.

Beloved children, I am the Mirror of Peace and, if you are in My Heart, you will be in the Peace of God, in the Peace of Christ, in spite of all that may present itself or manifest itself in these times, because My aspiration on this day is to heal you through My Peace.

The lack of Peace sickens the body and the spirit, maddens the mind and disturbs the heart. For this reason, the lack of Peace leads souls and the world to conflict, to disharmony, to the absence of faith.

But I, who am your Mother, the Mother that has accepted you since the Cross, the unconditional and eternal Mother, the Mother that loves and consoles you without conditions or rules, I want you to enter the Universe of My Peace, because in this way, My children, each one of you and of your brothers and sisters will understand what is happening to you in these times, what you are going through in these times, what you are facing in these times.

Let us go together, in this spiritual exercise, toward the encounter with the Peace of God in the Celestial Universe, where His Heavenly Mirrors radiate, to all Creation and all life present in the universe, the regenerating and healing attributes of Peace.

Little ones, My children in evolution, it is time for you to grow and become strong. It is time for you to mature your spirits and forge within your consciousnesses the warrior of God, the unconditional server, the untiring apostle who understands and comprehends the Will of My Son, which is the Will of the Father.

Therefore, approach the Heavenly Mirrors of Peace and, before the Creator Universe and all the Angels of God, let us enter the consciousness of the Mirrors of Peace, sacred emanations of the Heavenly Light that purify the inner worlds, that strengthen souls, that ignite the living flame of faith within the hearts.

Through the Heart of your Mother, contemplate the Mirrors of Peace so that, through you, as instruments of the Father, Peace may reflect itself throughout the world and may be established in the souls that have lost it.

In the Mirrors of Peace there is a mystery that will be unveiled today: when God thought of Creation, absolute void and the deep silence of the universe, do you know what He thought of through His Creator Mind?

That, in your neighbor, that in all the creatures that He would create, there should exist the molecule of Peace at the center of the essence of each being.

Therefore, all that you have lived throughout the times or even throughout the different civilizations, has been situations that have led you to lose Peace.

In all that you live, at this moment, you are invaded by and even permeated by different pieces of information or situations. All the stimuli of this modernity that lead you toward spiritual disconnection, have the goal of taking Peace away from you, and, being disconnected from God, from His Source, your bodies sicken, your spirits become oppressed, because they do not find Peace.

There is only one tool, one instrument that is common to all, which will lead you to recover Peace. And, as you recover Peace, in spite of what you may keep living or experiencing, you will not lose spiritual strength, bravery, courage, the willingness to serve God or experience sacrifice. This instrument is the prayer from the heart.

This is why, in these times, so that you, your brothers and sisters may recover Peace, you must unite even more your word to the Creator Word of God so that, in this inner fusion and in this inextinguishable unity, you may be guided toward the Source of Peace, and so that all which may happen in these times, and what will happen in the coming times may not take Peace from you, but rather you may become bearers of Peace, instruments of Christ’s Peace that, in consciousness and in unity, will prepare His Return.

He needs to have Mirrors the Mother of God's Peace: who will volunteer? Who will be a postulant to be a Mirror of the Divine Mother? Who will bring to the Earth the Attributes that were outraged, interfered with and dissolved within many consciousnesses?

Through prayer, you must keep uniting Heaven and Earth, your souls with God, the planet with the Divine Source. There is no other way out. Each one, living the prayer from the heart, lives Peace, and learns to carry their own cross, in spite of what may happen or the weight that it may represent.

Now, turn your gaze inward, place your souls before the Mirror of Peace. And, all of you together, united to Me, at this moment, will re-establish the Peace of the Celestial Father in the inner worlds and, from the inner worlds, in the whole planet, so that consciousnesses and souls may be relieved, may recover their faith and confidence in the Father, and all may be healed and renewed. For this, we will sing the word “Peace” as a sacred mantra of elevation and, thus, we will ignite the Mirror of Peace of the Celestial Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Having the Light of the Mirrors of Peace descend and embrace all the consciousness of the world, reaching each heart on this planet.

Let us breath in.


Remember that I am the Queen of Peace, and that you can always seek Peace through Me, knowing that, in spite of everything, God loves you and blesses you through His Eternal Love.

My Heart collects all the intentions that were deposited, through the prayerful hearts, on this day of reencounter with Me.

Through the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, I have asked for a basket of intentions to be placed today at the foot of My Altar, together with a sincere and honest offering on behalf of all humanity and of all who aspire to receive a response from the Heights.

Today, not only this basket that is at My feet will be attended to as God has thought, and as the Father determines, but also these intentions will be responded to as an instruction for all My children.

Through this example, I invite you to strengthen your faith in prayer so that your requests and intentions may be elevated to the Father in a correct way and, above all, you may always seek the common good and the need of all so that everyone may receive the Graces they need.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

First intention of a brother of the Community Fleur-de-Lys:

“Humility, grant to the world the Grace of awakening and may they know and feel Your Love.”

Our Lady responds that, in this, She has worked today with all those who have listened to this Message.


“Mary, lead this humanity to know True Love.”

True Love, says Our Mother, is found in our selflessness, in our untiring service for others and for the Plan of God.


“For the relief of suffering of all children throughout the world and for all those who rule the nations.”

This is the main purpose that My Son has, said the Mother of God: that those who rule these nations and govern peoples may have a consciousness of fraternity and equality, having the opportunity and the Grace, when My Son returns, to know true Self-Government.


“To be an expression of Will and of Truth, which descends from the Heights and dwells within us so that, united to this Source, we may be an expression of the Higher Reality.”

It was a sincere intention, said the Divine Mother.


“Mother, may the souls of the darkest places of the abysses be rescued by Your Love and taken to the Kingdom of God.”

She said She thanks you for having the consciousness of this intention.


“May all have the opportunity to follow the steps toward Christ. For all priests.”

The Mother of God said that Her main strength are the priests, when they manage to fulfill the requests of Christ, because the priests are Her favorite children. Without priests there is no unity between Heaven and Earth, there is no communion between Heaven and humanity.


“For Peace and Healing in the whole world.”

This is what the Mother of God did today.


“May all those who were called be strengthened by God, in these times of inner and external tribulation. And wherever there is someone who prays to Our Lady, may they find Peace for their entire people.”

Mary said, So be it.


And now let us go to the last intention, among so many that were received:

“Divine Mother, may Your Mantle of Light always illuminate me so that I may reach the Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.”

The Divine Mother said that She works for this eternally and untiringly.


And just as I have responded to these intentions, may My other children who listen at this moment know that I hear the intentions of your hearts and souls, because everything has its right time.

I bless you, under the Mirrors of the Peace of God.

Be strong and brave. My hand guides you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


My very dear children,

With joy in My Heart, I immediately thank you for the precious and humble prayers that, since yesterday, are being offered to the Lady of Lourdes.

Now, more than ever, your Heavenly Mother is at the side of every praying heart that fervently pleads to God for the end of this pandemic and for the cure and relief of humanity.

Today, I would like each one of you to feel close to the Lourdes Grotto, in order to be healed by the spiritual water that has been flowing incessantly for years. I would like your hearts to be purified by My Grace and healed by My Love of a Mother so that this world may be transformed, day by day, into the living Aspiration of the Creator.

With reverence and devotion, My Heart receives, within it, the prayers of all the prayerful ones, especially those who, throughout these days, at the feet of the Immaculate Conception, pray with faith and fervor so that Graces may descend, those Graces that are needed during this sorrowful time.

With hope, I symbolically invite you to wash and bathe in the spiritual water of Lourdes, having faith that all spiritual and bodily illnesses will be taken care of by the Mother of God, so that My children may live the healthy experience of the Love of Christ, of a Love that offered itself and will continue to offer itself to heal the deepest wounds and miseries of the human condition.

If you surrender to Me every day, I assure you that you will be surrendering yourselves to My Son, because this is what He expects from His apostles: companions divested of themselves so that they may be in alliance with the Redeemer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this special day, in which the cycle of the one hundred Prayer Meetings of Mercy is celebrated, it is My wish for each one of My children that they may place their gaze within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thus, see how, on this day of victory of the Divine Mercy, His Rays of Love, Healing and Light touch and bless all souls, especially those who most need Mercy.

As prayerful soldiers of Christ, raise your banners and walk as a great army of Light toward the center of the Altar of the Lord so that, once again, the offering of each heart may be deposited at the Feet of the Redeemer, so that your inner vows may be renewed, and, as in the last one hundred Meetings of Mercy, you may contemplate the descent of God's Mercy.

Today, I also invite you to remember the moment, for each one of My children, when, for the first time, you made contact with Mercy, and this Mercy made of your life a testimonial of conversion.

Remember all the beautiful moments of praise and the prayers sustained throughout these recent years.

See, My children, for a moment, that the Will of God may be fulfilled within you.

May today, the Sacred Spirit of renewal and of the unfathomable Mercy of My Son keep healing the wounded Earth so that the Good and Peace may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today, My prayers are directed to all those who continue to go through this pandemic and especially to those who lost their lives due to it, in a way unexpected for all.

Today, I ask you, more than ever, to join Me in prayer so that your Celestial Mother can free from the earthly plane those who were imprisoned and were unable to continue their ascension path.

Therefore, My beloveds, the prayer of the heart, made with love, is the great key that opens all doors and that grants not only peace, but also the liberation of souls from spiritual prison.

I would like, at this time, for all the relatives who have lost a dear and loved one to be at peace and seek relief in My Heart of a Mother, because My promise is to intercede for the souls who traumatically suffered from this pandemic.

I ask you to be obedient and take care of yourselves so that, little by little, this planetary situation may be appeased, and so that such precious souls of this world may no longer be allowed to be removed from their earthly path due to unexpected consequences generated by this pandemic.

My dear children, may faith never weaken within you. May faith and trust in the Heavenly Father grant you the much-needed Grace of healing.

Remember that I am here, and I am your Mother, the Mother who loves you eternally.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May the Sacred Protective Mantle of My Son, at this moment, heal and protect all those who continue to go through this pandemic.

My consolation and love of a Mother are within each heart that, at this moment, experiences disease and suffering.

This is why I ask, in a special way, that the Sacred Mantle of Christ may heal and relieve those who need spiritual and physical help, because souls must come out strengthened after this experience with the pandemic.

My Heart and My Life pray for you at every moment, asking and begging the Father to send His healing angels so that they may be by the side of the sick people and so that, through the angelic help, souls may have enough strength to go through this new school that all of humanity, since two years ago, has been facing.

As a Mother, I also pray for other causes that aggravate the situation of the planet and humanity. I pray for all the movement that nature fiercely carries out so that, in the inner planes, order and peace may be established, for climate change to no longer be the reason or cause for thousands of this who are displaced and underprivileged.

I also beg God for the most vulnerable and I ask for the Blessed Protective Mantle of Christ to protect and safeguard those who violently experience the end of times.

This moment, dear children, leads everyone to consider and think of others, not as a problem, but rather as the need to bring them love, support and, not only spiritual, but also material refuge.

When a fraternal consciousness really exists in this humanity, I assure you that many situations will be solved, meanwhile, the most vulnerable are subjected by those who take advantage of the chaos and disseminate it throughout the world.

Let us pray with greater fervor. May God hear the prayers of all His children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

In this time of planetary transition, some consciousnesses that serve My Son offer themselves to support, together with the most vulnerable and unprotected, the cross that many souls receive, a weight that is imposed upon them so that they cannot walk freely. That weight has to be transmuted by some, so that the most vulnerable and unprotected may have the Grace of being freed from oppression.

Therefore, this is a time of unknown Armageddon, this is a time in which everything is allowed so that souls define which path they will choose in the time to come.

The relief of the cross of the neighbor opens a silent spiritual door through which the Divine can work to rescue and save the most oppressed.

In this cycle, faced with the great debt of this world, the Divinity needs sacrificed and selfless hearts that are capable of accepting something that does not correspond to them on their spiritual path.

That offer is accepted attentively by the Heavens because it opens the darkest spaces for the angels of God so that Eternal Light can enter and so that this same Light can transmute and transform the most adverse situations and conditions in which the most oppressed souls are.

For this reason, dear children, offering to support and sustain this silent task means more than saying yes so that everything may be resolved. This represents the culminating moment in which Mercy will be able to act instead of Justice and thus rescue the hearts that are imprisoned.

All it takes is being attentive to the call of the Higher Universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My son and My daughter, dear souls of the Earth,

The Mother of God approaches you to console you and strengthen you with the aim that, in these times, the apostles of Christ, who are being purified and transformed, may keep having the drive of saying ‘yes’ to My Son Jesus, the Christ.

On this day, I am upon the oceans of this beloved and agonizing planet, to tell humanity:

Enough! No longer hurt nature.

Enough! No longer instrumentalize human beings as if they were weapons in the hands of those who make wars.

Enough! No longer foster abortion and the loss of hundreds of small and innocent lives.

Enough! No longer discard your brothers and sisters of humanity.

Enough! No longer deforest trees, no longer contaminate the Earth, no longer intoxicate your own foods.

Enough! No longer divide families, no longer dissolve the love of your hearts, no longer practice evil.

Enough! No longer gratify your preferences, no longer traffic human beings, no longer sell animals, no longer sacrifice them.

Enough! No longer generate chaos, no longer be indifferent, no longer distance yourselves from the Love of God.

I say ‘enough!’ to you so that you may listen to Me, because there are still very closed hearts, but there also are wounded hearts.

Children, I pray for the planet and I pray for you. It seems that it is not enough to speak, but, as a good Mother, I will not tire, and, with all My angels, I will work to close the doors to evil.

My beloveds, I see at this moment all the difficult tests that the world is facing, and especially some peoples of Africa and the Middle East, which are stigmatized by their own brothers and sisters of humanity; something that does not allow them to move forward and rebuild their lives. But I also see the violence and aggression that are experienced today throughout all of society, attitudes that have caused the loss of values, not only of faith, but also of mutual respect.

Every day, I ask the angels of the Lord to fill with their Light the darkest spaces of this world, so that souls can count on help from within to remake their inner and external lives.

In these times, the family is a focus of division and hatred because, when love is dissolved within so many families, My adversary manipulates them and hurts them deeply.

This is why, My beloveds, we must each day more become allies of the prayer of the heart and pray for those who do not have the Grace of perceiving reality, because they have sold their souls to hell.

I also pray about this, but I also pray so that humanity does not continue condemning itself to the point that violence and death seem normal.

Through all My Mirrors, I transmute, every day, in Heaven and on Earth, the great impacts that are contrary to the Law, impacts that suddenly embrace hundreds of souls throughout the world, not allowing them to escape spiritual terror and mental persecution.

However, united to Me, beloved children, we will win this spiritual and physical battle, not with weapons, not with aggression, not with complaints nor with conflicts or with raising our voices. We will solve this planetary situation with neutrality, peace-bringing, love and faith. This, sooner or later, will deactivate the great craft of My enemy, because he will not have space nor place to sow division.

Children, be optimistic, do not be pessimistic. Attract the Love of God to your hearts because His Kingdom is approaching so that consciousnesses may be liberated from oppression and spiritual prison.

Do not lose faith, do not engage with criticism, comments, unnecessary use of words. Be intelligent, and foster the culture of inclusion rather than the culture of discarding.

At this moment, it is very necessary for you to recognize yourselves as brothers and sisters, to no longer close your hearts for any reason, and, in spite of everything, to trust in the Love of My Son, because His Love will always free you.

If all of humanity places its attention on all that I am saying to you, it will no longer be necessary to feel the weight of the cross, above all, it will no longer be necessary to feel the weight of the harassments.

Cling to My Mantle, place yourselves close to Me, because My Immaculate Heart will protect you.

Abandon yourselves to the Lord, because in Him lies the way out, the overcoming of any situation and the answer in the face of any test.

Children, I bless you again, I again entrust you with My Love of a Mother.

I am here, do not forget Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Unexpectedly, I meet you in Germany, after you visited Me recently in Medjugorje. The Mother of God returns your visit at a crucial moment for humanity, in which misinformation, chaos and fear overwhelm millions of My children.

For this reason, I come from Heaven, not only for a Germany that I love with all My Heart and for which I pray, so that it recovers the Purpose of God, but I also come for all of Europe and all of Asia, for the souls subjected and persecuted in war and by the conflicts invented by humankind of the surface.

I want to tell all My children that I am the Queen of Peace, that you seek My Heart, because My Heart is for you. 

Germany, throughout the last years, has been a host country for the most helpless, but this is not enough, My children, it is necessary that the other nations of Europe and the world be host countries so that everyone may live as a more inclusive, fraternal and charitable humanity.

I pray every day that the most hardened hearts may be opened so that they may feel the most helpless and poor, just as your Heavenly Mother feels for them.

If this step of fraternity is taken by the great nations of the world, humanity will not experience more pandemics, it will no longer know pain.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am the Mother of the World, I am the Mother of the Mountains.

And today you are here, in this place, as a part of this humanity, representing the entire race, all souls and consciousnesses that are at some point of this climbing of the mountain; a moment when the climbing becomes harder and more difficult for all, because this is a moment of inflection, when a change, not only in the consciousness, but also in what is material, has to take place.

But while the world, that is, the human race, does not silence and go inwards, the Plan of Rescue will not be fulfilled.

At the end of this year, I not only come with all the Grace of God to again bless you  and be with you, but I also come with a warning Message, but also with a Message of awakening. This is the time to cross the great portal of salvation and rescue that the Hierarchy is presenting to you.

We know that not all listen to Our Words, that not all practice Our Messages, that very few are the example of a Christic and fraternal life upon the surface of the Earth. But today, I do not come to point out your mistakes, your faults or your traumas. Today, I come to ask you to keep climbing up this mountain, because at the top lies your liberation.

There you will find My Son, the Resurrected, the Resplendent, the True Christ that up until now no one has known. At the top of the mountain you will recognize His true Face, and you will deeply know where He comes from and what was the reason for Him to be created.

He used an image for everyone to be able to understand, but, in His Heart, and, above all, in His Spirit, in His Divinity, God was there. It was so that the world might understand His Message of salvation and the announcement that the Kingdom of God lives and dwells within each being.

Now, all religions must also be rescued and elevated again, because, in these times of tribulation, the consciousnesses lose the sense of their spirituality.

I call you to be attentive, I call you to be vigilant, I call you to be collaborators of peace and of good within this humanity. Even if the acts carried out are small and insignificant, I invite you and call upon you to keep doing them.

All the good that can be generated in this human race will relieve the chaos of these times and will allow the Armageddon, the great door of the Apocalypse, to be more transitory for all, and not more painful, as it has been up until today.

In this way, those who take advantage of the marginalized, those who take advantage of the poorest, extracting the goods that God sends to them so that they may survive and remake their lives, cause them to live in global injustice. Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers, at this moment, to also work upon those very material situations, although it does not seem to be so.

But the state of consciousness, of the awakening and discernment of each being, will give them the wisdom they need to continue forward.

I come here, once again, as a Messenger of God, because, together with you, I am climbing this sorrowful mountain, which is the corrupt consciousness of humanity, it is this planetary calvary that all are going through, some with greater impact, and others with greater relief, but if you join My Marian Spirit, My Spirit of Love and Fraternity, many more souls will be touched so that they can awaken and realize that, up to today, they have been asleep.

I also come as the Servant of My Son, the Christ. I come in His Name and at His request, to tell you this Message: do not let yourselves be pushed, at this moment, by the adversities of the world, by all that which the governments do, by the conditioning that souls live in this cycle, although they are submerged and pressed by a global system, but rather, keep moving forward.

May your faith lead you to transcend all these situations.

May your love for the Plan of God lead you to overcome all these situations.

And may you be capable of, at this moment, loving as My Son loved you, up until the Cross, until each moment of His martyrdom, of His flagellation, of His sorrow and of His pain.

Who will offer themselves as a great server of the world, a great humble and peaceful server, to help My Son transmute and internally liberate this planetary situation?

This is why I ask you, My beloved children, not to remain in what is superficial, not to remain in what is material, to be free from yourselves, from the comments, from the judgments, from all that you see, observe and contemplate in this world. Do not be just another weight for the soul of this planet. Relieve the consciousness of nature and all the Lower Kingdoms; because, in this way, justice will be lighter for all.

In this way, the planetary birth is drawing near, the consciousness of the planet shakes and trembles, because it is the time of the awakening, but it is also the time for the purification of this world, of all its evils, adversities and errors that were committed by this race and by all previous civilizations.

For this reason, the Great Celestial Brotherhood is here, in the invisible and silent planes, where peace, sovereignty and truth reign, to guide as many consciousnesses as possible, especially the most asleep and most ignorant.

For this reason, opening up My arms and extending My Hands towards you, I beg you, beloved children, to follow the path of the inner truth. Do not let yourselves be confused and influenced by the spiritualities of these times, you already know and have heard that there is only one Truth, which is My Son. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life, for each one of you.

What do you most need at this moment?

Keep rowing at this planetary moment, because the boat of My Son must reach a good haven. This boat is formed by all the serving consciousnesses of the world, regardless of their religions or even of their belief.

I need you at another level of consciousness. I need you at the top of the mountain, to be able to glimpse and understand the reality of the world, because if you are at the foot of the mountain, you will be submerged by evil.

Open your eyes, and, above all, open your hearts, so you can feel what I am telling you, because this is a time of great transition, the end of a year that culminates with many defeats, in the consciousness of this world, in the consciousness of humanity, but Faith, Peace, Love, the Light and the Mercy of God have not ceased to descend upon this world.

If these attributes had ceased to descend to the world for the souls that truly pray and make a commitment with Me, day by day, what would have happened, My beloved children?

For a moment, think of all that I am telling you. May My Words not be carried by the wind, as they were many times before. May My Words remain in the heart of each one of you and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, because in the Word of the Hierarchy, you will find the power for overcoming, the power for the transformation, for the transcendence of these times.

We do not come to ask you for something impossible or unattainable, we come to ask you for what is real and for what is possible, which is a thorough change in your lives.

You have received many gifts, you have received many spiritual treasures, you have received many Graces, and, I could even say, many amnesties and atonements. This is the time for the apostles of My Son, the companions of My Son, to be defined and to live and fulfill what they have come to do in this world.

These are no longer times of theories, these are times for the Teaching to be in the practice, in each detail, in each step taken, day by day.

Thus, you will acquire a mature consciousness, in a quick and surprising way, because My Son needs it to be so. My son needs the virtues and the talents that He left to us so that He can return.

In this way, you will allow, My beloved children, the Work of God to be strengthened in this world, and even in what is insignificant, in order for this humanity to be transformed.

I come with a goal, I come with a purpose, that, more each day, you may grow internally, that in the availability and self-giving of your lives, there may be healing for this world, because, as has happened to many servers throughout the times, someone will always have to give their life for others, give their life for the Plan of God.

At the end of this year, this is what each one is called to think about and meditate upon, to reflect and feel My Words within their heart, Words that only have the mission of elevating you, transcending you, making you ever-more aware and awakened before the reality of this cruel and difficult world.

I know that many times you have thought that your lives and your paths would be different. I am not saying that in your lives happiness or the joy of serving is lacking, even the sharing as a family or as brothers and sisters, I am talking about the inner attitude, the attitude that each one of My children must have at these times. While this is not happening, while this is not fulfilled, while this is not carried out, the Graces will remain kept in Heaven.

You must keep opening the doors of the universe because there are consciousnesses that have decided that they do not want to change, and this is something that only My Son will be able to solve when He returns.

I impel you to enter this coming year of 2022 under the spirit of Divine Wisdom, which leads, guides and concretizes the Aspirations of the Father in the three planes: spiritual, mental and material. May this important network of souls, this important network of light, of love and service, formed by you, expand and nourish as many hearts as possible, which wait for an opportunity.

I leave you My Light and My Peace at this moment, thus blessing in this way the whole world on this day, on the last day of 2021, so that not only the spiritual principles may be respected by humanity, and also valued and recognized, but also so that the material principals, human dignity, the common good, fraternity and love for your neighbors, the help for the needy, may be the keynote that may motivate the consciousnesses so that the great debt of this world may be placated by the service, love and peace of those who truly give of themselves, and may this also help the religions to give more, and even the non-believers to give, so that they may realize they are children of the Source.

I thank you for having the bravery of listening to My Words, and of making your attention hang on each one of My Words, in each part of My Message.

I am the Mother of the World, the Mother of the New Humanity, the Queen of Aurora.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bring the Child King here.

Behold the One who has given His life for the world and who would keep giving it for all eternity.

Behold the Child that was prophesized and announced by the angels.

Behold the Messiah, the Redeemer and Savior, who, in Divinity and Spirit, is reborn today in the hearts of humanity, in all beings of goodwill.

Behold the One who loves you, who knows you deeply, who awaits you and waits, with His open Heart, for you to receive His Graces and His Mercies.

Behold the Son of God, the Son of David, the One who was visited in the simple and humble Grotto of Bethlehem by the shepherds and Kings of the desert.

Behold the One who was in the arms of Saint Joseph and in the arms of the Mother of God.

Behold the One who knew what He was coming to this world to fulfill, and did not doubt, not even for a moment, all that God asked of Him since the beginning of His Birth until His Death on the Cross.

Behold the God of Life, the God of Mercy, the God of Peace.

On this Christmas, may the Inner Christ reignite within you, and, like the Child Jesus, may you be in the Arms of God, in the Arms of the Divine Mother.

Everyone, keep this clear within your memory: the One who was born in the Humble Manger of Bethlehem, the One who preached, healed, exorcised and liberated the souls of this world, the One who carried the Cross of the world and supported all the sins of the world upon His Back, as He carries them, even up to today, the Child of the Annunciation is today the King and the Governor of this universe, He will be the One who will return in Victory and in Light to this world in darkness, to again raise souls to the Heart of God, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to invite all those who followed His Path throughout the times and generations.

Behold the One who was blessed and protected by the Sacred Star of Bethlehem, the One who will come among the clouds as He has announced to His companions and to all who followed Him in those times.

Behold the Presence of God, alive in the Sacraments, and, especially, in the Sacred Eucharist. God became human, became humble and simple, became small and even inoffensive so that He could be understood, recognized and loved.

It is this Love of the Little Child Jesus that can be born in your souls and hearts today, that is present today, that descends today to the world in the Spirit of Love and Grace because, know this well, His Love is unchangeable, His Love is non-transferable, His Love is eternal, His Love is divine and sublime.

This is the Child that was in My arms, as you can be in My arms today, fully trusting, in spite of the tests and the deserts, in spite of the clashes and the challenges, and even in spite of the doubts, that the Inner Christ of each one of you can be reborn again!

Understand this Message that I bring to you today, because the Little Child was born in a Manger so that all could understand the immensity of the Humility of God, and that His Power is not based on authority, on monarchy or on imposition. His Power is ruled by Love and this Love is what, throughout the times and generations, has led and guided souls. It is this Love that descends from the Source through the Nativity of the Lord.

Now, like this Little Child,  for an instant, sit in My arms, in the arms of the Mother of God. And, for a moment, just as Jesus was in the arms of the Servant of God, being taken care of, accompanied and even caressed by My kisses, feel, within your Inner Christ, the great kiss of the Mother of God.

Remember when you were small children, perhaps you do not remember, but your mothers of the Earth do know what that moment was, not only for them, but also for your families.

Is it not wonderful, My children, to be in bliss under the Love of God? And, knowing that this Love is simple and renews all things?

Therefore, trust that you are in My arms and let all your doubts dissolve, all your sorrows and sadness disappear, and, impelled by My Love, the Love of the Virgin of Nazareth, again feel that you are in My arms for a moment so that you may know that, through My Heart, God loves you and loves the whole world despite its errors, its mistakes and even its distancing from God.

Together with the angels, who accompany Me today, let us rejoice in our hearts, because the Child King has been born in the world and His Divine Light is returning for all, the same Light that shone during the sacred night in the Grotto of Bethlehem, when the shepherds, Kings of the desert and even the little animals, with their warmth and closeness, took care of the Little Child Jesus, while His Heavenly Mother, in deep ecstasy like Saint Joseph, contemplated the greatness of the Love of God in the Little newborn Child.

All the mothers of this world know what I am telling you, they know what it means and represents to have had their children in their arms, to have fed them, to have helped them take their first steps.

Would you not do anything or make all efforts to safeguard the family Project, which is a Project of God?

Would you not be capable of giving your lives so that the children of this world who are orphans, lonely and abandoned may have a worthy home where to live?

Or so that the hungry children may have the food they need to nourish their bodies, have the hands of men and women of the Earth, in self-giving and service, who can embrace, kiss and protect them?

Have you not yet discovered how wonderful the Love of God is? This is why He made Himself small to become similar to all His children and creatures.

May this Child, who can be born again in the hearts of those who say ‘yes’, may this Little Child bless you and always make you remember your innocence and inner humility.

Now, let us place Him back, because He is a newborn.

Let us pray to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that this simplicity and humility that I bring to you today, from the depths of My Maternal Heart, awaken in many more souls, above all, in the souls that need Love, Light, Peace and Mercy.

May the Light of the Sacred Family of Nazareth accompany you and impel you to keep walking so that you can see the Footsteps of Christ along your paths, until someday you reach the Eternal Paradise of God.

And we will withdraw with a song that resounds very much within My Heart and that has resounded and will keep resounding in the hearts of My children, which is the song “Sacred Heart of Jesus”.

Because God, having been born, offered His Temple to guard our dwellings. He offered His Divine Fire and He will keep offering it, through the Holy Spirit, to illuminate our paths. This is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, unfathomable Source of Love and Unity, which nourishes souls through His Divine Fire and His Peace.

I bless you, at this Nativity of the Lord, and I bless the whole world, all those who trust Me, because I am the Virgin of Nazareth, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will now listen to the Hail Mary, sung by Piedad.


Thank you, My daughter, for having sung to me with such sweetness and devotion, because it is this sweetness and devotion, which emergee from the depths of My Maternity, that I want to share with all My children.

Because, just as I had Jesus in My arms, today I want to have each one of you upon My lap, because I am the Mother of the Christic Essence, the Essence of the Christs of the new time, the Apostles of the last times, all those who must allow, in this crucial moment of the planet, the Inner Christ to be able to be reborn.

This is an annual commitment of all. Whenever the Lord’s Nativity is approaching, celestial and cosmic circumstances approach the planet, those similar to that special conjuncture of the Star of Bethlehem.

What really took place in that time, when the Star of Bethlehem, not only on this planet, but also throughout the whole universe, was announcing and waiting for the arrival of the Messiah? as Its presence was protecting this great event?

Today, after two thousand years, your hearts are once again before the same event, but now they are before an inner and spiritual event in which I come to accompany and help, so that you may experience it, because My Son has all His Aspirations in His Hands, waiting for the most favorable moment to fulfill these Aspirations of God, which are His promises, and so that these promises can be fulfilled in each one of My children.

This is why I tell you again that, as a Mother, as the Servant and the Guardian of hearts of the whole world, I know that this humanity has not lived any other time like this one, a painful time, a time of great indifference, and, I might say, of great cruelty.

But in this special conjuncture of the Lord’s Nativity and at the doors of the re-birth of Christ in each being, I ask you, beloved children, to place your gaze in the Heights, because, from Above, from the Only Source, from the Celestial Father and from all His angels, the help the world needs will come. Because you, as a race, as a civilization present upon the surface of the Earth, are at a similar moment to the moment of humanity more than two thousand years ago.

Why does such a similar conjuncture happen again in this definitive cycle?

Because it is necessary for you to renew your inner vows, beloved children, at each new Nativity of the Lord that you celebrate and contemplate with your hearts.

Might it be possible that My Beloved Son needs you to renew your inner vows so that the Inner Christ may be reborn at each cycle?

I can confirm to you, My Son needs you to renew your vows yearly, because this is the way for your consciousnesses to understand the meaning of God’s Plan.

I know that, in a point of the human consciousness, God’s Plan is not understood, but if at each new Nativity of the Lord, before the opportunity to renew your inner vows each year, if you love this mystery with fervor and devotion, as you are loving at this moment, how much more could you understand and feel God’s Plan, so that it might cease to be something abstract and unattainable for all?

However, My beloveds, keep something in mind, which is very important for you to understand: if you are again at a similar moment to what My Son Jesus experienced more than two thousand years ago, it is because you are before the opportunity to witness, within you, not only the Inner Christ, but you are also before the opportunity, before the Sacred Manger of the Family of Nazareth, of being able to understand that God’s Plan is humble and simple, just as the Birth of Christ was humble and simple.

Because it is through this simplicity and humility, through this pure simplicity of the heart, that God may carry out His Work throughout this world and in others.

I invite you to prepare with joy and with enthusiasm, fervor and hope, the Rebirth of Christ in each human heart, because there is no other way out for this humanity in the face of all that it lives and suffers daily.

If souls turn to God, if souls turn to their Inner Christ, so many situations could be avoided and solved.

My enemy still keeps working against God’s Plan, but may the strength and the power of the love that you feel for the Birth of the Little Child of Nazareth be the premise and also the impulse that will lead you to transcend yourselves and thus be able to transcend these times.

Because if God incarnated through His Son, in a Humble Manger, to surrender for the whole world, you, in this analogy of the Rebirth of Christ within the human hearts, how many more risks could you take for the fulfillment of the Will of the Father in the face of the in-compliance of the Plan of God experienced by so many souls?

But today, with sweetness and devotion, I place your Inner Christs upon My lap, and thus I place your souls, I place your lives and even all your inner situations in My arms, because I know that, in these times, just as many learn to be reborn in Christ, day by day, many of My children also learn to carry their own cross, which is the cross of the debts of the world.

But My Love, sweetness and devotion, in the name of My Son, come to renew all things, and as many consciousnesses as possible that open up their hearts to welcome the Nativity of the Lord.

I deeply thank you, once again, for the “Novena for the Reconsecration of Families to the Sacred Family of Nazareth”, because you have allowed Our Three Sacred Hearts: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Three together at the same time, to be able to intervene in the sensitive situation of many families of the whole world, that are not only separated due to this pandemic, but also separated by the harassment of My enemy.

For the nucleus of families being reconsecrated today, before the Aspirations and Plan of God, may it be a moment of joy, of jubilation, for being able to rebuild the Project of God in this humanity, in spite of all that may keep happening.

If families imitate Our Sacred Family of Nazareth, how many situations could be solved throughout the world!

If families experience prayer, the Sacraments, Adoration and service to God as a means of reparation, of relief for suffering and of healing for this humanity, and if this multiplied within all families throughout the world, what would be the effect of this great movement?

Because, in truth, My beloveds, an inner attitude is what I invite you to live in these times, which is the same inner and spiritual attitude that the Heart of your Heavenly Mother and the Heart of Saint Joseph lived in that time, the days that preceded the Birth of Christ, following the Call of God in obedience.

This is what families must always remember: follow in obedience and in prayer the Call of God. Thus, you will be protected, all the members of the family will be protected from the influences of these times, from the interferences of these times and from the trends of these times, because the Project of God in each family of the world is still important, it is not undervalued.

The Project of the family cell has been transgressed and interfered with, and this is what must be repaired by each family member. It is the inner commitment of each family member for the gifts, aspirations and even the inner treasures of the Celestial Father to be safeguarded in the cell of each family of this world.

Today, in a special way, the Virgin of Nazareth contemplates and welcomes upon Her Bosom, within the Most Pure Womb of the Mother of God, all refugee families that are displaced and discarded by their brothers and sisters of this world because, despite the differences or the beliefs that this humanity may live, do not forget that, before the Father, not only are you all His children, but also all of you are brothers and sisters in one and the same Project, and in one and the same Aspiration. 

And this has not changed. For this reason, I invite you to see through My eyes what My Heart feels and sees of all refugee families and of the urgent need to seek a lasting, real solution for all the situations of the families throughout the world, not only refugee families, but also families divided by disagreements and disunity.  

May the Sacred Love that was expressed in the grotto of Bethlehem’s be present today in all homes that listen to this Message; because My aspiration is that you may not only be good people, but that you may be worthy children of God.

In the silence of My Heart, I try to repair the inner worlds, all those who have needs that must be attended to by Heaven, by the Sacred Hearts.

This is why I tell all of you, at the doors of the possibility for Christ to be reborn in every human heart, My children, to come out strengthened from this world trial, to be firm and decided to follow the Footsteps of Christ, thus preparing His near Return.

Just as I contemplate, at this moment, all the families of the world, as the Lady of Kibeho, I still keep contemplating, with ardor in My Heart, the aspiration of going to Angola.

For this reason, you must keep this Aspiration of Mine in mind, and through your prayers and offerings, protect My aspiration of descending in the Angolan lands so that My Grace may descend upon all of Africa, because I am the Lady of the Word, I am the Lady of the Word, of the Word of God.

And just as I have upon My lap all the souls throughout the world that accept My call, I also have upon My lap today all My children of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, who, despite adversity, the tempest or even the harassments, have always been and keep on being brave, because, even without perceiving that the love and faith of these hearts move mountains, they move events that are not seen nor perceived by most.

I hope this faith, this love and this devotion, which they have for My Immaculate Heart, keep building this inner bridge that will someday allow for the Mother of God to reach Africa, because this is My Word, not only to bless them, not only to console them, but also for them to be in My arms, just as the little Child Jesus was in My arms.

I tell My children of Angola, of the House of Saint Isabel, that just as I visited My cousin two thousand years ago, I will also visit them when the moment indicates it to be so. Just pray and do not cease to pray, because a Point of Light has been strengthened in Angola, in spite of the circumstances, not only of this country, but also for the whole African continent.

My cousin Saint Elizabeth is the guardian of your house, the House of Saint Isabe lin Luanda, and it is Saint Elizabeth who also protects you; because She was a great pioneer of the first Christian communities, even while Christ was still preaching in the Holy Land.

She knows that the House of the Children of Saint Isabel in Luanda is a precious and delicate cell of the Project of God, of the Project of My Son's Redemption because this is how God makes all things new.

I will keep praying during these days for all the Inner Christs to awaken, and, thus awaken the apostles of My Son, who must carry forward the preparatory Plan for His Return, in the four corners of the Earth.

In honor to the effort of the little children, adolescents and youth of the House of Saint Isabel, in Luanda, I wish to listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho so that all of humanity may remember that the Mother of God once appeared to save and rescue all Her children, and to tell the world that the Brown Virgin is the Mother of Africa and of all who live there, in the hope of remaking their lives, once and for all.

I bless you and pray for the rebirth of Christ in each being, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: 

We listen to the song of the Virgin of Kibeho.


My dear children,

Like the breeze from the sea and from all the oceans, I come to this blessed place to bless you and give you My Peace.

On this day, I come to repeat the final call of My Son: may hearts awaken in His Redemptive Love.

For this, My children, you must seek the Inner Christ within yourselves. It is very urgent and fundamental that this be present within you so that the planet can be sustained, not only in its spiritual balance, but also in its material harmony.

Through recent events of the current pandemic, souls have become confused, many are disoriented and most do not know, at this moment, which path to follow.

Tell everyone they are My children, that I am here as the Servant and Lady of the world so that, through the Light of My Heart, many more may reach God, may return to the Celestial Father.

Beloved children, this is My main Message to all: let the love that trusts be reborn in the center of your being so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may have a favorite dwelling in the heart of My children.

For this reason, all those who pray to the Mother of God should continue doing so, because the Return of the Lord is near, and most of My children must be awake.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and accompanies you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us all pray together:

Hail Mary
(transliteration from Russian)
(three times)

Raduisja, Maria
Gaspogy s Taboju.
Blagaslavjenna Ty sregyi zsencsin
i Blagaslavjen plot
csrjeva tvajevo

Svjataja Maria,
Matyerj Bozsia.
Malisj za nas grjeshnych,
Nynye i f csas smjertyi nashei.



Today I come to My children so that you may once again hear the Voice of the Mother of God.

Today, I am the Lady of Czestochowa, the Mother of Poland, the Mother of the entire culture of Eastern Europe.

See the Mother of God with Her face wounded by humanity's lack of pity, by the conflicts and wars, by the ostentation that some nations have, of putting all of humanity at stake by means of weapons and oppression.

Poland, as the rest of Europe, a few decades ago, experienced the war twice.

Near the end of the First World War, I came to Fatima, not only as the Messenger of Peace, but also to rescue My children through conversion and the Call of God, the Call that He was sending to them through My Immaculate Heart.

But today, I come as the Lady of Czestochowa, who is the Mother of all people of Eastern Europe, because Her Presence and the devotion to Her Holy Image have transcended all times and all generations.

Today I want you to see My wounded face, the hurt face of the Lady of Czestochowa, the face wounded by the fear of all My children, by the freedom that brings perdition to many souls in the world, by the slavery and the oppression of the world system of this moment.

I come to ask you to pray much more and especially in this very culminating hour for all, to place your attention a little more on the "Prayer for Peace in Eastern Europe." Thus, you will be helping the Lady of Czestochowa to prevent a great nation from unexpectedly invading a small nation. And here, not only the people, the culture, the traditions are at stake, but also the souls and the lives of people become compromised because they cannot live peace.

Enough with transgressing the laws! 

Enough with making this world more corrupt!

My Son shed His Blood for you, to save you, and not even this brings a change to those in this humanity who say they are powerful, because they do not know the power of the Blood of Jesus, not only a Blood that redeems, but also that liberates.

Today, I would like to bring you a Message of hope, the hope that I wish for and often feel. But through Our Sacred Hearts, now is the time, My beloved children, for all of you, day by day, to know the truth in Our Words and the warnings that We bring you all, not to generate fear, but rather to generate awareness, discernment and wisdom, attributes that humanity has completely lost.

But My Love opens a very great door for the Mirrors of Mercy to reflect upon this planet, not only through prayerful and faithful souls, not only through the servers and those who are consistent, through the adorers, the devotees and all the believers, but also through the Sacred Mirrors of Creation that the Mother of God brings to the world each time She descends, to be very close to Her children, so that they may enter the Universe of My Peace.

Peace in this world has been interfered with. Many souls no longer know what Peace is because they have lost the peace of the heart. But with the effort of those who fast, of those who pray, every day, of those who consecrate themselves, of those who serve with nothing in return, My Peace, which is the Peace of God, in each new meeting with Me, can descend to the world like a soft Ray of Light before so much darkness to liberate souls from slavery and spiritual oppression.

Today, the Lady of Czestochowa comes to reveal, through this Face, what must never again happen in this world, because all are brothers and sisters, regardless of the language, of the nation, of the people, or even of the cultures. Although they may be different, in essence, all are children of God, all are contemplated equally, all are under the same Grace and under the same Light that comes to you to redeem you.

Therefore, at the request of My Son, I again ignite the Light in the world so that the inner Light, in each heart, may not disappear. Because if the Light of My Son disappears from the hearts of humanity or even from the consciousness of the nations, how will all this end?

I come to bring you this Message because it is an emergency. I cannot tell you anything else, My children. But through My Words, and, above all, through the feeling of My Love for you, you can understand today that something serious is about to happen.

But the door of Heaven is still open through My Presence among you. And through this door, your prayers and supplications can reach God, because the Guardian Angels can bring this offering to the Heart of the Father.

If in this world there could exist at least more than one truly sincere soul committed to the prayer of the heart, how many things could be avoided at this moment!

It is not enough to pray, it is necessary for you to believe in prayer and in the power of the word expressed by each prayer said.

In this time keep strengthening the planetary prayer network, formed by all of My children throughout the world, and unite this prayer network with all souls that pray to the Heart of My Son, because thus the Mirrors of the Mercy of God will work in this world and will be able to transform everything, and everything will be relieved.

I also place My Heart and My gaze upon all the needs and situations of the world, upon My children who go through climate change, exile from their own nations or even those who experience disease.

But violence in this world has crystalized and this makes of the world a planet in chaos, in adversity and in danger, in imminent danger, because people no longer respect, let alone give reverence to one another, because among brothers they only live aggression and wound one another.

This makes of the society of all the peoples of this planet a vulnerable, hostile and fragile society. But all this can be solved through prayer.

Do not expect great results, because, remember, My beloved children, that you are going through the Armageddon, and this has not begun yet. Therefore, it is important for you to be strengthened and to strengthen unity in your families, if they may be together or separated. Family unity has also been destroyed, in the last decade, to the point that family members do not recognize nor respect one another.

Bring Me all your difficulties and tests, and I will take care of your families. Be peace-makers, be instruments in the Hands of My Son so that the main cell of the Project of God may fulfill the Will it came to carry out.

Today, everything is urgent. This is why the Lady of Czestochowa presents Herself to open the eyes of Her children, as the change is not taking place. Therefore, we must pray and begin a vigil before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar so that the Codes of Christ the Redeemer may descend to the planet.

Today, I come with a humble petition for you, that, with Me, you adore My Son, so that you may accompany the feeling of the Mother of God, that all Her children may step out of the darkness in which they are.

Therefore, My Son needs victims of His Love, capable of living something, capable of offering something that perhaps they might believe they cannot do, just as many saints and many sages, who, throughout the times, have offered themselves as victims of the Love of Christ.

This is the only remedy I have in order to be able to intervene in this planet with My Grace, that there may be postulants to be victims of the Love of God, because it is an inner attitude that leads you to discernment and maturity before what the Plan of God means for this moment.

And before we proceed, beloved children, to the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, for peace in Eastern Europe, be aware that this will be the moment when your hearts and souls, in the silence of Adoration, will be able to offer to God each one of your intentions and supplications, not only for yourselves, but also for the whole world, for all that happens, so that greater stability may be established and greater balance may be expressed in the hearts that are away from God, in the hearts that experience injustice throughout this world.

Before this, I want to tell you something important: that Our Sacred Hearts, the Sacred heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will have, next year, the Grace of spiritually working in the Nordic countries to bring a Message of peace and relief.

At that moment, the Northern hemisphere of this planet will have the opportunity to be strengthened in the inner planes. I would like you to pray for this cause, as it will be an important task that My children here in Portugal will carry out for all of you and for humanity.

For the first time, I will be able to enter Russia. For years I have been waiting for this moment, so that My Immaculate Heart may be sown in the soil of this nation. Therefore, I ask you to pray very much for this, so that My angels may carry out this sacred mission, together with My children.

Let us adore the Lord for peace in the world and for the end of war, of conflicts and of all tension between peoples and nations.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us adore the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us pray together:

Celestial Father, Who leads all,
 accept our offer of surrender to You,
 guide us through the path of love,
so that Your Will may be done.

(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.


My children,

You are precious crystals that, day by day, are being polished by the Hands of the Redeemer.

May the great radiance that exists within you shine, so that this world may not lose its ability to love and forgive.

Your lives are precious crystals in the Hands of My Son so that, by being purified, you may attain the inner purpose that He has thought of for each one of you.

A raw crystal needs to be polished smoothly and carefully. In this work of the purification of the crystal, the harshness is removed so that the beauty that lies within the crystal may be expressed.

Each one of you are at this moment. Do not resist and allow My Son to make all things new, because His faithful Purpose is to convert your lives according to the project that He once thought of for each one of you. Trust, and do not fear.

Some harshness of life is difficult to remove, however, it is not impossible, because the Love of My Son came to the world to show everyone that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

My children, allow for everything to be removed from its place so that the great crystal of your lives may reflect the immeasurable beauty of the inner Christ, because this is the time for the inner Christs to rule, in this cycle, through Love.

May the Love of God repair and heal souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Weekly Message received on December 4, 2021, in Fatima, Portugal, transmitted by the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

I ask that, as from today, your lives be roses in the hands of the Mother of God, so that I may be able to place them as an offering of consoling love at the foot of the Thrones of God.

Beloved children, to be a rose in the hands of the Heavenly Mother is to sanctify your lives every day through unconditional service and the prayer that emerges like a flame of love and devotion of the heart.

The roses of life are what I need, at this moment, to justify before the Divine Law all the errors and indifferences committed against the Heart of God.

Thus, through constant determination and true commitment, My beloveds, be roses in the hands of the Mother of God, so the Heavenly Mother may have the happiness of being able to intercede, save and rescue all those who endure and suffer at this moment.

If you are roses in My hands, you will be able to transform your life into a life worthy in the Lord.

When you offer Me roses upon My altars, I accept them, because I know that the flowers offered by My children to the Mother of God do not only have the purpose of honoring Me and of recognizing Me.

With that simple offering of bringing flowers to the Mother of God, I, as Servant and Slave, gather that tenderness of My children to pour out that love I receive over the dark abysses of the Earth. In this way, those condemned souls receive the Grace of freedom. Thus, all souls may be freed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace




Today, I place you in My arms so that, wrapped in the Sacred Cloth of Christ, your beings may be restored through the powerful Codes of the Redeemer.

Let your Beloved and Serving Celestial Mother wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ so that, like My Son Jesus, every cell and atom of your consciousness may be purified, transformed and repaired by the precious Codes of the Divine Blood of Christ.

Today, I bring you, and each one of My children, the Sacred Cloth of the Redeemer, so that not only may souls heal from all the aggressions of these times, but also so that each human heart may believe in the spiritual and healing power of My Son, Jesus.

Today, I wrap you with the Sacred Cloth of Christ, just as your Humble and Silent Mother did with her Son in the sepulcher.

I want every part of your consciousness to believe in the power of the Resurrection, so that humanity can redeem itself.

Child, like Jesus, contemplate yourself wrapped within the Sacred Cloth of Christ, so that not only may your being be deeply healed, but so that all of humanity may be healed, living within itself the Codes of the Blood of Jesus.

This is the time to repair the entire human race. This is the time to cure, to heal, so that the Love of My Son may become flesh in everyone, so that His Divine Love may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

 Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

